ActionScript 3.0 :: Get This Error : 1017 : The Definition Of Base Class UIForm Was Not Found?

Aug 26, 2010

I've been trying to edit my sister's Flash website, which was developed by someone else, but I'm a newbie with ActionScript so am having a few difficulties. Every time I try to publish a file, I get this error:

1017: The definition of base class UIForm was not found.

I found documentation online for a similar error - regarding UIComponent - so I tried creating a new source path under ActionScript 3.0 as suggested but no luck. I'm having difficulty finding documentation online specifically for UIForm.I tried searching for the location of UIForm under program files but couldn't find it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I'm on CS4.

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1172: Definition as3ui:UIObject could not be found.
1172: Definition could not be found.


package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.StageAlign;


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Does not work. The difference is that the HeaderBackground is a class in the same project as the css file. That does compiel fine if I move the style into my mxml file though.

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import flash.filesystem.File;[code]....
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a) empty stage with document class "tommy"

b) document class "tommy"

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import flash.display.MovieClip;
import cOutput;[code]....

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Nov 19, 2009

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A big 'MAIN' project several small 'MODULE' projects. each 'MODULE' class refrences the 'MAIN' project as an External reference (doesnt compile into swf) - this is done by setting link type = external in the 'MODULE' project properties -> library path.'MAIN' loads a 'MODULE' project on runtime using the 'loader' class.

the problem:I recieve an error from the MODULE project: VerifyError: Error #1014: Class [some class in MAIN] could not be found.

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May 29, 2010

i have couple of classes that i use in my projects.they have the package name gkAPI and was in the folder D:gkAPI but i had to reinstall windows and also flash cs4 and also the drive letter changed so the class files are in E:gkAPI i added the line "E:gkAPI " in source files in preferences but the project which used these classes fail to compile. it worked earlier (so there cant be any typing mistake") but now saying the classes specified cannot be found

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Flash :: IDE - Cs3 Compile Error 1017 - Package Namespace?

Sep 27, 2007

Word to the Flash Genies-- Heres my wish that hopefully someone else is struggling with an enormously mind-boggling bug in flash cs3-- when I try to create a public class that extends any of the native flash display objects, and I put this in its own package, even after specifically importing the specific class OR the package wildcard .* the fla that I'm compiling returns error 1017-- Base Class Definition not found. The fla is set to the correct classpath. This situation slipped from 'minor annoyance' to 'mind boggling' after I moved the directory to a different pc with cs3, reset the local classpath and it compiled perfectly. So then I moved the directory to a mac, running flex builder, and made a tester file to use the class, which compiled perfectly.

For some wierd reason, this particular computer cannot compile, even though nothing had changed in the actual class. Maybe it is important to note that this machine is running Vista (and perhaps should not be!)? Maybe it is important to note that the package is part of an SVN directory? Maybe it is important to note that after re-saving the same class file, changing only the class name (from BitmapSprite to BSprite) enabled it to compile on this machine, even though both the mac and other pc (running windows XP) could compile the class as BitmapSprite. I'm not sure if the name change or just re-saving allowed it to compile--but maybe it's significant that the new named instance was not committed to svn.

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Dec 7, 2011

When I try to build the project I get

Definition spark.components.gridClasses:CellRegion could not be found.

this class is contained in com/adobe/flex/framework/spark/ which is included in the library-path by the flex-mojo compiler but I still get the error.

I use flex-mojos 3.9 and Flex 4.5.

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