ActionScript 2.0 :: Different Action To Occur If Any Of The Movieclips Get Clicked?
Oct 1, 2003
I have many movieclips -I have 10 movieclips for each type-and i have around 7 types of movie clips (ex. 10 red squares, 10 green triangles, 10 blue circles movieclips) now I want a different action to occur if any of the movieclips get clicked-but the same action should occur if the same type gets clicked (ex. if the user clicks on any of the blue circle-it should get dragged, if they click on any of the green triagles-it should get deleted and so on)what's an efficient way of doing it except for
if square1.onclick=square2.onlick=function()...
if triangle1.onclick=triangle2.onlick=function()...
there's a prototype-but that affects all the movieclips-is there a way for me to make each of the movie clips-sort of a different category (object) so that way I can use prototype keyword-or anything else-to have the same affect? and not have to write repetitious code?(maybe some sort of inheritence to movieclip)
How do I make an MC or other object listen always for an action to occur. I know that sounds vague and I don't mean it to be. I'm wanting to dynamically load MCs into another base MC. The deal is the amount of child MCs is not defined. I want each MC to be "listening" for an action to occur in a base MC and in other child MCs. I tried using localConnection, but it doesn't do the above.
I have three buttons on screen that navigate to different places on the timeline. I have set them all up as buttons using a generic button in the library and then given them all different instance names. I selected the button and changed the text colour for each state in the timeline (up, over, down) to keep it simple. The buttons are all, as far as I can analyse, identical in all but instance name.
When I test the movie, the first button changes text colour on 'over' and, when I click (i.e. down state) the colour changes again as designed. The navigation action doesn't occur until I release the mouse button, giving the feel of having 'clicked' the button.
With the other two buttons, which have been set up as far as I can tell in exactly the same way, when the down state occurs, I see a momentary flash of the text colour change and it performs the nav straight away. I really want it to perform the same way as the first button but cannot for the life of me see why they're behaving differently.
How can I get an action to follow another action when a button is clicked? When a button is clicked, I want the timeline to go to a certain frame and play and when it's done playing, to go to another frame and play. I basically want two actions in one function.
-1 large html (home.html) file houses 2 html files (aaa.html and bbb.html) -aaa.html consists of 1 swf button -bbb.html is empty
question: is it possible to click on the button in aaa.html and have the action occur in bbb.html? (for example, clicking the button in aaa.html will load a swf in bbb.html)
I have a movieclip with about 50 other movieclips inside it and I want to set all their visibility to false (I can't do this to the parent because I will need to eventually just show one of the movieclips at a time). Is there any type of method I can use to apply, something like mymc.allchildmcs.visibility = false or mymc.mychildmc[i].visibility = false;
I'm new to actionscript and am having difficulties creating a simple rollover action for a flash banner. I have managed to make it repeat on rollover, but only the first couple of seconds of the animation. the code I have used is:
I have a game where i add some cartoonish ants, that when they are clicked, they need to be removed from stage. There are 4 differend kinds of ants, so im doing a Math.random for picking which one to add. (ant 1+2+3 have 50% chance to spawn and 4th 50%) rnd_nbr = (Math.random() * 5)+1;
I have a timer doing 10 tick, and i reset the timer to make neverending. Then i have a math random and if sentences adding mc' to the stage with movement from Tweener, and event listeners for clicks. But i cant figure out how to remove them when clicked. I have done alot of failed tries right inside the click_candy_anty function. I've left them commented out.
I am building a simple game in flash in actionscipt 3. I want when the user click on the 3 movieclips on the stage to trace a message like "Thanks for clicking all 3 movieclips!"
this message have to appear once he click on the 3 not only on one.
I am trying to build an app and stuck to this simple AS problem with movieclips. I have 5 movie clips with instance names d1_mc , d2_mc , d3_mc , d4_mc, d5_mc. If these movieclips are pressed (clicked) then I want the main timeline to gotoandstop or play else do nothing and stay on current frame.
I have a numeric stepper which allows the user to choose as many balls as they want, then they shud press the button and all of those balls should fall down. How can I do this???
how to do a basic action tween in actionscript 2. I can only find tutorials on AS3 ones or AS2 ones with easing, i dont want easing. i want it so when someone clicks somewhere on the stage the "character" moves to the position that was clicked.
i have an animation and some movie clips. i want to add my scene an action that brings movieclips from my library randomly on my stage in every 20 seconds. how can i do that? the movieclips should be on the stage so we can see them but they should be invisible until they called from the action.
I'm stucked here. I want the font type "BauhausMedium" to apply when ft_01 is clicked, font type "Haettenschweiler" to apply when ft_02 is clicked, etc... at the same time I want all" ft_01a", "ft_02a", "ft_03a" movieclips to hide except for the movieclip similar to the clicked button. E.g. if "ft_02" was clicked ft_02a to be visible =true and rest to be visible = false (ft_01a, ft_03a).
I have a project where I am loading in an external swf and when it error loading I want it to show the error on screen which I have accomplished and then I want to provent it from going any further . i.e no more frames entered no more axtionscript run
I tried this and got nothing
function ioError(e:IOErrorEvent):void { error_txt.text = e.text; trace(; stop(); }
I've got a lovely little drawing of a tree, and when I hover over it, the leaves turn from green to brown, which is exactly what I want it to do, however, I only want it to do it once. At the moment, once it's finished it's colour change, it stays that shade of brown, but if I hover over it again, it starts the little green to brown animation again. Is there any way to make it only listen once? ie once it turns brown, it stays brown forever?[code]
I have a main swf with a button that loads a simple Papervison3D cube swf.It loads just fine...but when i click a different button on my main swf (which removes the Papervision swf and loads a different swf) i see endless repeating lines of the same error build up in my error window. Visually, everything works (the Papervision swf is removed immediately and a new swf replaces it) but these errors suggest otherwise It looks like the Papervision swf has not completely been unloaded or something...i dunno. Is there some removal step that i'm not doing?
The strangest thing has occurred with one of my apps (Flash/Coldfusion/mySQL). I use a simple INSERT statement to save member details into my table. The table has a Primary Key on the memberID. Recently, one of my entries was saved multiple times (not supposed to happen). The datetimestamp shows the save occurred at the identical time. This has never happened before. I've read on Stackoverflow that there are alternatives to INSERT e.g. REPLACE INTO, but I'm wondering why this would have occurred in the first place?
var shapeString:String = "Princess,Round,Radiant,Princess,Heart,Round,Radiant,Emerald,Radiant,Radiant,Pear";
I need to figure out how to return the the 3 items that occur most in the order of highest to lowest. In this example it would end up being.
newString = "Radient,Princess,Round";
I imagine I would use indexOf somehow but I am not going to know what pattern I am searching for in the string so it is just based on the items that end up in shapeString based on a bunch of selected elements.
I have a problem with some code. Its in the else statement below. Essentially I am trying to make sure I can read in the mc._height value before I continue with the code, I use a listener to check that I can get the value which I can,however it seems to do all the code after the loadListner.onLoadInit function before this function.
I had a function that occured on mouseclick called go_out. I want this function to occur when the timer fires after 5 seconds. After the 5 secons I receive this error:
Is there a way to make event flow occur synchronously?
Basically this is my scenario. I have a single method call that gets triggered by a server request. I want to be able to notifiy subscribers that the method has/is executing so that they may return a result. By modifying an attribute of the actual event object, the method can return that result to the server dynamically. Eg:
Code: //method invoked by server public function whatever(...parameters):* { var event:MyEvent = new MyEvent(MyEvent.TYPE);
This code works around 70% of the time, but sometimes I see things are really happening asynchronously in Flash Player's event flow. Is there anything I can do to regulate this and make sure it happens synchronously?
I'm trying to have an animation occur on a timeline and not on Enter frame, so instead of it doing a continuous loop it just does the animation twice then stops. Currently this code is on the movie clip itself and I want to move it to the main as code line so it animates then stops.
I am getting the error message: flash cs3 "Motion tweening will not occur on layers with ungrouped shapes or on layers with more than one group or symbol".I have only one symbol in the layer, a graphic.Does anyone know how I can correct the "problem"?
The jist of what I'd like to know and focus on understanding, is details on how binary deserialization occurs in Flex 3. When is the constructor called, when are properties set, are private members serialized or does all deserialization occur on and through setters, etc? I'm having a hard time finding information on this.In a Flex 3 AIR application, I have a pretty complex object graph(just a bunch of objects referencing one another, kinda like a big data model except a bit more complex) that I serialize to a file using a single call on the FileStream.writeObject and readObject on a root object, which serializes and deserializes the entire object graph.I found that I needed to always have a default constructor, else I would get exceptions on the objects when deserializing if they were part of an ArrayCollection. So I had to eleminate the constructor parameters or set default values. I now have many setters like this in my classes, such as the below where mConnection accumulates some information it needs through different setters, where as before I had this all packed into the constructor since all of the information is really necesary for the Connection to function:[code]So the connection's serverIP is still an empty string because the server was assigned to the client's property before the server was completely initialized.
I could probably resolve this by using binding so that updates to the serverip in the server are bound to the connection, but I find binding properties to be fairly complicated (it's really simple on UI in mxml cause you just use the curly bracket syntax but doing it by code is what I found complicated). I have also resolved some cases by removing the constructor parameters entirely, so that there is no default values. All that aside, I still really need a deeper understanding of the details of binary serialization as far as how it rebuilds the object graph. I even have circular references, and it seems to handle those fine and maintain multiple references without duplicating objects. It's just when my constructors/setters are more complex that I'm running into these problems because of the order of what occurs during deserialization. It is really inconsistent though, as adding breakpoints in various places seems to influence the order that things occur, making it more difficult to debug.On a side note for anyone that might sidetrack the topic because I am serializing a class called Connection. I added some code to address some things, like in the Connection class there is an instance of a Socket. Of course my socket would not be connected after I close and reopen the application and deserialize it, so before I serialize my object graph, I go through and close the socket and set the reference in the Connection class to null, so that there is no longer a reference to the socket and thus it will not get serialized. After deserialization on the next application run I create a new socket.
I have an application with a Google Map, an Area Chart, and an accordion containing a list.When the selection in the list is changed, the application fetches data from the server and updates the chart and map, repositioning the map to contain all markers within its viewport and kicking off a SeriesEffect to animate the chart data redraw.When a user changes selections and continues to mouse over the items in the list while the map and chart are redrawing, the labels on the item renderers disappear.The item renderer code is the following: