ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Third Element To The XML Which Would Be The Url To An External .swf?
Aug 17, 2006
I'm going through the '' tut about adding a list component to a .flv player. The XML is very basic, with two elements - one being the url to the video, the other being descriptive text for the list component. The list component is then populated by an Array script.What I'm trying to do is add a third element to the XML which would be the url to an external .swf. Writing the XML is the easy part. I need to understand how to call it out in flash.
I've got an objectListener listening for the end of the .flv to load the external .swf to level 1 - and it works fine when I hard code loadMovieNum(path="blah",1) into the if statement, so I'm guessing that it jus a matter of writing 'loadMovieNum(path to the third element in the XML file, 1);
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{Kiv:"cash", jan:26,janTarget:28,feb:27,febTarget:26,mar:30,marTarget:32,apr:31,aprTarget:32,may:28,mayTarget:29,jun:46,junTarget:32,jul:37,julTarget:39,aug:40,augTarget:42,sep:41,sepTarget:42,oct:48,octTarget:49,nov:40,novTarget:41,dec:38,decTarget:40},
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Feb 7, 2012
<fpdl:StartNode Id="Goods_Deliver_Process.START_NODE" Name="START_NODE" DisplayName="">
<fpdl:ExtendedAttribute Name="FIRE_FLOW.bounds.height" Value="20"/>
<fpdl:ExtendedAttribute Name="FIRE_FLOW.bounds.width" Value="20"/>
<fpdl:ExtendedAttribute Name="FIRE_FLOW.bounds.x" Value="11"/>
<fpdl:ExtendedAttribute Name="FIRE_FLOW.bounds.y" Value="117"/>
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Jul 13, 2011
I made the mistake of purchasing one of those flash template sites. I have most of it customized, however I need to flip between gallery images when the user selects the menu item. how to reference one element from another... I need the release event of the menu item (which i already have stubbed out, to trigger a tweenMenu function call... however, I don't know how to get the path of the argument to pass the object to the tweenMenu function call.
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tweenMenu2(_root.gall, _root.xkoord[(_root.small-1)] );
however, the path to gall is:
how i would make the above call using the correct path to gall?
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Jan 23, 2009
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Apr 14, 2009
I'm trying to make a memory like game. It might be called Simon or Simple Simon or something. Basically something is shown for a second and then gone, then the user clicks that something. Then two or three things are shown in order and then gone and the user clicks the order.
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