ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Coverflow Navigation From Scroll-bar To Buttons?
Jun 14, 2011
I am trying to edit this CoverFlow made in flash, however I do not have enough ActionScript / Flash knowledge to do what I need to do.
The CoveFlow currently uses a scroll-bar for navigation and a XML file for the images and text.
I have successfully been able to remove the scroll bar, but cannot build the buttons to replace it. From my understanding, I need flash to have a button variable stored, then detect how many CoverFlow slides there is in the XML file, assign and create a button for each slide. And then position the buttons bellow the image slides in a horizontal line.
As you can see the buttons needed are pretty basic, just blue circles. However the ActionScript modifications needed to achieve this are beyond my ability.
Also attached is a .zip with the CoverFlow files that I am having trouble modifying.
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Jun 13, 2011
I am trying to edit this CoverFlow made in flash, however I do not have enough ActionScript / Flash knowledge to do what I need to do.
The CoverFlow currently uses a scroll-bar for navigation and a XML file for the images and text.
I have successfully been able to remove the scroll bar, but cannot build the buttons to replace it. From my understanding, I need flash to have a button variable stored, then detect how many CoverFlow slides there is in the XML file, assign and create a button for each slide. And then position the buttons bellow the image slides in a horizontal line.
As you can see the buttons needed are pretty basic, just blue circles.
However the ActionScript modifications needed to achieve this are beyond my ability.
I have attached a .zip file with the CoverFlow files that I am having trouble modifying.
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I'm attaching the file so that you guys can see that? pretty basic. My main problem is to find out how can the mouse check the mouse position on stage and make the coverflow animate and the movieclip change angle depending on the side, I have to animate only 5 itens, here?s the AS:
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Jun 11, 2009
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I have found several threads about using this method with dynamic text, but none for using a movieClip.
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Mar 11, 2004
There should be an easy way around this, but I'm trying to make a navigation where you rollover to fade-in an image with links on it (well actually it's just an image with words on it, but I was planning on using invisible buttons for the links). Well since stacking buttons on top of each other won't work, what could I do to solve this problem? Should I integrate Javascript?
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Feb 18, 2010
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Well my homepage buttons work, all of them. I can even go to my contact page (which share the same buttons with the homepage) and then go back to the home page. I can also go from the homepage to the other pages and those buttons work... UNTIL I go back to the home page or to the contacts page (the pages that share buttons) then those buttons NO LONGER WORK??? It seems like once I committ myself to one group of pages (I consider myself having two groups of pages based on the sharing of buttons by each group) it disables the other group.
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May 26, 2011
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Jul 2, 2007
I'm trying to generate buttons derived from an xml file, and attach the created buttons to a movie clip. Right now, nothing is appearing within the movieclip.
_global.itemArray = new Array();
var button_spacing = 45;
var button_count = 0;
total_button_count = 0;
[Code] .....
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Apr 28, 2009
I'm into a personal project with the Tween Method:
A menu with 5 buttons inside the movie clip instanced from bt1 to bt5.A main movie clip that extends the stage dimensions.When buttos are released they shall target to the respective Y value and stop.So..
Importing classes
import fl.transitions.Tween;[code].....
I'd like to activate the 5 buttons for this navigation.. Insted of it, only 3 buttons navigates.. The other buttons i don't know how active them to navigation.
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Mar 29, 2009
I started creating a simple navigation bar: [URL]
But decided to make individual buttons: [URL]
As you can see the latter repeats, however the code (after about an hour checking it seems to be identical:
Actions for frame one:
_root.buy_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (mouse_over_buy_mc) {
} else {
Actions for invisible button:
on (rollOver) {
_root.mouse_over_buy_mc = true;
} on (rollOut) {
_root.mouse_over_buy_mc = fstartlse;
}on (release){
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Jul 14, 2009
I have a show I'm trying to create, I need to put the navigation buttons on different places on each frame due to content.
on (release) {
on (release) {
on (release){
I can get the symbols that I'm using as buttons to work in the first and second frame, but they will not work after that. Each frame has a
stop ();
Action applied to it.
I have tried: copy and pasting the same symbol into multiple frames, dragging new symbols into multiple frames, creating folders for each frame and dragging new symbols into those folders then onto a frame, and I'm still not having luck. This presentation is set up to run in Flash 9 with Bottom up loading order and ASP2
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Nov 24, 2010
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Clip_A loads on the top left side , Clip_B on top right , Clip_C in Middle and Clip_D low right position.
What i need to do and understand is how can i tell that class to find a button inside Clip_B and play a certain frame in Clip_C?
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Feb 4, 2011
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Their webmaster shared that their navigation system is basically implemented by AS3 but also using swfaddress in order to achieve window.location changing.
All sections are cached with their Y position. Simply saying, contents container just moves to its corresponding Y position when a button is clicked or scroll bar is dragged.
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Nov 10, 2009
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Mar 18, 2010
I followed a tutorial to build a click-thru photo gallery that is linked to an XML file. The tutorial set up the navigation as being controlled by clicking the images, but I wanted to add some more obvious navigation prompts for viewers on my website. The "next" button was easy to do as I just copied the actions for clicking the images on the main section of the stage, but when it came to building the "previous" button, the code was not working. I want the button to take the audience to the image before the image they are on when clicked.
I've pasted what I have below and highlighted the sections that I have altered. If you could please tell me what I'm doing wrong, that would be great.
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Aug 10, 2010
I'm using a map as the navigation "menu" between descriptions of items located on the map. Each item has a button, which is enlarged on hover. When the button is clicked, the description of the item shows up and a picture of it substitutes the map (and all buttons disappear). Here's the issue: some buttons, when enlarged, overlap with other buttons. I am currently using addChild() to ensure the button currently pointed at is on top of any others. The problem is that, when I click the buttons, any buttons I pointed at do not disappear, but stay on top of the picture. Is there a better way to make the buttons go to the top, one that doesn't keep them on when the frame changes? Or at least, is there a way to make them disappear when the frame changes?
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Nov 1, 2010
I have a 4 frame file that is a dvd menu. Buttons controlling navigation between all frames. There is a main page, and 3 child pages that link back to main. I have an mp3 file that I need to add as background music. I have created a new layer and added the following to the action of frame 1.
soundInstance = new Sound();soundInstance.attachSound("Music name from library"); My problem is that every time I navigate back to main from one of the child pages a new instance of the song begins so I end up with a round of music. I need the initial instance to persist throughout and not loop til the end of the song.
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Nov 23, 2011
I'm trying to create a flash photography website. I have four navigation buttons on the main page. Home, portfolio, features and contact. The feature section has more navigation buttons that should take me to individual galleries. So now i can navigate to the features section, but cant go to any specific gallery. I wrote an addEventListener code for the sub gallery buttons, but i'm getting the error "1120:access of undefined property stilllife". Still life is one of the buttons in the sub gallery. I'm getting the same error for all the buttons in the sub gallery. I've given an instance name for all the buttons so i dont know what the error means. I even tried calling a different funtion. when i test the movie, the whole thing keeps playing in a loop. ? I can paste the code here if anybody wants to look into it.
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Nov 29, 2011
I can't use navigation between three videoclips by using next/back buttons. My videoclip instance name are..
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Feb 11, 2012
adding navigation buttons to my swf slideshow. I have had many views but no comments.
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Mar 14, 2012
I have Adobe Flash CS3 Pro. I have a navigation header flash file that came with my website template and I am having difficulty making sense of the actionscript. It has a logo section with effects, 5 main nav buttons that move, and two extra link buttons above the navigation bar. Let's focus on just the Navigation buttons for now. Here is what I have gathered. I have multiple text buttons on one movieclip, and I have successfully edited the text for each button. If I look at the actionscript in the top layer of this movieclip I see:
I also have a separate movieclip symbol (with effects) with 5 buttons layers listed in the actionscript with the following actionscript tied to each button from numbers 1 through 5:
onClipEvent (load) {
} onClipEvent (load) {
} onClipEvent (load) {
[Code] .....
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Aug 31, 2009
My three navigation buttons on my website ('but1', 'but2', 'but3') are programmed to go to each section on my timeline: 'home', 'pics' and 'contact'. However, whenever I click on my homepage button (but1), it doesn't do anything. The other ones are fine but it's just the home button that doesn't seem to link anywhere. My code is below,
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Sep 28, 2009
I'm having an issue with my website design and as I'm relatively new to flash I can't seem to fix it on my own. I know what I'm supposed to do, technically, but not sure how to actually implement it. Below is a picture of my timeline: What my problem is that the buttons for navigating my pages (bio, news, projects, links, etc.) are nested inside of my Navigation MC (on the Navigation layer) and so they appear in the timeline (at frame 20) before my content does (frame 70). Because of this, the buttons can't be aimed at the content because their code is run before the content even exists.
I'm guessing that what I need to do is to instantiate my content at a point in the timeline before the navigation/buttons occur... but as the content is the last part of my loading animation, I'm not sure how to do that. I read something about adding the MC's but keeping them invisible, then making them visible again at teh appropriate time, but I don't know how to do that or if it would somehow mess with my animation (everything fades in one item after the other, with the content being the last part).
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Sep 12, 2005
how the rollover animation on the top navigation buttons was made on this site --> [URL].
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