ActionScript 2.0 :: Count Up The XML Nodes And Creates Menu Items For Each Node
Aug 23, 2010
I have this loop code that counts up the XML nodes and creates menu items for each node, that was taken from a tutorial. How can I have it so after 10 nodes it creates a new column setting them side by side? Moving them say 100px on the x axis? Here is the 1st part of the code done by a friend:
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
And , as u can probably see, it's a menu with 3 buttons, and the middle one is supposed to have a submenu.I am looping through the menu items and it displays everything alright:
ActionScript Code:
var xml:XML = new XML();
var total:Number;[code]..........
What i can't figure out is the piece of code needed to count the nodes inside the <item> tag.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
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Feb 6, 2009
I'm trying to parse some simple XML and use it to render some controls, its all going so well. I'm having some trouble with E4X and counting the number of nested nodes within a certain child...code is as follows....
<label>History of Smoking</label>
The Alert keeps coming up as 1. I read in the documentation that this will happen with XML objects but it is working when I create the XMLList and counts the number of questions I have. The code is working except it is only rendering 1 RadioButton, very sad. I suppose I could put the number of options within the <options> tag but I'd rather do it dynamically to avoid errors.
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Feb 6, 2011
I need to count how many instances there is of a spesific attribute in my xml-list.
Here is my xml-file where I need to count how many children where the attribute "hjorne" is "1":
<fortoyning hjorne="1" />
<fortoyning hjorne="1" />
But I only need the number 3 as the value of "ant_h1". How do I do that or is it an another way to achieve this?
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var a:Array = []; for (var i = 1; i<=15; i++) { var RootNode = getXml.firstChild; eval("price"+i).htmlText = ""+RootNode.childNodes[i].childNodes[4].childNodes[2].firstChild+"
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Sep 30, 2011
i have a products application that loads all the info from XML.The objective is to generate a image based menu that when an element is clicked is going to load css formatted text and a set of thumbnails. That set of thumbnails (that are specific from each product) are supposed to load the full images.My problem is that i'm ok until loading the thumbnails but i can't get to opening the full images when the thumbnail is clicked.
XML Structure
HTML Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
The main problem is when i try to set a name for every thumbnail and then use it in a function outside the main button click function. I tried also to load the thumbnails and put the for loop outside the main menu click function but also i can't get the correct node in the XML to load the images that should be loaded.
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But how do I find that by code? Basically, I need to know how many items go from the beggining till the finded one!
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Nov 14, 2009
I'm trying to develope a simple elastic menu in AS3 but I have several problems because is difficult understand OOP when I come from AS2. I have a class named "menu" to create a vertical menu with n elements using a MovieClip from the library. It is linked properly as "base_primaria" and with MovieClip class as base class. Every element in the menu is in button mode and when is clicked calls a method (crearsub) to create a submenu.
I have another class named "submenu" that creates a submenu with n elements using a MovieClip from the library. It is linked properly as "base_secundaria" and with MovieClip class as base class. All the elements in the main menu must be relocated depending on the .y position and their .height. For that I'm using a method inside "menu" class named "posicionar". To animate the elements I use TweenLite. The first problem is I want to relocate all the elements through TweenLite and it is not working. Probably the "posicionar" function is wrong. The second problem is I want to click in one element from the main menu and it creates his own submenu. If there is one element with a submenu created, it must to disapear. All the elements must to relocate in real time in every click. Here the "menu" class code:
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Sep 24, 2009
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May 19, 2010
I've following XMLList ,
I would like eliminate blank node and to make an ArrayCollection like ( with count of individual party),
tArr = new ArrayCollection([ {Party:"A", Count:3},
{Party:"B", Count:2},
{Party:"C", Count:3},
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Jul 15, 2010
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Sep 21, 2009
I need to add a couple menu items to an existing Flash menu that I did not create, but I am having trouble figuring out how to make the buttons stay highlighted until you click another one. Best way to simply describe my problem since is to simple show you. The first 5 links work exactly as they should. But the last 2 (Careers and Client login) do not stay go highlighted on the loaded page. [URL]
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Sep 1, 2010
scrolling 2 sprites. Look at the image below. [URL] FLA LINK (please take a quick look)[URL] I have this entire program working but i need to scroll the left menu and the menu where all the items are added. One more thing, the right menu can have only an few items at a time that do not need scrolling but when more are added then the scrolling will need to take effect.
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Mar 24, 2009
In a nutshell, I'm trying to create a dynamic text box in which text show up for one XML node but not for another, so I have some XML nodes that have info in them and others that don't. This seems like it would be a realatively easy thing to do, but I've been working on figuring out how to do so for days with no avail. I'm working on a template for my portfolio gallery at: [URL] I've linked pdfs to just some of the images in my modified xml slideshow from the tutorial using the following code from this forum:
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Oct 8, 2010
I have a list of 10+ items. when i click back up the list 1 step i call the code below to remove a thumbnail image associated with that list item.
if(indice < count-i){mx.core.Application.application.removethumb.dispat chEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK));
HOWEVER: I would like that if - for example i am on item 10 and click to item 4 - all the thumbnails between 4-10 are removed. it it possible to dispatch this click event X number of times dependant on the - count value?? FOR REFERENCE: THIS IS THE CODE THAT REMOVES ALL ITEMS BEYOND THE ONE I HAVE SELECTED:
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Mar 18, 2009
I have a XML file:
[Code] .....
So, I load it into dropdown menu, label is what user sees in dropdown, data is url to swf and nextfile is url of the next swf on the list. Now if user has loaded, let's say swf number 3, Community News (lehti3.swf). Is there a way to get a content of nextfile-node of this current Book only....If I trace myXML.Book.nextfile, I get a result:
When I would like to get result
I tried to trace current.myXML.Book.nextfile but of course it didn't work...
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Jan 19, 2007
I'm currently modifying an xml menu found in the kirupa tutorials and Ive gotten stuck. I want the menu to filter into different columns depending on a xml node called type="". So far I have this but I cant seem to get my head around how to filter the menu.
GenerateMenu = function (container, name, x, y, depth, node_xml) {
var currNode;
var currItem;
var currMenu = container.createEmptyMovieClip(name, depth);
at the moment all I've tried to do is filter the menu with an if statement to only display the type node with "web" in them. As soon as I undestand how this is done I sohuld be albe to do the rest myself.
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Jun 15, 2009
I'm creating an xml generated gallery/menu, I have the gallery and menu populating fine but my issue arises when I try to make the menu items clickable.
This is inside my populate menu function
_root["mainMenu"+[i]].onRelease = function() {
var splitThis:String = this
var splitThisArray:Array = splitThis.split("Menu");
Now the trace output I get is
Although when I set splitThis to "_level0.mainMenu1" manually I get "1" or whatever number comes after "Menu".
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Jan 15, 2010
Why these menu items won't open the specified url's in the same window? (won't open them at all)
And why is there no hand cursor (like normally when you mouse over a link)?
See the .fla attached
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Apr 6, 2010
Is it passible to hide swf menu items?
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Jul 26, 2011
I have two PNG images that have text in them as menu items. When clicked, a new XML file is loaded and new set of photos is displaying.Everything works fine, but I want the menu item to be highlighted when hovering the mouse over the item. In other words, so that new image is displayed in place of the old one on MOUSE_OVER, and the old image is back on MOUSE_OUT.
As of now I have two menu items, Portraits and Weddings, movie clips where they are displayed are MenuPortraits and MenuWeddings
I have following properties:
I do see switching of images, but if I leave mouse over - it switches back and forth with high speed. Eventually, when I move mouse out - it can stuck on highlighted state.
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Apr 27, 2010
I am trying to learn how to add sub menu items to my main menu which is being generated using XML. I have been able to add the top level menu items but I am not sure how to integrate the sub menu items. a link to my development site [URL] In my code I have a variable showInMenu this value is true if it is a top level menu item and false if it is a sub menu item. If I list out the XML menu items they look like this where About Us is a top level menu item and Our Mission is a sub menu item of About Us. how to set up the sub menu items. I attached the fla with xml file.
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