ActionScript 2.0 :: Save A Text Field As File To Server?
Mar 28, 2012
I cant find any script or something like that on google to find how to save textfield in flash to my webserver? I read i must have server side script... where i can get it? im using Flash 8 but its not problem change it to Flash 6-9.
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ns.publish( "mp4:" + videoname + ".mp4", "record" );
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import flash.utils.ByteArray;
var fileReference:FileReference = new FileReference();
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How would I change that so recorder.output saves to my server in the same directory instead of how it is now, which produces a file save window to save on my local hard drive.
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Aug 20, 2009
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import flash.display.Sprite;[code]......
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Feb 28, 2003
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Nov 21, 2003
I have a problem with a dynamic text field. I have 1 text field on frome 10 which displays text from a text file. This text can change when a button is clicked. I have another text file on frame 20, which i want to display what ever text is in the text filed on frame 10.
I have tried:-
[AS]MyTextboxFrame20.text = MyTextboxFrame10.text;[/AS]
but it doesn't work.
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Sep 16, 2009
I have successfully been able to write some client-side ActionScript that allows me to record my webcam and mic data to my FMS server. The .flv files get saved to a directory under the applications directory. However, I need to process those flv files for a web application and would like those .flv files to be saved to the web app's directory (outside of the FMS application directory). I have tried changing the <Streams> tag in the Application.xml file that I placed in the FMS application directory, but that simply did not work.My goal is simple: to save the recorded stream data outside of the FMS application's directory. I have been going crazy trying to do this, but would like to know any pointers that any of you experts have. Can this be done? If not, how can I execute a server side PHP script after the stream is done recording. I know about using the exec() function in PHP, but am unsure as to how to execute that script via client-side actionscript.Here is the path to my FMS server (Linux OS) installation and the application directory. The application name is "ngale"./opt/adobe/fms/applications/ngaleHere is the path that my client-side ActionScript is placing the .flv files of the recorded streams/opt/adobe/fms/applications/ngale/streams/recordings/Here is the path to my web application/home/user/public_html/ is the path that I would like for the .flv recording files to be saved to/home/user/public_html/
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Jun 8, 2006
I have the folowing codo to load text from a text file into a text field in my flash document:
loadVarsText = new loadVars();
loadVarsText.onLoad = function(success) {
the same, and I want to make the homePage.txt file load when the flash file starts, that is what it does right now by placing the code on the main timeline.
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Nov 9, 2003
I know this is a tutorial on this site but I'm having trouble finding it, and its been a while so I can't remember exactly how to do it. I just need to make a dynamic text field that you can edit via text file.
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Aug 17, 2004
how I can have a text field load some data from an xml and then the user can change the text in the text field and send it back to the xml file. Like load, edit, send.
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