ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Specific Sound In Movie Clip?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a sound clip called "wing" in main time line. Inside main time line I have movie clip called "shell" inside that another movie clip "perform" inside that have another movie clip "engine" with a sound clip "panel"

how do i stop playing only the panel sound clip

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Sound In Movie Clip?

Sep 10, 2003

I have multiple movie clips with different sounds in each movie.

My movie clips are placed across the main timeline of my movie.

I have a "Next" and "Back" button on the main timeline that jumps me from frame to frame where each movie clip is placed. Everything works great.....but my sounds from the movie clips are running together.

How do I stop all sounds in a movie clip from the main timeline when I click either the "Next" or "Back" button.

I have a background sound on the main timeline and I do not want to stop this the StopAllSounds function is not working for me. I just want to stop the sounds in the Movie Clip when I click the "Next" button.

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Codes To Stop Sound In Movie Clip When Changing Keyframe On Main (parent) Timeline?

Feb 29, 2012

Is there some codes, to stop sound in movie clip, when changing keyframe on main (parent) timeline ?

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Target A Specific Frame In Specific Movie Clip?

Dec 3, 2009

I have been doing really well figuring everything out up until now.[code]How it stands, what is this link pointing to? Can I make it target a specific frame in a specific movie clip?And if someone would be so kind and explain what this is saying in 3rd grader terms.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mute Toggle Button To Specific Sound Clip

Jun 3, 2011

Creating the necessary code to make a mute/unmute button in ActionScript 2? I would like the "toggle" button to control a specific sound clip only -- not any other sound within my presentation. Basically I have an intro animation of about 20 seconds that has background music to it. I would like to add a mute toggle button that controls only this music clip and not any other sound found within my presentation. Is this possible? I've seen code for "globally" muting or stopping sounds. I need code for just a specific music clip (sound object?).

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Stop A Movie Clip From Looping And Move To Another Frame/movie Clip?

Jun 30, 2009

it isn't such a big problem bur for a beginner like me it is.I have a movie clip called "Lion_beginning_mc", inside of it I have 3 Key Frames and Inside each and one of them I have different shapes.For example:Key Frame number 01 - DogKey Frame number 02 - CatKey Frame number 03 - MouseI want to move this movie clip "Lion Beginning_mc" form Key frame number 1 to Key frame number 20.I want the Dog,Cat and a mouse to change between each other only once while moving from Key Frame number 1 to 20.And then when the movie clip "Lion Beginning_mc" reaches his goal another movie clip or a frame (with a shape) will start.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move Clip - Stop After Sound Has Played Once

Jul 31, 2008

I am trying to play a sound clip using actionscript 2 the code I am using is attached to a button and the code I used is the following.


My problem is that the sound clip loops and I do not want it to do so. I have other animations going on on the stage. I tried to place the stop(); command but I do not seem to be able to make it stop after my sound has played once.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Symbol Movie Clip Plays In Loop Despite Stop() In Clip?

Jun 14, 2010

I am importing a movie clip as a symbol from a SWF using Embed to a AS3 program and, after attaching the movie clip to the stage, the movie clip keeps repeating. Before you ask I have indeed creating a script layer and put a "stop()" on the last frame. In fact the swf containing the symbol works perfectly fine when executed on its own or in Flashdevelop (my choosen IDE). Its only when imported does the clip keep repeating.Here is the code:

package {
import flash.display.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove All Children Of A Specific Movie Clip?

Sep 28, 2009

I created a loop that adds the same movie clip 22 times inside of another movie clip and pushed it into an array in order to control it later. But i can't seem to find away to remove those children from the movie clip... is there a way to remove all children of a specific movie clip? I tried to create another loop but i cant remove the children using removeChild(arr[i]);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Specific Movie Clip From Click On Other MC?

Sep 29, 2009

I am making point and click game with AS3, with few scenes. On one scene, I've made some kind of door movie clip, and animated it inside that movieclip. there is a "doorhandle" movieclip also, and it needs to animate that animation (inside "door" mc) on click, as well as animation inside "doorhandle" movieclip in the same time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Play Movie Clip And Go To Specific Frame?

Feb 14, 2012

how to play movie clip and go to specific frame? this is sampel of playing MOVIE CLIP ONLY


but how can i play frame number 40 in that movie clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop A Single Movie Clip In Flash And Other Movie Clips Still Looping?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop All Movie Clips Inside A Movie Clip\/

Feb 24, 2006

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Flash8 :: Disable The HitArea On Specific Frames Within A Movie Clip?

Jul 10, 2010

I have been having some trouble with a movie clip basically designed to act as a button for a store front for a website.This movie clip has, stored as the front of the movie (i.e. before you click in to edit the movie) the following code:


This gives the movie the hover over and out effect and animates the button so as once pressed the button expands to give a 'Product Details' view.However, when clicked the info shows up as it should but the hit area which I put into the Movie Clip is still on the info area so none of the contents on this new window are accessible and when the cursor leaves the designated info area the movie clip returns to its first stage as it would appear at the start of the animation.Is there any simple way to disable the HitArea on specific frames within a Movie Clip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Dynamic Text To Show Up Within A Specific Movie Clip?

Jan 28, 2009

How do you get dynamic text to show up within a specific movie clip instead of simply on the stage?

I've created a dynamic text field and given it an instance name (banner_txt). I'd like to use a variable to hold the .text info for this field, that way the banner's label can change when people go to a new section of my website.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Loaded Movie Clip To Jump To A Specific Frame?

Jun 17, 2009

basically i have a container which I am loading in swfs, when you click on a specific button I want the loaded swf to jump to a specific frame.

I am using actionscript 2 at the moment this is the code on my buttons...

on (release) {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Attach Movie Clip At A Specific Stage Location?

Aug 5, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking To A Specific Frame Within A Separate Movie Clip

Nov 12, 2009

I'm working on a Flash navigation system.

Currently, when you click on "Recent Projects", you are brought to a frame containing the following actionscript:

attachMovie("recentProjectsBody_mc", "recentProjectsBody_mc", 1);
recentProjectsBody_mc._x = 60;
recentProjectsBody_mc._y = 195;

This loads a new movie clip of a simple slideshow which has 7 frames. You can click through these frames with left and right buttons.

I no longer need the left and right buttons. I need a group of 7 buttons sitting under the "Recent Projects" link which each link to a different frame of the recentProjectsBody_mc movie clip.

I assume I need to load this movie clip before I link to a frame within it. But then how do I link to a specific frame within that movie clip?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delete Specific Movie Clip From Shared Object?

Jul 18, 2011

in shared object Delete specific Items i her store MovieClip int shared object then show Movie Clips in the posistion x and y wit text field which hold the string value the problem is i cant delete specific movie clip from shared object this code

seevoo._visible = false;
user_co = SharedObject.getLocal("coment");
///////////////// if condition to out if the value of shared object undefiend ///////////////


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ActionScript 2.0 :: When Press The Movie Clip It Goes To Specific Scene Label

Aug 20, 2011

i have a menu with 8 buttons and every movie clip of them have the following script on it


what i need is when i press the movie clip it goes to specific scene label. i tried this code

on (release) {_parent._parent.gotoAndPlay("b")

but it doesnt work with movie clip but works with buttons only , so is there any equivalent code to use with the main code above of movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call Out Specific Frame After Attaching A Movie Clip?

Mar 22, 2005

if there's a way where you call out specific frame after attaching a movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Linking To A Specific Frame In A Movie Clip

Aug 4, 2008

I am trying to animate this piece with frames.

Basically, I have adrop down menu, which contains about 20 buttons. Each button is set to _root.Keys_MC.gotoAndPlay("frame label"); a specific from within the Keys_MC which is on the main timeline.

The problem is, no matter which one I click, it always links me to the first frame of that movie clip.

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MX To Make Movie With Sound Start And Stop On Rollover?

Oct 18, 2009

im making a flash animation with a background two sets of text an invisible button and a song. im trying to make the the animation start when the mouse rolls over and have it stop and reset to the beginning when it rolls out. on my invisible button (first layer) i have

on (rollOver) {


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Professional :: Sound Does Not Stop If I Exit A Pre-loaded FLV Movie?

Nov 10, 2010

I have an FLV video loaded as an "external video with play back component" in my Flash site. It works pretty well, even loads fast regardless its 15MB size. The video located on its labeled section which has an "X" button which closes this section and brings a user back to the page with all the video sections. However once the labeled section with the video is closed the sound is still playing.Does any one know how to make it stop if the section with the video has been exited?Then go to HOW TO section and click on the link "here" for "The Arrangement" show it will bring you to the section with the video loaded as an "external video with play back component" in my Flash site.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Movie When Click On Different Sound Button?

Aug 6, 2007

I have a flash animation with three different icons which play individual audios.

In one of the movies called 'bird' that I want to stop, I have in the first frame following code.

x = new Sound();
x.loadSound("mp3/cocky.mp3", true);
which works fine.

This movie 'bird' is then inside another movie called 'container' , any everything then sits in one scene.

In the movie 'container' I have three buttons which play individual sounds using same 'x.loadSound("...' method.

You first see and hear the animation of the 'bird' and it's sound playing straight away. After a 30 sec sound and the animation stops.

All working so far fine up to this point... But What I need is , when the user clicks on one of the other buttons to play the sound WHILE the 'bird' is still playing, I want to stop the 'bird ' animation.

At the moment it stops the sound of the 'bird' but NOT the 'bird' animation. Naturally If I wait 30 sec 'bird' animation stops and no problems there after. Only if and when user clicks before the 'bird ' animation is the problem.

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Flash :: Professional - Looping A Movie Clip A Specific Number Of Times

Jul 8, 2011

how to get a movie clip to loop a specific number of times in Flash? I know how to stop a movie clip from looping by using the this.stop (); command by placing the command in a separate Action Script layer, in a keyframe, inside of the movie clip's timeline. This allows the movie clip to play through once and then stop. But I need for the movie clip to loop more than once, maybe 2 or 3 times, and then go back to the main timeline.

Also, is it possible to place a pause (I'm guessing, maybe by using a timer of some type?) between the loops, so that the movie will pause a couple of seconds before it loops again and then stop? Please note I do not need the movie clip to stop when there's an event like a rollover or anything. I just need it to play a couple of times, pause between plays and then stop and go back to the main timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Movie Clip To Loop A Specific Number Of Times In Flash?

Jul 8, 2011

Does anyone know how to get a movie clip to loop a specific number of times in Flash? I know how to stop a movie clip from looping by using the this.stop (); command by placing the command in a separate Action Script layer, in a keyframe, inside of the movie clip's timeline. This allows the movie clip to play through once and then stop. But I need for the movie clip to loop more than once, maybe 2 or 3 times, and then go back to the main timeline.

Also, is it possible to place a pause (I'm guessing, maybe by using a timer of some type?) between the loops, so that the movie will pause a couple of seconds before it loops again and then stop? Please note I do not need the movie clip to stop when there's an event like a rollover or anything. I just need it to play a couple of times, pause between plays and then stop and go back to the main timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: For Each - Add All The Children Of Specific Movie Clip To The Array Called ArrayBox

Jan 14, 2010

The code below adds all the childrens of specific movie clip to the array called arrayBox. The next loop SHOULD loop through all the items inside arrayBox and check if any of those items (those items are all movie clips) is colliding with movie clip which isn't in array called avatar. If so, it should pop up the output and change some variable, but the point is that something with second loop is wrong...


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Movie Clip Won't Stop()

Apr 9, 2009

I have a movie clip starting in scene 1, frame mc_text In its own time line, mc_text contains a classic tween of mc_text2 which fades in text going from alpha 0% to alpha 100% I tried an action: stop(); within mc_text ( on last frame, a keyframe)And I entered an instance name for mc_text: inst_text, which I stopped with a keyframe in scene one inst_text.stop();My shape tween stops, however - that clip keeps on looping no matter if I make it a motion or classic tween.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clip That Contains Sound?

Sep 18, 2011

I have a movie clip that contains sound (I tried sound by code and sound in the time line) and when I go to next frame and back to it the sound plays without the movie content, and notice that I put stop action in the firest frame and the sound is not event type it is stream typeto stop the sound from playing, I do not wnat it to play unless I played the movie clip it contains.

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