ActionScript 2.0 :: Tracking Intervals / Scripts In A Flash File

Feb 17, 2011

Is it possible to somehow tell what scripts/intervals/onEnterFrames are still running in a flash file while viewing the .swf? I seem to be having some possible RAM issues with the .swf and just curious if there is a way to track this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Panning Content From Left To Right (with Stop As Intervals) Then Right To Left (also With Intervals)?

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2. I created another mc (name: "pancontent_mc")

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this.pancontent. - something like play previous frame until stop...

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<script type="text/javascript"> 
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Get Flash Product Counter To Count In Different Intervals?

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I'm working on a Flash banner, and one particular part has 5 movie clips. I want each movie clip to fire off at separate intervals(i set it at 300 miliseconds per clip)

Here is the code I have written that works for two clips:

//Animate each icon
var timer:Timer = new Timer(300, 1);//create the timer
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, doNextTween);


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I'm making a Flash piece consisting of a few different pages and clicks to take you to different chapters. The company I'm making it for have sent me URL's of pages that will track the person on it - what page they're on, what chapters they view etc.

So, where do I put these url's?If I put them in a getURL won't that just redirect the person away from the page with the SWF in it?

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Php :: Tracking Flash Videos Without Using Javascript?

Apr 2, 2011

There are cases where shipping javascript code with your flash video is not an option. One of these cases is when you've bought space on a website to place your ad banner. In those cases I want to use the 1x1 pixel image tracking method on Google Analytics or Yahoo Web Analytics to track the amount of views on my banner.I have heard that flash blocks any attempt to load data from a third party host (frankly I don't see why they would do that) which presents a problem. I would love a solution.I can picture several methods and their downsides.I could host the banner on my own server, counting the downloads. Unfortunately this would prove to be a tremendous load on my server when possibly millions of downloads would happen per day.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Visitor Tracking With Flash?

Dec 29, 2006

I want to record to a XML document everytime a user loads a .swf. Simply just increase the number in the XML document by 1. The issue tho is i'm limited to the server side scripting thats available. No asp, no php, only JSP. Client side scripting(javascript,etc) would be perfectly acceptable as well.Is actionscript capable of writing to a xml file and producing the results i'm aiming for?

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Flash8 :: Mouse Tracking Update From Flash 6 To 7?

Apr 28, 2009

how to update this action script from flash 6 to flash 7.Its for a scrolling line of pictures.

mouseh = getProperty("/tracker", _x);
mousev = getProperty("/tracker", _y);
if (Number(mousev)>0 and Number(mousev)<552) {[code]..............

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Flash :: Professional - Add Tracking Code To A Website?

Aug 7, 2010

Tracking software requires that you insert their code into the page you want to track (I'm using StatCounter). I installed a Flash website template and it just has one .html file where I can insert the code. That tracks visits to the first page with no problem but if a visitor clicks on different pages of the site, it doesn't get tracked. Does anyone know how and where to add code so that each page of the Flash site can be tracked?

Note, in my template a part of each page is found in different symbols. For example, the first column of every page is located in a symbol called PAGES1 and the second column of every page is located in a symbol called PAGES2, and the third column located in PAGES3. Different layers within each symbol correspond to the different pages. So I'm at a loss of how I could get this tracking code to be able to track each page visit, since each page shares a symbol with another page.

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Flash :: Way To Implement Google Analytics Tracking?

Jun 1, 2011

I am looking for code, examples, library, components for using google analytics event tracking with my Actionscript 2 Flash movies. I can find info about AS3 on the google code site but not AS2. What is the best resource for tutorials and examples about tagging my Flash files to use the asynch google analytics code. I have found some old information about the old google analytics code.

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JQuery :: Tracking User Interaction With Flash Outside Of SWF?

Mar 26, 2012

I have been tasked with tracking user interactions with a flash movie that contains several chapters. I need to track which chapters the user decides to watch. But I have no access to the flash movie itself and I can not modify it. The movie loads in a modal. I do have access to the HTML page from which the modal is spawned. This is a screenshot of the interface. There are 6 chapters. Users can select the chapters they want to watch. They can then click Play Your Demo. Alternatively there's a Play All button. I would like to track which chapters users select. This can be easily done with flash, but this is not an option. I hope I can use jQuery on the page to monitor user clicks. I am inclined to say this is not possible though, since JS can not track events/interactions with the flash movie, but I could be wrong.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tracking Viewer In Flash Template?

Feb 3, 2012

Is it possible to track how many people visited my flash website made in AS2. If so what is the method and how can I implement it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash 8 Pro] Load Random Array Element And Loop For Random Intervals?

Sep 30, 2006

I want a movieclip consisting of a dynamic text box that, from the time it's loaded onto the stage, loads a randomly selected text string from an array, and continues to loop until the clip is removed from the stage. I also want the text strings to appear in the text box for random intervals between 500 and 3000 milliseconds.

While I've found tutorials here and elsewhere on loading one element from an array, usually triggered by a button, I don't know how to combine/alter it with the other elements.So I want this movieclip on the stage randomly flashing phrases from an array, some for a barely perceptible time, and others for a readable time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Javascript Tracking Code Inside Flash?

Apr 4, 2010

i have this javascript tracking-code I need to place in our flash-banner in order for our third-party tracking company to track clicks and that sort of stuff, but I'm not sure how I need to place it in our flash-banner. I thought I coudl simply place this javascript into a top layer or the like, but seems I cannot directly include it like that inside Flash. Then I thought perhhaps I could simply save the javascript file as .js file and call it from within the Flash file, but not sure how to go about it...

Here below is the javascript in question:

<!-- View Tag; DO NOT MODIFY TAG-->
<script type="text/javascript">
var _ibHost = "https://";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Google Tracking To Flash Button Function?

Jun 10, 2009

I've got a button in flash that is working just fine. I want to add a tracking function from Google Analytics. The action script on my button is: getStarted_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myCanvas);
function myCanvas(e:MouseEvent):void{    navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""),"_blank");}
I have a line of script for that as:
on (release)(getURL("javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/caring_cent er/myCanvas_flash.html');"));
I just don't know how to incorporate both. When I add this into it, the buttons don't work any more. how to write the code so that the buttons and tracking both work?

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Flash :: Tracking Code For Google Analytics In ActionScript2

Jan 26, 2010

Im completely new to Flash and ActionScript2 but what I need is to add Google analytics code to track clicks from "button" Bellow is a part of my function


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Actionscript 3 - Object Tracking/detection In Flash Video?

Jul 13, 2010

I am wondering if there's any way I can track objects in Flash video using ActionScript? For example, let's say I would like to track a red ball, how can I do this? I have seen some examples using the OpenCV port but the examples shown are for face detection. And I can't seem to figure out what's the difference between the OpenCV port and the actual OpenCV library itself. Is it a full port?

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Tracking :: Method NewFrame In Namespace Error In Flash Cs5?

Dec 11, 2010

i am trying to get tuio running in flash an i am getting this errorLine 10 1044: Interface method newFrame in namespace org.tuio:ITuioListener not implemented by class TuioExampleDrawingCursor.i'm not sure what to do about fixing it as i'm relearning flash after an extended hiatus. here is the code its used in:

package {
import org.tuio.*;
import org.tuio.osc.*;


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Tracking A Flash Banner Advert Using ClickTag And Google Analytics?

Apr 23, 2010

I'm trying to find out if there is a way of using clickTag and Google Analytics to track outgoing banner clicks. clickTag code:

on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") {

Maybe someone can tell me whether the following would work:

on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") {

like a solution that worked with the standard clickTag code and didn't involve changing any code in the flash file.

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Flash :: IE History Tracking / IFRAMES And Cross Domain Error

Jun 2, 2010

We have a Flash application that is running within an HTML file.For one page we call a legacy reporting system in ASP.NET that is within an IFRAME. This page then communicates back to the Flash application using cross-domain scripting (document.domain = "domain" is set in both pages. Now the kicker. Flash has history tracking enabled.This loads the history.js file that created a div tag to store page changes so the back and forward buttons work in the browser.Which works for Firefox and Chrome as they create a div tag.In Internet Explorer, history.js creates another IFRAME (instead of a DIV) called ie_historyFrame.When the ScriptResource.axd code attempts to access this with:[code]At my wit's end on this one.We have users who need to use IE to access this site. They are big clients who we cannot tell to just use Firefox.

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