Professional :: Passing Parameters To Flash Projector EXE File

Jan 11, 2012

I have a swf that plays in the browser and I would like to give the user an option to open the swf into a stand alone player. The best way I see to do this is to export the swf as a projector file but I can't figure out how to pass any params (flashvars) to the exe file.

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I build the call to the swf in this way collpreloader.swf?connid=<?php echo $_GET['connid'] ?>&animazione=<?php echo $_GET['animazione'] ?>
collpreloader.swf correctly reads the connid parameter, but animazione results always true.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Passing Parameters To SWF File?

Jan 28, 2010

I want to open a .swf file with a parameter for instance test.swf?beer=good and set "good" (the "good" parameter is going to constantly change) as a variable in the script so that I can add it to the stage in the swf file. The problem is I can't seem to figure out how to read the parameter so that it can be placed in the script.
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var beer = ""; 
on (release) {
getURL(""+ beer  , "_self");

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ActionScript Code:
b_engadget.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, engadget);
function engadget(evt:MouseEvent):void{


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public static function testFunction(targetFunction : Function, object : Object, ... parameters)


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HTML Code:
<embed src="" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="320" height="240" name="myflash.swf" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="true"


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I am trying to build a .xml image scroller using the scroll pane component in CS4.I choose Actionscript3. Drag the component to the stage. Give it an instance name.Then I look for the Parameters that used to be in the properties panel in CS3. Not there anymore.I find that the Components Inspector has Parameters in there now.OK.I need to use ContentPath to tell the component where the .xml file is so it can find the images for the scroller.Can't find 'ContentPath'.How can I point the component to a .xml file?Is there a way of getting Parameters back in with properties - it was so much easier.

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May 27, 2009

i'm trying to pass variables to another SWF using a Loader/URLVariables combo.
I need to know if this way of passing variables should even work. And if not can some recommend a better way.

var uv:URLVariables = new URLVariables();


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Passing Parameters To An SWF

Sep 16, 2011

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IDE :: Passing Parameters With AddEventListener?

Mar 3, 2009

So I have an MC that has 6 labels and 6 buttons all with different names. When you click on a button, it needs to direct you to it's appropriate frame label in the MC. Now, since AS 3.0 has done away with inline functions, how the heck do I code it so I don't have a function with a bunch of if statements inside of it in addition to all of my eventListeners that I have to add to each of my buttons? In AS 2.0, I would have done it like so:

function movePlayhead(whichOne:String):Void{
} button1_mc.onRelease = function():Void{
button2_mc.onRelease = function():Void{

With AS 3.0, you have to add eventListeners to each of your buttons where each eventListener calls a function, but how can I write it so I don't have to write a bunch of if statements inside the function the eventListeners are calling in order to test for which button is being clicked? Like so:

button1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, movePlayHead);
button2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, movePlayHead);
button3_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, movePlayHead);
function movePlayHead(event:MouseEvent):void {
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Passing Parameters To Component?

Apr 20, 2010

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<mx:HTTPService id="srv"


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Flex :: Passing And Reading Parameters To A .swf?

Jun 21, 2010

What is the preferred way of passing parameters to a Flex application deployed as a .swf and how do I read the parameters from Flex?

I'm looking for the equivalent of passing and reading URL parameters in Flex land.

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Flex :: Passing Parameters Through An Event?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm stuck with an issue and I cannot understand why it behaves like that. In a for loop, I'm passing the for index as an event parameter. However, the eventHandler is getting the wrong index, but the right target...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Parameters Through HTML

Aug 13, 2009

What is the best way to send HTML custom parameters to the flash player?Here are some parameters and values I would like to pass:

- autostart: true/false
- column: 1/2
- mini: true/false
- shuffle: true/false
- repeat: true/flase

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Parameters To Embedded SWF

Oct 20, 2009

I have a requirement where-in I have to get an external value to the HTML file and from there the value gets passed to the embedded flash file(swf).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Parameters With A For Loop?

Dec 22, 2009

I'm trying to create four cubes in Papervision using a for loop. The cube class requires, as its first parameter, a MaterialsList. I've created four different MaterialLists in my code with the names materialsList1,materialsList2, materialsList3, & materialsList4. In a for loop, I'm trying to pass those variables as the MaterialsList parameter. It's not working. If I use the variables themselves in the code, it works fine, so I know my problem has something to do with how I'm trying to data type the dynamic name (see Actionscript below)The Actionscript:

PHP Code:
for (var i:int = 1; i<5; i++) {
[COLOR="red"] var cube:Cube = new Cube(("materialsList"+i) as MaterialsList,396


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Passing URL Parameters From HTML

Sep 23, 2009

after 3yrs doing this stuff, i feel like I'm still learning the basics of .as and .html and am wondering how I can pass a parameter to another server using Flash. ... Man, how do I explain this? ... An html guy set up his server to display my content- ie: He setup his server..


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Parameters To A Function

Feb 3, 2006

way to say the same in just a few line of code? 25 lines of code people

[AS]menuAS = function () {
menuBar.menu01.menu01_btn.onRelease = function() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing OnEnterFrame Parameters?

Aug 14, 2003

I give a number of mc's an onEnterFrame event on the fly (in a for loop) which calls an easing function. This function is passed a variable whos value is worked out incrementally, ie on each loop the value is incremented (+.

I do this because I want each mc to be horizontally offset, in other words each clip eases so they come one after the other. Hope this makes sense, ANYWAY the problem the value of the variable (I mentioned above) which each clip uses to determine the postion it has to ease to seems to constantly reset itself. In other words the clips ease right on top of each other since the variable is reset to the last value it obtained from the last increment!!!.

panelAmt = 5;
speed = 4;


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