ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Input Text To Array?

Nov 28, 2011

The user inserts 6 different numbers into the input text box between 1 to 49 also i need check if the number is not higher than 49 or smaller than 1 . I also need check duplicate entries and empty space from input text box, which error message will prompt the user. Then i need to store the input from user to array.

Here what i got so far

var lottoDraw:LotteryDraw = new LotteryDraw();


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Storing Mic Input In A Bytearray?

Dec 9, 2008

I'm planning out an app that will (amongst other things) let the user speak into his mic and replay his voiceclip. I don't really need to permanently store the sound, it's enough if I can record it, replay it and overwrite it again if the user records another sound clip.

So far I gather this is impossible in Flash without the use of a mediaserver. Then again if I'm right the only way a media server can help me is by actually streaming the microphone input to the mediaserver, actually storing the sound as an mp3 file or similar, and then serving the mp3 file back to the app. It seems a bit overkill for just replaying short soundclips while the app is up, soundclips which are going to be re-recorded over and over while the user is using the app and trashed when he stops using the app.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Text To Array

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There is four blocks of numbers. each block contains 4 digits, which is compulsory without any space or other characters.

So far it restricted with numbers and a space.

I need to push it in an array, so each number will represent a meaning on programs.

ActionScript Code:
txtInput.restrict = " 0-9";
function  dataChanged(e:Event):void {
var ar:Array=txtInput.text.split(" ",4);

This code helps to get some extinct but need more accurate to get the actuals from users.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text To Array

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onRelease = function() {
var points = new Array(_root.xInput);[code]......

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baby_B.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, letterB);
function letterB(event:MouseEvent)


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[Code] .....

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May 16, 2007

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[Embed (source = "./myImage1")]
public var Image1:Class;

I have to embeed n bitmaps. Then I have to create an instance of each oh thease classes.
I want to store the names of thease classes in an array so I will be able to create an instance of a class by accessing the array.

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var arrayOfClasses : Array = new Array();

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var variable : Object = new arrayOfClasses[0];
But this dosen't work! How Can I build an array of classes? Is it doable?

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subArray[x1, y1];
subArray[x2, y2];


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cube_0 ++
square_0 ++
triangle_0 ++
and so forth

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Storing Dynamic Mc's In An Array?

Jun 22, 2004

i am trying to create a menu which is 100% on the fly. the menu item names are stored in a multidimensional array with attatched sub menu items/names. i am trying to create a mc and a txt field for each item in the top menu. i am trying to also store the newly created mc's and txt fields in an array or their own so i can manage the menu motions/tweens better.however, i get several errors, why wont this work?

// menu.fla


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array Storing An Increasing Variable?

Apr 2, 2011

i want to make the elements for an array, each one

ArrayOne = Array()
ArrayOne[i] = i

make it work so the array would liik like....

ArrayOne = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7...]

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My problem is that I want to store the loaded pictures, which is giving me trouble. When I try to trace the bitArray length, it says it is zero..

My Code:

//Variable Initilizing
var mLoader:URLLoader;[code]....

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in php I could do:

$prices['ford']['mondeo']['2005'] = 4500;
$prices['ford']['mondeo']['2006'] = 5500;
$prices['ford']['mondeo']['2007'] = 7000;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Numbers In Array - SubmitButton?

Nov 25, 2009

I've got this code
ActionScript Code:
There are 3 new MCs
1. The instructions "Click here..."
2. An MC with the 2 text fields myText
3. An MC with the 6 input text fields
import flash.display.*;
[Code] .....

Everything works fine until I click on the 'submitButton'. When I click on it nothing at all happens, even though what I want to happen is for the error messages to appear if there is a problem, or if there isn't a problem I want the numbers to be added to the array.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Instance Names In An Array?

Feb 5, 2010

I have just started actionscript after a long break, I am creating a crossword and each box is an 'Input Text' field. Since there are a lot of text fields, I do not want to have to create variables for each text box,I wanted to do something like this:

ActionScript Code:
var inputs:Array = new Array( "_1a", "_1b", "_1c" .. );
for( var i:int = 0; i < inputs.length; i++ ) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Bitmap Images In An Array?

Jun 6, 2010

I am having trouble storing bitmap images into an array. The following code snippet creates an array called "imageArr" and its intention is to store all the bitmap images in it. The images are captured from the user's webcam and should then be stored in the array. However, when I display the images it can only display the last image taken.

ActionScript Code:
var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(video.width,video.height);
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapData);
var imageArr:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing External Swfs In An Array For Later Use?

Jan 21, 2011

How can I load external swfs, store them in an array, and then have the ability to retrieve any one of them for later use when I want to?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Storing/adding Tweens In An Array?

Jan 30, 2010

So I think I have the hang of adding objects in an array to the stage. Now the next step is creating tweens for those objects and calling the tweens when the objects are added or removed from the stage. I'm not quite sure how to do this, especially since I'm using TweenLite. I guess the first thing I don't know how to do is store the tween in a variable for later use. I've tried something likeCode: Select all (var tween1:TweenLite ={x:10, y:50});) But this does not store the tween, it activates it. I want the tween to happen later when I call it.The second part of this would be, once I know how to store tweens in variables, how would I add them to an array? Everything I've tried has been wrong. I tried something like

Code: Select allvar tweenArray:Array = []
tweens[0] = [homeTween, homeTween2];
tweens[1] = [aboutTween, aboutTween2];[code].......

I know you don't use addchild for tweens but I'm not sure what the right command is?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Storing Dynamic MovieClips In Array?

Jun 22, 2004

I am trying to create a menu which is 100% on the fly. the menu item names are stored in a multidimensional array with attatched sub menu items/names. I am trying to create a mc and a txt field for each item in the top menu. I am trying to also store the newly created mc's and txt fields in an array or their own so I can manage the menu motions/tweens better. However, I get several errors, why wont this work?

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.showMenu = false;
//Global TimeLine Reference
_global.gTml = this;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array! Storing Diferent _y Properties?

Aug 26, 2005

I have 3 mc's (clip1, clip2, clip3) and 5 buttons on the stage. When i press button 1 clip1 should go to _y = 100, clip2 _y = -1100, and clip3 _y = -500! The same should happen when one of the other buttons is pressed (with different y values though) My question is can i put the different y values in an Array, and if so how do i do so and how do I call them?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Bitmap Values In An Array?

Feb 22, 2009

I've been trying to figure out a solution for a problem.. Which is really bugging me. The only thing I could think of that has potential to possibly work is being able to store bitmap names in an array.. Like this example(which doesn't work):

var hairBitmapA:Array = ["hair_1_1", "hair_1_2"];
var i:uint = 1;
var hairBitmap:hairBitmapA[i] = new hairBitmapA[i](0,0);

The idea of this is simple, although not correct, is there a way that I can do what I'm trying to do?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Data Use An Array Or A String

Jun 12, 2009

I have a input text field on the first frame. I want to use the data from that text field in the next frame how do i do that using an array or a string.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Default Dynamic Text Auto-scale Font, Input From Input Text First

Feb 3, 2011

I have an issue with font scaling of a dynamic text box.

Currently i have one input box named input_1 with a variable attached to it named "choc_1".

Also, i have a dynamic text box named dynamic_1 with variable "choc_1".

When the user types something on the input box then the dynamic box changes instantly and displays what the user has written.

auto scale-size the fonts to a smaller size if the user types many letters.

The input_1 box has a 13 character limit. My initial font size is 200, i want to scale down so when the user types 10 letters they fit the box and they don't go out of screen. I want to use one line, so wrap or multiline is not possible.

here's a code that i'm trying to fix but i can't get the dynamic box to change:


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