ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Rounded Corner In My Movieclip

Nov 10, 2009

I am creating one new empty movieclip like this,


these lines are creating only the square corner, but i want rounded corner. How can i increase or decrease the radius size. If its possible please mention the problem.How to create the rounded corner through script. I want rounded corners not a square corner......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Rounded Corner In Movieclip

Nov 10, 2009

I am creating one new empty movieclip like this,this.createEmptyMovieClip("vjn", this.getNextHighestDepth());
vjn.moveTo(150, 50);
vjn.lineTo(50, 250);
vjn.lineTo(250, 250);
vjn.lineTo(150, 50);

these lines are creating only the square corner, but i want rounded corner. How can i increase or decrease the radius size. How to create the rounded corner through script.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Rounded Corner In Movieclip?

Nov 10, 2009

I am creating one new empty movieclip like this,this.createEmptyMovieClip("vjn", this.getNextHighestDepth());

vjn.moveTo(150, 50);
vjn.lineTo(50, 250);
vjn.lineTo(250, 250);
vjn.lineTo(150, 50);

these lines are creating only the square corner, but i want rounded corner. How can i increase or decrease the radius size. How to create the rounded corner through script.

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Make A Rounded Corner Box In Photoshop CS?

Nov 3, 2005

How do I make a rounded corner box in Photoshop CS? I don't want to "feather" it because that makes it blurry. I just want rounded corners.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keep The Same Rounded Corner Even When Want To Shrink It's Width?

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As3 :: Flash - Draw A Only Bottom Rounded Corner?

Feb 16, 2011

how can i draw a shape, that is only rounded at it's bottom ?

var _myShape:Shape = new Shape();,0x000000,1,true,....);,0,50,50,10);

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Flex :: A VBox With Only One Rounded Corner And Gradient Background

Oct 5, 2009

I'm working with Flex 3.4 SDK.

I'm trying to programmatically(yep, must be this way) style/skin a VBox so that its top right corner is rounded, and it gets a two colors gradient brackground.

Modifying examples I found around I was able to accomplish both effects(corner and background) but only separately:

VBox with not all rounded corners: [URL]

VBox with gradient background: [URL]

But what I need to do is to apply both at the same time. And all my coding attempts so far have failed silently.

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Css :: Properly Set Corner-radius Of A MX List And Get Rounded Corners?

Apr 8, 2011

I have a mx.components.List component with a bunch of custom styles:



I'm creating the list in AS:

_dropDown = new List();
_dropDown.styleName = "dropDownListStyle";

The List is then added as a popup with PopUpManager:

PopUpManager.addPopUp( _dropDown, this );

The problem is that the corners of the newly created popup are not rounded. I found that border-style is needed in order to get the effect, but adding this property didn't help. I'm building the project with Flex 4.1, but the List and its parent are MX components and it's a lot of work to migrate them to Spark.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rounded Rectangle With Conditional Corner Rounding?

Aug 28, 2009

create a method for drawing rectangle with rounded corners, but while being able to specify which of the four corners (any, all, none,etc.) you wanted to round.The method below does the trick, but for some reason my corners don't match the same curves that I get using the same radius with drawRoundRect().

In other words, if I call my method (and set all four corners to be rounded) and compare that with the same call to drawRoundRect() the actual curves of the corners are slightly different.

HTML Code:
public function drawComplexRoundedRect(startX:int,startY:int,rectWidth:int,rectHeight:int,radius:int,canvas:Sprite,roundTopLeft:Boolean=false,roundTopRight:Boolean=false,roundBottomLeft:Boolean=false,roundBottomRight:Boolean=false):void{


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Progressbar - Flex HBox With Background Color And Rounded Corner?

Jun 7, 2011

I am facing a wiered problem in Flex. I Have a canvas with a HBox and Label. Please find the code below.

<mx:VBox verticalAlign="top" horizontalAlign="center"
fontSize="12" fontWeight="normal" verticalGap="0">
<mx:Label text="Cover" />
<mx:Canvas width="120" styleName="pbcontainer">
<mx:HBox id="pb" height="35" />


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Flex :: Progressbar - HBox With Background Color And Rounded Corner?

Nov 10, 2006

I am facing a wiered problem in Flex. I Have a canvas with a HBox and Label. Please find the code below.

<mx:VBox verticalAlign="top" horizontalAlign="center"
fontSize="12" fontWeight="normal" verticalGap="0">
<mx:Label text="Cover" />


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Actionscript 3 :: Draw Boxes At Each Corner Of MovieClip?

Oct 15, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotate MovieClip By Top Right Corner Using RotateAroundInternalPoint Function

Jan 22, 2009

I have been trying to rotate my movieClip by the top right corner using the rotateAroundInternalPoint function. All appears to work fine however after a full rotation it is clear the point of rotation has shifted ever so slightly. I have checked the code a few times to find any rounding issues but can not find any.What I have found however is after assigning the matrix I make to do the transformasion to the movieClip.transform.matrix property the resulting two matrices differ ever so slightly. Here is the code:[code]Yes If I make mat = new Matrix() and assign that to the movieClip it is indeed a new clear matrix. Just sometimes, with some decimal values it seems to differ by a random amount.

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Apr 11, 2006

how can i scale a movieclip by clicking it and drag the corner points of it.

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Sep 22, 2011

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Aug 11, 2009

I am making something flash flip like: [URL] but i want to do it in my banner 1000 width and 299 height problem is that i have few banner images i think 5 to 8 and i want to start my flip from "bottom-left" corner till "top-right"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Menu Bar That Is A Movieclip And Inside The Movieclip Consists Of The Buttons?

Oct 21, 2005

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On the last frame i have the 'stop;' code

On the first frame I have this code:

this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){


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Sep 9, 2005

A can't seem to get this creating movieclip thing, or attach movieclip. What I want is when a certain button is pressed, a MC in the library is created on the work area, at the mouse location and will continue to follow the mouse untill it is clicked. Once clicked, it stops dragging, but if clicked again, another MC on the screen will gotoAndStop(2); and so on. I have most of the script idea down. But I can't seem to get the create new MC to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Movieclip Inside A Movieclip - Put Clickable Tag / Box

Oct 27, 2005

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Flash - How To Get Rounded Number In AS 3.0

Jul 31, 2011

How can I round number to up down or to the 0.5 using action script 3.0. For example
4.9 will be rounded to 5
4.7 will be rounded to 4.5
2.4 will be rounded to 2.5
2.3 will be rounded to 2

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Make My Buttons (pic 1 And 2) More Rounded?

Mar 15, 2009

How can I make my buttons (pic 1 and 2) more rounded ? (pic 3)

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Draw A Triangle With Rounded Corners?

Nov 23, 2002

It's easy to draw a round cornered rectangle/square but how do you draw a triangle with rounded corners?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweening A Rounded Rectangle ?

Jul 15, 2009

I would like to tween between a short rounded rectangle and a tall rounded rectangle. (I only want deal with the height - no other parameters). I am programming with ActionScript 3. My tweening engine is TweenLite.I have been tweening a sprite that contains a rounded rectangle. The tweened sprite produces distortion. I suppose that I have been scaling the original image, rather than the height of the rounded rectangle?Here is a simple example of my code:
Draw the rounded rectangle:
roundRect = new Sprite();;,0,50,15,4,4); //Original Height:;addChild(roundRect);
Then I listen for a mouse click event on the rounded rectangle.The mouse event triggers a function with the following code:, 1, {height:120}); //Final Height: 120

I would like to tween the height of the rounded rectangle itself. I would hope that this would not produce the unwanted distortion.

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Flex :: Rounded Menu With A PopUpButton?

Sep 10, 2009

So I have a PopupButton and when I click on the button I want the Menu that pops up to have rounded corners. How would I go about doing this?UPDATE:I found an update similar to what I want to do, it can be found on the following page:The only difference is that I'm showing the Menu with a PopUpButton. So far this is what I have for my custom Menu:

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import mx.controls.Menu;


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Flex :: Rect Rounded Corners Be Different?

Jun 21, 2010

When I use <s:Rect> to create a rectangle, I use radiusX to get rounded corners. Problem is all are the same roundedness. Is there something similar to Rect that lets me control the radius for each corner separately? If not, what's the best way to create this from scratch? graphics library or what?

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Java :: Can 0.99999999999 Be Rounded To 1.0 When Multiplying

Oct 11, 2011

When multiplying a floating point number that is very close to 1 with an int > 0, can it ever be interpreted as 1.

That is, if Math.random() returns its highest possible result (which is 1 step below 1.0), will

(int)(Math.random() * 8)

be 8 or 7?

For a practical example, can this often-used construct give an index out of bounds error:

someArray[(int)(Math.random() * someArray.length)];

I'm specifically interested in answers for Java and ActionScript 3, but I suppose they all use the same rules for floating point arithmetic, and answers for any platform would be useful.

Update: Though I already accepted an answer, I'd still appreciate confirmation that this can't go wrong in ActionScript 3 either, since a colleague reporting that he saw it go wrong once is what partly prompted me to ask this question.

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IDE :: Can't Get Rounded Corners On My Rectangle Tool To Go Away

Feb 7, 2004

I'm trying to get plain straight corners on a rectangel. I have been drawing a rectangle or even before drawing one, selecting the little tool in the lower left and I put in a value of 0, but as soon as I draw anything it rounds up again. How do I get rid of this problem??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Draw Box With Rounded Corners

Jul 16, 2004

I need to draw a box with rounded corners. I can't get a hang of it. I want to draw it from the following variables:
boxwidth = 200;
boxheight = 200;
radius = 5;
How do I draw this? You should see the artwork I have (by mistake) created while trying to get it right.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rounded Border - Also On Inside?

May 31, 2009

As you can see on the attached image I have a rounded border round an image. The problem is that the border only is rounded on the outside and not on the inside (marked with a arrow). The code I use for the border is:

Code:,0xFFFFFF,1,true);, 0, content.width,content.height,15,15);

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Flex :: Adobe Catalyst: Rounded Corners?

Dec 26, 2009

I've created a rectangle in catalyst and under the "properties" panel, all I can see is Corners 10 for the rectangle. Is there a way to individually define each corner similar to CSS. I can't see any source code view in catalyst to enable me to fine tune it for each of the 4 corners. How do I specify the roundedness of each corner separately?

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