ActionScript 2.0 :: Open Projector File (EXE) In Certain Position?

Jul 30, 2005

Is possible open projector file (EXE) in certain position? E. g. center position of desktop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open Up A Projector File On A Cd?

Jan 15, 2006

If someone opens up a projector file on a cd, and I have a website open up on a click for example, can this work? Does it open in their default browser?

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IDE :: How To Open Pdf File In Flash 8 Projector

Jun 7, 2007

how to open pdf, swf file in flash 8 projector? i am using exec command which was used earlier in flash 8 but its only working for exe files after keeping the files in folder named fscommand....

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IDE :: How To Open PDF File Within Flash Projector

Mar 22, 2002

I am creating a Flash projector to work on a CD for a client to distribute. There has to be a listing of their PDF's in the flash program, that when clicked, will open the actual PDF in a separate window. I found one comment in this site to use "GetURL", but found out it is ONLY for HTML. There was mention of setting up the FSCommand to open another application, such as a PDF file, but how? I have the files in the same directory and tried putting the file name in the "GetURL" (the PDF file), but just freezes when trying to open. Also, is there a way they can drag and drop the PDF files to the desktop, that has the listings of the PDF's and save to the hard drive?

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Possible To Open A Directory From A Windows Projector File?

Oct 9, 2009

The powers that be have decided a project I'm working on shouldn't go on a website after all, but needs to be on a CD for Windows users instead and of course I only have a couple of days to made the "relevant tweaks" as they call them.It needs to run directly from the CD so I presume AIR isn't a good option.I've got all of it working by publishing to a Windows Projector executable. The bit I'm stuck with is allowing users to click buttons to open various directories which will be on the CD. These are source files for following tutorials from the main part of the CD. I've tried playing around with the various options in the FileReference class (namely browse() and download()), but they seem to be set up for use online only.

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Professional :: Open A  PDF From Flash Projector File?

Apr 19, 2010

im using Flash CS4 slide presentation to make a education CD. In the end of the slides i want to open a pdf file.How can i do it? Is it a east way to do it? I publish the project as a projector file. I tested to use GetURL but the file wont open. I have the pdf-filein the same folder as the projector exe-file.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Open .EXE Files From Projector File?

May 12, 2010

m creating this flash file, and want to launch Firefox (c:/program iles/mozilla/firefox.exe)how the do i create a button and have it link to this?i googled it and realized that i can't call up an exe file through the web....but i got no problem with my final product being a projector file (.exe)i found this code...but for some reason it's not working for me

on (release) {
fscommand("exec", "program filesmozilla firefoxfirefox.exe");


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.exe Projector File For PC Works Fine But Extracted .hqx For Mac Won't Open When On CD

Sep 9, 2009

I'm using Flash MX, AS 2, Projector 6, working on a PC. I saved two versions of my project -- one .exe for Windows and one .hqx for Mac. The .exe works fine when burned onto a CD. When opening the .hqx from a CD on a Mac, I got a message that the file is on a locked volume. I discovered that the reason for this is that an .hqx is essentially a zipped file which has to be extracted, and when a file is extracted, the unzipped files are written onto the same location as the original. When the original files are on a CD, Stuffit (Mac's zip extractor program) can't write onto that location. [So if anyone at Adobe looks at these forum posts, let me say that I think its absolutely ridiculous that the Mac version of Flash's projector files have to be extracted in order to be viewed!]

To get around this problem, I saved the .hqx on my PC, put it on a portable hard drive and brought it over to a Mac (because Stuffit for PC converts it into an .exe for PC), and unzipped it. When I'd test it on the portable hard drive or on a USB drive, the extracted file would work. When I'd bring it back over to the PC and burn a CD with both versions on it, and then test that CD on the Mac, it wouldn't work.

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Professional :: Fscommand Exec On Mac To Open Pdf Works In Cs3 Projector File

Feb 11, 2011

I could succesfully open a external pdf with the following command in Flash cs3 on a Mac: fscommand("exec", ""); (inside an fscommand folder) is an apple script that opens the pdf inside the fscommand folder, to make it work I needed to copy the fscommand folder into the MacOs Folder of the Mac Projector File. The same steps don't seem to work with Flash cs5. I can't downgrade my cs5 project to cs3.Is this problem a bug in Flash cs5?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When I Open The Projector File It Doesn't Go Full Screen Automatically?

Sep 18, 2009

I am developping a as3 project for a kiosk that should run in full screen mode.I am using eclipse for the programming and Flash CS4 to prepare all the swf library assets.Once I publish the swf, I open it in the flash player and export the file as a projector file.

When I open the projector file it doesn't go full screen automatically.
Where can I set the project to go full screen?In the code?Or is there a preference setting for the projector file?Or another way to publish the projector file that will allow me to set the full screen mode?I remember using fscommand in as2 but that doesn't seem to work anymore.

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Open Projector In Fullscreen And Keep On Top?

May 20, 2009

I have read several posts where people discuss TOPMOST and SWF Studio as options for keeping applications running in the top of the z order.

My question is: Is there a way to create a projector that always stays on top (e.g. even if a windows update occurs) without purchasing SWF Studio? As I understand TOPMOST is only for launched applications, not for the application itself.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Open PDF From Projector On Mac OSX

Nov 24, 2007

I need to make a hybrid CD-Rom that has PDFs. I want to launch the PDF in Acrobat, not a browser (they interactive and have bookmarks etc). I can get it to work on the PC side with no problem but am having trouble on the Mac.

I've made an applescript that works, and have it in the "fscommand" folder.

However, I can't get the Flash projector to launch it. I'm using this code on a button;


on (release) {
fscommand("exec", "");

It's a disk image. I can't work out why it doesn't work and it is driving me insane.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open Pdf's Within A Projector?

Feb 3, 2006

I recently was assigned to make an interactive CD using Flash. However, there is some content that needs to be downloaded, or loaded from the CD such as .jpg's, pdf's, .doc's. I've looked at some ways to do it, such as batch files to load files, but the instructions were unclear to me. (I also work on a Mac and need this to be cross-platform) Also, the content cannot be loaded to the web and use a getURL command. The client wants the user to be able to download or load it from the CD by the click of a button.

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Browser And Pdf Files Open Behind Projector?

Oct 13, 2009

I am using flash 8 or flash mx, and I want to open a web site and some pdf files. I have my projector set to fullscreen but when I open a web site or a pdf file these files open behind my projector so my final user doesn't realize that the pdf files or the web site is displayed. How can I force the web site or the pdf file to open on top of my projector or is there a way to minimize my projector when I click these buttons so the user realizes that these files opened.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Projector Wont Open PDF's On Mac From CD?

Oct 15, 2009

I have made a ton of cd's in the past that have a presentation and using the following kind of code:

on (release) {


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Fullscreen Projector To Open Video?

Feb 19, 2010

I need to have a fullscreen AS3 projector to open a video within the presentation to fullscreen and then back to its original size. The video is inside another movie clip and doesn't use the FLVPlayer component. There is also a custom video controller that needs to be positioned under the video when viewed fullscreen and then return under the original video. I have had some success opening the fullscreen video but could not position the video or controller position accurately.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Counts How Many Time A Projector Has Been Open?

Oct 30, 2005

Is there a script that counts how many time a projector has been open?I'm looking to make a demo projector that can only open a project 1, 2 or 3 times.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open Word Doc From Flash Projector On Mac?

Nov 29, 2006

My problem is I have a projector that i want to open a word doc that resides in the assets folder (on the cd) when a person clicks on a button. How can I accomplish this?

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ActionScript 3 :: Open URL In Browser On Standalone Flash Projector?

Jun 23, 2010

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("[URL]");
navigateToURL(request, "_blank");
This works fine on web based swfs, it fails on flash player.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Projector MX - Don't Load While Open Them To Go From The Intro To The Main?

Jan 4, 2004

I have created a number of Projectors which are all linked with loadMovieNum. The problem is is that they don't load when I open them I go from the Intro to the Main but only the Intro shows up and when I click enter it does not go to the next projector which is the main.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F5] Open External Application In MAC OS9 Flash Projector?

Jan 11, 2006

I need open external application in MAC OS9 flash projector.

video.mpg --> call quicktime
music.mp3 --> call itunes
Adobeacrobatreader.dmg .

I try fscommand, but not work...I try use applescript to call the file, but don�t work.

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IDE :: Fscommand Exec - Open A Word .doc From Within A Flash Exe Projector

Nov 9, 2009

I am having trouble getting even a trivial example of fscommand("exec", "..."); to work. I just need to open a Word .doc from within a flash exe projector. Eventually this needs to be on a cross-platform CD, but I'd be happy to see it work from the desktop of my PC at this point! I've attached a really simple sample.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Open An URL In The Default Browser From A Flash Standalone Projector .exe

Jan 10, 2008

we are developing a small application wih Flash CS3 which will be released as a standalone Flash Projector.exe.

We want to have a link to our website in the flash application that should open our webpage in the Default Browser of the System.

We tried:

PHP Code:

navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""),"_blank");

But when I click on that link in our standalone.exe, on my system "ultraedit" gets opened and it tries to open a path on the local system and the webpage adress after that. "C:ProjectsInflationhttp:\".

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Flash :: Prevent Standalone Projector Apps From Trying To Open Assets?

Mar 17, 2011

Is there a way I can exclude apps from the "Open With menu?

Finder mistakenly lists all standalone Flash apps I've built as possible choices when opening a SWF.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Convert Flash Projector .exe File To A Fla File?

May 27, 2011

how to convert Flash Projector .exe file to a fla file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open A New Browser Window With A Set Size And Position?

Jun 9, 2006

is there a way to open a new browser window with a set size and position?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fullscreen In Win Projector EXE File

May 24, 2011

I have two seperate machines I work on. Is it possible to have a true fullscreen? It was possible in as2, but all examples I've seen on this forum haven't worked. I will not be using an accompanying html file, I will be publishing to exe.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Opening A PDF File From A Projector / SWF?

Oct 10, 2005

I have this project that requires opening pdf's in acrobat reader that needs to be burned on a CD ROM as a self contained EXE. So I am designing this in flash with buttons that will open pdf's, then I'm exporting this as a swf and importing that into Director and then exporting it as an exe. Why you ask... it seems when I export the flash file as an exe, it needs flash player installed to open the exe. This project needs to be burned on a cd rom and as a stand alone player that will open pdf's in reader.

So my question; Is there an easier way to do this? and How? 2nd, what is the code to open a pdf file from a flash swf/projector in (A.) Acrobat reader or (B.) explorer.

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IDE :: Resizing_Centering Kirupa Tutorial - Source File Won't Open - Get The Message "failed To Open Document"?

Nov 3, 2009

I'm having problems getting the tutorial to work so I decided to look at the source fla. But the Source file won't open on my computer, get the message "failed to open document".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Projector Writing To Local File?

Mar 24, 2010

I'm building a standalone projector which will be run locally without an internet connection. is it possible to be able to write variables to a text file on the computer?

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