ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Movement In Flash MX - With Bounding Area

Oct 30, 2011

I followed the random motion tutorial here: [URL] Everything is working fine, but I want it to randomly move everywhere but not go past about an inch from the top. My document is 550w x 400h, and I made that change in the actionscript as it said in the tutorial. I also tried changing it from 550 x 400 to small numbers to maybe trick it into thinking the document is smaller but to no avail. I've been googling for the last couple of hours, but it always comes up with references to flash game coding tutorials, and I have 0 experience with actionscript 2.0 (i've been learning as I've been going, through google. I'm making an animated gift as a birthday present.)

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x -= 4;
if (_x<=-2247) {


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ActionScript Code:

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xmove = (xpos-this._x)/5;
this._x += xmove;


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both are helpful. However, I don't want mouse position to affect anything (as it does in the 'continuous movement' tutorial). The 'random motion' code is pretty close...if I just knew what part of the code to modify to limit motion from left to right.

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minx = 120;
maxx = 450;
miny = 20;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Movement Tutorial?

Jul 16, 2003

did the tutorial on my pc (mac) and de .swf work, but if i upload it, it does not run either.Another question. is it possible that the random movement may only occur in a specific area of the movie

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Mar 11, 2008

If you look at this site and enter site. You will see 2 litle things moving on you screen.I need somthing like this aswell only then for like 50 bugs. I found lots of ways to make this with rondom movement scripts but i also need it to turn. So when its going to the bottom its pointing to the bottom and when its going up its turns pointing up.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Random Movement Along X Axis

Apr 29, 2010

I'd like a movie clip to randomly move along the x axis whenever the mouse is clicked by using actionscript 3.0.

The movie clip is a city skyline I have in the background.

I can get it to sort of move when a mouse is clicked with this code

var skylineTween:Tween=new Tween(skyline_mc,"x", Regular.easeInOut, Math.random(),85,3,true);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Function Random Movement?

Apr 23, 2004

I have the following clipEvent on a movieclip called square:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xmove = (xpos-this._x)/5;
this._x += xmove;

And the following framecode in the same keyframe as square:

_root.square.xpos = Math.round(Math.random()*550);

Now I want to use this information in a function so I can control more than just one clip.

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Professional ::building A Random XML Content Area?

Feb 18, 2010

I'm trying to build a "product spotlight" area on my site's homepage. There are a lot of products, so I want to display them randomly, and I want to specify an image, link and text in the XML file.
I've started by using the XML gallery on, but that didn't quite do what I wanted. I found a little workaround when I found a random XML image loader on another site, and used that.. all it would load was an image, so to make the product photos be links and have special text I made each photo a .swf instead of .jpg file and added a button link over the whole image. This way works, but we are adding more and more products and it's becoming cumbersome. There will be about 50 different products randomly changing.
It would be perfect if we could just set up the xml like
<list>  <product>    <image></image>    <url></url>    <title>Buy this now for $3.50</title>  </product>  <product>    <image></image>    <url></url>    <title>Buy this now for $4.50</title>  </product></list>
And then the flash file would have the link on the top layer and pull the url from the xml file, bottom layer would load in the image, and in the middle we'd have the title, maybe I'd have it slide in with a basic tween or something like that. And then, there could be like 50 different images listed in the xml, and it would display one randomly for like 10 seconds, then fade into a new one, and just keep swapping it out forever and ever. I really want to do it this way because I can update the text or images without having to build a new .swf file every time something changes.I know how to do some regular basic flash stuff, but I never got into the hardcore actionscripting, so I'm kinda stumped. Anyone know how I can pull something like this off or know of freeware example that I can use and build off of?

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Professional :: Building A Random XML Content Area?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm trying to build a "product spotlight" area on my site's homepage. There are a lot of products, so I want to display them randomly, and I want to specify an image, link and text in the XML file.I've started by using the XML gallery onbut that didn't quite do what I wanted. I found a little workaround when I found a random XML image loader on another site, and used that.. all it would load was an image, so to make the product photos be links and have special text I made each photo a .swf instead of .jpg file and added a button link over the whole image. This way works, but we are adding more and more products and it's becoming cumbersome. There will be about 50 different products randomly changing.

<list>  <product>  <image></image> <url></url>  <title>Buy this now for $3.50</title>  </product>  <product>  <image></image> 


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