Actionscript 3.0 :: Getting A Tally For Words That Occur Most In String

Apr 26, 2010

here's my string....

var shapeString:String = "Princess,Round,Radiant,Princess,Heart,Round,Radiant,Emerald,Radiant,Radiant,Pear";

I need to figure out how to return the the 3 items that occur most in the order of highest to lowest. In this example it would end up being.

newString = "Radient,Princess,Round";

I imagine I would use indexOf somehow but I am not going to know what pattern I am searching for in the string so it is just based on the items that end up in shapeString based on a bunch of selected elements.

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//method invoked by server
public function whatever(...parameters):* {
var event:MyEvent = new MyEvent(MyEvent.TYPE);


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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
rpm = 35
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {


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Sep 3, 2009

The jist of what I'd like to know and focus on understanding, is details on how binary deserialization occurs in Flex 3. When is the constructor called, when are properties set, are private members serialized or does all deserialization occur on and through setters, etc? I'm having a hard time finding information on this.In a Flex 3 AIR application, I have a pretty complex object graph(just a bunch of objects referencing one another, kinda like a big data model except a bit more complex) that I serialize to a file using a single call on the FileStream.writeObject and readObject on a root object, which serializes and deserializes the entire object graph.I found that I needed to always have a default constructor, else I would get exceptions on the objects when deserializing if they were part of an ArrayCollection. So I had to eleminate the constructor parameters or set default values. I now have many setters like this in my classes, such as the below where mConnection accumulates some information it needs through different setters, where as before I had this all packed into the constructor since all of the information is really necesary for the Connection to function:[code]So the connection's serverIP is still an empty string because the server was assigned to the client's property before the server was completely initialized.

I could probably resolve this by using binding so that updates to the serverip in the server are bound to the connection, but I find binding properties to be fairly complicated (it's really simple on UI in mxml cause you just use the curly bracket syntax but doing it by code is what I found complicated). I have also resolved some cases by removing the constructor parameters entirely, so that there is no default values. All that aside, I still really need a deeper understanding of the details of binary serialization as far as how it rebuilds the object graph. I even have circular references, and it seems to handle those fine and maintain multiple references without duplicating objects. It's just when my constructors/setters are more complex that I'm running into these problems because of the order of what occurs during deserialization. It is really inconsistent though, as adding breakpoints in various places seems to influence the order that things occur, making it more difficult to debug.On a side note for anyone that might sidetrack the topic because I am serializing a class called Connection. I added some code to address some things, like in the Connection class there is an instance of a Socket. Of course my socket would not be connected after I close and reopen the application and deserialize it, so before I serialize my object graph, I go through and close the socket and set the reference in the Connection class to null, so that there is no longer a reference to the socket and thus it will not get serialized. After deserialization on the next application run I create a new socket.

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Apr 14, 2011

I have an application with a Google Map, an Area Chart, and an accordion containing a list.When the selection in the list is changed, the application fetches data from the server and updates the chart and map, repositioning the map to contain all markers within its viewport and kicking off a SeriesEffect to animate the chart data redraw.When a user changes selections and continues to mouse over the items in the list while the map and chart are redrawing, the labels on the item renderers disappear.The item renderer code is the following:

<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx = ""
xmlns:s = "library://"
xmlns:mx = "library://"


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Javascript :: Detect When Key And Mouse Events Occur Inside Of A Flash Application?

Mar 5, 2012

I've some very old Flash applications, which we don't want to rebuild to add a new feature. We simply need to detect when the user has become idle. So, if the Flash application receives no key or mouse events after 3 minutes, we want to track that time till the user interacts with the application again.

We've considered wrapping the applications in newer Flash applications to include the key/mouse event tracking; however, early research shows that some of our apps are so old that they use event systems or AVM's (ActionScript Virtual Machines) that are incompatible. Also, it seems that mouse events on the inner application don't bubble up to the outer application. (I think the direction of event processing is backwards in versions of Flash prior to 8)

Anyhow, the next idea on the table is to see if we can determine when the user stops interacting with the old Flash applications using JavaScript. Can anyone confirm whether or not it is possible to detect, using JavaScript only, when a swf in an HTML document loses focus or key and mouse events stop and start occurring on the swf?

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IDE :: Buttons - Navigation Action Doesn't Occur Until Release The Mouse Button

Feb 3, 2011

I have three buttons on screen that navigate to different places on the timeline. I have set them all up as buttons using a generic button in the library and then given them all different instance names. I selected the button and changed the text colour for each state in the timeline (up, over, down) to keep it simple. The buttons are all, as far as I can analyse, identical in all but instance name.

When I test the movie, the first button changes text colour on 'over' and, when I click (i.e. down state) the colour changes again as designed. The navigation action doesn't occur until I release the mouse button, giving the feel of having 'clicked' the button.

With the other two buttons, which have been set up as far as I can tell in exactly the same way, when the down state occurs, I see a momentary flash of the text colour change and it performs the nav straight away. I really want it to perform the same way as the first button but cannot for the life of me see why they're behaving differently.

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