ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolling Thumbnails With Mouse?
May 22, 2007
I followed a tutorial over at [URL] regarding scrolling thumbnails with the mouse pointer. Everything is working fine except the thumbnails are not stopping at the left and right x position that I have set. I'm tracing the x position of the thumbnail MC and it's showing that it's not changing, but the MC is definitely still moving. The code I'm using is:
panel.onRollOver = panelOver;
function panelOver(){
this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel;
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Haven't been here for a while and I'm really rusty using Flash. I looking for a tutorial or some information on how to scroll thumbnails by scrolling the mouse left or right over the thumbnails.
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May 4, 2007
I have been working on a site that will display a portfolio for a friend of mine who is a photographer. I want to have thumbnails that can be scrolled on the bottom of the page, and an area where the thumbnail is presented when selected. I have the thumbnails appearing. I have them loading, however, I can't get them to scroll when the mouse moves to the left or right of the row of images. he file can be viewed at...[URL] Here is the code I used for the slideshow:
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May 2, 2009
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Jun 20, 2009
flash and actionscript but am a computer science student so code is ok. that said I wanna build a xml based scrolling thumbnails in an horizontal bar. each pic should have some effect when the mouse is over it + the scrolling bar should scrol left or right depending on the mouse pos+ the bar stops when am over a pic (with some conditions) I think this i all PS: I have only two days to do it
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Feb 19, 2009
here is the source or the site reference path
in that there is a xml phot gallery, i jus need the images to scroll within that panel.
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Dec 10, 2010
I've created a two strips of Scrolling/Sliding Thumbnails, now one bar works, but the second keeps scrolling in a loop.I changed the instances names so that i can communicate with the Actionscript but, I placed both image bars on the main timeline, but i really have no idea what the actionscript means. I searched on the internet and i think i need to change the _root? into something else? [code]My second bar is called imgBar2, do i need to change the Var, aswell? to maybe myVar2?
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Jul 18, 2008
I saw the xml gallery with vertical scroll and It kicks ***, since then, I�ve been trying to make it scroll horizontal but with no succes.
how to make the thumbnails in the gallery scroll horizontal instead of vertical?
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Aug 27, 2010
I have a spark List with an item renderer and a tile layout. If I scroll by clicking with the mouse on the scroll bar and trying to scroll with the mouse wheel after that, there is a problem: The interval of the scrolling is oversized, instead of scrolling one item down (or up) the List scrolls 4 items down (or up).
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Feb 8, 2009
I'm creating a gallery page for my site, and I need a side scrolling thumbnail display.
Basically it would have several thumbnails that would keep scrolling for ever (some how duplicating the content in a mask).
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Oct 10, 2008
I have a photo browser that I am building, and so far itlooks good. It loads in however many images are listed in an XMLdocument to thumbnails, and then opens a larger window when youclick on them. The program basically stacks the thumbnails on topof one another in a movieClip, and you scroll through with a scrollbar or by dragging the thumbnails up and down directly. My issueis, once that movieClip gets to a certain size, Flash doesn't dealwith it well. Let's say I have 100 images I want to scroll through.If I stack them all up, and they are 150 pixels high with 25 pixelspadding each side, that's a 20,000 pixels high movieClip, and thatdoesn't fly. I thought about using a list component, but I need itto scroll smoothly, and not only a cell at a time.
Do folks have any ideas on how to do this? It's really keythat it scrolls smoothly, and that it can scroll by dragging photosdirectly up and down in the viewer. It's easy now because I canhave the dragging behavior attached to the thumbnail scroll, andnot each individual image, and I can move that one movieClip,rather than tracking the position of all the images
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Jun 20, 2009
this is my code so far:
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Jan 16, 2010
I am trying to build a slideshow with scrolling thumbnails and mouse control. I am fallowing a you tube tutorial. [URL] I have done everything that he says to do and I can not get it to scroll. He builds this in AS2 and I have changed my publish settings to AS2. The thing that confuses me is that he is able to get it to scroll before he puts the code in.
Attachments: Center Stage Salon Tour (240.5 K)
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Oct 19, 2009
I made a Photo Gallery using flex builder 3. I am having a MAJOR MAJOR issue though. Currently I have thumbnails scrolling by, when clicked the fullsize image shows up in the canvas above. Unfortunately I cannot get the thumbnails to loop around. Here is my current movement code.
ActionScript Code:
public function defaultMovement(e:Event):void { += 1;
if ( > 338) {
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Jan 29, 2010
I followed a tutorial at [URL]. I used this tutorial because I was interested in a continuously scrolling panel of Thumbnails instead of one that stops when you reach the end. Perhaps people know of another tutorial that accomplishes this and I can just use that one instead? While I can accomplish what he accomplishes, there was (I thought) an easy change. Instead of continuously scrolling I want the thumbnails to only scroll when the mouse is hovering over the thumbnails. You can see the current state of things at: [URL]. And the offending AS is below. I thought I could begin by telling the scrollbar to stop if myVar was equal to false, but I don't even know how to word that.
ActionScript Code:
_root.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(_root._ymouse<400 and _root._ymouse>480){
} if(_root._ymouse>400 and _root._ymouse<480){
[Code] .....
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May 25, 2011
I have this project. It is an image gallery with scrolling thumbnails that when you click them will load the larger images. However, I can not get that part to work. The thumbnails load and scroll, but when I click them I get an error message.
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at BannerVer3_fla:mcThumbsInside_6/imageLoadedThumbThree/BannerVer3_fla:gotoPage()[BannerVer3_fla.mcThumbsInside_6::frame1:124]
This is the AS3 for the thumbnail image.
var fader:MovieClip;
var photos:MovieClip;
var loaderThumbThree:Loader;
function loadImageThumbThree(url:String):void{
//Set properties for this loader
loaderThumbThree = new Loader();
[Code] .....
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Dec 30, 2005
I am trying to make the bar in the Simple Flash XML Photogallery [URL] continuously loop and having a hard time. I don't really care if the mouse would control the thumbnails, just trying to have the thunbnails move left continuously. I have put two tutorials together and made the mouse control the thumbnails. I used the "Simple Flash XML Photogallery" and the "Scrolling Thumbnail Panel" from [URL] and came up with the file below. How to make this continuously loop or scroll. [URL]
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Apr 6, 2009
I used the scrolling thumbnails to make a buttons that use attachMovie to load movieclips from the library to the stage. I think i have put it together correctly but nothing is loading into the holder.
i was doing testing on the first 2 thumbnails the first 2 chairs in the scrolling thumbnails
I wanted it to load movieclips from the library to the stage in a designated holder
here is the code i used for the scrolling thumbnails-
Code: Select allpanel.onRollOver = panelOver;
function panelOver() {
this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel;
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Aug 17, 2005
URL...Can anyone provide me with some code on how to make the scrolling thumbnails loop infinitely? So that when you reach the last picture on the scrollbar, it will loop to the first picture?
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Jun 20, 2007
I built the photogallery (actually four!)[URL] with a main gallery that loads the four categories. I originally had the category names appear on rollover using hover captions.
[URL] Worked great! Now the client wants to nix the hover captions and add labels in text. I thought it would be a cinch to code but I am not getting anywhere with it. Here is the code I have...
I have added a movieclip "thumbTxt" to the library with a dynamic text field "tipText" in it. I would like to attach it to the thumbnail, add the label from the XML and position it above the thumbnails. I have tried attach movie and I am just at my wits end. I have googled and can't find a solution that works for me. I have a feeling it is something simple that I am just not seeing.
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May 24, 2010
I'm working on a flash module that basically needs to offer the ability for the user to scroll through a series of thumbnails in a carousel format. I currently have the following code which is creating my thumbails horizontally which is all working fine. [code]...
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Mar 7, 2007
How do I reuse the tween class in a scrolling thumbnails panel?
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Nov 1, 2006
i want each image that opens up from the scrolling thumbnails below to have another set buttons relating to the main image. for instance:
numbers = buttons linked to another set of external images that are related to the big image. the problem is i don't know what controls the thumbnail/main image when i click on the scroller (i'm kinda lost in the code). so right now i have only one set of numbers regardless of which big image opens up.
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Mar 9, 2009
We have an mp3 player that is based on multiple thumbnails. On rollover the thumbs move up, on roll out they move back down. The issue is that the button inside the thumb also moves up/down, so the thumb ends flickering. You can see it in action here: [URL] (keep the mouse at the bottom of the thumbnail, when you roll over the thumb). Should we increase the button size, detect the mouse position, add an interval or how would you go about this one? It's kind of tricky as we're trying to keep the same look and functionality of the mp3 player.
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May 11, 2009
I designed a horizontally oriented page that expands to the right. The problem is, the content goes off the screen.
I want to know how to make all of the content on the website scroll with the mouse direction like this webpage-
Does anybody know how to do this or something similar?
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Aug 23, 2009
i'm trying to setup a scrolling list of products but without the use of a scrollbar. It would be really thankful if someone would assist me in getting attached fla integrated with mouse based scrolling. So if the user moves his mouse to the upper corner of the product list then it would scroll up and vice-versa.
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Nov 15, 2011
I would like to make a panarama viewer that scrolls the image left on mouse wheel up and right on mouse wheel image instance is bg_mc
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Sep 22, 2009
I have a very loooong image, all I want is to scroll left and right on mouse over. I´ve already searched extensions, everything I find is for multiple images. Here´s an example of what I want to do [URL]
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