ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A "path" In Fscommand Exec?

Mar 2, 2010

I am calling some processing sketches(java exe) from as3

function btngametwoClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
if (btnLockOut == 0)


using a bat I get the command window up for a few secs--I do not want that
but I need to have each sketch in a subfolder in "fscommand " folder--if I do not use subfolders I can not have multible games.....anyway I can not seem to use a path to the .exe in the fscommand line that works

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fscommand("exec" - Path) Doesn't Load

Aug 26, 2002

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Professional :: Flash 9 Fscommand Exec On Mac?

May 8, 2008

When publishing a mac projector (app) from Flash CS3 on PC,in order to use the fscommand("exec", appToLaunch) function, itseems as though the fscommand folder containing appToLaunch must berelative to the "Flash Player" app in the projector package. For example, if I create a mac projector called projector.appwhich calls fscommand("exec", "myOtherProjector"), and I putmyOtherProjector in the fscommand folder in the same directory,sitting next to - when I fun the projector thefscommand fails.

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Both directory and files have been CHOWN'd for ownership and CHMOD'd for 775... So what am I doing wrong to get this to work from the web page? Should I have a forked process and wait until it's complete? Sleep?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target A Subdirectory With "EXEC"?

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Where is an applescript which resides DIRECTLY inside the fscommand folder the following WORKS:

on (release) {
butt1.onPress = function(){
fscommand("exec", "");

Where is an applescript which resided inside the folder "scripts_apl" inside the fscommand folder the following DOES NOT WORK:

butt1.onPress = function(){
fscommand("exec", "");

The same is true if just for kicks I put ":fscommand" in front of the path. Can I assumer therefore, that the EXEC commond does not allow for nested folders even inside the "fscommand" folder even though Macromedia documentation says otherwise? I know that was an older reference. It is really important that I get a sub folder. I have some 40 applescripts and PC scripts that I will need to run, and I would really prefer them to be tucked nicely away in a folder.

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May 22, 2011

why the below line of code launches notepad.exe twice?

fscommand("execfile", '"C:\Windows\Notepad.exe"'); //opens notepad 2x - path in double quotes

verses this line of code which opens it only once?
fscommand("execfile", "C:\Windows\Notepad.exe");  //opens notepad once

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We can reference from: [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call Another Program Through Fscommand

Jul 21, 2009

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1. the line command

2. the line parameters

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FSCommand Not Working In Web Browser

Aug 7, 2009

I've done all of these and everything is ok. but I want to do more. I want to play my flash in a web browser and I used publish to html. but my fscommand doesn't work in the web browser! what should I do?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fscommand And Opening An Applications?

May 28, 2002

I am working on putting a portfolio on CD and would like to include a video. The video I want to be played by windows media player, but I seem to be missing something. I have a button and have put this code on it...

fscommand("exec", "c://Temp.mplayer2.exe");

I have tried multipe variations of this code but nothing happens.

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IDE :: FullScreenTakeOver - Fscommand Fullscreen Won't Work

Nov 5, 2009

The project is a keyframe based presentation and I'm an actionscript novice. It is to run, full screen, as an executable off a CD ROM and there are 4 .flvs in the executable. Here is my code for the first frame which contains opening video, and it works fine (sadly a simple fscommand fullscreen from as2 won't work). Problem is, I get black screens & weirdness when I try to use stageDisplayState and fullScreenTakeOver's on the frames that contain the other 3 videos.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: FSCommand (Quit) Only Works Sometimes

Dec 9, 2009

What happen is that i have a quit button and when it is clicked:
fscommand("quit"); will execute.
However for some reason, it only works sometime and at other time, it has no effect.

So, anyway, this is the code:
In the menu:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.SimpleButton;
import flash.ui.Mouse;
[Code] .....

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