ActionScript 2.0 :: Syncing Several Flash Files To Start At The Same Time?
Mar 27, 2007
Im working on a site which incorperates several flash movies on one html page.
I realy want all these flash movies to start at the same time so they fade out in sync.
I cant seem to find any command in flash to start a seperate flash movie playing but im sure that there is one.
I have thought about 2 ways of achieving this but am not sure which is the best way. The first is to have an extra movie that checks to see if the others have loaded then when all 4 have loaded it then starts them all at the same time.
The other way is to have each movie send a variable when it is loaded, then when all the variables are checked a start function is sent either via javascript or php.
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Jan 16, 2010
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Mar 30, 2009
I've developed an application which uses a (dynamic) XML file to load in several files; a maximum of four MP3 files and a number of JPG files.When everything has finished loading, the user can press a "Play" button. The application could be described as a "mixer"; it's used to give online music lessons and to facilitate this, the sheet music is loaded (cut up into into several JPGs) which move horizontally on the screen like a marquee, while the music it represents begins playback. The music exists of several MP3s so that the user can mute (e.g.) the vocals or the drums, allowing him to focus on (e.g.) the guitar.
So what's going wrong, is that the audio files are not playing in sync. They are all pre-loaded so any delay between files shouldn't be sought in the files not being fully loaded yet. For initiating playback in the application, I'm using a simple function with a for loop in it, which sets each instance of my sound class to start playing at position 0 of its timeline (I've added in highlighting for all of the "code" blocks in my post, to keep everything easy to read through):
function playSounds():void {
for (var iCnt:Number = 0; iCnt < aSound.length; iCnt++) {
// Start playback for each sound, at the time position set in the
Seeing as this didn't work, I have no clue what I could give a shot next... so if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated! Something else I noticed, was that if I run the application on very fast PCs, the MP3s are almost always in sync, but the PC that I'm developing on isn't that sluggish either and they hardly ever run in sync on it - so it will form a problem for pretty much all of the people who will use the application.
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Jan 10, 2012
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Code example:
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
var mainArray:Array= [amcMC, tantrumMC, blokMC, misMC, futMC, laoMC, cauMC, deepMC, plusMC, noMC, copMC ];
[Code] .....
I need to apply slightly different tweens on second array and trigger them simultaneously, or with small offset.
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May 19, 2007
Ive just finished a flash web site that ive used a lot of XML for loading my images from thumbnails. Its works great.
Except it takes maybe 3-4 minutes to load. I think whats happening is its loading all the images in that XML file before it even shows the first thumbnail, so thats like 2MB its loading.
Is there a way to preload all of the xml files at the start on my Flash splash page?
Here is the link to what im explaining.
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Sep 27, 2010
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Now I need to figure out the best means of playing them together synced fullscreened on the video wall, which has just gone up. We are going to have a content management system that most likely will be able to sync the files but I'd really like the swf's to be able to sync without any help just incase sorta thing.
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Nov 19, 2010
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Is there a way of setting up Flash Builder to override the ignored bin folder? If not, what other approach should I consider? Different folder structures?
/src (commited)
/bin (ignored)
/swc (commited)
I would really like to override the default "DO NOT COMMIT YOUR DEPLOY FOLDER" setting. Bounty it is.
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Sep 15, 2008
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Jun 29, 2011
I have been trying to synch two different banners on a HTML page.
I have checked this link :: [URL]
But I am not sure if the localconnection is needed for what I am trying to achieve.
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Oct 19, 2009
currently iv got 2 of the same movie clip. both containing an flvplayback component.One of them has a heavy blur effect, one of them doesnt.The blurred one is the 'reflection' of the other one, but the problem is they don't load at exactly the same time alot of the time. Is there any simple code that will make one wait for the other to load?
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Sep 18, 2009
How do I play at video, but starting from say 20 seconds in?
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Nov 16, 2009
I'm using this code and basically I want it to start like .5 seconds in.
ActionScript Code:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
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Feb 10, 2011
I want to make a countdown with a movieclip and timer... Example: I have a car as movieclip and it has to start driving @ 11-02-2011 at 09:00 and stop @ 12-02-2011 at 06:00. And when you close the page and re-open it again it doest start over but keeps driving the time it has to be.
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Feb 5, 2010
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ActionScript Code:
var xml1:XML;
// how to load this XML(one below) - with url "secondXML.xml" ??
var xml2:XML;
When XML has been succesfully loaded - it goes to Main keyframe, where the rest of the code is.
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Oct 31, 2009
I am creating a flv player and sofar so good. But now I want to build in a start time for a part that isn't loaded yet.Currently you can click a spot in the progress bar, however if that part is not loaded yet it will simply jump to the end of the loaded bar instead of starting to load at the clicked point.i.e. I have a video of 1:45, it's loaded for 0:30, however I want to start playing at 1:00. Howe can I create this? I cannot get it to work with seek(70) as it still jumps to seek(30) (as this is loaded);
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Jan 13, 2005
I've been asked to produce a flash production that at one point records a time. The basis is that when a object hits another objects (both set as movie clips) flash tells the user ina dynamic text field how long the collision took to happen. i have everything working except from the timer. it recognises that the collision happens and text appears in the text field to show that, but still no idea how to make flash start timing when the frame is started and stop (and show) when the collision is made.
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Jun 22, 2011
The game is like Asteroids where four rocks are placed in the corners of the stage at the beginning and then start moving randomly around the stage. The problem is the timer used is started the moment that the flash file starts not the moment the player clicks the start button. So if you are on the start screen for 5 seconds before you click play when the game actually begins the rocks are where they would be after 5 seconds of play, which could be right over the player.
package {
import flash.display.*;
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Jul 21, 2009
i have a flash clip that i am trying to imbed into a joomla website of mine, and the problem is that it doesn't auto-start. If i open the swf file it will show a blank screen until i right click play or ctr+entr, on the website it simply doesnt show the flash. here is the link to the swf file [URL]
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Apr 27, 2009
I have no idea how to use AS3 and I was needing to make my project looping 3 times from the start to the end but stopping on the last frame after the 3rd time it loops. I have no idea how to do this without copying all the frames.
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Jan 18, 2012
I am creating flash uploader and want to start 10 uploadings at time.But flash upload only 2 files on domain at time, other references wait for something.In IE with ActiveX Player limitation is about 6 files at time.Is there any ideas how to change this limitation? For uploading I need to use FileReference.upload without creating URLRequest object from file data.
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Feb 27, 2010
I have a Flash movie which is synched to an MP3 file by adding keyframes at the appropriate points to trigger actions.
In the *.fla file, and in an exported *.swf or *.exe Projector file the synching is retained perfectly. However, when I include the *.swf in an html file, the synching is lost. It would appear that either the MP3 file is playing at the right speed and the movie is lagging behind, or the movie is at the right speed and the MP3 is playing faster than it should.
I have matched the Audio Output stream to the MP3 file in the Publish Settings dialogue (both now 128kbps), but the drifting still occurs in an html page.
I am using Flash 8.0 on a PC running Windows XP Pro SP3. I have a quad-core Intel Xeon, and 4meg of RAM.
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Jun 13, 2010
When I go to test my video the audio and video are playing at different playback speeds. I'm trying to create a video using Flash that requires events based on the song itself. how to make the audio and video play at the same speed during Timeline playback and testing?
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