Xml :: E4X Get Element's Next Sibling
Jan 19, 2010
I have a reference to a XML node which is part of a bigger XML tree. Is there a way to get that elements next/previous sibling without accessing the parent and looking for it? Something like DOM's nextSibling would be what I look for. edit: Given that there is no natural way to do this with E4X, I'll just stick to the following (except that in my case, I'll store the actual index somewhere instead):
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Loads Sounds Dynamically Includes a title Class to display titles Includes a RollOver class to display on rollover events when you mouse over the titles. ut I would like to build arrows so that you can navigate among each of the individual sub menus using a forward, and back arrow button.I have tried to do this with no success, if anyone can help me, I'm attaching the fla...
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Apr 16, 2009
I had a question on OOP and the best practice for how to communicate between classes. If I have a class (SiblingA) where some one clicks something in it and you need to interact with another Class (SiblingB), what is the best method for doing this?
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[Code] .....
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Feb 26, 2012
On my stage is a MovieClip called Box and a MovieClip called InfoBox. InfoBox has a fucntion called setInfo. Box, when clicked (It is a MovieClip, not a button), wants to call the setInfo function of InfoBox.
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This produced the following error:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Stage@34a8ef99 to flash.display.MovieClip.
at Box/infoBox()
What is proper way to call a function in a sibling MovieClip?
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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class InfoBox extends MovieClip {
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<title>Who is he</title>[code].....
This only traces the first title, how can i get to the second and the third so i can then display them in my text box?
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Oct 27, 2010
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______________ ______________
| ----------------------------- |
| | Label overflow test | |
| ----------------------------- |
| | | |
| | | |
|______________| |______________|
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Jun 10, 2010
Essentially, the simplified problem is this: I have a parent sprite "PARENT" with two children: One child sprite "A" that contains a number of children which respond to mouseover/mouseout and rollover/rollout events, and a second child sprite "B" that is shown/hidden based on the events in "A".
The problem is that "B" appears over "A" on the stage and when the mouse enters "B", the children in "A" throw mouseout/rollout events. Ideally, I would be able to make "B" completely mouse transparent so that the hit testing in AS3 will "see through it" to the underlying "A" sprite, but this doesn't seem possible.
Note that "B" has mouseEnabled and mouseChildren set to false... but the problem seems to be that the AS3 hit testing engine won't look at siblings when determining mouse hit testing. (i.e. It sees "B" under the mouse, sees the mouseEnabled=false setting, and then moves on to "B"'s parent ("PARENT"), but never checks to see if "A" is under the mouse (which it is)).
I can't make "B" a child of "A", because "A" is clipped and "B" needs to extend beyond this clipping area.
At this point I'm thinking I'm going to have to do my own hit testing, which is far from ideal given that "A" contains a large number of children.
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Mar 18, 2012
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Apr 13, 2006
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May 23, 2011
<function name="lala">
<metadata name="foo" />
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Feb 23, 2010
I am unable to access 2nd element and 3rd element (I can acces 1st element.[code]
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Dec 3, 2010
when I create an element with this method :
this["nodeValue"+i] = new TextField();
(surely in dynamic class )
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for example :
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Oct 20, 2008
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Jun 4, 2010
I put some UI component on the stage but i does not seen there but when i test the movie then i can see int the swf file
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Apr 22, 2010
i want to access an Element of an XML. But somehow. i get null as the Result and that does not make any sense to me.
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Jul 17, 2010
I have an XML string, I can use this to get a value of an element, where i is a counter: trace(xml.player.child(i));
But how can I get the XML element?
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Mar 13, 2007
I have several animated movies (counties in Ireland actually) that when clicked animated up in size and display some information. I then have a button to the left that I would like use to animate the movie back to its original size i.e. close it. Thing is that I would like to pass the name of the current movieclip to the button and use it in a function. I had thought of using a switch statement but id need 26 of them for this function alone. Solving this would reduce my code a lot. My attempt is as follows:
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Dec 28, 2011
I know how to get one element from the array. But I don't know let's say how to take 3 elements ( position 0,1,2). I don't know how to trace all the three together. I am getting errors all the time.
var myArray:Array = [1,2,3,4,5];
trace(myArray[0], ?,?);
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Aug 18, 2009
I have an array like this
public var dataAL:Array=[
{Kiv:"cash", jan:26,janTarget:28,feb:27,febTarget:26,mar:30,marTarget:32,apr:31,aprTarget:32,may:28,mayTarget:29,jun:46,junTarget:32,jul:37,julTarget:39,aug:40,augTarget:42,sep:41,sepTarget:42,oct:48,octTarget:49,nov:40,novTarget:41,dec:38,decTarget:40},
Now if i want to access febTarget for cash how will i do it?
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Dec 15, 2009
No matter what values of z-index I try, I cannot overlay my html div (or img) element on top of this flash animation (see top left corner)[url]...
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Jan 28, 2010
How do you set a variable attribute of a xml element?This is what I expected to work:xmlElement.attribute(variableAttr) = "the variable attribute is set to this string";
However, I'm getting some error that this value can only be retrieved as a reference and not set.Ofcourse, the following does not work either as it will look for the attribute named "variableAttr" and not for the attribute named after the value of the variable variableAttr:
xmlElement.@variableAttr = "example";
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Jun 2, 2010
When you do a "for... in" loop, it will iterate over a Dictionary for example. I was wondering how internally this is being tracked and how it could be accessed?
I think the Dictionary class stores a reference to the first item, but I would like to access it and check but I cannot figure out how.
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May 18, 2011
I have a screen with a few components (textInput, textArea, checkBox). I want to check if there has been any changes to the components. Foe example if text has been entered or checkbox has been clicked. Is there a direct way to do this instead of checking value of each component and then setting a Boolean for this?
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