Professional :: Fscommand Exec On Mac To Open Pdf Works In Cs3 Projector File
Feb 11, 2011
I could succesfully open a external pdf with the following command in Flash cs3 on a Mac: fscommand("exec", ""); (inside an fscommand folder) is an apple script that opens the pdf inside the fscommand folder, to make it work I needed to copy the fscommand folder into the MacOs Folder of the Mac Projector File. The same steps don't seem to work with Flash cs5. I can't downgrade my cs5 project to cs3.Is this problem a bug in Flash cs5?
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Nov 9, 2009
I am having trouble getting even a trivial example of fscommand("exec", "..."); to work. I just need to open a Word .doc from within a flash exe projector. Eventually this needs to be on a cross-platform CD, but I'd be happy to see it work from the desktop of my PC at this point! I've attached a really simple sample.
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May 8, 2008
When publishing a mac projector (app) from Flash CS3 on PC,in order to use the fscommand("exec", appToLaunch) function, itseems as though the fscommand folder containing appToLaunch must berelative to the "Flash Player" app in the projector package. For example, if I create a mac projector called projector.appwhich calls fscommand("exec", "myOtherProjector"), and I putmyOtherProjector in the fscommand folder in the same directory,sitting next to - when I fun the projector thefscommand fails.
However, if I move the fscommand folder containingmyOtherProjector to the Contents>MacOS folder in the app folder(on mac right click, go to "show package contents"), next to "FlashPlayer" then run, the fscommand works and everythingis good.It looks to me like the fscommand folder needs to be relativeto the Flash Player and not to the projector. This means that the contents of the fscommand folder need tobe doubled on cross-platform projects. That's not good when you'repushing the limits of file space on a cd
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Sep 9, 2009
I'm using Flash MX, AS 2, Projector 6, working on a PC. I saved two versions of my project -- one .exe for Windows and one .hqx for Mac. The .exe works fine when burned onto a CD. When opening the .hqx from a CD on a Mac, I got a message that the file is on a locked volume. I discovered that the reason for this is that an .hqx is essentially a zipped file which has to be extracted, and when a file is extracted, the unzipped files are written onto the same location as the original. When the original files are on a CD, Stuffit (Mac's zip extractor program) can't write onto that location. [So if anyone at Adobe looks at these forum posts, let me say that I think its absolutely ridiculous that the Mac version of Flash's projector files have to be extracted in order to be viewed!]
To get around this problem, I saved the .hqx on my PC, put it on a portable hard drive and brought it over to a Mac (because Stuffit for PC converts it into an .exe for PC), and unzipped it. When I'd test it on the portable hard drive or on a USB drive, the extracted file would work. When I'd bring it back over to the PC and burn a CD with both versions on it, and then test that CD on the Mac, it wouldn't work.
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Jan 19, 2004
i was playing with the fscommand for a few times now but i havent made the exec command execute a file(in a subfolder)... a directory with a movie and a folder with sample exec file
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Jan 5, 2012
I am writing a text file with batch file and this batch file which is called from fscommand.
I need to pass a parameter from fscommand. Is is possible ?Following is flash and batch file [code]...
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Apr 19, 2010
im using Flash CS4 slide presentation to make a education CD. In the end of the slides i want to open a pdf file.How can i do it? Is it a east way to do it? I publish the project as a projector file. I tested to use GetURL but the file wont open. I have the pdf-filein the same folder as the projector exe-file.
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Sep 6, 2007
I normally do a CD for a convention twice a year, and this year was different. As usual things gets down to the very last minute with changes, but normally we don't encounter any problems with the opening of powerpoint presentations from within a flash, with the fscommand, as long as all the presentations and software are on the fscommand folder.
But yesterday I just couldn't make it work. I thought at first that was a vista thing, that wont let you run a cmd.exe window from flash, but then I realized it was happening, even after burning the CD in almost any enviroment. I tried changing the publishing parameters to flash player 7, 8 and 9, and try to publish it with action script 1 and action script 2 in all the possible combinations. Then i got smart and republished one I knew that worked, and it stop working.
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Feb 23, 2006
can somebody explain me a little bit fscommand exec function I created a folder fscommand and put some exe and succedded to run it but in other folders above it with ../ and subfolders I couldn't get it to run exe files
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Aug 25, 2011
I have created a one application in flash that application i have to open a pdf file in acrobat reader. i have done with open a dairect file i use a this code.
function ():void
but now when i am going to mac os then this code is not working. means file is not open so how can i open file in mac using this codes.
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Aug 26, 2002
I created a swf movie which contains a button with this action:
then i published this movie to an *.exe program (projector). In it's folder i've created another folder named 'extra', which contains program 'start1.exe'. but program 'start1.exe' doesn't load, when i click the button.. is there something i don't know?
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Mar 2, 2010
I am calling some processing sketches(java exe) from as3
function btngametwoClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
if (btnLockOut == 0)
using a bat I get the command window up for a few secs--I do not want that
but I need to have each sketch in a subfolder in "fscommand " folder--if I do not use subfolders I can not have multible games.....anyway I can not seem to use a path to the .exe in the fscommand line that works
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Feb 19, 2010
I've been developing a fairly simple presentation in CS4, AS3, OSX, which runs as a standalone projector.Everything was working for a while, but now for no apparent reason, any file I publish as a projector starts the Flash Player app, but the projector does not appear or play.Older versions that I had already published will play correctly, but if I re-publish them they do not work any more.
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Jan 12, 2012
I am running flash cs5.5 and attempting to use the JSON calls that are in flash player 11. I patched my install so that I could select flash 11 as the target. When I run in a browser, everything is fine. When I publish to a macos projector, the JSON pieces do not work.
Is there any way to make it work?
Here is my code:
private static function on_complete(e : Event):void
trace ("Http on_complete!");
This works as expected in the browser, however in the projector it never gets beyond the ob=JSON.parse call. I can tell where it gets by uncommenting the amount=xxx lines
I cant tell what it is doing because as far as I know the debugger in cs5.5 is flash 10, so it doesnt work for debugging. I am wondering if whatever it uses to cram into a projector file is running flash player 10 as well?
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Jan 15, 2006
If someone opens up a projector file on a cd, and I have a website open up on a click for example, can this work? Does it open in their default browser?
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Jun 7, 2007
how to open pdf, swf file in flash 8 projector? i am using exec command which was used earlier in flash 8 but its only working for exe files after keeping the files in folder named fscommand....
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Mar 22, 2002
I am creating a Flash projector to work on a CD for a client to distribute. There has to be a listing of their PDF's in the flash program, that when clicked, will open the actual PDF in a separate window. I found one comment in this site to use "GetURL", but found out it is ONLY for HTML. There was mention of setting up the FSCommand to open another application, such as a PDF file, but how? I have the files in the same directory and tried putting the file name in the "GetURL" (the PDF file), but just freezes when trying to open. Also, is there a way they can drag and drop the PDF files to the desktop, that has the listings of the PDF's and save to the hard drive?
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Mar 11, 2009
Determine if Mac or PC within a flash projector? (for use with FSCommand) How do I determine if a computer is Mac or PC within a flash projector? I need this because I've got several FSCommands I need to use within a projector (such as launching an application or file) and need to have different commands for Mac and PC.
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Apr 24, 2005
Is there a fscommand that allow the resize of the projector window? Or that send a kind of event to the window itself that make the window "blinking" in the task bar (like when you are receiving a message in MSN and your window in minimized)?
View 2 Replies
Apr 24, 2005
Is there a fscommand that allow the resize of the projector window? Or that send a kind of event to the window itself that make the window "blinking" in the task bar (like when you are receiving a message in MSN and your window in minimized)?
View 2 Replies
Oct 9, 2009
The powers that be have decided a project I'm working on shouldn't go on a website after all, but needs to be on a CD for Windows users instead and of course I only have a couple of days to made the "relevant tweaks" as they call them.It needs to run directly from the CD so I presume AIR isn't a good option.I've got all of it working by publishing to a Windows Projector executable. The bit I'm stuck with is allowing users to click buttons to open various directories which will be on the CD. These are source files for following tutorials from the main part of the CD. I've tried playing around with the various options in the FileReference class (namely browse() and download()), but they seem to be set up for use online only.
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May 12, 2010
m creating this flash file, and want to launch Firefox (c:/program iles/mozilla/firefox.exe)how the do i create a button and have it link to this?i googled it and realized that i can't call up an exe file through the web....but i got no problem with my final product being a projector file (.exe)i found this code...but for some reason it's not working for me
on (release) {
fscommand("exec", "program filesmozilla firefoxfirefox.exe");
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Jul 30, 2005
Is possible open projector file (EXE) in certain position? E. g. center position of desktop.
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Feb 5, 2012
have exec a fscommand with customized dimensions, but I would hide the resize, maximize, minimize button how can I do this
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Sep 18, 2009
I am developping a as3 project for a kiosk that should run in full screen mode.I am using eclipse for the programming and Flash CS4 to prepare all the swf library assets.Once I publish the swf, I open it in the flash player and export the file as a projector file.
When I open the projector file it doesn't go full screen automatically.
Where can I set the project to go full screen?In the code?Or is there a preference setting for the projector file?Or another way to publish the projector file that will allow me to set the full screen mode?I remember using fscommand in as2 but that doesn't seem to work anymore.
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Dec 9, 2009
What happen is that i have a quit button and when it is clicked:
fscommand("quit"); will execute.
However for some reason, it only works sometime and at other time, it has no effect.
So, anyway, this is the code:
In the menu:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.SimpleButton;
import flash.ui.Mouse;
[Code] .....
View 3 Replies
Oct 3, 2011
I have a .fla file, that works with Socket class. There is a server(written in Delphi XE, but it does not matter). I connect to it from my .fla. When i execute my .fla from within Flash Professional CS5 everything works fine. But when i tried to execute resulting .swf from Explorer(Win 7, Flash Player 10) i got an error:
SecurityError: Error #2010: Local-with-filesystem SWF files are not
permitted to use sockets. at at at payterminal::TLogger() at
After all this, my .swf is still open in Flash Player with no errors, but the socket connection is not happening. I tried different crossdomain-files, but all my attempts led me to same result.
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Jan 23, 2012
I have a project that opens a pdf using fscommand.
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Aug 23, 2011
I prepared a footer for a website and have the following issue:There are two buttons on footer bar that interests us. One is fullscreen - clicked activates fscommand function. But fscommand works only when I debug my fla. Otherwise, nothing happens. There's an additional variable that shows if fullscreen is active - nothing happens.There's also a "coder" info. I wanted to use navigateToURL function for "mailto:..." adress, but nothing happens, even if if changed it to [URL] adress. Also debugger doesn't activate it.I tested it in browser, completely nothing happens. There's the code, works without any "addons":
View 7 Replies
Jan 11, 2012
I have a swf that plays in the browser and I would like to give the user an option to open the swf into a stand alone player. The best way I see to do this is to export the swf as a projector file but I can't figure out how to pass any params (flashvars) to the exe file.
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