ActionScript 2.0 :: Parsing Input Into An Array Of Letters?

Dec 11, 2007

I would like to parse some User Input Text into individual letters (probably using an array so the letters can be used and changed easily). The goal is to create an encryption flash script, which will take in a user input sentence, and spit out a jumble of "random" letters with a 4-Digit code. The end-user then takes the jumble, puts it in to the box, punches in the 4-Digit Code, and decrypts the message. I understand there may be ActionCrypt and stuff, but I'd enjoy attempting this myself. I have all the other data I need (translating letters in an array into numbers, jumbling the numbers, turning those numbers into letters, and then allowing the end-user to enter those and reverse-engineer the original sentence).

All in all, I only need the code to parse input text (in this case, and for the easiest idea, lets say 10 letter maximum) into an array of individual letters per sector.To make this easy for me to understand, I'll give you some variables to work with, so if you post code, I understand what you mean with the variables:

input_txt = User Input Box
encrypt_btn = The button one will press, and thus make the (hopefully new) sentence be parsed into an array

So pretty much, I'm assuming the code will begin with the encrypt buttons AS:

"this.on(Release) = function()"

That's the way I imagine it at least... If any of you have an extremely advanced way, that's fine by me. Use all the variables you want, array names.... everything!

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import flash.geom.Point
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import com.greensock.easing.*;
var tempPoint:Point = new Point(0,0);
[Code] .....

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1. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
a. The world may never know.
t. ML

2. What is the square root of 69?
a. 8 something.
t. SA

I am currently able to allow a user to have an Open Dialog box to open a local .txt file from their computer. I am also able to read the data and trace it via actionscript. I cannot however split the data where I want to into an array. I cannot use '' to split at as the data from the .txt file may sometimes be multi-line for the question or answer.

So I need to be able to; a) split on a number with a . and a space (eg. '1. ') b) split on a-e with a . and a space (eg. 'a. ') and c) split on 't. '.

Here is the relevant code I have so far:

ActionScript Code:
import flash.text.*;
var tf:TextField = new TextField();


I was just trying to hardcode a couple things like splitting on 'a. ' and 't. ' but it only does one split, whichever comes last.

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instanceName_txt.type = "dynamic";

But I want to access my text field through an array...


lockArr = [box1.lock1,box2.lock1,box3.... etc etc // instance names of button clips
tArr = [box1.field1,box2.field1,box3.... etc etc // instance names of input text field clips
for(var n=0;n!=lockArr.length;n++){


so If can I not set the type property of a text field if I'm referencing it through an array?

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Jan 20, 2011

I have an input text where user have to input numbers like 1234-1234-1234-1234

There is four blocks of numbers. each block contains 4 digits, which is compulsory without any space or other characters.

So far it restricted with numbers and a space.

I need to push it in an array, so each number will represent a meaning on programs.

ActionScript Code:
txtInput.restrict = " 0-9";
function  dataChanged(e:Event):void {
var ar:Array=txtInput.text.split(" ",4);

This code helps to get some extinct but need more accurate to get the actuals from users.

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Nov 28, 2011

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var lottoDraw:LotteryDraw = new LotteryDraw();


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I have an array of images and an input text box. I want to type something in the text box which will be different for each picture. For example the first picture may be an apple and the correct answer will be apple and so on. How do I check to see if the input is correct against the picture that is shown?

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Apr 24, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Array From Text Input Field?

Jun 17, 2010

I've been looking everywhere and I can't figure this out.  I want an empty text entry box, where you type in a word and hit enter.  When you hit enter, it adds this word to an array.  The array shouldn't have a limit of the number of words allowed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text To Array Variable Not Working?

Jan 12, 2008

I am working on a line rider/ free rider style game in flash (which is coming along quite nicely ). For the whole night I've been trying to create a way to save and load data simply off text and have finally come up with a basic solution for it! I have my information all stored into an array neatly to be later used with the function lineTo upon load. My problem here is that when I actually input the data into the textbox to be picked up by the load button it does not draw the lines like its supposed to.My load button has the following code:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onRelease = function() {
var points = new Array(_root.xInput);[code]......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Array Into An Input Text Field?

Dec 16, 2010

I am an educator and I am designing an interactive activity for my students. I created two buttons named baby_B and baby_G, and an input textfield named text_entry. When a student presses baby_B, the letter "B" is entered into the input text field; if a student presses baby_G, the letter "G" is entered into the input text field.For a student's solution to the input text field to be correct, it has to contain values BBB, BBG, BGB, BGG, GGB, GBG, GBB, and GGG in any order. I created an array named solution_S with these values. I also have an enter the solution button named enter_btn. The student can check their solution by pressing the enter_btn button; if the input textfield is correct, the quiz moves on to the next frame in my timeline; if it is incorrect, it moves to a different frame in my timeline.

baby_B.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, letterB);
function letterB(event:MouseEvent)


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import fl.controls.TextInput;
import fl.controls.Button;
var myBt:Button = new Button();
[Code] .....

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