ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Original External Swf Size In The Main Movie?

Sep 21, 2006

I have an external swf that loads into my main movie using loadMovie. The original .swf that is being loaded is larger than what I'd like to appear in the main movie. Is it possible to tell the movie clip that the external is being loaded into, to reduce the size of the loaded .swf?

I tried a
scaleContent = true;

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My original movie is 800x600 and my external swf is 700x525... I'm using the following script on a keyframe... loadMovieNum("123.swf", 1); ... and under normal circumstances this would work fine... however... I need the 700x525 external swf to retain its size in the center of the 800x600 original movie... right now it's edge to edge and showing what's going on 'offstage' in the external swf! What scripting am I missing? I'm using Flash 8 on a Mac.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize External Swf To Its Original Stage Size?

May 13, 2010

Here is my problem (unfortunatelly didn't find solution @google or in this forum): I'm loading external swf[AS2] into main swf[AS3] using Loader class. The main swf is 800 x 600 and the external swf is 290 x 247. After adding the external swf to the main swf the external swf expands (scale to) from 290 x 247 to the main swf's size: 800 x 600. How can i prevent this? I want the loaded swf to save it's original stage size.

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Actionscript 3 :: Loader Class: Resize External Swf To It's Original Stage Size?

May 12, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Size Properties Of Loaded External SWF

Nov 13, 2003

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play External Preloader Before It's Load Original Movie Index.swf?

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Here is preload AS3 code:

import flash.display.*
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Movie Size Dynamically?

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i would like to know if its possible to dynamically change a movie size from a start HTML page. for example, if i want my movie to be completely seen on a 15" and a 19" monitor. i place 2 buttons on my HTML start page saying if you click here, you will get the 15" monitor version of my flashsite. if you click here you will get the 19" monitor version. and i only have one flashsite version which i want to dynamically change the size of from the HTML page. possible? not possible? if its not possible, then i have to make 2 version of my movie to fit 2 screen sizes..

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Codes To Stop Sound In Movie Clip When Changing Keyframe On Main (parent) Timeline?

Feb 29, 2012

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When Click On A Link From The External Movie Won't Return On The Main Movie

Feb 1, 2006

- i have 3 separate movie clips (a,b,c)

- my main movie is (a) and when i click a button there, it will go to external movie (b)

- under external movie (b) there's a movie clip that includes my animation and content button

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i did the actionscript and when i'm testing external movie (b), it's working... it's showing/popping up movie (c) but when i tried it on the main movie (a), the movie (c) is not popping on the (b) err, sorry if it's a bit confusing / how i explained it. but hopefully somebody will get the idea. and it won't also return on the main movie (a) when i click on a link from the external movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Activating The External .swf Into A Blank Movie Clip In The Main Movie?

Oct 10, 2002

I'm still a rookie in flash and I'm having a little bit of trouble with some actionscript. I've gotten as far as placing the buttons and assign the correct actionscript for them to work. Everything is working fine with the buttons activating the external .swf into a blank movie clip in the main movie. Ony thing is, I would like the external movie assigned to the first button to open once the movie is loaded.

I thought by using the same actionscript i used on the button {and removing the on(release) tag} and placing on the first frame of the main movie would help, but it doesn't.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize External Loaded Movie To Main Movie

Jan 9, 2010

my problem is that i need to make a reisze, cause the screen resolution for other users. My main and news movie works perfect, but the others movies re-scale everything bigger. The problem of the external loaded movie is: this movie needs the funktion:

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";

If i dont have this code inside the movie is not going to resize fullscreen into the main movie. Inside this movie im scalling photos and some mc's You can take a look what i mean under: [URL]

If you take a look to the bar where the Number of pictures (30) are you will see that the lower bar and the pictures is not going to scale to fill the full screen if i delete the this code;

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";

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Save Image With Its Original Size?

May 7, 2011

In my Flex application I load an image into the Image control. After loading the image I can apply filters like color transform or grayscale etc and then I want to save the image with the filter applied. I am having trouble saving the image with the filters applied. With the following code the Image gets saved without the filters.However, if I use [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Component's Size Doesnt Update Parent's Size?

Mar 1, 2010

I have following problem:

title_txt = new TextInput( );
title_txt.setSize( 100, 20 );


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Pictures With Original Size

Nov 30, 2008

I have been making animations (frame by frame) that I put into live action films of myself. I use flash so that I don't get any lag from the pictures not being close enough together. Trouble is...whenever I import pictures into flash, it lowers their size so it fits in the middle. How you can import the pictures with their original size intact.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading A .swf But Doesn't Keep Size Of Original .swf?

Sep 16, 2009

I'm attemping to load a swf into my movie.  I have this code:
but.onPress = function() { _root.floors.createEmptyMovieClip("container",2); loadMovie("zoom.swf", "container");container._x = -460; container._y = -200;};

It loads in fine, but it is not staying the size of the stage of the .swf it was in before.
I tried setting the width and height of the container clip by:
container._width = 500; container._height = 100;
but once i added that it didn't load in?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Scaling SWF To Less Than Or Equal To Original Size

Apr 1, 2010

how to scale a SWF in the browser window, but not larger than the original stage size in the FLA file?  For instance, I've designed a course in Flash with stage size of 1024x768 in Flash.  In the published HTML document, I change the following values:
'width', '1024' changed to 'width', '100%'
'height', '768' changed to 'height', '100%'
'scale', 'noscale' changed to 'scale', '100%'
These changes in the HTML source code allow the SWF to size with the browser, but I don't want the SWF to grow larger than 1024x768 if the browser window is greater than these dimensions.  I want the max size of the SWF to be 1024x768 regardless of the browser window.
how to achieve this in the HTML source code and/or AS2?

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Flash :: Return Movieclip To Original Size?

May 6, 2010

I made a gallery in flash. I have external images load in a fixed display area -- I call it 'imageStage'. When the image is loaded, I resize the movieclip at the _x and _y to make the image fit the stage.

But what happens -- when I flip prev/next through a couple images, they keep shrinking and shrinking. Images that are smaller than the fixed area are being shrunk even further.

I'm thinking maybe if I clear the existing image from the MovieClip, it will reset itself back to regular size and proportions. But I don't know how to go about it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drawing Image In Its Original Size?

Sep 24, 2010

I started with a simple code to draw image. But i didn't get the expected results. What i got is:1) Image gets rendered but it gets scaled to high resolution and images gets distorted.So i wanted to draw image in its original size. If image size is 300*400 then i want to get it drawn in its original size.I google searched and try to find on how to achieve it. But no success.i want to know how to achieve this two things:1) drawing image in its original size, i don't want it to get scaled .2) how to set the size of display screen ? when i ran the code, the display screen(flash) cover whole browser page area ? I want to set the screen size to 450*300I am using Flash Builder 4 for making actionscript project. Here is the code :



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Flex :: Changing Image Size Independent Of Scene Size?

Apr 6, 2011

I have three images and I want change the images size based on the scene size (default size is 1024x768). After each image has completely loaded I call bindableUtils.setter to set width/height when scene size changes but I don't know how to make a pointer or something like that. I'm using a public var img, but it only works with the last complete image.

Here is my code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Stage Size To Match Photo Size?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm working on a slideshow where I'm calling in photos from an xml file. How do I tell AS to resize the stage according to photo dimensions? Would I need to list the dimensions in the xml file? If so, how would I pull that into the fla file with AS?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flashpaper Size Does Not Match The Original File

Apr 30, 2010

I have some pdf documents that have been converted to flashpaper, I'm using a little AS3 code to include in flash, however the size does not match the original file; i try load the swf (flashpaper file) into 800x600 movie, but not works, btw there is the code and screenshot


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Increase Size Without Changing Stroke Size

Feb 11, 2010

I have a MovieClip that is just a 100x100 circle with a stroke but no fill. When I change this to 200x200 using as3 the stroke size doubles. How can I increase the diameter of the circle without changing the stroke size?

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Javascript :: Show Flash Using Original Canvas Size Dimensions?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a generalized media player web app that I wish to be able to use flash in. The client uploads the flash to a particular directory, and a webpage is produced automatically that houses that flash file. The output of this process currently looks something like this:

<OBJECT id="flashContent" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">
<PARAM value="always" name="allowScriptAccess" />
<PARAM value="#FFFFFF" name="bgcolor" />


I am trying to get the flash to display using the original canvas size (540 x 400 by default) but every time I load this in chrome I get 300 x 150 and in IE the box is square.

how to get it to render using the flash canvas size?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scale And Zoom - Back To Its Original Size And Position?

Apr 19, 2004

how i could create a function to do the following. I have a mc and when you click on it i want it to scale too say 150% and move to a different x y position, then when you click on it again i want it to go back to its original size and position.

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IDE :: Resize External Swf Movie To Stage Size?

Feb 5, 2009

What i try to do, is to make a "wrapper" in Flash, in which other swfs could be embedded. (passing the URL of the external SWF by URL) to attach a link to the swfs. (ClickTag - Issue, maybe someone knows this).In the HTML - Code this would look like this:

<embed src="wrapper.swf" ...>
<param name="filename" value="path-to-external-swf.swf"/>
<param name="clickTag" value=""/>

The SWF "wrapper.swf" should load the "path-to-external-swf.swf" an puts a onClick - Event on the whole area.That works just fine, BUT The loaded external SWF should always fit to the stage size (like 100% width and 100% height) .My code looks like this:

// Variables should be passed by URL
_root.filename = "";
_root.clickTag = "";[code]....

mClip._width = Stage.width;

When i click on the swf, the movie fits exactly to the stage width...

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