ActionScript 2.0 :: POST Array Variable To Webpage?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a webpage that accepts POST variables, I can post normal variables to it from flash like this:

lv = new LoadVars ();
lv.myvar1= "test1";


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var url:String = "";
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
try {


how to open it sending POST vars. Is that possible?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable Names Sent Via POST?

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on (release) {
var msg:LoadVars = new LoadVars();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Post Variable Using GetURL

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getURL("myserverpage.php", "_self", "POST");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Post Variable To Php Page From Flash

Jul 30, 2008

I am trying to set up a form in a flash movie that will post the users entry to a php page. I then need the php page to re-direct the user to a page to show a result.

I have the following AS in the flash form. It seems to post to the php page but from within the flash movie. Rather than taking them to the php page, as a non-flash form post would.

on (release) {
loadVariablesNum("search.php", 0, "POST");

Is there a way I can get the flash form to post to the php page in the same way a non-flash form would post.

Hope this makes sense! Basically, when the user clicks the submit button, I need the browser to load another php page that gets the user's input via post.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Post An Array To Server [MX]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SendAndLoad W/ Array Via POST In PHP?

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rankedSubmitBtn.onRelease = rankedSubmitBtn.onReleaseOutside = function():Void


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Php :: Send An Actionscript ByteArray As A POST Variable (within Facebook)

Dec 18, 2010

I would like to use Flash to send a ByteArray (of a PNG image) to a php file, in a facebook application. Is there a way to do this by sending the ByteArray as just one POST variable instead of as the entirety of the POST data?

There was a nearly identical question here: How can I send a ByteArray (from Flash) and some form data to php? but the problem is different; instead of smuggling other variables in other parts of the request, the image itself has to be sent as just a variable because Facebook commandeers the post data and puts in its own junk.

If not, can I send the image in some form other than a byteArray?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use LoadVars To Send POST Without Attached Variable Name?

Jan 12, 2009

Let's say I'd like to post some data to a server side script. If my data is

var data:String = "<data><tag1>hi</tag1></data>";

and I'd like to send it with LoadVars, I can do:

var lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars() = data;
lv.sendAndLoad("http://thescript/", lv, "POST");

However, this results in the POST looking like this:


if I want to send it without the variable name (no "data=", just the actual data), how is this possible? In AS3 I can just use the .data property of a URLRequest and it will work, however I can't find a way to do this in AS2.

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Pass Variable From Flash AS3 To C# Webpage?

Mar 4, 2010

In my .fla file i have several buttons. On my hosting webpage i need to know which button was pressed. I was going to use fscommand which works when passing a variable to a regular form, but I cannot use it when passing to a webpage.How do i establish communication between flash and my hosting webpage?

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Professional :: Sending A Variable To A Webpage?

Apr 24, 2010

I am trying to post the score that the player achieves to a database. I have set a web page "highScores.aspx" which gets a query string variable "webScore" and puts it in a database. This works fine as tested in a browser.
The problem I have is getting the correct information into the query string variable. I have:
form.loadVariables("", "GET");
where the text in question is located inside "form" (which is a movie clip). I've been following this tutorial [URL] and while not really relevant, it's got me further than anything else. The problem with this tutorial is it relies on the user entering text, whereas I am just displaying out the score in some dynamic text. This means that in output I get the following error:
I should point out, I do not need to read the text to get the value as it is stored in a variable beforehand, I just display it to the player via some dynamic text, but I'm not sure how to use this to my advantage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Pass Array Via Post Request

Jul 31, 2009

When i crate flash mail list I past the variables via an object

Code: = formName;
variables.mail = formMail;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MySQL, Php: Post A Variable, And Retrieve Info From Db In Flash?

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Currently I'm setting up a webservice, which includes a login to access the member area.I'm testing all components seperately, and I've ran into a problem. When the user logs in I want flash to retrieve the user_id as a variable, so that I can use this user_id for member related database access. However, I'm having problems with retrieving the user_id.The login is done by inputting the email and password of the user. If these variables match the data in the database the user is send to the member area. I want to get the user_id by posting the email variable to a php file. In the php file the following code is responsible for this:

PHP Code:
$email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["email"]);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Post An Array To Server And Receive It Back?

Jan 17, 2010

I have some basic experience with using URLRequest to POST variables to my server which works fine.How do I post an array to my server and receive it back?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Variable From The Webpage To Pass It Into Flash?

Oct 3, 2011

I want to get a variable from the web-page to pass it into flash, and depending on its value to change the original image of button in flash movie. in html code:

and further code processing 'completely different buttons' when the page is loaded, it shows the top layer of the button (which defaults has value "main"), and only when the cursor is over those 'completely different buttons' (unconnected with the code, besides that they are on the same layer) goes into the right state " clients "

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating An Array From A String Send Via POST From A Php Loop?

Oct 13, 2011

I need some help creating an array from a string send via POST from a php loop.The string looks sorta like this: keyword=key1val &

text=text1val & keyword=key2val & text=text2val
(spaces added for readability)

I have a little bit of control over how the string is sent. So I could add numbers to the keys in the string, so they read like this

keyword1=key1val & text1=text1val & keyword2=key2val

basically I want to then end up with an array

noteCards[0] = ["key1val", "text2val"];
noteCards[1] = ["key1val", "text2val"];

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Internet Variables - Change The Value Of A Variable On A Webpage

Nov 7, 2008

I have been using AS2 for a while now but am having some trouble when it comes to the internet side, I basically would like to be able to change the value of a varible on a web page or something and use this value on a different computer, like an mmorpg but it does not have to be that fast, I have looked around and am having trouble working it out, I know you can use servers and stuff but I don't want to have my computer running 24/7 so someone else can use it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Variables To Php Via POST, Which Returns A Different HTTP POST?

Jul 16, 2009

Im building a reservation form, using actionscript and php. I use sendAndLoad to send variables to php via POST, which returns a different HTTP POST response in case of sucess or not.

Is there anyway to "read" HTTP POST responses with actionscript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Eval - Making Dynamic Post Values To Post To A URL

Jul 15, 2010

I am making dynamic post values to post to a URL.


Maybe I am doing this the hard way with eval, is there an easier way, such as passing an array of post variables?

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Actionscript 3 :: After Shuffling Array - Variable = Array[index] Gives 0, Trace(array[index]) Gives Correct Number

Aug 16, 2011

I think it would be simplest to explain it like this:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Calling A Function With An Array Variable As Arguments Is Resetting Array?

Oct 12, 2006

I'm going to post the full code of the two functions, disregard the "fluff" unrelated to the two functions as it is all working flawless, I've tested this HEAVILY and cannot understand why it keeps setting the entire array to undefined!

// processReplace Function
function processReplace(transferFiles) {
var processArray:Array = transferFiles.slice();


Basically it's supposed to check to see if the file exists and return as true if it does and add it to a replace array, then the replace array is processed into a single string and put into a dialog box through the flash wrapper prompting them to "replace the files or not".

It makes the replace array just fine, it actually even has the right "count" in it but it's setting all the "filenames" to undefined because of the exists = processSearch function.

I even tried to make a new array and run the search just from that one and set the values from the old one and it's still failing.

Is it because of the "break" or can anyone figure it out? Iknow it's hard because you can't use the code

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Value Of A Variable Listed In An Array Using The Array?

Aug 25, 2008

I want to change the value of a variable listed in an array using the array. for example:

var theVariable:Number = 15;
var theArray:Array = [theVariable];
now if I try this


theArray[0] = 20;

I just get an array with 1 value of 20 in it and it no longer references theVariable what i want to do is change the value of theVariable with out removing it from the array but referencing it from the array in a loop or something.

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Loop Through An Array And Use The Array Value To Reference A Variable?

Sep 25, 2009

I want to loop through an array and use the array value to reference a variable.

The Setup:
(For illustration only. Not actual script)
My MCs:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using An Array Variable In Another Array

Jan 27, 2011

Sorry if the title is a little confusing. Here's what I meant - I have an array and and object. Let me give a visual:

This is my object:

obj["id"] = ["1","2","3"];
obj["name"] = ["na","no","ne"];
my itemArray:
itemArray = ["id","name"];


but it doesn't work. How do I actually use the arr[i] variable in the array? :s

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Array Variable To MC?

Feb 8, 2011

Wanting to add an array to a MC like:

var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
mc.myarray[0] = movieclip1; // some mc name
mc.myarray[1] = movieclip2; // or push it


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variable In Array, XML?

Oct 22, 2011

I basically need to load information from an XML. Then depending on which button is clicked(apartment in a building) that specific info from the xml needs to load in a txt field.

Here is my actionscript and xml code. I'm stuck on how to assign " i " to each apartment in the building.


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