ActionScript 3.0 :: Fails To Save The File To The Server?

Aug 20, 2009

I have AS3 browsing using the .browse().it then sends to my PHP script and that should be fine.The AS3 tells me that it is working.The PHP tells me that it is receiving the file.So there should be no problem.... But it seems to think that the file I am trying to upload already exists and then it fails to save the file to the server. When I use HTML instead of .swf it works fine.My PHP works fine when I interact with it using HTML.So my AS3 looks like this:

import flash.display.Sprite;[code]......

When I use the .swf it writes "PHP file alreadyExists" into the log.txt and there is no files in the upload directory what so ever (and the browser cache is clear)When I use the .htm it writes "File move" into the log.txt and copies the file

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ns.publish( "mp4:" + videoname + ".mp4", "record" );
It saves the file to the Flash Media Streaming Server successfully, however, when I try to stream the video it does not play, when I download to my pc and try to play using vlc player, it doesn't play.
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Sep 16, 2009

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I then implemented the onData method as shown in the adobe docs, and 'src' is coming back as undefined. The network engineer has confirmed that there are no network/firewall issues that would impact FMS talking to our application server, so FMS and the app server are free and clear to communicate with each other. Is there some sort of other setting that needs to happen to allow FMS to send and receive data? Is there something else I'm missing here?


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import mx.rpc.http.HTTPService;
private var nc:NetConnection;


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Flash App Loading Crossdomain.xml From App Server Fails?

Aug 2, 2011

I'm writing a web application using three tier architecture. I have three Amazon EC2 ubuntu servers. The first server handles the presentation of the application and includes my main flash file. The second EC2 instance represents my application server. It contains the AMFPHP files and corresponding web services. Finally, the third instance handles persistance and is running a MySQL database. Both the presentation and application servers are running an apache web server. I created security groups specific to each tier such that the presentation layer will accept all incoming traffic on port 80 while the application layer will only accept incoming traffic from the presentation server. This should allow anyone to request my web application from the presentation server but prevent anyone from accessing the web services on my application server.My flash application cannot make web service calls to my application server. When a request is sent, I never receive a response from the server and eventually receive a security sandbox error.[code]It seemed odd that I wasn't receiving a response, so I decided to try a couple of things:

1. I connected to my presentation tier via ssh and attempted to use lynx to connect to my application server's gateway.php. I was able to connect without any problems.

2. I used Chrome's developer tools window to observe network traffic when loading my site. I found that it is attempting to load the crossdomain.xml file (which resides in the root of my web server [/var/www] on the application tier) using a GET request; but strangely, it times out and fails. This is where I am confused. How come I can use lynx on the same machine to connect to the web server on the application tier but yet the flash app can't access the same file?

While running some tests, I decided to open up the application server instance's firewall such that it can receive http requests from my IP. As soon as I did this, the application being hosted on the presentation tier immediately began working (Received a response from the web service)! However, this means I would have to force my application tier to accept http requests from the internet in order to work, which is not something I want to do. I don't understand why making this change would allow the application to grab the crossdomain.xml file. If the application server's security group is set to accept incoming http requests from the presentation security group, it should have no problem acquiring the crossdomain. xml file residing in the web server root of the application server right? I've spent more time than I would like looking into this issue. I really would like to setup a three-tier environment for my application in which the flash application will be able to send web service requests to my application layer. The most confusing part about this is the fact that when I add my computer's IP address to the application server's firewall, everything seems to magically work as intended. Please correct me if I am setting my application up in the wrong way. I am basing my architecture off of the following:URL..

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IDE :: Redirect To New Page Fails After Flash Post To Server?

Jun 3, 2009

I have a rails app that embeds a swf. The swf takes user input and posts to the server. For testing purposes, the controller is just redirecting the browser back to another pagewithout processing the data. Interestingly, after the post, the server log and the firebug log shows what clearly looks like a successful redirect (200) showing the correct URL GET, but the browser does not actually move to the new page and is stuck on the same page with the flash app. Same behavior occurs in both Firefox and Safari.

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ActionScript 3 :: Save File Locally In Flash Without Displaying Save Dialog

Jan 31, 2010

How do we save file locally in Flash (ActionScript 3) without displaying dialog. I know we can use the following code to save file locally but it prompts Save dialog. I don't want this dialog while saving file locally.


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Media Server :: FMSMaster -console Fails On Assert 00.000976600

Aug 31, 2010

FMSMaster -console fails on assert I am trying to use FMSMaster -console to start FMS 3.5 on cmd.exe by system account "administrator". but I get an error when trying to run FMSMaster -console.The error that I receive is as follows:

TimeResolutionImpl::set(00.001000000)  returning 00.000976600Assert failed in ..utilTCProcess.cpp line 161Failed to create process mutex.

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Media Server :: Admin Login Fails With Non-Standard Port?

Oct 28, 2010

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During the installation I had specified a different port for the administration port. I changed the port back to 1111 and I could log in with no problem.

Why is the admin login failing if I don't use 1111 as the admin port number ?

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Mar 27, 2012

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Flash :: SWC File Fails To Load In Design Mode?

Feb 10, 2012

I am exporting an SWC via Flash Professional CS5 version with the latest Flex Component Kit (2.0.0) installed in the Extension Manager. In Symbol properties, I'm Exporting for Actionscript in Frame 1 with the Class name equal to the Symbol name.

I've imported the SWC into Flash Builder 4.6 with all the different available SDKs.

With all of them I get an error in Design Mode

"SWC File Failed to load. Any component dependent on this SWC will not be displayed in the design mode."

If I instantiate the component via the Source it runs ok and in the browser I see the component.

I know I could just say "whatever, I don't need Design mode" but I'd like to know what is happening.

Any ideas?

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