ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Nav Button Image On Page Navigation Change?

May 26, 2010

i have my nave bar as my main swf then i load each page as an external swf in a mc container. each button should be marked when you navigate to the respective page. how would i load a current pages icon over the generic one when i navigate to that page then unload it when i navigate to another page?

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Professional :: Change The Link For A Menu Navigation Button?

Aug 12, 2010

I installed a flash template. It has navigation buttons with a nice roll-over effect. The buttons are all located within a symbol called "menu" (it is a Movie Clip type symbol, not a Button type). Each individual button in the menu appear to be in its own separate layer, so the first button is in a layer called "item1, second button in "item2", and so on. I want to edit the link for the fourth button so it goes to another website but I can't seem to find the code to edit the link. I managed to find


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I am making a new flash website and i stack on the as3 part.My site have a menu like all the site do.Now on the site load there is a background picture.When you press one of the menu buttons, the background image will change to this button specified image.But all that in an animation of fade in and out.My problem that i have everything but i cant know which image was before it changes to the buttons specified one. It maybe require as3 which i dont know.I cant upload here my work. its personal.But i ask you the professionals, please make a short fla file which will have the code and animations i need.(if you cant understand me)Please, make a fla file, which contains random 3 images.At the start it will have main background and a menu on it(just text-for fast and short work)The menu is 3 text ine(main,about,contact)now, make that when you press about(for example) it will change the main image(background) to the image of the about page.

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Q: I am making a web-application for school work. see: [URL] the collors i got working now but when i press the second button to change the view off the shoe i want that the colors change to. Now the colors keep standing. The colors are pictures converted into MC and the works with attachmovie. But with what script can i change the collors so they will change and fit on the shoe? I hope this is a good explanation. :S else i will make a better explenation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Button Image Dynamically?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MC Button Change Image When Roll Over?

Jun 1, 2011

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my_mc.btn1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, hidebtn1);
my_mc.btn1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, showbtn1);
my_mc.btn1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goPage2);


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Flex :: How To Change TitleWindow Close Button Image

Oct 1, 2009

I'm working with Flex 3.4 SDK. I need to change the default close button image from a TitleWindow. So what I'm doing is defining a CSS selector, like this:

TitleWindow {
close-button-skin: Embed('assets/close.png');
border-color: #FFFFFF;
corner-radius: 10;
closeButtonDisabledSkin: ClassReference(null);
closeButtonDownSkin: ClassReference(null);
closeButtonOverSkin: ClassReference(null);
closeButtonUpSkin: ClassReference(null);

The problem is: the result image is totally squeezed beyond recognition. Probably because the image dimensions are 55x10 pixels (much wider than the default closebutton square-like dimensions) and flex forces it to fit that size.

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CS3 Hyperlink Text Animation Navigation Change Color

Apr 7, 2009

I have CS4 and have (it has taken over a month) created a banner with moving clouds (912 x 74). To the left is our company name and all I want to do is have a navigation menu across the bottom. I did not want buttons, but text with a dignified mouse over effect or color change. The links would be to .php pages and the would read Requirements, Samples, Pricing, FAQs and Contact. The dev site is at [URL] where you can see what I have already done.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Coverflow Navigation From Scroll-bar To Buttons?

Jun 14, 2011

I am trying to edit this CoverFlow made in flash, however I do not have enough ActionScript / Flash knowledge to do what I need to do.

The CoveFlow currently uses a scroll-bar for navigation and a XML file for the images and text.

I have successfully been able to remove the scroll bar, but cannot build the buttons to replace it. From my understanding, I need flash to have a button variable stored, then detect how many CoverFlow slides there is in the XML file, assign and create a button for each slide. And then position the buttons bellow the image slides in a horizontal line.

As you can see the buttons needed are pretty basic, just blue circles. However the ActionScript modifications needed to achieve this are beyond my ability.

Also attached is a .zip with the CoverFlow files that I am having trouble modifying.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Coverflow Navigation From Scroll-bar To Buttons

Jun 13, 2011

I am trying to edit this CoverFlow made in flash, however I do not have enough ActionScript / Flash knowledge to do what I need to do.

The CoverFlow currently uses a scroll-bar for navigation and a XML file for the images and text.

I have successfully been able to remove the scroll bar, but cannot build the buttons to replace it. From my understanding, I need flash to have a button variable stored, then detect how many CoverFlow slides there is in the XML file, assign and create a button for each slide. And then position the buttons bellow the image slides in a horizontal line.

As you can see the buttons needed are pretty basic, just blue circles.
However the ActionScript modifications needed to achieve this are beyond my ability.

I have attached a .zip file with the CoverFlow files that I am having trouble modifying.

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IDE :: Have The Button Color Change To A Different Color When It Is On The Page?

Feb 24, 2011

What I am trying to do is to have the button color change to a different color when it is on the page. The color only changes when I roll over it or hit it.Once I am on the page it changes back to the color it is on the up state.[URL] (When you are on the home page the button is red, but when on the about page the home button changes to white to show hierarchy.)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: The Navigation Code In Mc1 Has Stopped Working,if Change The Initial Stop Command To A Later Frame In Mc1?

Aug 7, 2009

I have two movieclips on the stage mc1 and mc2,the navigation for mc2 and mc1 is in mc1 as as3 and MovieClips suddenly now that I've added some tabs into mc2 (new layer, no instance names yet) the navigation code in mc1 has stopped working,if I change the initial stop command to a later frame in mc1 I can navigate back to the first frame and then to one other place in the menu but after moving away from the first frame I can't seem to get any of the buttons to work, its only if the stop command is on a later page that those buttons will workon the main timeline i'm using;

ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Navigation - Open The New Page In The Same Window, It Doesn't Seem To Work?

Dec 7, 2010

I have a simple website and I am going from one page(flash file) to another page(different flash file) using the following code.

var myLink:URLRequest;
function openPage(event:MouseEvent) {
switch (event.currentTarget) {[code]....

This works fine, but I want to be able to use "_self" so I open the new page in the same window yet it doesn't seem to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Page Title - When Click On One Of The Menu Items, Page Title Should Change?

Nov 6, 2010

I'm trying to edit a Flash file, that get it's data from and XML file.Now when you click on one of the menu items, the page + page title should change, but somehow the page title remains the same. (at least for the first 3 menu items) But when you go to the last menu item and then back to one of the first 3 menu items, the correct page title is shown.I'm no flash / AS expert, so I can't really find out what the problem is, but it seems like it has something to do with this function

_root.getCurrentText(thisText0, _parent.num);

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FLVPlayback Keeps Playing On Page Change

Nov 21, 2011

I have a as3 project, a magazine like project.I have like 10 pages, and some of those pages, has a FLVPlayback component to stream flv videoes.I have one problem, and it goes like this:

When i enter a frame, with a FLVPlayback component and start playing the video, everything works fine. But when i then switch to another page, the video file keeps playing in the background.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Change HTML Page

Dec 29, 2009

I was wondering if its possible to change the current html page to another one using a basic flash menu. i don't want to develop the entire website in Flash.

ie. i make a simple flash menu, with common buttons and links, and put it at the top of the site. my main page is index.html. my interest is change the current page, index.html, to contact.html (for example) by clicking the buttons on the menu.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PostImage - Mouse Over Display / Change Image In X - Y Cords Or Replace Image

Aug 2, 2009

im messing with a movieclip symbol and i want to make a button, what'd i mean on Mouse over display/change this image in this X,Y cords or replace this image, something close to what buttonSymbol does but i want to make it using movieClip symbol...
and i have no idea how to do it.. i started like this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Color Tone Of The Image Without Changing The Structure Of The Image?

Sep 19, 2011

I need to change the color tone of the image without changing the structure of the image.
for ex: I like to change the skin tone of my head part of image. Is it possible to change the skin tone color.

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Video Won't Stop Playing When Change Page?

Dec 2, 2009

Im using flash4 with action script 3.0, for a website promoting the xbox games Ive worked on.


as you will see the videos wont stop playing when I change pages, and I cant work it out at all, Im more than willing to give you a mention on my site . Im more than willing to supply you with the flash file...

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