ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Delay In A Timeline For The LoadMovieNum To Take Place?

Feb 28, 2004

How do I add delay in a timeline for the loadMovieNum to take place?To be more specific, I have all my layers in Scene1 and the top most is the Actions layer. Somewhere around frame 75 of the timeline I inserted a keyframe in the Actions layer to loadMovieNum but it doesn't seem to load.

If I place that piece of code at the first frame if plays fine though. I don't want it to play immediately. As mentioned, I want the code to execute at frame 75 and load my MC onto the stage.I bet its a very simple thing and there must be something I missed out. This is my first time working with Flash so please bare with me. Btw, i'm using MX 2004 if that helps.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Video Delay On Timeline?

Jul 29, 2010

37MB video file embed in flash timeline and since we want to show text and hold movie to show different text, i use timer, setinternval and settimeout function

but it works on 1st option but timeline is not stoping on 2nd funcation and it continues?

how to hold or delay frame in flash when embed movie in it.

download fla from here


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Delay In Timeline Deactivated On Second Loop By Movie

Aug 30, 2011

Below summarizes the problem. Whats being used:
Flash CS4 10.0.2
Actionscript 2.0

Whats going on in the Timeline:
I have a embedded movie in the timeline. Also in this timeline is a actionscript delay. When the animation starts, the timeline reaches the embedded movie and plays then it reaches the end frame with the following actionscript delay.

var interval:Number = setInterval(
function():Void {
}, 10000);

The delay works perfectly. When the timline loops a second time the delay fails to work. So the animation works perfectly one time and falls every time the animation loops. The weird part is if I remove the embedded movie layer the delay works perfectly on the following loops. So it appears that this delay is deactivated by the embedded movie!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Gallery - Place Each Of Them On The Timeline

Mar 25, 2005

I'll make a gallery of 122 images but I don't want to place each of them on the timeline or I can't call them, they should be included in the exported .swf or .exe file I guess what I need is something like an actionscript that would call the images imported to the library is that possible or is there a gallery like that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: DELAY Function - Make It Wait Before It The Timeline Goes To The Certain Frame#?

Feb 3, 2009

Okay my_btn will do this;


What i want to do, is, make it wait before it the timeline goes to the certain frame#, so the image_loader1 loads its image1. I'm making it wait, not because it takes time loading (which it would not, since image1 is already on the stage, loaded up in image_loader2) but the image still takes time to show on the image_loader1 (half a second).So, I want my_btn to be functioned like this that it performs its first action which is

'image_loader1.loadMovie("imagepath");' and then 'gotoAndPlay(frame#);'..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Delay The Timeline For Lets Say 10 Seconds When It Enters A Frame?

Sep 18, 2006

delay the timeline for lets say 10 seconds when it enters a frame?

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Text Tweens Take Place On Frames In The Main Timeline?

Jun 30, 2009

I am fairly new to flash and I have been trying to make a product demo. Basically I want some text to fade in and then some pictures to show up one by one and then disappear and then some new text fades in etc. This is to talk about a product and show various parts of it as the text on the screen is discussing those parts of the product. My question is what the preferred way of doing this is. Here are the options I can think of.
Approach 1) Put all animation in the main timeline. All text tweens take place on frames in the main timeline. Approach 2) Put the text fade-in tweens in a movie clip and put that on the main timeline.
I have tried both these approaches but neither one has been working for me for the following reason.
Approach 1) Makes timeline very long and unwieldy. If one thing changes, it shifts everything over and messes up my whole timeline. Hard to manage. Approach 2) If I have a stop(); on the main timeline, my animation stops in mid fade. In cases where I don't have a stop, I can't figure out how to do a series of objects fading in one after another. Is there a way to check if a movieclip has finished and only go to the next frame if it has finished? How do I get a series of clips to play one after another when I am running them as seperate movieclips off the main timeline.

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ActionScript :: Flash And Timeline - Place Tiles On Table (hitTestPoint Not Returning)

Aug 17, 2010

I am currently working on a project that involves dropping objects (scrabble letters) onto different cells in a table. My project also involved multiple levels. My layout is rather basic. I have a a bunch of tiles (25 letters) above a 2-columns table (left side for definition, right for answers). The table is static from frame 1 til the end (no keyframe, blankframe, etc.). The problem is as follows: The exercise starts fine with the first Level, then I click a button to access the next level, and so on... Going FORWARD on the timeline seems to be working OK, I am able to complete each levels in succession. However, if I decide to go backwards (replay a previous level) I can no longer place tiles on my table (hitTestPoint not returning what it should). I checked and my "target" is indeed there but somehow the hit test does not register.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Speed Up The Preloader - Place The Movieclips And Sounds In The Timeline

Aug 18, 2011

How can i speed up the preloader. And where should i place the movieclips and sounds in the timeline. Should i check the export in firstframe or not?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Kitupa Random - Motion Tutorial - Where To Place Timeline To Make The Movie Clips Work

Mar 24, 2004

I place the code in the timeline but I dont know where to place them to make the movie clips work?

* do i have to place them on the time line?
* Do the have to be named a certain Way ?
* Do they have to have some code ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Delay Via SetTimer, SetInterval Or Delay?

Feb 23, 2009

I want to create a function based (not frame) delay of about 10 seconds to the function at the start of a flash movie, the code only needs to run once.I'm very new to actionscript and have been given links to SetInterval and SetTimer examples but they all seem to be very complex.The function is below. I believe it's possible to add the commandTimer(delay:Number, repeatCount:int = 0) how me to a simple example.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
framePos = int(_xmouse / 100 * _parent._totalframes);
if (framePos < 0) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Bitmap Data - Place Smoke Effect At Specific Place

Feb 1, 2011

How to make this smoke effect work without mouse input. I am trying to have it spill from the end of a cannon, & my attempts to modify the position have resulted in all my bitmaps shifting. I changed this
doTrail(_root, _xmouse, _ymouse, currentBitmap);
To this
doTrail(_root, _x=80, _y=100, currentBitmap);
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Duplicate A Movie Clip And Then Place It On A Certain Place On The Stage Set _x And _y?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Place A Scrollpane In A Specific Place On Stage?

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for exemple, pacman:

how should i code the placement of all the money?

i would go:

but that's not the good solution is it?

there must be a code to do that without hundreds of lines of code.

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LoadMovieNum Swf Keeps Looping

Apr 15, 2009

I'm a newbie at Flash...and have a main movie that I would like to load external movies into..for ease of modification of the different areas vice having one large swf.I'm using the loadMovieNum command to load the external swf's just fine. When I play the external swf's by themselves...they play once and stop. When they are loaded into the main movie...they loop.I've placed a "stop();" command at both the frame in the main movie...and also on the line directly after the loadMovideNum line.

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Why Swf With Loadmovienum - Cannot Work In Ppt

May 20, 2009

I have made a swf that loading another swf file,it works well alone. When i put it into a powerpoint file using shockwave flash object,it works only one time. When i close the ppt and reopen it, the swf cannot work.

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Professional :: LoadMovieNum In AS3?

Jul 5, 2010

how to loadMovieNum in AS3?..I know the migration that we should use the Loader type

var lala:Loader = new Loader(new URLRequest("home.swf"));stage.addChild(lala);

something  like that?..But my question is if we do LoadMovieNum("home.swf",0); ""lvl 0 > Stage right""its like replace the previous stage with the new stage..whereas the 2 swf have the difference size..when i did with the Loader, thats load covered the previous SWF and the window size didnt resize automatically..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: LoadMovieNum Not Working?

Aug 23, 2009

For the past 7 years I have been creating a presentation in CS3 using Flash and ActionScript2. I am using a new plug-in that requires me to use AS3. I basically have about 20 different flash files, and to link all the swf files together I used to use:

loadMovieNum("gtradial.swf", "1");

When I use this now I receive this error:

1180: Call to a possibly undefined method loadMovieNum.

what I need to add/change to make this work with AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: LoadMovieNum() Equivalent?

Mar 1, 2012

I'm setting up a multi-lesson game and using it also as an opportunity to make the switch from AS2 to AS3. It's been a bumpy road but I'm getting it but think I've hit a roadblock.Is there an equivalent to the "loadMovieNum()" parameter from AS2? I have been merrily building all the individual games assuming I'd just swap them in and out of the same level so they purge each other as we go.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovieNum Not Working?

Apr 5, 2003

I have tried redoing this for the second time and I still can't get the LoadMovieNum script to work for me when any button is clicked.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovieNum(); To A New SCENE?

May 29, 2003

i'm using the loadMovieNum(); to load external swf files into my main there any way that i could use that action and direct it to play a certain scene within the loaded movie...example... i have the main movie called main.swffrom main.swf i put a button and on the button i give the action:


this will load the new movie onto level two inside main.swf, right?is there anything i could ad to that to make it load the 3rd scene of page.swf... or would i have to tear the whole project up and seperate all the scenes as seperate external files?

View 5 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Use LoadMovieNum() From AS2 Swf Contained Within It?

Sep 19, 2007

Does anyone know if its possible to load a AS2 swf into a AS3 swf, and then have the AS2 swf load other AS2 swfs onto different levels (e.g. _level1, _level2, ect...). I'm trying to wrap an preexisting AS2 swf that manages the loading of several other AS3 swfs onto levels, with a AS3 swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovieNum From Different Levels?

May 19, 2008

MainMovie = level 0
Navbar = level 10
submovies = level 2

In MainMovie I load my navbar in level 10. Then from the navbar I load the submovies into level 2 (that way, the navigation is always on top)

My questions is, This works find locally, but when i upload the submovies won't appear when clicking the navbuttons.

I have tried relative paths, absolute paths, keeping it in the same folder, etc..

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 5 LoadMovieNum() ?

Feb 7, 2002

Something as simple as

on (release) {
loadMovieNum ("puppy.swf", 1);

Will not work in Mozilla, Opera 6.0, or any of the versions of Netscape. But fine and dandy in Explorer.Sometimes Netscape displays part of the swf movie, other times it doesn't show anything.My testing seems to result in that if I placed the swf file in level0 it does remove the movie that is there, but shows nothing.

View 8 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie And LoadMovieNum

Jun 21, 2004


Ok, first ill explain what im trying to do; Im trying to load .swf files with the names "1.swf,2.swf, etc..." which will be loaded in to container movieclips with the names con1,con2 -> con5. They are randomly generated and there is some code to do a nice roll over effect. The problem is that it loads the .swf clip fine, but the rollover effects dont get attatched. Is this because ive mis-understood how loadMovie(); works ? or are you supposed to use loadMovieNum to load in to a specific level and then work it from there. I have tried both solutions, and i either get the containers with the effect, or just the images without the effect. Here is the code i have so far:

PHP Code:

var number_of_images = 9;
var speed = 5;
var alpha_standard = 50;
for (n=0; n<=5; n++) {
    eval("con"+n).movienum = Math.ceil(Math.random()*number_of_images);
    loadMovie("/images/portfolio/"+eval("con"+n).movienum+".swf", "con"+n);
    eval("con"+n)._y = 44;
    eval("con"+n)._alpha = alpha_standard;
    eval("con"+n).onRollOut = function() {
        this.rollover = false;
    eval("con"+n).onRollOver = function() {
        this.rollover = true;
    con1.onEnterFrame = function() {
        if (this.rollover == false) {
              -- alpha fading -- 
            this.alpdiff = (this._alpha-alpha_standard);
            this.ualpdiff = this.alpdiff/speed;
            this._alpha -= this.ualpdiff;
               -- width fading --
            this.normwidth = 76;
            this.newwidth = this.normwidth+((this.normwidth/100)*20);
            this.wdiff = (this._width-this.normwidth);
            this.uwdiff = this.wdiff/speed;
            this._width -= this.uwdiff;
               -- height Fading --
            this.normheight = 62;
            this.newheight = this.normheight+((this.normheight/100)*20);
            this.hdiff = (this._height-this.normheight);
            this.uhdiff = this.hdiff/speed;
            this._height -= this.uhdiff;
        } else {
               -- alpha fading -- 
            this.alpdiff = (100-this._alpha);
            this.ualpdiff = this.alpdiff/speed;
            this._alpha += this.ualpdiff;
               -- width fading --
            this.normwidth = 76;
            this.newwidth = this.normwidth+((this.normwidth/100)*20);
            this.wdiff = (this.newwidth-this._width);
            this.uwdiff = this.wdiff/speed;
            this._width += this.uwdiff;
               -- height Fading --
            this.normheight = 62;
            this.newheight = this.normheight+((this.normheight/100)*20);
            this.hdiff = (this.newheight-this._height);
            this.uhdiff = this.hdiff/speed;
            this._height += this.uhdiff;

con1._x = 50;
con2._x = 181;
con3._x = 312;
con4._x = 443;
con5._x = 574; 

Thanks in advance to anyone who replys

-Matt "Deviant" Lloyd

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Center A LoadMovieNum Swf To The Browser?

Sep 23, 2009

I have a flash website that was made to a specific size that allowed me to have my main swf centered in the browser the whole time not needing a scrolling option. I used this code:

Stage.align = "TL";
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";


We need more length on the main file so that people have the option of scrolling down if need be. Adding in a footer that wasn't planned for (mainly the 800x600 crowd).

But when I do that, I can't use the 100% in the HTML code and I'm not able to have the loadMovieNum pop up video centered in the browser.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadmovienum() Works But Loadmovie() Does Not?

Jun 28, 2010

I am trying to load an external SWF into my main movie. The problem is only loadmovienum() seems to work and not other method works i have usedLoadmovie() Load Component loading using an object

I have done this many times before in other flash projects but I can't what's wrong this time . I have used the tween class for some animation and that's it. i even tried loading in the main movie even that doesn't seem to work. I don't want to use loadmovienum because then i am not able to define the placement for the SWF!!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovieNum - Navigating Between Different Movies

Oct 27, 2010

I am working on one very big presentation which is made by around 240 different external .swf in AS2. Although I do not work with AS2, only with AS3 and I didn't make this presentation, I need to make changes to it. So every .swf have navigational buttons which are using this method:
loadMovieNum ("example/example.swf", 0);
to navigate between different movies.

Every swf has also a very annoying music, which I can control by putting a on/off sound button in every .swf, but when the user navigate to another .swf the music start again and the user have to push the on/off button again. Is there a way the player to remember the user choice in previous .swf, so not to have to make this choice every time he navigate between the .swfs?

Until now I control the sound like this:
my_sound = new Sound();
my_sound.start(0, 1000);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Eval LoadMovieNum Is Not Working?

Aug 16, 2011

i'm new to flash programming. the code below is not working.[code]

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