Flex :: Setting Properites Of Individual Columns In Grid Mxml Tag?
Feb 26, 2010
Is it possible to control the properties of 'advancedgridcolumns' in 'advanceddatagrid' mxml tag. For e.g. suppose the grid data provider has 3 different fields. Out of these 3 fields, one field is 'to_be_decided'. This field should not be displayed initially. Only the remaining 2 columns should be displayed (visible true) and the third column (one with data field as 'to_be_decided', visible flag will be false here ) should be hidden. It will be visible when some event like a button click or something is fired.
We can do this in action script coding by accessing individual columns of grid and taking appropriate actions. But will it be possible to do so in mxml? Is there some default property in grid that can be used here ?In mxml I can not access them individually in the grid (under tag) and hence I can not set the visible attributes individually for each of them. To add them one by one in 'columns' tags I would be required to know the data field in array collection and that I dont know. Only data field known is 'to_be_decided', rest two fields will vary time to time. Therefore even if I addd this one gridcolumn in 'columns' tag what about the other two?
I have a flex grid where I have the verticalScrollPolicy="auto".But every time when the scrollbar appears all the columns get pushed to the left, making the columns not align as they should. I tried setting minWidth on all the columns to prevent this,
I want to some how control the visibility of some columns in my advance data grid. I have a data provider with 115 coumns out of which I want to hide few columns. I know the column index and header field of these columns. Is there some property in Advance data grid where I can specify this directly?
I have Flex 4 DataGrid, what I would like to do is when an cell has been edited, I would then like to walk through the values of that column and preform math on the values, e.g., I want to total up certain values.
1) How do I reference individual values of a specific column so that I may set them. 2) How do I then set those values or should I create a new column array and pop it in place of that column.
I have this spark DataGrid with five columns. my third and fourth columns represent amount (of product ordered) and price (of a unit of the product). My issue now is to set the fifth column equal to price*amount. I can't seem to find a way to do this.
I've a grid view in flex, one of the columns is rendered like this:
now I've a problem that the function in button click is not being recognized. It says "call to a possibly undefined function" even though it was defined. What is wrong with this? How do i make a button in a grid call a function in the same mxml file??
Created an editable flex grid which exposes a method called getGridData() to javascript. I am using the JSON.encode() method of the [url]....library to convert the grid object's dataProvider into JSON before returning it.
ExternalInterface.addCallback("getGridData", getGridData); public function getGridData():String {[code].....
However, when I sort a column in the user interface, the encode method is failing throwing the following error
Property usingCustomCompareFunction not found on mx.collections.SortField and there is no default value.
I have 5 text files that contain a list of 50 items in each file.
I want to bring that information into a datagrid; 1 column per text file. I'd also like to extend the code to add more columns when new files are created.
I was able to bring in one column, but maybe an approach with xml, an xml connector and dataset would be better.
Here is the code so far:
Code: var PATH:String = "10-12-09.txt"; var extIndex:Number = PATH.lastIndexOf( '.' ); var extless:String = PATH.substr( 0, extIndex );
I am trying to develop a custom component to act as a divider.
I would like to use this component to assign objects like this:
Unfortunately, this does not work. I get a compiler error saying: In initializer for 'left': multiple initializer values for target type mx.containers.Canvas.
I'm playing around with the scaleX/Y in the canvas tag and have noticed some strange behaviour. When I set scale in in mxml the width and height of the canvas are adjusted accordingly. For example if I have a canvas like this: <mx:Canvas width="1000" height="1000" scaleX="0.1" scaleY="0.1" />
The canvas now appears on screen to have a width and height of 100 and if inside my creationComplete callback I check the width and height property they are indeed 100. But if I do exactly the same thing except I set the scaleX/Y property from actionscript the canvas on screen appears to have a width and height of 100 as expected, but when I check the width and height property of the canvas they are still at the previous values of 1000.
I want to save remotely (on a database) the state (visible columns, columns width and order) of a Flex3 DataGrid.For width and visibility I can simply save them by accessing each column attribute.. But for the order? Do I have to create the dataGrid dynamically?
I'm trying to achieve a thumbnail gallery which basically reduces it number of columns (and increases number of rows) when the stage is being resized down.The columns number as default 5, but after resizing down the stage this number is calculated like this:[code]My question is how can I reorder the the columns and rows from the onStageResize function.[code]
Is there a way to do this? I have a bunch of photos scrolling left and right and I need to reduce the jerkiness of the scrolling motion somehow (so it works well on slower machines). Is there another way to do this via AS3?
var glideShootingTimer:Timer = new Timer (500); glideShootingTimer.start(); glideShootingTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, glideShoot);
What it does:Every half second create a torpedo underneath every "glide" sprite on the stage.What is wrong:Every "glide" fires at the same time as the others.What I need:A way to individually time the firing. A way to make it fire in independent half second intervals, not all at once.
Is there a way where I can compile or build different frame rates into the various layers I create using an action script?? I.e. If there are say six layers running in a particular player, each layer should be running at a different frame rate, independent of each other
The problem am facing is am playing multiple media content in multiple layers (masked, so that it appears as if all the layers are playing in the same level) and each media content played in different layers needs to be played at a different frame rate to get a good visual effect!
Does MXML get compiled down to as3 and then converted to flash bytecode? Also, is there a significant performance penalty to compiling mxml vs compiling as3?
I am working on a custom Flex 4 component which is an aggregation of two existing flex components. I would like to be able to specify my own custom properties for the component as well as access the existing public subcomponent properties via MXML. For instance I might want to adjust the font color or style for the label and text input. toy component which aggregates both a label and a text input:
I am trying to override a Button class, i have a few properties which i wish directly initialise with the mxml description of the component, like :[code]which function is triggered ( in order to override it ) when all properties with mxml description is fully initialised with their values ?
I have just created a custom AS3 Component to use in an MXML project.[code]but then i lose some re usability.What do i need to do to be able to set properties from mxml?
What I'd like to do: create an MXML component with some children, then extend it via MXML to create a new component with more children, without losing the original set.In other words
create a component bc.mxml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:BorderContainer xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
I am trying to get my thumnails to load in rows, 22 across, and up to 3 rows down. However, I can't seem to get my math right. I can get them to load up and down 3 rows, but not across first. Can anyone explain the math required to accomplish this?
I'm currently working with the OLAPDataGrid component and got stuck at a relatively simple task: I want to style the last row of the grid differently from the rest, so my cell item renderer needs to know whether he's rendering the last row with content in the overall grid, including those rows currently not rendered because they are outside the visible grid space. AdvancedGridListData's rowIndex property only gets me the row index of the renderer relative to the range of visible grid rows, i.e. when I scroll down the grid, a data item with an index greater than 0 gets the rpw index = 0.
Whenever I add paddingRight to a column in the flex grid, it adds the padding to the header as well.Is anyone familiar with how I can add paddingRight just to the column and not to the header? Below is the column code where I was specifying the padding.
I have a mx:Grid component in my flex application. But I would like to resize it by clicking and dragging in the border. This component doesn't allow doing that.I want to put a panel in each gridItem of this Grid component and resize it.
A Flex components values are initlized by init methord. In an application flow, How to refresh a mxml component data value ; as init is callled at the start up it self only.
eg. of mxml componet may be as simple as button label or text as complex as repeater whose data provider is a web service ( means a fresh quesy should be made to pull the data and refresh the dataprovider of repeater )
suppose i have 3 buttons(for example say, productin, marketing, sales ) on my main.mxml..once i click on one button it should take me to abc.mxml page with production data, once again if i click on second button it should take me to the same abc.mxml but with marketing data. same as for 3rd button also, how can i achieve this ?