Flash :: Namespace Error: "Top Level Of A Class Definition"?
Feb 8, 2012
I'm trying to encapsulate a package so that classes, properties, and methods that have no meaning outside of the project aren't accessible. They do, however, have to be accessible by other classes in the project, so internal is insufficient - the internal properties of parent.foo.AClass can't be accessed byparent.bar.AnotherClass. I was under the impression that namespaces could solve this problem, so I tried this:
//Class in top level package, where we make our namespaces
package parent {
public namespace myproject;
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I am a COMPLETE newb at actionscript. I have been experimenting with variables; I've made some assumptions based on programming with other languages.When I search for errors,it says my script is fine, but when I publish preview, it plays and then gives me errors.I keep getting error 1152: A conflict exists with inherited definition flash.displayisplayObject.x in namespace public. and1152: A conflict exists with inherited definition flash.displayisplayObject.y in namespace public.
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var x:int;
var y:int;
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When I try to compile I get the :
...1151: A conflict exists with definition iArea in namespace internal.
I unchecked 'Automatically declare stage instances' option on stage settings.There are 30 errors of this kind and there will be 6-7 games so coming up with different names will be a real pain.
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loadMovieNum("fcbp01.swf", 2);
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Apr 3, 2007
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and then make visible true or false depending on some action.If I am trying to do the same in AS3, it is showing me error saying :
"1151: A conflict exists with definition bg_mc in namespace internal."
If I am attaching the movieclip using addChild then it is fine. But for my app this will be a hectic job as I have atleast 40 of such items and the shape are different. So I have manually placed those movieclips inside whatever designers have given me. Can't we have simple movieclips in a AS3 class without doing addChild?how to call a method from MyItem to MainApp.In AS2 I used to call something like
_parent.onItemSelection (this);
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Apr 24, 2011
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public class BGCass extends Base {
public var bg:Sprite;
public function BGCass() {
bg.width = 200
Everything works fine. But if I wish to move the public bg into the Base class like this I get the error.
public class BGCass extends Base {
public function BGCass() {
bg.width = 200
I have tried using getter setters in Base and overriding them in BGClass and I still get the error. Is this a bug in Flash? Is there a clean solution or do I need to create some sort of proxy variable to finally get bg to Base? I know that turning off "automatically declare stage instances" in Flash will get rid of the error but I need to keep it on for the designers.
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Anyways, this should be easy for someone nice to fix. This is just a simple timer that I can't get to work.
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Jun 14, 2010
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ActionScript Code:
1152: A conflict exists with inherited definition classA.Type in namespace public.
i know i could use get/set methods or pass class type through constructor but thats not an elegant way to do what im trying to do.
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Aug 26, 2010
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1017: The definition of base class UIForm was not found.
I found documentation online for a similar error - regarding UIComponent - so I tried creating a new source path under ActionScript 3.0 as suggested but no luck. I'm having difficulty finding documentation online specifically for UIForm.I tried searching for the location of UIForm under program files but couldn't find it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm on CS4.
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Dec 11, 2010
i am trying to get tuio running in flash an i am getting this errorLine 10 1044: Interface method newFrame in namespace org.tuio:ITuioListener not implemented by class TuioExampleDrawingCursor.i'm not sure what to do about fixing it as i'm relearning flash after an extended hiatus. here is the code its used in:
package {
import org.tuio.*;
import org.tuio.osc.*;
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Sep 27, 2007
Word to the Flash Genies-- Heres my wish that hopefully someone else is struggling with an enormously mind-boggling bug in flash cs3-- when I try to create a public class that extends any of the native flash display objects, and I put this in its own package, even after specifically importing the specific class OR the package wildcard .* the fla that I'm compiling returns error 1017-- Base Class Definition not found. The fla is set to the correct classpath. This situation slipped from 'minor annoyance' to 'mind boggling' after I moved the directory to a different pc with cs3, reset the local classpath and it compiled perfectly. So then I moved the directory to a mac, running flex builder, and made a tester file to use the class, which compiled perfectly.
For some wierd reason, this particular computer cannot compile, even though nothing had changed in the actual class. Maybe it is important to note that this machine is running Vista (and perhaps should not be!)? Maybe it is important to note that the package is part of an SVN directory? Maybe it is important to note that after re-saving the same class file, changing only the class name (from BitmapSprite to BSprite) enabled it to compile on this machine, even though both the mac and other pc (running windows XP) could compile the class as BitmapSprite. I'm not sure if the name change or just re-saving allowed it to compile--but maybe it's significant that the new named instance was not committed to svn.
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Oct 2, 2010
This is making me a little kooky today. I thought I could defined a library path in PREFERENCES > ACTIONSCRIPT > ACTIONSCRIPT 3.0 SETTINGS then that library would be available to all AS3 FLA files, but that doesn't seem to work for me. If I use the PUBLISH SETTINGS and define the library path everything is fine.
Is there something that I could have done to disable the application level class path functionality? I guess I'm trying avoid having to set the library path for every new FLA I'm making.
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Oct 12, 2011
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ActionScript Code:
package {
public class MyClass {
public static const XML:String = "etc";
I need the XML const to be accessible so I didn't associate it with a namespace. I actually tried doing that and created a getter method to return its value but no luck. I also tried creating a static property (of Class datatype) to represent the built-in XML class but the method above ignored it.
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Jan 21, 2010
I've got a truly bizarre undefined error going here in my ActionScript (code simplified here):
package {
public class Main extends Sprite {
private function Test() {
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Apr 5, 2009
I'm writing my first AS3 class and basically I'm trying to take code from an AS3 .fla and incorporate it into the class. I've been getting plenty of errors, but this one seems to be at the crux of the problem:Code:1120: Access of undefined property socket.Here is all the code that is required to cause this error:
PHP Code:
package{ public class ScratchSocket { import flash.events.Event import flash.events.ProgressEventimport
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Apr 12, 2011
I've seen the embed tag used before the class definition, but I just saw that Keith is using these..
[Event(name="select", type="flash.events.Event")]
[Event(name="close", type="flash.events.Event")]
[Event(name="resize", type="flash.events.Event")]
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Sep 19, 2011
I am new to AS3 and I want to organize my code as what I did in C++, which I can have a .h and .cpp file. Is there any way to organize code like this in AS3? [code]....
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Sep 9, 2011
I have two Flash Builder projects. Let's call them MainWeb and MainAIR. MainWeb defines and includes all of the classes for my application including a runtime loaded module that interfaces with our web services. MainAIR's Source Path references MainWeb/src and includes only two unique parts. The first file is of course the root MXML document. The other file overrides a compiled, runtime module defined in MainWeb called DataStreamer. DataStreamer interfaces with our web services for MainWeb and the alternate version of DataStreamer interfaces with the OS filesystem for MainAIR. This makes a very easy to maintain pair of projects and easy to build both the web version and the AIR version of my application.
It has worked well until I needed to add an instance of mx.controls.Image. Image references SWFLoader and loads resource/content swfs at runtime. Some of those resources have executable code, so I needed to do the following:
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import flash.data.*
I receive the following error:
1172: Definition flash.data could not be found.
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Dec 29, 2011
how to fixed this ERROR in flash (1023: Incompatible override. AND 1021: Duplicate function definition)? I'm new to flash and action script 3 so i really dont know how to fix this. I'm creating a game which goes like this: If i press the ENTER KEY, the 'pamato' should go where the 'mouse2' is. It should follow the direction of mouse2. It must also have a friction and speed. The source of the two errors is in the function speed.
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