ActionScript 3.0 :: When I Open The Projector File It Doesn't Go Full Screen Automatically?

Sep 18, 2009

I am developping a as3 project for a kiosk that should run in full screen mode.I am using eclipse for the programming and Flash CS4 to prepare all the swf library assets.Once I publish the swf, I open it in the flash player and export the file as a projector file.

When I open the projector file it doesn't go full screen automatically.
Where can I set the project to go full screen?In the code?Or is there a preference setting for the projector file?Or another way to publish the projector file that will allow me to set the full screen mode?I remember using fscommand in as2 but that doesn't seem to work anymore.

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Professional :: Automatically Load/open A .swf File As Full Screen

Apr 11, 2011

I create a .swf file and wanted it to load/open automatically as a full screen.  I tried the following code but it only works with projector or .exe files. Curently user has to press F11 to open or close as a full screen.  Here is my code:

fscommand("fullscreen", "true");

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Getting A Swf To Automatically Open Full Screen?

Oct 16, 2009

I'm building a flash file in action script 2.0, and it works great except for one thing I'm publishing it as an .exe file, and when you open the .exe, it opens in a partial window and is partially off screen. I'd like the .exe file to automatically open full screen every time. Does someone have AS2 code for the flash file that would make this happen, or is there a way to accomplish this in the .exe file itself?

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Ensure The Swf Or Projector File Always Stays In Full Screen - Full Page Mode?

May 11, 2010

I am creating a flash-based Kiosk. When launched, it runs full page/full screen. However, if a user clicks a button that opens an external document, the swf or Flash Projector exe leaves full page mode and appears in the Flash Player. Is there any way to ensure the swf or projector file always stays in full screen - full page mode?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Full Screen With A Projector File?

Dec 7, 2009

I know there is a way to make the flash movie play full screen when publishing as a projector? The only method I know of is by adding code to an HTML page, but since this is a projector file that will be played on CD, I'm at loss.

Also, a tad unrelated to the ActionScript forum, but any info on what can be done for the projector file to autorun?

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Ensure Swf Or Projector File Always Stays In Full Screen?

May 11, 2010

I am creating a flash-based Kiosk. When launched, it runs full page/full screen.

However, if a user clicks a button that opens an external document, the swf or Flash Projector exe leaves full page mode and appears in the Flash Player.

Is there any way to ensure the swf or projector file always stays in full screen - full page mode

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Flash - Close A Video From Full Screen Without Closing The Projector Full Screen?

Dec 10, 2010

I am creating a full screen projector with flash CS4. In the projector I have more videos, starting from an swf player-

The problem I encounter is this:

The projector starts correctly FULLSCREEN (using AS). The video plays 900x506 correctly. If I click on the player, to get the video full screen, it works. But when I press ESC, not only the video, but also the PROJECTOR looses full screen.

This is a bit annoying. Is there a way to apply the "back to normal size" only to the video? I do not want to prevent the app to be exited from full screen, it's not a problem if the user wants to exit the projector full screen. But not when the user exits the video from fullscreen mode.

How to target only the video?

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[CS4] AS3 :: Get A Based Flash File To Run Full Screen In A Windows Projector?

Jan 23, 2009

I'm currently trying to get an AS3 based flash file to run full screen in a windows projector, but no matter what I try codewise I cannot get the function correctly working,I've tried


which works, but I'm also told to avoid it, as it's buggy : - I also tried


but this doesn't work either, in swf or standalone .exe.

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Professional :: Make Projector Full Screen Bug?

Nov 25, 2007

I have a Mac (intel) CS3 flash fla that I am exporting asprojector. The exported Mac projector and windows exe file will notopen full screen w/o the flashplayer's top toolbar. I have testedthe projector file on Mac 10.4 and Windows XP and all show theflashplayer's top tool bar. The only way to go full screen is tomanually select view/full screen in the player toolbar. I havetried the fscommand("fullscreen", "true"); toggle (true/false/true)workaround w/o any success. Any other workarounds I can try

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLV Full Screen Projector With Buttons?

Jan 30, 2009

Trying to create a Projector which contains FLV files andother on-screen elements.I have a button "myFSButton" on screen which switches theProjector to Full screen.However when the button is clicked the FLV file plays fullscreen rather than enlarging theentire stage to full screen. I'd like to have the entireinterface zoom to full when the button ispressed.I've tried a couple of different was to switch to fullscreen, but both have the same effect.

First using fscommands:
function gofull(event:MouseEvent):void


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Professional :: Macintosh Full Screen Projector?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm trying to create a Macintosh full screen projector. Easy, I know.WHY the hell doesn't it go full screen... I keep getting the title bar at the top of the projector.
Windows projector works perfectly.Some software called Zinc will provide me with the solution to this problem but it's expensive and the free version adds a watermark to the file, which is not good.

I'm using  the standard... fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
I found a thread which suggests a workaround of adding
Frame 1 - fscommand("fullscreen", "true");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Full Screen Works In Projector But Not Swf?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a project whose final deliverable is a Windows projector, but is also published as a swf so the client can proof it remotely online. The projector has the following line of code: stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN; which, of course, makes the projector go to full screen automatically upon launching it. Unfortunately, it prevents the swf from playing at all (not sure why). So I am constantly commenting and uncommenting that line, since I usually publish to both swf and projector. Is there a way to rewrite that so that it works in the projector, but does not stop the swf from playing?

One idea I had was to do something like: "If (I am not a swf) {stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;}" Or alternately: "If (I am a projector) {stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;}" I'm not sure this is possible, or, if it is, what the as3 code would be for it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Prevent Full Screen Video In Projector?

May 29, 2009

I'm creating a flash presentation as a standalone Projector in full screen mode...
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
stage.displayState = "fullScreen";
Problem is that I want to have small video players in this full screen Projector, but I DO NOT want the videos to display full screen. I want the videos to display at their preferred size. However, since the stage mode is full screen, the video automatically goes to full screen as well.How do I prevent this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Player (Full Screen Projector) And Video Size

Mar 9, 2012

I have an issue with video. I have a full screen projector running Flash Player 10.1. I call the video with this code:
function fbtnclickj(e:MouseEvent):void{
var loadera = new Loader();
loadera.load(new URLRequest("videos/video1a.swf"));
The videofile (video1a.swf) uses the Flash FLV Playback component 2.5 (size 320 x 240) and the source movie is external (video1a.flv). The videoloads and runs fine but enters in full screen despite I have configure the component to exactFit. Any way to make it stay to 320x240?

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Jul 30, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Automatically Loading Up In Full Screen Mode?

Jul 30, 2009

Is there a way in AS3 to load the .swf to full screen mode straight away?The only way I can find to do it is by adding an event listener for the mouse or keyboardSurely this can be done automatically at the start when the .swf is loaded?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Enable Full Screen Mode On SWF Start Up Automatically

Jan 30, 2009

I want to enable full screen mode automatically when I play the swf file using adobe flash player (not embing it in the web page, just by running the adobe flash player alone), without select the 'view full screen' option. Is it possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Webpage Automatically Go To Full Screen When The Viewer Enters It?

Nov 3, 2009

I am trying to have a webpage automatically go to full screen when the viewer enters it. It works with the on/ off Buttons but it does not work with the enter_frame Command. Here is my code

//---full screen auto
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnter);
//---manual Full screen


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open Full Screen Window?

Apr 24, 2010

I know how to open a window with Flash so thats it's fullscreen with no browser.

ActionScript Code:
on (release) {


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Javascript :: Flash - Automatically Maximize Browser Window And Switch To Full Screen Mode?

Jan 23, 2010

I am working on a Flash app that is 900x700 pixels. When viewed in misc. browsers at 1024x768, the browser chrome causes robs too much of the vertical space and the app appears in a window with a vertical scrollbar. Unacceptable.

The flash app will be launched via a link emailed to the viewers.

I'd like to avoid resizing the flash app and am wondering if there's a way to do the following via javascript, with no clicks involved:maximize the current browser window remove current window address bar and tabs / switch browser to full screen view (equivalent to pressing F11).

An alternative would be to resize the flash app vertically to match the browser canvas height to avoid scrolling. This may cause the app to become unreadable, so not the best approach in my case.

UPDATE: Seems that browser resizing and autoswitch to full screen won't work and neither will the flash app auto resize. What is the best approach then? And, some users may have browsers with toolbars or open a small browser window.

The only idea I have is to use javascript and display a message to users with small browser windows to pres F11 manually. The audience is executes and some may not even know what an F11 means...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open Up A Projector File On A Cd?

Jan 15, 2006

If someone opens up a projector file on a cd, and I have a website open up on a click for example, can this work? Does it open in their default browser?

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IDE :: How To Open Pdf File In Flash 8 Projector

Jun 7, 2007

how to open pdf, swf file in flash 8 projector? i am using exec command which was used earlier in flash 8 but its only working for exe files after keeping the files in folder named fscommand....

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IDE :: How To Open PDF File Within Flash Projector

Mar 22, 2002

I am creating a Flash projector to work on a CD for a client to distribute. There has to be a listing of their PDF's in the flash program, that when clicked, will open the actual PDF in a separate window. I found one comment in this site to use "GetURL", but found out it is ONLY for HTML. There was mention of setting up the FSCommand to open another application, such as a PDF file, but how? I have the files in the same directory and tried putting the file name in the "GetURL" (the PDF file), but just freezes when trying to open. Also, is there a way they can drag and drop the PDF files to the desktop, that has the listings of the PDF's and save to the hard drive?

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Professional :: Project Doesn't Work In Full Screen

Feb 12, 2011

I´m working on a project for a presentation, but there is a weird bug...When I test the project in Flash, it works properly, but when I open the .exe or .swf file in my pc, it apparently does not work.The proyect is set to be in full screen, but while testing the .exe, if I press (ESC) to leave full screen mode, then it works perfect!
I need my proyect to be full screen, so removing that feature is not an option.The bug makes my proyect to stop in a frame, but if I press ESC, I can see that the project never stoped, and it's in the frame that it should be.I uploaded my proyect so you can download it if you want and help me. It weighs 3Mb, and contains a video.[URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scalable And At Full Screen IE Doesn't Scroll?

Jun 6, 2007

How do I accomplish the Flash scroll bar that is on the following website?[URL]..Since the site is non scalable and at full screen IE doesn't scroll. On this website they have created a scrollbar in flash aligned to the right side of the screen that accomplishes the same thing as the IE scrollbar. But it looks so much cooler.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Flash Site Open Full Screen Without Having To Hit Any Buttons?

Nov 3, 2009

I am trying to make a flash site open full screen without having to hit any buttons,

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Possible To Open A Directory From A Windows Projector File?

Oct 9, 2009

The powers that be have decided a project I'm working on shouldn't go on a website after all, but needs to be on a CD for Windows users instead and of course I only have a couple of days to made the "relevant tweaks" as they call them.It needs to run directly from the CD so I presume AIR isn't a good option.I've got all of it working by publishing to a Windows Projector executable. The bit I'm stuck with is allowing users to click buttons to open various directories which will be on the CD. These are source files for following tutorials from the main part of the CD. I've tried playing around with the various options in the FileReference class (namely browse() and download()), but they seem to be set up for use online only.

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Professional :: Open A  PDF From Flash Projector File?

Apr 19, 2010

im using Flash CS4 slide presentation to make a education CD. In the end of the slides i want to open a pdf file.How can i do it? Is it a east way to do it? I publish the project as a projector file. I tested to use GetURL but the file wont open. I have the pdf-filein the same folder as the projector exe-file.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Open .EXE Files From Projector File?

May 12, 2010

m creating this flash file, and want to launch Firefox (c:/program iles/mozilla/firefox.exe)how the do i create a button and have it link to this?i googled it and realized that i can't call up an exe file through the web....but i got no problem with my final product being a projector file (.exe)i found this code...but for some reason it's not working for me

on (release) {
fscommand("exec", "program filesmozilla firefoxfirefox.exe");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Open Projector File (EXE) In Certain Position?

Jul 30, 2005

Is possible open projector file (EXE) in certain position? E. g. center position of desktop.

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