ActionScript 2.0 :: Continuous Zooming And Moving Out Of The Stage?

Mar 4, 2010

[URL]you will see moving "?" marks here how to do this with action, i want the position should be random every time and should continuous,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Continuous Zooming OnPress Of Button?

Jan 29, 2009

I have created a buttons with setInterval so that it can call the function till the button will be pressed.onRelease of button I 'm clearing the interval.It is working fine. It gives problem when I'm pressing a button and moving the cursor out of that button area and releasing, it does not call the onRelease event and hence the function goes in the infinite loop.

_level0.main.btn_SizePlus.onPress = function()
if(plusint != null)


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Zooming To Mc And Not To Stage?

Oct 22, 2009

I had found a script which zooms to your mouse position, but is there a way to adapt this so it only zooms in on the particular mc and not the mouse position?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Zooming To MovieClip Not Stage

Oct 2, 2009

Based off this script:
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
zoom = true;
dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
pt = {x:_root._xmouse, y:_root._ymouse};
}} onClipEvent(mouseUp) {
[Code] .....
How would I go about zooming based on the mc you select rather than your point on the stage?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Dynamically Zooming And Panning The Stage?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a full screen movieclip, in which there are 5/6 buttons that can be draggable around the stage.Now, when i click on a button, a series of images appear at the side of it.What i want to do is to zoom in and center the stage on the photo if i click on it (something that you can see here: ml under the "projets" button, try and click one photo).It may seem tricky since you can actually drag and move the buttons, but logically it is not since i can retrieve the button position (and i place the photos inside it, so the distance between the button._x and the photo._x is in some way retrievable).

Anyway what i'm finding really tricky is the method to zoom and move the stage camera in order to center the photo.i thought of using the transition tweens on the _root in order to change the _xscale and _yscale to zoom, and the _x and _y to move itBut from here i have two problems: how can i determine the right amount of zoom if the stage is in full screen (so with all resolutions possible), and how much the _x and _y properties change after the zoom is done (because it seems to me that after changing the _xscale and _yscale of the _root, it changes the _x and _y values in it, in a way in which i have to add even 2000 pixels in order to center it)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Zooming Object Using MovieClip On Stage

Oct 16, 2009

I have movie clip(1) on the stage, all I want to do is using another movie clip(2) as a button that when you click zooms the movie clip(1) bigger, then clicking movie clip(2) again takes it back to the original place.

_root.zoom.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (mouse_over_zoom) {
} else {
I tried _parent and it will not let me save the file as flash 8 anymore.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Zooming And Panning The Stage?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a full screen movieclip, in which there are 5/6 buttons that can be draggable around the stage.Now, when i click on a button, a series of images appear at the side of it.What i want to do is to zoom in and center the stage on the photo if i click on it (something that you can see here: http:[url]....... under the "projets" button, try and click one photo).

It may seem tricky since you can actually drag and move the buttons, but logically it is not since i can retrieve the button position (and i place the photos inside it, so the distance between the button._x and the photo._x is in some way retrievable).Anyway what i'm finding really tricky is the method to zoom and move the stage camera in order to center the photo.i thought of using the transition tweens on the _root in order to change the _xscale and _yscale to zoom, and the _x and _y to move it.

But from here i have two problems: how can i determine the right amount of zoom if the stage is in full screen (so with all resolutions possible), and how much the _x and _y properties change after the zoom is done (because it seems to me that after changing the _xscale and _yscale of the _root, it changes the _x and _y values in it, in a way in which i have to add even 2000 pixels in order to center it

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Reate A Multi Stage Zooming Menu?

Sep 6, 2005

Would anyone have any tutorials on how to create a multi stage zooming menu like in the following demo links?


Is this done with actionscript or manually tweening several clips? I can't quite seem to get my head around zooming in and out of several layers. I am currently looking into the Laco tween class as a possible solution, but I was hoping that someone might already understand how to achieve this effect.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Zooming In And Then Zooming Out In (Without Scaling The Image)?

Feb 27, 2012

Basically I want to know if there is a way to go from a zoomed in version of something, and then seeing the whole image in another frame. (By pressing a button)

Let's say there's a tree, I would bascially like (upon pressing a button which I can do) to zoom out and see the whole scenery. Is there a way I can do this without actually changing the size of the image?

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Professional :: Animations: Zooming In And Zooming Out?

May 25, 2011

I look at professional animations and notice the camera-like effects they manage to put into these animations. I'm wondering how I can do the same without having to just enlarge or reduce a movieclip across the stage. Is there any way to add a camera view on your animations or do you just have to bear with Flash's basic necessities?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Vehicle On The Stage, Which Should Change Directions According To Where Click On The Stage?

Oct 24, 2010

I have a moving vehicle on the stage, which should change directions according to where I click on the stage.I already made it work using this formula:var angle:Number = Math.atan2(dy,dx)*180/Math.PI+90;However, I need the car to tween to the correct angle, instead of just "jumping" to it. While this is easy enough to do, the car sometimes takes the longer turn (especially when I click in the bottom-left quarter of the stage), and it seems unnatural.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Moving Everything On Stage?

Mar 4, 2011

is it possible to select everything on stage and move it slightly in 1 direction with action script on key press? anyway at all.i cant put it in a movieclip and move it like that because lots of different thngs come onto stage further down the time line

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving An Object Around The Stage

Apr 28, 2011

i'm trying to use code so if i type in -10 to 10 the object will move up or down the y axis. The code i'm using at the moment calculates how far to move it from the number inputed, then it removes te object and places it in the required position. However doing the removeChild technique messes up when having many on the stage. I was wondering if anyone knew a way of calculating the rating and then using it to move the object on the stage without removing it and adding it. Here is the code i'm using to move it. OR a way in which i can remove certain objects on the stage using remove child


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Moving Multiple Layers To Top Of The Stage?

Aug 13, 2009

I purchased a flash home page template that had menu buttons at the top that I decided not to use. I removed the buttons, but now there is a 125 pixel blank horixontal space at the top of the stage. I tried resizing the horizontal size of the stage hoping the artwork would move up and eliminate the blank area, but the stage sizes from the bottom up. The layers get cutoff at the bottom and the blank space is still at the top.

The movie is quite complex with many layers and 450+ frames. Have attached the swf file to illustrate how the top of the stage is empty after I removed the menu buttons. Is there any way to get all of the layers to move up by 125 pixels so that they fill in the blank space without having to do each layer one at a time?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put Moving Text On A Stage?

Aug 11, 2011

This code complains thatI need to import flash.display.MovieClip, but I have and it dosn't understand addChild.Very simple code

package code {
public class WebPresentation1 [code].........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: More Moving Ducks On The Stage?

Sep 3, 2011

I would like to have a moving duck that disappears when I hit it, and reappears again on the stage . I keep shooting it, it disappears when hit and appears again and so on. I could do it with alpha=0, but when it is hit once, it's gone.

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Professional :: Moving A Video Across The Stage?

Mar 12, 2012

Is it possible to have a stationary video (ex: of spokesperson) move across the stage, in a manner that would appear to have a "panning camera" effect? I've attempted to produce this effect by simply importing the video as an imbedded video, then dropping a new layer into the timeline, and then simply placing a new keyframe where I'd like the video to begin a panning camera effect, but it starts the video over again where I've place the new keyframe. Is it even possible to acheive this sort of effect through Flash or can I only do this in AE or Premiere?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Xml-text On Stage Not Possible?

Sep 6, 2006

I encountered a wierd problem. Im buidling a site with all content centered in the middle of the screen (with a listener script wich automatialy moves the content if the browser window size is changed by the user)In the site i have a newsscroller wich contains an externally loaded xml-file.Now to the problem; when i resize the browser, all the content BUT the scroller moves to the center of the screen like i want to except the xml-newsscroller, it flyes away somewhere off stage and dissapears

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Attaching Movie Clips And Moving Them On Stage

Jul 25, 2010

Firstly, I want to be able to push the space bar on my keyboard during a swf, and for a movie clip to appear on the stage. This is what I have so far:
_root.attachMovie("Explosion", "Explosion"+i, _root.getNextHighestDepth());
_root["Explosion"+i]._x = _x;
_root["Explosion"+i]._y = _y-20;
but its not working....

Secondly, I want A movie clip to spawn in the middle of the stage, then randomly travel outwards to the edge of the stage, then dissapear. And this needs to happen over and over, with the same movie clip travelling to a different place each time. This is what I have so far :
timer = 0;
i = 0;
a = 0;
b = 0;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Particular Symbol From Library Onto Stage?

Dec 16, 2008

I'm new to Flash, am working on my first Flash Project. I've been trying to move a particular symbol from my library onto the stage and when I do, I'm getting a "Resolve Library Conflict" error that says "One or more library items already exist in the document." and it gives me the choice to replace the existing items or not. It only appears to be happening with 1 or 2 particular symbols, not all of them. I did use this same symbol (as a graphic bullet) earlier in the project with no problem, but now it won't let me use it again. However, I have other symbols in the library that I have used multiple times throughout the project and I don't get this error pop-up when moving them into new frames. I don't see any mention of this in my Flash book, why I'm getting this and how to resolve it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Images Smothly Across The Stage?

May 8, 2008

I am trying to write a script that animates images, movingthem smoothly and slowly across the stage. If I load the image inauthoring time and embed it on a movie clip, i have no problemincrementing the x position by 0.25 for example. But if a load theimage at runtime using a loader the image jumps from pixel topixel. For some reason it seems that I am not able to turn thepixelSnapping of

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Increasing The Size Of The Stage And Moving All Layers

Dec 18, 2009

I'm widening the stage of a existing FLA, is it possible to widen the stage and to reposition all the layers of the FLA so they move in relation to the widing of the stage. Or do I have to reposition all of the layers individually?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving An Array Of Object Across The Stage

Jun 30, 2010

I have MovieClips in the library that are instantiated and loaded to an array. From that array I want to add them to the stage and move them across one by one at specific intervals. I've chosen not to use a tween because it acted finicky and the MCs get stuck for whatever reason. So I've taken a different approach by changing the x coordinate of the individual MC with a timer to make it move (sort of like a particle system.) The problem is that each one needs to be assigned it's own timer function. As of right now every time the timer fires it just resets to the next item in the array and nothing moves. The only solution I can think of is to write an individual timer function for all 18. This seem impractical and there has to be a better way. I guess idealy I would need a function that can write a new function for each array item but I have no idea how to do that. Here's some of my code:

var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(4000);
var moveTimer:Timer;


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Professional :: Moving A Graphic Across The Stage, Using A Png Image?

Mar 15, 2011

I am trying for moving a graphic across the stage, using a png image of a vehicle created in photoshop. Top to bottom travel takes 2 secs and stage is 767 pixels height.24fps is default and I have timeline at 48 frames long.Test movie sees very noticeable jerkiness in the motion, I expected one smooth movement up the screen, I sort of see two windscreens etc. Now I seem to recall that 25fps in video editing sees smooth motion as the human eye cant't perceive individual frames at that rate. What should I be doing to get a png to run smooth ?I tried doubling the fps and timeline length, it got a bit better, I kept doubling such and each time it improved, I hit the limit at 120fps. Its acceptable now but that seems wrong to have to do that, Timeline is going to be massive as actual movie to be 20 secs. Are there settings to be made somewhere to smooth things and use 24fps ?Png is 20kb, background image is 1.28Mb as a png. Envirographics

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Actionscript 3 :: Moving Movieclips Across The Stage On FrameEnter?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm making an image gallery and I want to have a bunch of thumbnails on the bottom of the screen that smoothly slide from side to side when the mouse moves.

I'm working with a custom class for the container (Tiles) and a custom class for the thumbnails (ImageIcon).

I have a ComboBox which allows users to to choose a gallery. When the user chooses a gallery, the following code is run and the thumbnails should reload. The problem here is that the icons appear on top of each other instead of side by side, also switching categories should remove the old one (see the first for loop), but it does not. Also, the Icons are not animating properly. The animation code is below as well. Right now, only one of the icons will move. The icons should move in order from side to side, stopping when the last few icons hit the edge of the screen, so that they don't get "lost" somewhere off to the side.

Gallery Loader Code:

public function loadCategory(xml:XML = null){
if(xml != null){
dp = new DataProvider(xml);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop A Movieclip Moving At End Of Stage?

Feb 21, 2009

I am a beginner to AS and I am having trouble here: I want to move a dog across the stage. I have two frames one with a movie clip with a dog animated like it is walking and the second frame he is standing still. I want to take him to the end of the stage and stop him when he gets to frame 2.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Movieclip With Mouse In Stage?

Oct 26, 2009

Im trying to move a movieclip only in X, deacourding with my mouse movement...i use this code... for when i enter frame....

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animFlor);
function animFlor():void{
speed = ( 400 + mouseX - this.x) * 0.004;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Movie Clips Across The Stage?

Dec 17, 2009

I have a question that's been bugging me for a LONG time now. I'm still pretty new to ActionScript, I'm trying to have a series of movie clips move from right to left along the stage, but after about 3 seconds they stop! Here's the code...

ActionScript Code:
public function thingTimer () {
nextThing = new Timer (1000 + Math.random()*5000,1);


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Moving A Movie Clip Outside The Stage?

Jun 26, 2009

I want to make a movie clip move anywhere outside the stage, but dont really know how should I do it, here is the codeI think that some changes should be made somewhere around math.random, where I put that // ???btw, I got this code from a tutorial where it was about attaching like 50 balls at once, making them move to random locations so there might be some useles things too the point is that I want a ball to be attached somewhere, preferably to the middle of the stage, and I want it to move in random direction with constant speed. I tried many ways of doing it, but the ball was changing direction every frame or other lame things happened

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop MovieClip Moving Off Stage

Mar 18, 2009

I have a movieclip moving around on key presses and I was wondering what is the best way to stop it moving off the stage? I was thinking of putting hit tests around the edges but wondered if there was a better way?

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