ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamicaly Loading Images?

Nov 10, 2006

So I'm making a flash proggy that displays member details for a guild dynamicaly (calling their bio info from a database) and was wondering if it's possible to also call an image dynamicaly as well?I know I could setup a PHP function to display a set image for each member, but that obviously means manualy placing in images and having to update the entire program each time I want to change a picture and thats obviously no good .. so is it possible for actionscript to call in images stored OUTSIDE of the flash program?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Movieclips Into The Libary Dynamicaly?

Apr 18, 2006

Is it possible to load libary items from one swf into another?I am trying to load a set of tiles stored in one swf into a tile editor.In the code for the tile editor it adds objects from the libary onto the stage. Is it possible to get the movieclips from another swf?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamicaly Name Arrays?

Aug 25, 2002

why the following script is not working?

on (release) {
var set1 = [34, 19, -7];
var set2 = [39, 34, -3];


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamicaly Made Link?

Jan 7, 2005

I have made this:

Main Timeline: _root.produkt = 2
on A Button:
on (release) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Dynamicaly Sprites And Textfields?

May 8, 2011

Basicly I'm adding dynamicaly sprites and textfields, which i populate from xml, in for loop. I'm building sort of table, so for every sprite, I'm adding new data in textfields.I've loaded xml and passed data to 2 xmllists, both traced and doing fine... Later on I add data from xmllist to array which then I'm looping in for loop.Problem is that from 1st xmllist, 6 out of 7 textfields are visible, 1 can't be found nowhere :/ from the 2nd xmllist only 1 out of 4 are visible...I've tried everything, tracing them returns that they are visible, on good position, filled with text, contrasted color from background.

PS: here is the part probably causing the problems..
for(mojbroj=0;mojbroj < dohvatiosamih2;mojbroj++){if(mojbroj%2){;,prenesi+(


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamicaly Generated MC Collision Test?

Mar 13, 2008

I'm making a map creator for a tabletop game. The idea is that the map creator would consist of a 48x48 grid and would allow people to drag items onto that grid and save the positional layout of objects like trees and buildings.So I'm working on the very first steps of this and have written the script so far to dynamicaly generate a 48x48 grid and created a test object to be dragged called "follow".

The dynamicaly generated MC draws from the "grid" MC from the library which consists of two layers; the outline of a box and an MC named "grid_bg" which contains a coloured square (set to the same size as the outline). This is all placed into the "container" MC which by default is empty.This part I get working fine.the "follow" mc is set so that it can be dragged on a mouse click.Now the idea is that if a hitTest is run to see if "follow" is in contact with any of the "grid_bg" MC's and if so, run code (i.e. hide or show the grid_bg mc).

This is where I am encountering problems. If I set the hitTest into a layer within the "grid" MC, it only runs the hit test when the movie is first loaded and ignores you dragging and dropping the "follow" mc. If the hitTest is placed into the actions of the "grid_bg" MC and used in conjuction with an IF statement, it seems to act like there is a collision on every box generated.Code to generate the grid:

//make textboxes


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamicaly Creating / Acessing Variables

Oct 15, 2010

is it possible to dynamically create variables in actionscript?for example lets say i have some kind of loop and for each itteration of loop i want new variable to be created, or acssed if creatin is not possible. ( tbh i don't need to create them dynamically there is more simple sollution of my problem in real project, am just wandering is it possible )[code]the best i could thought for acessing is filling them in array and acessing it like that.... code works but i am actually trying to make it work without array.[code]

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Professional :: Create A Flash Chart That Would Take Data Dynamicaly?

May 4, 2011

I need to create a flash chart that would take data dynamicaly as in this link [URL]..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Dynamicaly Named Video Or Photos?

Jan 28, 2009

I have a slide show of either videos or photos. I want the user to be able to click a play button and the video plays or click an arrow and go through a group of photos. The thing that is getting me is the dynamic file loading. I want the user to drop photos or video into a folder and the flash projector file loads them automatically. I don't want naming to be a concern. How would one go about doing this? My intention is to have the user never enter Flash CS3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Input Text Fileds Dynamicaly?

Apr 10, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Scrolling Mc With Dynamicaly Loaded Pictures From Xml

Oct 18, 2011

My AS3 project is devided in to 4 sections.

1.) load XML file directed from php site and store all data to miltidimensional array

2.) load mc from library to stage and scroll it with mouse move

3.) load pictures into previous scrolling mc on calculated coordinates

4.) add event listener to every loaded pic to open new site

here is part of code that's bugging me:

var polica_mc:libMc = new libMc;
var container_mc:MovieClip;
if (xmlLoaded == true) {


Problem is that pictures are not loaded into polica_mc (scrolling mc) but outside.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: YAY Action - Loading Images With XML Loader Resizes And Displays Images When Users Click On Nav

Dec 9, 2005

Explaination: MX 04' Pro Thumbnail Nav. loading images with XML Loader resizes and displays images when users click on Nav. reading XML Problem: Users click Thumbnail Nav. first image gets loaded and loader resizes to image. However the next choice by user on thumbnail click, the second image doesnt get resized in the loader. It goes beyond holder. Here is my code for Thumbnail and Loader:


Now the first image loads fine and the loader sizes to file from XML. However, when users click second choice from Thumbail the loader doesnt resize to new image size. It only gets resized on the first selction or if users click the next or prev. buttons then the images fade correctly but nothing fades back in. Now if they do hit next or prev and then hit a thumbnail option it loads and resizes.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Images - Make Sure The Program Will Start Once All Images Have Dispatched A Complete Event?

Jan 26, 2009

im loading multiple images but how do I make sure the program will start once all images have dispatched a complete event. like make a universal loader for all the other "small loaders" if you understand.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Dynamically Loading Images Does Not Allow Images' Id

Oct 20, 2009

I need to load dynamically a few images (4-6) so that by clicking on particular image user would invoke particular action. Embedding images solves the problem but at the expense of file size. If I load them dynamically, they lose their ID.

<comps:ExercisesScroller id="scroller" x="300" y="100"

and so forth this works. But instantiated in CDATA it does not work:

import components.ExercisesSCroller;
private var custScroller:ExercisesScroller;
private function init():void {


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Actionscript 3 :: Loading Lots Of Images And Its Done Asynchronous Which Make Browser To Frees During Loading

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I have typical situation where big loop is loading lots of images and its done asynchronous which make browser to frees during loading and I want to make it synchronous but having big trouble doing it. I found this class synchronous loader and it work great but you cant add mouse event listener to loader. Here is sample code:


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Actionscript 3 :: Prohibit Users From Loading Swf Files By Flash Loader.load() And Only Allow Loading Images?

Apr 1, 2010

I want to have an AS3 app load images from url supplied by the user. But I don't want a malicious user to be able to load an SWF file in place of the image, such as with an altered extension "maliciousSwf.png". Well, not sure how big a security threat that is above and beyond the ability of the hacker to decompile swf, but I think that ideally such behavior should not be allowed.

So, is there any way to prevent this? When people allow users to load images in their Flash apps, do they somehow guard against loading of SWF? Or is this really absolutely no big deal?

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Javascript :: Defer Loading Elements Until Flash Gallery Images From XML File Finish Loading?

Nov 15, 2010

How would you defer loading of other graphics on the page until after the images in a Flash gallery's images.xml file are finished loading?Is there any way to detect for this, or would I only be able to check if the flash swf object is finished loading? I'm pretty sure the swf object would be loaded/ready as with document.getElementById('flashobject').onload = function(){}; before the corresponding images have loaded though, instead of after.

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Flash :: Get The Maximum Width & Height Size Image When Loading Several Images Before Loading Them Completely?

Mar 23, 2011

I am loading images of different size and then images are scaled and border is drawn for each image as shown in below link,[URL]... I want that border of images to be of the same width and height and for that I need to find out the max width and height size image before loading all the images. Is there any way that I can know the width and height of an image before loading it completely?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Images With XML?

Oct 30, 2009

I am trying to import some images into flash using an XML file. My XML file seems to load fine, and my code seems to find the URL of the images to load. However when I actually try to load the images into my Loader nothing. This is my code that is relevant:

public var xml:XML;
public var xmlList:XMLList;
public var imageLoader:Loader;


So as you can see my xml file is loading, my URLRequest seems to be finding the image path and filename (the paths are correct and those files are located there) however my imageLoader doesnt seem to actually load them .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Fla Which Is Loading Images From An XML

Jan 28, 2011

I have an fla which is loading images from an XML, then the images start scrolling , but when it arrives at the last images, I want it to loop back from th first images, like a never ending scrolling..

below is my code :

import gs.*;
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
import flash.display.BitmapData;


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XML Not Loading Images On Server?

Oct 21, 2009

I have a flash site, which uses XML to load an image gallery, but it cant find the images on the server even though they are there. It works fine locally.In firebug, each image is listed in the net tab as found, but when you click on it, there is an error message..Plus an error page is listed for each of the images.If you click on one of the other button's in the gallery strip on the site, it tries to find Freeola's (my host) 'crossdomain.xml' file which doesn't seen to be there, could this be a cause?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Images Not Loading From Xml

Dec 17, 2009

I have a webpage created in flash which uses xml to load specific gallerys into movie clips. Everything works fine in preview, but when uploaded it doesn't work. When you click on film or any of the other galleries, the galley does not load. I don't know whether this has something to do with the hosting or not. I'm only begining to use xml so my knowledge is quite limited. The website adress is below. I've also attached my action script.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading 50,000 Images?

Jun 23, 2011

I am pretty familiar with ActionScript 3, but I have a question. I will create a flash application that will display a 5,000 panel comic. I could load the files from my server, but it would result in 500MB being needed to download. Is there a more effecient way to do this, and if so, how?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Images Via XML?

Jan 29, 2009

I have a movieclip, which moves around as you move the cursor. This is called "layout".Inside this movieclip, i have ALOT of smaller movieclips, around 100 i think.These movieclips all have different measurements, and different instance names, and placed differently around the stage. To keep track of them all, ive devided them into 8 "groups". Movieclips from the first group are named "g01_i01", "g01_i02", "g01_i03" all the way to "g01_i27". Movieclips from group 2 are named "g02_i01", "g02_i02", to "g02_i11"... - I think you get the picture.Then i have 8 folders with my images devided into aswell. These are called "gallery01", "gallery02" to "gallery08". The images inside the folders are named similar to eachother. "img01.jpg", "img02.jpg" to "img27.jpg" in the "gallery01" folder, but only to "img11.jpg" in "gallery02".Im really trying to make the structure clear.

Ive tried loading all these images into my flash movie just by using actionscript, but it bugs alot. I dont know if its just me who cant manage it, or because its simply not the best way to do it.So i figured that loading them in via XML might be the real way to go. Only problem is, i have never used XML, and have no idea how do use it. Tried looking through a couple of tutorials, but its still too complicated for me to actually make it work with my project.It simply has to load the images from all the folders, into their specific movieclips. No discriptions of the images, no thumbanils or anything. Just simply load all the images.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Images Using Xml?

Jan 23, 2010

I have an XML driven Mp3 player and I want it to load a different image for each song. How do I link it in? My loader is named "photo_loader".I was thinking I could use: photo_loader.contentPath = photo; but it failed

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Images On MC?

Aug 10, 2010

i have a movie clip that serves as a box for loading external images from a determined folder. The image size is 713 x 299 as well as the movie clip. However, when it loades the images they are smaller than their normal size.

var portafolio:Array=new Array();


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Carousel With Images Loading Via XML ... Mod?

Mar 30, 2010

I am using the Casousel3 tutorial and getting some cool effects but would like to make some mods - but don't really have the knowledge it seems to do them. I have tried but only succeeded in creating a rather nice white screen. I would like to be able to bring in the images via xml at 75% their original size so that when i click them I can enlarge them too 100% (part where the text comes in - have sorted the enlarging) and not get any pixelisation appearing. I would also like to be able to preload the images as they are loading (with that swirl loading graphic if possible !?)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Images From A Dir

Apr 17, 2005

I have searched the threads and have seen a few examples of what I am trying to do. I am wanting to load images (thumbnails) onto a page from images in a dir. (they can be predefined as for name) The thumbnails on my page will change everyweek, and going in and changing all of them in the SWF file seems to be not the best use of time. The gatcha to all this is: I am not Flash savy. I have a designer develope the site for me, and he has kinda left me high and dry, and is asking a VERY large amount of money to make this change for me.

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Loading External Images?

Apr 13, 2010

I am making a flash site of all of my lingerie that I sell. There are over 200 pictures that amount to over 20 Mb. I would like to know if placing these images externally would be better than trying to put them in the flash movie file?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Images Off The Web?

Nov 27, 2005

I need to know how to get flash to load an image on the web and replace the an object with whatever instance name, with that image.The url to these images

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