ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Gallery With Scrolling Thumbnails

May 25, 2011

I have this project. It is an image gallery with scrolling thumbnails that when you click them will load the larger images. However, I can not get that part to work. The thumbnails load and scroll, but when I click them I get an error message.

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at BannerVer3_fla:mcThumbsInside_6/imageLoadedThumbThree/BannerVer3_fla:gotoPage()[BannerVer3_fla.mcThumbsInside_6::frame1:124]

This is the AS3 for the thumbnail image.
var fader:MovieClip;
var photos:MovieClip;
var loaderThumbThree:Loader;
function loadImageThumbThree(url:String):void{
//Set properties for this loader
loaderThumbThree = new Loader();
[Code] .....

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Flash :: IDE - XML + Photo Gallery Tutorial - Image Open Up From The Scrolling Thumbnails

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i want each image that opens up from the scrolling thumbnails below to have another set buttons relating to the main image. for instance:


numbers = buttons linked to another set of external images that are related to the big image. the problem is i don't know what controls the thumbnail/main image when i click on the scroller (i'm kinda lost in the code). so right now i have only one set of numbers regardless of which big image opens up.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When Click The Link To A Gallery That Has A Lesser Number Of Thumbnails It Fills The Difference In Numbers In With Thumbnails From The Previous Gallery?

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I've got a website with three links to three different thumbnail galleries. When I click the link to a gallery that has a lesser number of thumbnails, it fills the difference in numbers in with thumbnails from the previous gallery.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MovieClip - XML Image Gallery With Thumbnails

Sep 4, 2011

I'm just beginning to learn AS3 and I'm trying to build a website in Flash. This is a photography website so it will have various image galleries. I'm able to have the images display. But I'm stuck when I try to add thumbnails to the movieclip. I've been using a for loop to loop through the total number of photo URLs in the XML, and add them to a thumbnail container. But either this will display, or only the image gallery will display. They will not display at the same time. Ideally, the thumbnail container will appear on top of the large image, so I guess I will also need to z-sort them.

Here's the code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import flash.display.Sprite;
var my_speed:Number;
[Code] .....

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IDE :: Image On Top With Multiple Thumbnails Underneath In Gallery

Mar 22, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Gallery Using XML To Load Thumbnails And Images

Mar 5, 2008

I am building a website with an image gallery using XML to load thumbnails and images.

Firstly, I was going to try to make the thumbnails act like buttons, so the mouse cursor would change to a little pointing finger like it does in buttonmode but i could not get this to work.

Secondly, I also wanted the alpha properties of the other buttons to reduce to about 0.75 to highlight the selected thumnail that would stay at its full alpha value of 1. Yet again i could not get this to work either.Can you build this type of functionality into the imported xml data or am I just kidding myself here?

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Flash Image Gallery - Thumbnails Not Showing Up Online

Jun 16, 2009

I've finally finished my flash xml gallery, and have tested it to my complete satisfaction using dreamweaver. When I do a preview from dreamweaver, or just open up the gallery html file from explorer the swf loads the xml file and all the images flawlessly, everything works. However when I move the site for testing on my mac laptop it loads the xml file but not the images. When I upload it to my test website it doesn't even load the xml file. I just copied the root folder over in all cases I dont understand why it wont work. You can see it here: [URL]

Could this be some export setting I am using incorrectly? Why would it work locally on a windows machine, and not locally on a mac or online on either. I tried re exporting the swf after saving it as CS3 from CS4 and changing the local playback security to only allow network. So now it loads the xml data online but not locally. Thumbnails still aren't showing up online though.

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Oct 19, 2008

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IDE :: Creating Image Gallery With Thumbnails - Graphic Symbol?

Mar 11, 2009

I am creating an image gallery with thumbnails on the right inside a symbol so that they can all fade in at the same time, and the bigger images on the left that also fade in. I can only fit 8 thumbnail images at a time, and want to have more than that. So I'll add an arrow below the thumbs so that when you click on it, you can see the other thumbs. I have the first 8 thumbs on the first frame of a symbol and the rest on the second frame.

My problem is that the symbol that contains the thumbs is a graphic symbol, so that the thumbs in it, that are button symbols can be clicked on. I tried using button and movie clip symbols for the thumbnails container but then the buttons (thumbs) can't be clicked any more. That was not a problem till I had to add more than 8 thumbs, cause i need to give the container an instance name, and graphic symbols can't have one.

Here is the link to download the .fla [URL]
In case I didn't make my self clear, what I need is to know if there's a way to have a movie clip or button symbol that can have buttons in it that can be clicked on.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FlashCS3] Gallery XML With Thumbnails - Return The Id Of The Last Image?

Oct 13, 2009

I have this code and I want that when you click on each thumbnail returns its id (associated with i) but only get to return the id of the last image,


x = 40;
y = 200;[code]..........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Gallery - Set Thumbnails To Work As Links

Mar 20, 2005

I wrote a bit of actionscript to dynamically create an image gallery based on how many images are in a given directory. As of now, I've got it to display thumbnails in rows. My next step would be to get these thumbnails to link to the fullsize images.

endingNumber = new LoadVars();
endingNumber.load("end.txt", 0); //loads text file with # of images in directory
endingNumber.onLoad = function(success) {
if (success == true) {
var num1 = endingNumber.e1;
[Code] .....

So as of right now, I have a rough-looking set of thumbnails that don't function as links. is there any way to make those thumbnails act as links, using only actionscript? or, is there any better(easier) way to create a dynamic image gallery with flash so that my client will never have to open an .fla file to add more images?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Image Gallery By Toggling Between Different Sets Of Thumbnails?

Feb 15, 2012

I'm trying to create an image gallery by toggling between different sets of thumbnails and thus loading the appropriate images.I've set up the first 9 okay and they all load at first but when I toggle back and forth in the toggleThumbnails function using addChild I can no longer load these same movieclips.I'm loading the same movieclip with their associated instance names? How come it no longer interacts with the thumbnails?

ActionScript Code:
var thumbnailSet = "setOne";[code].....

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Dynamically Load In .png Files As Thumbnails For An Image Gallery?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm developing an app that needs to dynamically load in .png files as thumbnails for an image gallery. I have studied up on the bitmapData.hitTest() method for being able to setup an alpha test in order work around the .png bounding box issue, but have a problem.

I get an as3 error 2005, which OK I can understand in some cases, but it is pointing to a parameter that makes no sense at all. Here's the error:

ArgumentError: Error #2005: Parameter 0 is of the incorrect type. Should be type BitmapData.
at flash.display::BitmapData/hitTest()
at folio_fla::MainTimeline/checkAlphaForHit()

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Actionscript :: Replace Image Thumbnails With Numbers In Xml Driven A Gallery Using (flash)

Nov 26, 2011

i've designed an xml driven photogallery using actionscript 3.0. First when the swf file is run, all the thumbnails load in, Then I have thumbnails below, when i click them the large image loads in. I wanted the thumbnails to be replaced with the numbers which form dynamically from the xml file. i.e I simply want the numbers, on clicking them loads respective images Please give a solution to this, or please suggest a good tutorial. here's the code i've worked on and im stuck replacing


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Modify The Kirupa Image Gallery To Use Numbers In Place Of Thumbnails?

Jun 19, 2007

I am trying to modify the Kirupa image gallery to use numbers in place of thumbnails.So far I have been able to place buttons on the stage using attachMovie()and I have been successful in getting them numbered properly. Where I am failing is in getting the individually placed buttons to load an image.A more detailed list of what I am trying to do:

I want to attach a button that has a text box to the stage.In that button�s text box I want a sequential number to appear.When a button is pressed I want the corresponding image to display(button 1 loads image 1).I have the first two working; not doing so well with the last.Here is what I have:

PHP Code:[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scroll Thumbnails By Scrolling The Mouse Left Or Right Over The Thumbnails?

May 9, 2011

Haven't been here for a while and I'm really rusty using Flash. I looking for a tutorial or some information on how to scroll thumbnails by scrolling the mouse left or right over the thumbnails.

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IDE :: Make A Simple Gallery With Thumbnails That Show A Larger Image Once Hover Over The Thumbnail?

Apr 20, 2009

I have flash CS4 and some time ago made a simple movieclip in an older version of flash.I now want to make a simple gallery with thumbnails that show a larger image once you hover over the thumbnail.[URL]I forgot most of the workings in flash, so it's difficult to make what I want.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrolling Image Gallery XML?

Oct 23, 2009

So I've found many people trying to do this[URL].. but with actionscript 3.0 and not 2.0.

I'm not a coder by any means, but I've kinda translated most of it except for the scrolling part.

This is what I have so far:


as you can see, some of it is hidden as I was afraid to delete things I might end up needing later. The position of the gallery is at an exact place, and the xml file is perfect. The only problem I'm having is with the scrolling part. I keep getting an error in the function scrolling code that says that a property of mask_mc is being called wrong. I also have learned that the createEmptyMovieClip is not as3 but as2, and that that is also wrong. I'm just trying to get the scroller to work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Gallery Is Not Scrolling

Dec 3, 2010

I have created an image thumbnails MovieClip, that has bunch of thumbnails in it.Problem is that there is no scrolling in it. I cant specify any width or height of the movie clip to limit it.I think I have to use Mask, but not sure how or even if it is the right approach.All I need to do is for the thumbnail_container to scroll if the number of images are more then stage can show.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolling Image Gallery Horizontally

Nov 18, 2009

I've worked with the following code to produce a vertical scrolling gallery and it works fine. But I've tried adapting it to scroll horizontally and it just wont do it - I'm obviously missing something but I've tried every permutation I can think of.


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Scrolling Image Gallery In Flash Webpage?

May 7, 2010

I am attempting to create a basic Flash website to promote myself online. To do this I require a scrolling gallery of images on one of my pages.I have found and implemented a tutorial online allowing me to have a scrolling gallery, but what I need to do is include it within the rest of the pages I have created. I don't know how the code I have used for the scrolling gallery works, to allow me to use it, inside the root level page.The script says:

_root.onEnterFrame = function()
{ if (_root._yMouse<594)

What I need to do, is put the scrolling gallery feature 1 level INSIDE the site, instead of on its "root". When saving the scrolling gallery feature as a movie clip, I coped the frame it was on and pasted that on the "images" page, within the navigation bar movie clip where the other page contents reside. ie Contact, Animations, Intro, etc.When doing this, the gallery is present on the page once the "images" tab is clicked on the navigation, but only the scrolling thumbnails are present on screen, and not the blown-up main image each of the thumbnails refers to, so when clicked on, no main image appears.But when placed on the "root" or outer-most layer of the site, the gallery works fine.I really need to know how to include this scrolling gallery feature WITHIN the navigation bar with the other pages, how can I do this? What actionscript could I use as a replacement to the "_root", to make the gallery function correctly?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolling Thumbnails - Not Scrolling - Involves Xml

May 4, 2007

I have been working on a site that will display a portfolio for a friend of mine who is a photographer. I want to have thumbnails that can be scrolled on the bottom of the page, and an area where the thumbnail is presented when selected. I have the thumbnails appearing. I have them loading, however, I can't get them to scroll when the mouse moves to the left or right of the row of images. he file can be viewed at...[URL] Here is the code I used for the slideshow:


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Scrolling Menu With Thumbnails ?

Jul 23, 2009

I'm building a site with flash (obviously) and it has multiple pages, now on one of these pages i wanted a scrolling menu with thumbnails that when you click them they take you to another page, but I'm not quite sure how to go about it. The methods I already tried haven't worked.

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Scrolling Panel Of Thumbnails?

May 2, 2009

just watched Lee Brimelow's how to create a scrolling panel of thumbnails. I have no questions regarding the panel, but, rather, how do I add a link to each image of the scroll; so, when the user clicks one, a popup or new page opens showing not the thumbnail he clicked, but the real size image?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrolling Thumbnails With Mouse?

May 22, 2007

I followed a tutorial over at [URL] regarding scrolling thumbnails with the mouse pointer. Everything is working fine except the thumbnails are not stopping at the left and right x position that I have set. I'm tracing the x position of the thumbnail MC and it's showing that it's not changing, but the MC is definitely still moving. The code I'm using is:

panel.onRollOver = panelOver;
function panelOver(){
this.onEnterFrame = scrollPanel;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Based Scrolling Thumbnails?

Jun 20, 2009

flash and actionscript but am a computer science student so code is ok. that said I wanna build a xml based scrolling thumbnails in an horizontal bar. each pic should have some effect when the mouse is over it + the scrolling bar should scrol left or right depending on the mouse pos+ the bar stops when am over a pic (with some conditions) I think this i all PS: I have only two days to do it

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Cannot Do Scrolling Thumbnails In A Site

Feb 19, 2009

here is the source or the site reference path


in that there is a xml phot gallery, i jus need the images to scroll within that panel.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: 2 Scrolling Thumbnails In 1 Scene

Dec 10, 2010

I've created a two strips of Scrolling/Sliding Thumbnails, now one bar works, but the second keeps scrolling in a loop.I changed the instances names so that i can communicate with the Actionscript but, I placed both image bars on the main timeline, but i really have no idea what the actionscript means. I searched on the internet and i think i need to change the _root? into something else? [code]My second bar is called imgBar2, do i need to change the Var, aswell? to maybe myVar2?

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