Tracking :: Method NewFrame In Namespace Error In Flash Cs5?

Dec 11, 2010

i am trying to get tuio running in flash an i am getting this errorLine 10 1044: Interface method newFrame in namespace org.tuio:ITuioListener not implemented by class TuioExampleDrawingCursor.i'm not sure what to do about fixing it as i'm relearning flash after an extended hiatus. here is the code its used in:

package {
import org.tuio.*;
import org.tuio.osc.*;


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Flash :: IDE - Cs3 Compile Error 1017 - Package Namespace?

Sep 27, 2007

Word to the Flash Genies-- Heres my wish that hopefully someone else is struggling with an enormously mind-boggling bug in flash cs3-- when I try to create a public class that extends any of the native flash display objects, and I put this in its own package, even after specifically importing the specific class OR the package wildcard .* the fla that I'm compiling returns error 1017-- Base Class Definition not found. The fla is set to the correct classpath. This situation slipped from 'minor annoyance' to 'mind boggling' after I moved the directory to a different pc with cs3, reset the local classpath and it compiled perfectly. So then I moved the directory to a mac, running flex builder, and made a tester file to use the class, which compiled perfectly.

For some wierd reason, this particular computer cannot compile, even though nothing had changed in the actual class. Maybe it is important to note that this machine is running Vista (and perhaps should not be!)? Maybe it is important to note that the package is part of an SVN directory? Maybe it is important to note that after re-saving the same class file, changing only the class name (from BitmapSprite to BSprite) enabled it to compile on this machine, even though both the mac and other pc (running windows XP) could compile the class as BitmapSprite. I'm not sure if the name change or just re-saving allowed it to compile--but maybe it's significant that the new named instance was not committed to svn.

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Flex :: Flash - Error:- 1151: A Conflict Exists With Definition Obj_inst1 In Namespace Internal?

Jun 16, 2010

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private function addSelectedFunc():void


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Flash :: IE History Tracking / IFRAMES And Cross Domain Error

Jun 2, 2010

We have a Flash application that is running within an HTML file.For one page we call a legacy reporting system in ASP.NET that is within an IFRAME. This page then communicates back to the Flash application using cross-domain scripting (document.domain = "domain" is set in both pages. Now the kicker. Flash has history tracking enabled.This loads the history.js file that created a div tag to store page changes so the back and forward buttons work in the browser.Which works for Firefox and Chrome as they create a div tag.In Internet Explorer, history.js creates another IFRAME (instead of a DIV) called ie_historyFrame.When the ScriptResource.axd code attempts to access this with:[code]At my wit's end on this one.We have users who need to use IE to access this site. They are big clients who we cannot tell to just use Firefox.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1152: A Conflict Exists With Inherited Definition Flash.displayisplayObject.x In Namespace Public

Jan 5, 2012

I am a COMPLETE newb at actionscript. I have been experimenting with variables; I've made some assumptions based on programming with other languages.When I search for errors,it says my script is fine, but when I publish preview, it plays and then gives me errors.I keep getting error 1152: A conflict exists with inherited definition flash.displayisplayObject.x in namespace public. and1152: A conflict exists with inherited definition flash.displayisplayObject.y in namespace public.

Here is my script for frame1

var x:int;
var y:int;


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Flex :: Error Conflict Exists With Inherited Definition Flash.display:DisplayObject.mouseX In Namespace Public?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Make A Public Static Method Call Another Method, But Flash Throws Error 1180?

Feb 19, 2010

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Code: Select allpackage
import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]....

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Flash :: Namespace Error: "Top Level Of A Class Definition"?

Feb 8, 2012

I'm trying to encapsulate a package so that classes, properties, and methods that have no meaning outside of the project aren't accessible. They do, however, have to be accessible by other classes in the project, so internal is insufficient - the internal properties of can't be accessed I was under the impression that namespaces could solve this problem, so I tried this:

//Class in top level package, where we make our namespaces
package parent {
public namespace myproject;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import Mx.core.* With CS4 - Error: 1004: Namespace Was Not Found?

Jun 3, 2009

Is mx.core.* something in the flex sdk / framework? I am trying to get the unserializer from [URL] to work with flash CS4, and I am getting the compiler error: 1004: Namespace was not found or is not a compile-time constant. The lines called out in the package are: use namespace mx_internal and mx_internal static var c:uint;

I don't know the first thing about namespaces, but does anyone know how to get this package/class working in CS4 AS3? It might be something simple I am missing. I have attached the .as package file (uploaded as a txt file) if anyone wants a look... I am having to get a lot of lists from a mySQL database and it is becoming a real pain urlencoding them all manually. If I could just urlencode(serialize($result)); in php and send that file to AS3 to be decode it would be so much simpler.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Namespace Internal Error - Declares Variables On The Keyframe

Sep 29, 2010

I am currently trying to move one of my AS2 projects over to as3 for a school project. The problem I am having is that my as2 project declares variables on the keyframe that are used on that frame only, the following frames declare the same variables for their own operations.. IE (Score = 0). The problem with as3 is that I am getting namespace errors and how to stop it. this is a puzzle game created originally in as2.. for the first level of the game the keyframe has this code on it to declare the variables to be used for the first level ONLY


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Flash :: Cross-domain Error - Uncaught Exception: Error Calling Method On NPObject ?

Oct 28, 2009

I am trying to emulate (in a limited way) the behavior of JavaScript's XMLHttpRequest object through Flash/ActionScript 3, in order to overcome the same-domain limitation. But I'm discovering that ActionScript has its own limitations in that regard. I admit that I might be mistaken, but from what I understand it is theoretically still possible to do this sort of cross-domain scripting using ActionScript, so long as you get all the permissions right. And that's where I'm running into trouble.

First, I borrowed some open-source code for a class called AjaxRequest, which I have saved as /ajax/ I then created a Flash file called /jsajax.fla which exports to the final SWF file, /jsajax.swf. Now, here's the ActionScript code that comprises the first and only frame of the Flash file:

import ajax.AjaxRequest;

This is the only case I could not get working, and this is the case I need to get working. The first two were really just test scenarios to see if the script was working at all. When I try to run my jsAjax function here, I wind up with an error that shows up twice in Firebug:

uncaught exception: Error calling method on NPObject! [plugin exception: Error in Actionscript. Use a try/catch block to find error.].
uncaught exception: Error calling method on NPObject! [plugin exception: Error in Actionscript. Use a try/catch block to find error.].

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Flex :: Packaging AIR Apps With ADT Gives Wrong Namespace Error On Windows, Works On Mac

May 17, 2011

I'm packiging AIR app both on Mac and on Windows. On Mac everything goes well, but on Windows I get an error.

Myapp-app.xml: error 102: Invalid namespace [URL]

I have latest SDK's installed on both machines, although Flash Builder is newer on Mac. Does the Flash Builder version even matter?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1004: Namespace Was Not Found Or Is Not A Compile-time Constant?

Feb 1, 2011

I have been getting this error004: Namespace was not found or is not a compile-time constant error and it just does not seem to go away.I am using Coordinate geometry principles to find out the intersections points. I am storing the slopes of the lines and intersection points as arrays. This is the code I am using.

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class AngryBubble extends Sprite {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1151: A Conflict Exists With Definition My_flvPb In Namespace Internal

Apr 21, 2009

Keep getting this: 1151: A conflict exists with definition my_flvPb in namespace internal.
The AS is: 
var my_flvPb:FLVPlayback;
my_flvPb.autoPlay = false;
my_button.label = "Seek to point2";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1151: A Conflict Exists With Definition IArea In Namespace Internal

Oct 27, 2011

I am developing an application where the user chooses the game he wants to play. In my main timeline I have a different layer for each game(movie clip). Movie clips - games - have some common function/variable names with totally different implementation.
When I try to compile I get the :

...1151: A conflict exists with definition iArea in namespace internal.

I unchecked 'Automatically declare stage instances' option on stage settings.There are 30 errors of this kind and there will be 6-7 games so coming up with different names will be a real pain.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Loadmovie - Get The Error Code : 1151: A Conflict Exists With Definition Loader In Namespace Internal?

Jun 26, 2008

i dont know if its me but have things got alot more complicated? i have made 4 .swf's that all work fine individually. i have 4 scenes that each .swf is to load into and play in turn when the main movie loads in.before the loadmovie code was:

loadMovieNum("fcbp01.swf", 2);

now however i have been advised to use:

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("achange.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader();

this does not work and i get the error code: 1151: A conflict exists with definition loader in namespace internal.var loader:Loader = new Loader();.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 1180: Call To A Possibly Undefined Method Error For DEFINED Method

Nov 19, 2010

I am getting this error: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method startWorld.but the method startWorld is defined as you can see in attachment.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Prototype Method - Local Variable - Conflict With "variable" Namespace Internal

Jul 3, 2011

when i write prototype method and declare a variable inside the prototype method. this is fine but as sonn as i declare another variable with the same name i get an error. conflict with "variable" namespace internal. i've contact other users and they claim they don't get this same issue. i'm using flash CS3, i have flash player 10 installed but cs3 only supports up to 9 so i have 9 selected. and i'm using AS3. this is some code you can use to test to see if you get this issue:


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Flash :: "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference." Error On AIR Project For Using A Button

Dec 29, 2010

So my problem here is, I'm working on my Adobe Air project, so I decided to code some buttons to be able to navigate. The problem here is that I get a error for trying to do so. Here is my code.


I do not see what is wrong actually, I tried this on a blank non-AIR file, and it worked well.

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Flex :: 3 - Conflict Exists With Definition Friendlist In Namespace Internal Flex Error

May 11, 2011

in my variable i am getting error private var friendsList:VBox; "conflict exists with definition friendlist in namespace internal" what it is?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 1151 "A Conflict Exists Within Definition XmlReq In Namespace Internal"

Oct 16, 2011

I already have a couple discussions active regarding some duplicate script troubles I am having, but felt I needed to start a new one... I have two slideshows inside of one Flash site. I have been receiving "duplicate function definitions" all over the place as a result of both slideshows having similar script. I've managed to remedy most of these with some different naming devices. But I am not sure how to get around this latest....

The latest is a 1151 error "A conflict exists within definition xmlReq in namespace internal." for the clearing that up, Flash! These are the two conflicting lines of script - which reside in separate "label" sections actions layers - below. I am not sure why I'm getting an error, as you'll see I've got distinct xml file names in them:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error "1151: A Conflict Exists With Definition Bg_mc In Namespace Internal"?

Apr 3, 2007

I am migrating one of my project to AS3.I have a structure of one main movieclip attached to class MainApp, which is having some movieclips each of those attached to some classes (say MyItem class). Now I am getting two problems,

1. I have some simple movieclip in my MyItem movieclip. The instance name say bg_mc. Now in my MyItem class in AS2 I used to write something like : private var bg_mc:MovieClip;

and then make visible true or false depending on some action.If I am trying to do the same in AS3, it is showing me error saying :

"1151: A conflict exists with definition bg_mc in namespace internal."

If I am attaching the movieclip using addChild then it is fine. But for my app this will be a hectic job as I have atleast 40 of such items and the shape are different. So I have manually placed those movieclips inside whatever designers have given me. Can't we have simple movieclips in a AS3 class without doing addChild?how to call a method from MyItem to MainApp.In AS2 I used to call something like

_parent.onItemSelection (this);

In AS3 the same is throwing some error though I have the method in my file.Both my classes are extending MovieClip class.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Control Sound - Error "1151: A Conflict Exist With Definition Mysound In Namespace Internal"

Jan 18, 2010

Iam trying to control my sound via AS3.  My code looks like this:


I gives me an error code:1151: A conflict exist with definition mysound in namespace internal. I and also the website doesn't function properly like my intro movie doesn't play and then it skips thorough everthing else.

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IDE :: Error 1152: "Conflict Exists With Inherited Definition In Public Namespace For Image_Holder" With Custom Components

Apr 6, 2010

Seasoned AS3 developer, but not very experienced with the CS4 environment. if anyone knowledgeable could spare the time. Here is my situation: I have an actionscript base class, which declares


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Java :: Flex - Calling A New Method From Mxml Produces "cannot Invoke Method" Error

May 24, 2011


getUser was already in I just created getUser2 and it's identical to getUser. When I try to call getUser2, i get the "Cannot invoke method" error. question: Do I need to specify getUser2 in some other file? like in some configuration file? if so, which one and how do I do it.

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Professional :: Error - TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null

Feb 28, 2010

Starting new thread for this topic as suggested by forum. I have a website which tweens movieclip pages (named home, bio, music, video and contact). Love the effect and trying to keep it.  Main timeline contains the main buttons (home_btn, bio_btn, music btn, video_btn, contact_btn).  Music page has a XML mp3 player contained in it with button control.  Video page has an encoded video with no code. 
I need the following:

1 - Music and video to shut off as those pages/movieclips tween off the stage.  Gets annoying with them playing especially at the same time

2 - Music player to play correctly.  It is not with the new code.
I have the following code.  The "Tween Code" is on frame 1 of the main timeline of the movie.  The "MP3 code" is on frame 1 of the music movie clip. I am getting the following ERROR message when running my movie.  I ran the Debugger as I publish and it points to music.my_channel.stop(); in below code.  My thought process on this was that it would reach out to the music movieclip, find my_channel and stop it.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error: Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Refer

May 4, 2010

I added a flv into my Scene 1 then i added a new Scene.I just wanted to after finishing the .flv flash go to next scene.but when i added a new scene,and I test my movie,the .flv didnt show and i recieved these errors


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference.

Mar 10, 2009

This is my code,

button3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playClick3);
function playClick3(Event:MouseEvent):void {

On frame 422 there is no code at the moment. I keep getting the error TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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Jquery :: Uncaught Error: Error Calling Method On NPObject?

Jan 20, 2012

I have a flash video on my page as follows:

<script type="text/javascript">
var flashvars = {


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Flash Builder AddChild Method Error In Custom Component

May 6, 2011

I am attempting to make a collapsing list like the ones in google adwords. The compiler is telling me that addChild is not a valid method. Here is my code:
package comps {
import spark.components.Button;
import spark.components.Group;
import spark.components.TextArea;
public class CollapsibleList extends Group {
[Code] .....
I am assuming the compiler isn't lying to me so how do I get those objects (children) to appear?

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