ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Gallery With Thumbnail Grid That Scrolls

Jul 9, 2008

I have a gallery that has two columns of thumbnails but it wont scroll. what can I do?
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;
image = [];
description = [];
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Thumbnail Grid For Xml Gallery?

Sep 9, 2006

I followed the tutorial on how to incorporate thumbnails into a flash/XML gallery. [URL]

How would I do the same thing but using a grid of thumbnails instead of the scroller? Can this grid be made to appear dynamically?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Thumbnail Gallery (Portfolio Grid)?

Jun 27, 2010

how to create a xml photo gallery but somehow all of them doesn�t discuss what i need to know. [code].....Especially i am interested in howto structure the xml for such an portfolio / gallery grid and having custom tweening for the thumbs to transition in and transition out, handling the click event for x thumb and loading the "big" content to a new container. Adding preview/next button functionallity to the Thumbnail Grid and for each "big" content and so on.

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IDE :: Flash 8 Grid Layout Effects For Thumbnail Gallery

Oct 22, 2005

I was looking for a way to make different grid layouts for xml loaded jpg thumbs, so I read and applied a lot of the tutorials and posts about galleries, xml, thumbs and grids around here. Some of the script I used comes from Kirupa's adding thumbs tutorial. I also applied the concept in Creating Grids with Flash/AS. The result is attached here. A lot of the parameters, like row and column numbers and scaling of the thumbs,spacing, alpha, rotation, etc, can be changed easily in the script. Also, the idea is that you could write different prototype functions to get different grid layouts effects.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Grid Thumbnail With Dynamic Grid Lists

Mar 19, 2007

I really like the thumbnail gallery for its simplicity and beauty. But I would like to ad or vertical scroller (I'm unable to find it here too, maybe I'm blind, just I'm more at the end of my seeking options) or a make a grid thumbnails, that will show 2 columns of thumbs and 5 pictures in each columns, then under the 2 columns i would like to ad a sort of arrow or button that if my gallery have more then 10 pictures it will go on the next thumbnail list. I'm not looking for any extra fading effects or special movements. Just would love to have a single thumbnail grid on side, with option to have lists of thumbnails by 10 if there is more then 10 pictures or so.

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IDE :: Make Thumbnail Gallery - First Page Title Gallery Then Big Image With Description

Feb 6, 2009

i was looking for gallery looking like this site [URL] i was looking gallery first page title gallery then Big image like this with description.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Thumbnail Grid?

Feb 4, 2010

i have a grid of thumbnails (i loop through an xml file to create and display) this is working perfectly.I can trace out click commands on the MCs and load in an image just as you'd want to.I load the image into a thumbMC i created with some additional symbols in...Then i started thinking, it would be nice to have some kind of preloader for each image/thumbnail.I've implemented a MovieClipLoader and this is quite happily loading in the images and reporting when the load is complete, however i am completely unable to target my preloader symbols within this function, so am unable to either control the width of a loadbar, and also show/hide a loadLoop while the image loads.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding A Row To A Dynamic Thumbnail Grid

Jan 3, 2008

I'm trying to add a new row to dynamically created thumbnail grid. So far I've copied and edited a BrainGiants PhotoDrop menu script and managed to add an new row there with a nested for loop, but the thumbnails on the new row won't show right. There's just one thumb showing, I guess the rest of the thumbs are beneath the one showing..I'm messing up the for loop somehow, but can't get a hold of it.. I know all the thumbs load fine cus I've tried to load them to just one row and all of them showed up properly.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing Persistent XML Thumbnail Grid?

Jun 17, 2010

I have a question regarding the following tutorial and an older (inactive?) forum thread based around it:

Adding Thumbnails Tutorial XML and Flash Photo gallery with thumbnails in a grid (2006 - 2009)

I have multiple pages, several with thumbnail galleries, and several without. On the pages with the galleries, everything appears to render correctly. However, when I go from a gallery page to a page without a gallery, the thumbnails don't disappear. Instead, they remain on top of that page's content.

How do I get rid of the thumbnail gallery on non-gallery pages?

Code for the galleries:

cliparray = [];
columns = 3;
spacex = 100;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting-up Thumbnail Grid Load Order?

Oct 2, 2006

I am trying to get my thumnails to load in rows, 22 across, and up to 3 rows down. However, I can't seem to get my math right. I can get them to load up and down 3 rows, but not across first. Can anyone explain the math required to accomplish this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reducing Columns In Thumbnail Grid When Stage Is Resized

May 30, 2011

I'm trying to achieve a thumbnail gallery which basically reduces it number of columns (and increases number of rows) when the stage is being resized down.The columns number as default 5, but after resizing down the stage this number is calculated like this:[code]My question is how can I reorder the the columns and rows from the onStageResize function.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 Grid Layout Thumbnail Positioning/movement?

Jan 2, 2006

I am working on my very first flash application and have found these forums very helpful so I have decided to post here since I'm stuck. I have taken the thumbnail gallery ikim posted on this thread and im trying to tweak it to my needs. When the thumbnails are loaded i would like to implement an onrelease function to tween the image to the middle of the screen, then slide to the right and increase the size. I have written the actionscript that will move the image. However, my problem is, i need to have the thumbnail slide from its original position to the middle of the screen. I thought i could do this by passing the parameters of _x, _y in the function and setting the motion accordingly. Being a newbie to AS, I am having trouble with getting ikim's gallery to accomodate this functionality. I tried using getproperty to get the _x, _y coordinates but this only returns the coordinates for the beginning position of the image and i need the ending position coordinates. I assumed I need to call getproperty at a later time, but I am not sure how to reference the thumbnails since it appears to me that they are being dynamically named and created the same.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrolling Thumbnail Gallery?

Nov 6, 2009

I want to incorporate a Horizontal thumbnail Scrolling Gallery to showcase the Special Menus of the concerned hotel. and on click of each image there should be a small popup to display other information of the menu. All this should be XML driven.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Lightbox 2 Thumbnail Gallery(xml)?

Apr 26, 2010

I have this thumbnail gallery that loads from an a simple XML. When a tumbnail is clicked its larger image loads into an UiLoader....

What i am trying 2 do is 2 show the larger image using a lightbox when a tumbnail is clicked (removing the ui loader for good). I have a lightbox that works with flash (when testing movie as well).

I have been trying for a couple days now 2 combine all this but it never works

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Thumbnail Gallery?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a dynamic thumbnail gallery that laods thumbnails from db/xml and also each thumbnails associated main image. When the user rolls over the thumbnail the larger image displays to the right.

THis is all working fine however I need to update the script to change the thumbnail gallery layout from a 3 column 2 row gallery to a 4column 4 row gallery.I've adjusted the as and resized the thumbnails to allow for this and setup a 8px spacer between thumbs


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading Thumbnail Gallery?

Nov 1, 2004

I am trying to build a gallery where the thumbnail loads and then you hit the thumbnail and it opens the image full size. I don't want to have it resize.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Border Around Thumbnail In XML Gallery?

Jul 31, 2005

I have a cool xml gallery designed by Scotty. I was wondering what actionscript could I use to add a gray border around each thumbnail and whenever the user rolls over the thumbnail, the border turns to white? Has anyone done this sort of thing before with an XML gallery? [code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Kirupa Thumbnail Gallery?

Aug 26, 2005

but is there a way to make the thumbnails like, grid form, like in the examplerather than scroller? because i dont really like the scroller, and im not sure how to set them to grid

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml/thumbnail Image Gallery?

Jan 23, 2006

i'm using a modified version of the xml thumbnail tutorial on this site and am having a weird problem. sometime on some machines the thumbnails are desplayed in reverse order but when the page is refreshed they're dispalyed in the correct order. on other machines they load in in the correct order fine. anyone have any ideas why this would happen? the image names are loaded into an arrayin the onload of the xml the thumb images are put into an array:

for (z=0; z<videototal; z++) {
thumbnails[z] = xmlNode.childNodes[z].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
moviefile[z] = xmlNode.childNodes[z].childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Thumbnail Gallery Xml Not Loading?

Jul 18, 2006

Ok so i have looked thru the forums for the past two days trying to solve my issue and i didnt find anything that works. I have the xml thumbnail gallery from the site working here.Its the base code except i change some things so that it would work if i loaded with the mxloader component into another movie. When i try and do so the XML file doesnt load. you can see this here. Im not sure if theres something else that i need to do to make this work or what, but i cant seem to figure it out. all the paths are absolute paths (http://ect...). and even stranger is that it worked like 3 or 4 times when i first started then stopped working. so i dont know if its

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Gallery Thumbnail Thing?

Aug 24, 2006

i'm working on a flash xml gallery. But there is one thing i can't figure out.i like it very much when the thumbnails are not i 1 line but 5 next to each other and then down. So the 6th one must load underneath the first one. Is there an actionscript for or is too complex?

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IDE :: Modifying The Scolling Thumbnail Gallery?

Dec 11, 2006

I'm just trying to change it so that a small line of text appears under each thumbnail. Each line of text is pulled from the XML file and is created using createtextfield. But after a few hours trying to warp the code to get it to work I still haven't gotten anywhere.I've tried many different approaches of attaching these text fields to the mc but no go. These two lines do create a text field for each thumb-but these fields do not scroll with the thumbnails. I'd like these text fields to be inside the "thumbnail_mc" clip so that when the thumbnails scroll the text moves along with it.

this.createTextField("price"+k,k,0+(k*150),0,200,2 0);
this["price"+k].text = price[k];


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Xml Photo Gallery With Thumbnail?

May 21, 2007

Im using xml photo gallery with thumbnail and right now when i hover th mouse on the left the thumbnail move to the left and same when i hover to the right.instead of moving my cursor left and right I want to put button on both side and if someone click left button, that time the thumbnail will only move.

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IDE :: Putting Thumbnail Gallery In A Movieclip?

Nov 23, 2008

Anywho im trying to add thumnails to a gallery of mine. Everything works fine untill i put all the symbols in a movieclip. When i do that the scroller stops working but everything else works fine!

The tutorial im working from is: [URL]

And the part of code that is relevant is:

function thumbNailScroller() {
this.createEmptyMovieClip("tscroller", 1000);
scroll_speed = 10;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Little Thumbnail Gallery?

Dec 12, 2008

im currently trying to use this script to create a little thumbnail gallery: [URL]first off my main flash file has 2 movie clips in, an empty on which an image will be loaded into and one with a navigation menu within the navigation there is a button which will load an external swf into that same movie clip. This loaded swf contains the "Complex Button" my problem is that i dont know how to (or if it is possible) to use these buttons to load a jpg into the empty movie clip on the main timeline im guessing it has something to do with:

this.onRelease = function(){

but i have tried a couple of things and havent been able to work it out as im still a bit of a n00b with actionscript.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Thumbnail Gallery Component [MX]?

Aug 18, 2003

what im trying to do is, when you click on the large image or on a button it open this image in a pop-up.What they say on the sitec. Optional: you can assign a clickHandler to the large pictures for enabling pop-ups or download options:

01 function clickMe(id) {
02 //get imagenode for this thumbnail
03 //'id' counts from 1, XML counts from 0: hence the '-1'


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IDE :: Calling Own Images In Thumbnail Gallery?

Aug 20, 2009

I have completed the excellent Flash Thumbnail Gallery Tutorial (and the Picture gallery Tutorial). I have been able to update the dynamic text content, and basically customize the look and feel of the .swf. That works when I upload it to my website.My problem is that neither in Preview mode (via Flash) nor once uploaded to my website can I get my XML file to call my own images up. It will call the tutorial images from Kirupa if I leave them in there.

I have tried to use relative and absolute file paths for the image URL, and neither is working. I even tried using "image ID=" tags inside the node, to no avail. I have an image directory that is a few folders deep, so I tried putting the XML, FLA and SWF (all together) in different places, updating the SWF on my html page, and then republishing. In the place where my image should be, there is nothing.Flash reports an error when I hit CTRL+Enter that it cannot find those particular files.

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Making A Thumbnail Photo Gallery With Flash

Aug 24, 2009

I've been watching a tutorial on making a thumbnail photo gallery with Flash. Unfortunately the only tutorial I could find that explained everything step by step was for Flash MX and I'm using Flash CS4. It seems that the scripting code is different. I've never written Flash script before. I am trying at this point to give a rollover effect to a thumbnail image, so when the mouse goes over the thumbnail the thumbnail will get brighter. The code given in the tutorial didn't work, but by looking at the debugger messages it seems like the script should be something like:[code]I converted the thumbnail to a button symbol and then created an instance of the button called thumb1. The code is applied to a keyframe.

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Data Integration :: XML Thumbnail Photo Gallery?

Jun 11, 2008

I'm developing an XML thumbnail photo gallery and haveeverything working out correctly except for the grouping of mythumbnails on the stage. I can only display 9 thumbnail images at atime, and if I have more than 9 in my XML data file I have aproblem. What would be the best way to group my thumbnails in setsof 9? How can I set a limit to the display of these thumbnails ifsay, I have 20 thumbnail images? I was thinking of grouping theinformation into arrays, but is this the only feasible way to go

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Gallery Of Video Thumbnail?

Feb 16, 2009

I am creating a gallery of video thumbnail.Also I am planning to set the frame of video on each thumbnail to first frame of video .When i load a single video,its working. But when i tried to load more than one video on different thumbnail movie clip in a for loop, its not working. This is my live project.can anybody help me.its very urgent. I tried with many possibilities that i know. I am a 3 month experienced flash programmer.

var thumb_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


The urlArry contains the url of video to be loaded and thumbArry contains the NetStream object for different movieclips.

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