ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting-up Thumbnail Grid Load Order?
Oct 2, 2006
I am trying to get my thumnails to load in rows, 22 across, and up to 3 rows down. However, I can't seem to get my math right. I can get them to load up and down 3 rows, but not across first. Can anyone explain the math required to accomplish this?
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Mar 19, 2007
I really like the thumbnail gallery for its simplicity and beauty. But I would like to ad or vertical scroller (I'm unable to find it here too, maybe I'm blind, just I'm more at the end of my seeking options) or a make a grid thumbnails, that will show 2 columns of thumbs and 5 pictures in each columns, then under the 2 columns i would like to ad a sort of arrow or button that if my gallery have more then 10 pictures it will go on the next thumbnail list. I'm not looking for any extra fading effects or special movements. Just would love to have a single thumbnail grid on side, with option to have lists of thumbnails by 10 if there is more then 10 pictures or so.
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Feb 4, 2010
i have a grid of thumbnails (i loop through an xml file to create and display) this is working perfectly.I can trace out click commands on the MCs and load in an image just as you'd want to.I load the image into a thumbMC i created with some additional symbols in...Then i started thinking, it would be nice to have some kind of preloader for each image/thumbnail.I've implemented a MovieClipLoader and this is quite happily loading in the images and reporting when the load is complete, however i am completely unable to target my preloader symbols within this function, so am unable to either control the width of a loadbar, and also show/hide a loadLoop while the image loads.
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Feb 8, 2010
This is a code that open a XML file, containing a small list of images, and place them as thumbs on the page.It kinda work now, but the funny thing is, the order of the thumbs is totally scrambled compared to the xml list, and I can't just see why!It has something to do whith when the loaders gets transfered via addEventListener to the placePics function, more than that I cant find out!There may be the better way to put up this code. I just feel putting it up in two nested addEventListeners like this is not the best of practice. But I see no other way here.
package { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; public class thumbHolder extends MovieClip { var xmlRequest:URLRequest; var
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Sep 17, 2009
I use kirupa's xml gallery with thumbnails. I'm trying to do something but couldn't manage yet.What i am trying to do is different widths for thumbnails. I managed to do thumbnails with different widths(same height) but the order of them doesn't match with the xml order.
here is my code.
target_mc._x = 5+prevx;
prevx = target_mc._x+(target_mc._width+5);
If i do that at everytime the order of them is my whole code :
resxpro = Stage.width;
resypro = Stage.height;
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Sep 9, 2006
I followed the tutorial on how to incorporate thumbnails into a flash/XML gallery. [URL]
How would I do the same thing but using a grid of thumbnails instead of the scroller? Can this grid be made to appear dynamically?
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Jan 3, 2008
I'm trying to add a new row to dynamically created thumbnail grid. So far I've copied and edited a BrainGiants PhotoDrop menu script and managed to add an new row there with a nested for loop, but the thumbnails on the new row won't show right. There's just one thumb showing, I guess the rest of the thumbs are beneath the one showing..I'm messing up the for loop somehow, but can't get a hold of it.. I know all the thumbs load fine cus I've tried to load them to just one row and all of them showed up properly.
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Jul 9, 2008
I have a gallery that has two columns of thumbnails but it wont scroll. what can I do?
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;
image = [];
description = [];
[Code] .....
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Jun 17, 2010
I have a question regarding the following tutorial and an older (inactive?) forum thread based around it:
Adding Thumbnails Tutorial XML and Flash Photo gallery with thumbnails in a grid (2006 - 2009)
I have multiple pages, several with thumbnail galleries, and several without. On the pages with the galleries, everything appears to render correctly. However, when I go from a gallery page to a page without a gallery, the thumbnails don't disappear. Instead, they remain on top of that page's content.
How do I get rid of the thumbnail gallery on non-gallery pages?
Code for the galleries:
cliparray = [];
columns = 3;
spacex = 100;
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Jun 27, 2010
how to create a xml photo gallery but somehow all of them doesn�t discuss what i need to know. [code].....Especially i am interested in howto structure the xml for such an portfolio / gallery grid and having custom tweening for the thumbs to transition in and transition out, handling the click event for x thumb and loading the "big" content to a new container. Adding preview/next button functionallity to the Thumbnail Grid and for each "big" content and so on.
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Oct 22, 2005
I was looking for a way to make different grid layouts for xml loaded jpg thumbs, so I read and applied a lot of the tutorials and posts about galleries, xml, thumbs and grids around here. Some of the script I used comes from Kirupa's adding thumbs tutorial. I also applied the concept in Creating Grids with Flash/AS. The result is attached here. A lot of the parameters, like row and column numbers and scaling of the thumbs,spacing, alpha, rotation, etc, can be changed easily in the script. Also, the idea is that you could write different prototype functions to get different grid layouts effects.
View 14 Replies
May 30, 2011
I'm trying to achieve a thumbnail gallery which basically reduces it number of columns (and increases number of rows) when the stage is being resized down.The columns number as default 5, but after resizing down the stage this number is calculated like this:[code]My question is how can I reorder the the columns and rows from the onStageResize function.[code]
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Jan 2, 2006
I am working on my very first flash application and have found these forums very helpful so I have decided to post here since I'm stuck. I have taken the thumbnail gallery ikim posted on this thread and im trying to tweak it to my needs. When the thumbnails are loaded i would like to implement an onrelease function to tween the image to the middle of the screen, then slide to the right and increase the size. I have written the actionscript that will move the image. However, my problem is, i need to have the thumbnail slide from its original position to the middle of the screen. I thought i could do this by passing the parameters of _x, _y in the function and setting the motion accordingly. Being a newbie to AS, I am having trouble with getting ikim's gallery to accomodate this functionality. I tried using getproperty to get the _x, _y coordinates but this only returns the coordinates for the beginning position of the image and i need the ending position coordinates. I assumed I need to call getproperty at a later time, but I am not sure how to reference the thumbnails since it appears to me that they are being dynamically named and created the same.
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Jun 7, 2011
I have a data grid and there's a method attached to clicking on any item in a row of the grid.Now, some of the items in the table row are also buttons. Each of these are associated with a different action.We only want one of these actions to be performed.[code]we have currently a member variable to track which selection was made and to ignore the the contents of the other method (the else portion of the method resets this value).Now, if the methods just happen to execute in a different order (or at the same time), the behavior will be unpredictable.Is the member variable flag the way to do this (it smells so bad)?
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Jun 23, 2009
I have tried repeatedly to take the examples in setChildIndex and instead of using sprites I want to control the order of 2 buttons on the stage so that when I roll over one of the buttons it comes to the top.
Here is the code I have so far which is from the example given in the on-line documentation:
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Feb 29, 2012
I've got a problem with following example code in flex:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="" [code]..........
When I start the application and press Tab to cycle through controls, the focus jumps to the first text box, then to the first radio button of the first TestComponent, and then directly to the last textbox missing the second and the third TestComponents.
UPD: Explicitely setting tabIndex does not work either:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
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Feb 26, 2010
Is it possible to control the properties of 'advancedgridcolumns' in 'advanceddatagrid' mxml tag. For e.g. suppose the grid data provider has 3 different fields. Out of these 3 fields, one field is 'to_be_decided'. This field should not be displayed initially. Only the remaining 2 columns should be displayed (visible true) and the third column (one with data field as 'to_be_decided', visible flag will be false here ) should be hidden. It will be visible when some event like a button click or something is fired.
We can do this in action script coding by accessing individual columns of grid and taking appropriate actions. But will it be possible to do so in mxml? Is there some default property in grid that can be used here ?In mxml I can not access them individually in the grid (under tag) and hence I can not set the visible attributes individually for each of them. To add them one by one in 'columns' tags I would be required to know the data field in array collection and that I dont know. Only data field known is 'to_be_decided', rest two fields will vary time to time. Therefore even if I addd this one gridcolumn in 'columns' tag what about the other two?
Something like this :
<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumns dataField='to_be_decided' visible=false>
<!-- How to add other 2 columns here ? -->
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Apr 22, 2009
Anyway to align my grid to this way? I've also attached my fla files in cs3 format..
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Sep 9, 2008
What I'm trying to do is, I load thumbnail pictures into a scrollbar, via XML,when a user selects the thumbnail, what I want it to do is: Take the thumbnail bitmapData (66x66) , copy it into an empty movieclip that can be used with multiple instances (there will be 50-100 instances).
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Dec 3, 2007
I have built a gallery similar to the one found on Kirupa with a siding thumbnail gallery that references xml. Everything works great except that the images I want to load at their large size vary in width so when they load referencing the upper left hand corner they are not centered. I would like to load them so that each image in centered in the "picture" image area. I created a new movie clip and gave it the instance name of "picture" and center justified it but the images now load with THEIR upper left corner in the center of the "picture" image area. do I have to add code to the xml? is there anything I can ad to th AS to load pictures centered?
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Aug 25, 2011
I have a flash image gallery that loads images through xml. Images have to be croped for thumbnails. So u have to have two folders, one for the thumbnails an another file for the big size images. I would like to know if there is a way to load only one image ( and not this image's thumbnail too) and with a script or something, to resize this image to get the thumbnail. To make my self clearer here is the xml code:
image../gallery_flash/imageGallery/images/watches/i1005.jpg image
thumb../gallery_flash/imageGallery/thumbs/watches/i1005.jpg thumb
(For some reason it doesnt show the xml right...) I dont want to have the line (thumb>../gallery_flash.), but only load one image and get the thumbnail also.
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Jan 29, 2009
I am going to create a scrolling panel with quite large image. The height will be 400px and the width will be different from image to image.
If I do this in only flash the swf will be too large for use on the Internet. So I want to load the images from a xml-document. And this is my problem:
How do I load my images into the panel from an xml-document? And the width of my panel should be as long as the total width of the images are.
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Jun 10, 2004
How can I alter this AS from a thread here into something where the person drags the thumbnail to a certain movieclip on the stage(say a red X), then the big actual image loads into another movieclip on the same stage. So basically instead of dragging the thumbnail to on top of the already loaded image to load the new thumbnail, the new thumbnail will be dragged to a different area (the red X) to the left of the already loaded image. If it isn't dragged and dropped on the certain area (the red X) then it eases back to it's thumbnail spot. [URL]
View 14 Replies
Jan 1, 2005
i am working on a website where i want certain images to load whenever a user clicks on a thumbnail. I want a preloader to appear before the image is displayed. I created this so far:
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Jun 10, 2004
How can i alter this AS from a thread here into something where the person drags the thumbnail to a certain movieclip on the stage(say a red X), then the big actual image loads into another movieclip on the same stage. So basically instead of dragging the thumbnail to on top of the already loaded image to load the new thumbnail, the new thumbnail will be dragged to a different area (the red X) to the left of the already loaded image. If it isnt dragged and dropped on the certain area (the red X) then it eases back to it's thumbnail spot. This is the thread im talkin' about: [URL]
I uploaded a visual example of what im talking about.
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Nov 18, 2008
I'm loading several pictures into my movie. How can I set the order of which one should appear first? Do I add an listener or how should I do it?
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Jan 31, 2011
I have an image gallery of 6 images on a frame of my timeline. what I want to happen is instead of all images trying to load up at the same time when at that point in the timeline I want the 1st image to process and load then move on to the 2nd image here is how I am loading those images.
location1.loadMovie ("image1.jpg");
location2.loadMovie ("image2.jpg");
location3.loadMovie (image3.jpg");
and so on.
can I edit this code somehow so that the 2nd through 6th images do not load until image 1st is fully loaded and so on.
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Apr 26, 2011
i have a XML file with 10 links to images... what i want is to make flash load them and add them in the order they are written in the xml... so i came up with the code for that using Event.COMPLETE & if (stage.contains(something)) the thing is, my aim is to shorten my code and make it more professional using a for loop instead of repeating the code over and over... but all my trials were can i put my code in for loop.[code]
View 6 Replies
Jun 28, 2006
In Kirupa's tutorial, Adding Thumbnails, when an image is loaded in the thumbnail viewer, you are able to click on it and load an external page. I've been searching for a while, but I am unable to figure out how to accomplish this.
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Nov 28, 2007
I have made a image-viewer. I've this AS for the viewer:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
function loadXML(loaded) {[code].....
Now i would like to make a loop for the thumbnails so they don't have a beginning or end(Now when i scroll to the right the thumbnails stop at the last thumbnail, i want it to begin at the first thumb again).I'm also trying to make that the middle thumbnail represents the photo in target_mc.
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