Flex :: Flex3 - Grid Scrollbar Pushing All Columns To The Left?

Apr 7, 2010

I have a flex grid where I have the verticalScrollPolicy="auto".But every time when the scrollbar appears all the columns get pushed to the left, making the columns not align as they should. I tried setting minWidth on all the columns to prevent this,

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Flex :: Setting Properites Of Individual Columns In Grid Mxml Tag?

Feb 26, 2010

Is it possible to control the properties of 'advancedgridcolumns' in 'advanceddatagrid' mxml tag. For e.g. suppose the grid data provider has 3 different fields. Out of these 3 fields, one field is 'to_be_decided'. This field should not be displayed initially. Only the remaining 2 columns should be displayed (visible true) and the third column (one with data field as 'to_be_decided', visible flag will be false here ) should be hidden. It will be visible when some event like a button click or something is fired.

We can do this in action script coding by accessing individual columns of grid and taking appropriate actions. But will it be possible to do so in mxml? Is there some default property in grid that can be used here ?In mxml I can not access them individually in the grid (under tag) and hence I can not set the visible attributes individually for each of them. To add them one by one in 'columns' tags I would be required to know the data field in array collection and that I dont know. Only data field known is 'to_be_decided', rest two fields will vary time to time. Therefore even if I addd this one gridcolumn in 'columns' tag what about the other two?

Something like this :

<mx:AdvancedDataGridColumns dataField='to_be_decided' visible=false>

<!-- How to add other 2 columns here ? -->


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Mar 26, 2010

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Json :: Unable To Encode Flex Grid Data Into JSON On Sorting Columns?

Nov 28, 2011

Created an editable flex grid which exposes a method called getGridData() to javascript. I am using the JSON.encode() method of the [url]....library to convert the grid object's dataProvider into JSON before returning it.

ExternalInterface.addCallback("getGridData", getGridData);
public function getGridData():String

However, when I sort a column in the user interface, the encode method is failing throwing the following error

Property usingCustomCompareFunction not found on mx.collections.SortField and there is no default value.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Movieclip To Move By Pushing Either The Left Or Right Button

Apr 9, 2010

im trying to get a movieclip to move by pushing either the left or right button, and then when the enter button is pushed i want the mc to keep moving but it seems to stay still. this is what ive got so far:

ActionScript Code:
mcBoat.onEnterFrame = function()
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) )


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private function draw
var tileSize:uint= 50;  for(var i:int=0;i<row;i++)  grid.graphics.lineStyle(1,0x000000,0.3); 


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrollbar Left To Right Sticking?

Nov 16, 2009

I have a file that I cannot tweak a small fix for the life of me, and I know it is something relatively simple. I've looked at it so long, that I can no longer think! Hate those days...Anyways, it's in regards to a simple scrollbar moving left to right. My button seems to be sticking to my mouse on release, although I put a stopDrag on it. I think I did some of this code backward, but it still works somehow; although I can't explain it. the numbers in parenthesis/minus sign are representing in the following code (in red)? I think I'm looking at this wrong, which is why I am working backward. I need a refresher here as it's been a while since I did one of these.

// have the button interact with the scrollbar button (this is on the ScrollMC)
_root.vPosition = _root.SliderMC.ButtonSliderMC._x * (800 / 390) - 200;


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Jan 20, 2010

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Flash :: Flex Data Grid: Check Whether Item Renderer Displays Last Row In Grid

Feb 3, 2012

I'm currently working with the OLAPDataGrid component and got stuck at a relatively simple task: I want to style the last row of the grid differently from the rest, so my cell item renderer needs to know whether he's rendering the last row with content in the overall grid, including those rows currently not rendered because they are outside the visible grid space. AdvancedGridListData's rowIndex property only gets me the row index of the renderer relative to the range of visible grid rows, i.e. when I scroll down the grid, a data item with an index greater than 0 gets the rpw index = 0.

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Mar 31, 2010

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<mx:DataGridColumn width="60" headerText="Type" dataField="Grade" headerStyleName="headerLeft" textAlign="left" draggable="false" resizable="false" headerRenderer="GridHeaderRenderer" paddingRight="5"/>

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I could compute their heights and successively set the y but I was wondering if there was an easier way to do it.

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Flex :: Flex3 - ConcurrencyError Using HTTPService

Aug 21, 2009

I'm getting occasional ConcurrencyError faults when using HTTPService in Flex 3. I have four HTTPService objects, all configured with concurrency=single. I'm not sure though how to continue to diagnose, as I don't see in the FaultEvent what service object caused the issue, and I can't easily reproduce it on-demand.

One feature of my app is that I am also using a URLRequest to load a sound shortly after receiving a result from one of the HTTPService calls. Could this be related to the concurrency error?

The fault looks like this:

[FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="Attempt to invoke while another call is pending. Either change concurrency options or avoid multiple calls." faultCode="ConcurrencyError" faultDetail="null"] messageId=null type="fault" bubbles=false cancelable=true eventPhase=2]

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Flex3 - Error After Upgrading Flex SDK

Jun 9, 2009

After upgrading the Flex SDK from 3.1 to any newer version of the SDK and trying to compile an existing project, the following error appears in the Problems pane:

Description: { expected Resource: (shows project name, not a specific file) Location: line 15

Any ideas how to solve this or where to start the bug hunt?

It looks like the problem is in the ...sdks/3.3.0/frameworks/libs/player/10/playerglobal.swc file, but I'm certainly not sure.

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Flex :: Streaming Server (for Pushing Data Not Video) Setup With GraniteDS

Apr 21, 2011

I have a streaming server (for pushing data not video) setup with GraniteDS and it works great. I have to include multiple swf files in a web page. Each of these swf files has a data table which includes streaming data(this is a specific requirement - so I really cant combine all data tables into 1 huge data table/swf file). All the swf files however, connect to the same gravity channel/streaming endpoint.

How many connections are there from the web page to the streaming server? Does each swf file start a new streaming connection? Or do all them share the same connection since they are just connecting to a single channel?

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Flex :: Flex3 - Accessing Flexs Objects By Id?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a datagrid which has id="myGrid" in my application, from it I call a component. Now from the component I can call parentDocument.myGrid.selectedIndex = 0; and it works fine.But I want to make the component reusable, and I would like to pass the ID to the component each time, so myGrid will change, how to properly send the ID to the component, and use it in the component?

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Apr 12, 2011

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Flex :: Flex3 - Mx Custom Component Not Working?

Apr 15, 2011

I want to create flex application by which i can verify user age i have use following code can u tell me why i cant see mx component "dialogtitle","dialogcontent""dialogbutton"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mx:VBox creationComplete="{initComponent();}" height="219" width="560" xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:components="components.*" xmlns:local="*">


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Flex3 :: Set Flex Titlewindow Background To Transparent

May 24, 2011

I have a modal Flex dialog and want to make the background not of the window itself, but the semitransparent modal indicator transparent. (Yes I tried to convince the client they don't want to do this, but apparently they really want to do it). Is this even possible?(prefer a solution using Flex 3's TitleWindow, but Spark/Flex 4 TitleWindow is acceptable)

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Flex3 - Customize Data Points On A Flex Graph?

Mar 20, 2010

I have an area graph and I'm looking to have the data points to be shown. I have a CircleItemRenderer, but this shows all of the datapoints in the default stroke and fill. 1) How do I customize the display of my CircleItemRenderer? (instead of it having an orange fill, how can I change the color?

2) How can I decide to show the node for specific data points but not for others? For example, in my .XML file that imports the data for the graph, I may have a variable show_data_point which is true or false.


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Flash - Flex3 - Builder (Flex) - Hide UI Element?

Dec 12, 2010

how can I hide an element in Flash Builder? I can do visible=false but the element is still there (other buttons are not centered). I'm looking for display:none style property.

<mx:HBox horizontalAlign="center">
<mx:Button id="publishButton" label="Start" />
<mx:Button label="Stop" visible="false" />

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Flex :: Flex3 - How To Reach Elements Of An Inline Component

Jul 27, 2011

I have a problem with inline components. I want to reach an inline component from another one.. From the first component, i want to change "enable" value of the linkbutton named "Add" which is in second component. Altough i gave "id" and "className" to second one, i could reach neither it nor its elements.. is there a way to do this?

*in first component there is a text input in "CodedDescriptionItemEditor" component. I want to validate it and according to validation enable the button that i mentioned above..These all are in a datagrid by the way. In datagrid, there is always a row that you can enter data and via the "Add" button you can save it. After save it seems as text..

Here is my code:

<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="{Problem}" wordWrap="true" textAlign="left" sortable="false">


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Flex :: Unable To Use Runtime After Migrating From Flex3 To 4 In Compatibility Mode?

Aug 19, 2010

We are migrating our Flex-3.2 application to Flex 4.1, mainly to take advantage of the new text flow/engine features. In a first step we decided to go with compiling for MX-only and in Flex-3-compatibility mode.


Now do the same in Flex 3 and you'll see both events fire.Apparently, this is a bug. Might be possible to work around this but certainly decreases my level or trust substantially.2) Dialogs/popups show all content mirrored.A bug as well. Easy to work around, but how could something that obvious slip?

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Flex3 :: Drawing A Dashed Line Across Tops Of Flex Column Chart

Mar 15, 2010

[code]This code is drawing a colum chart with two columns and drawing a line across the top of both columns. I have two requirements: the line need to be dashed as of now the line starts from top right corner of the first column to the same corner of the second column. How can i shift the line to the left, so that it starts from center of first column to center of second column.

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Flash :: Flex3 - Flex / Professional Components - What's The Equivalent Of Companies Like Telerik

Apr 16, 2010

In the .NET world order, companies like Telerik provide awesome sets of components for web/windows/silverlight. Who are the equivalents in the Flex/Flash universe? I see lots of sites filled with little 10/20 dollar menu components or uploaders, but I'm really looking to find something a step above that.

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Flex - Embed Pure Bitmap Assets With Flex4 (worked With Flex3)

Apr 19, 2010

In Flex3, I could compile pure as3 code and use "embed" tags to load in images. This was done by Flex making a BitmapAsset class.I can still do this in Flex4.

However, there was a trick to fakeout flex3 and use my own mx.core.BitmapAsset class to remove some of the extraneous stuff Flex's BitmapAsset brings in with it. This is described here: [URL]..Unfortunately, I cannot get these tricks to work with Flex4 and get smaller file sizes. I end up with the error "VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.core::BitmapAsset could not be found."[URL]..Following this advice, I add -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true, and my swf loads without an error... but this means I am loading in the pieces of the flex framework I wanted to omit (and the file size says so too).

Is there a better way to fake out flex4 when it comes to using Embed?

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