ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Diddly In The Output Window?
Apr 21, 2004
Here's what I started with:
and I set the textArea to html:true (lazy, didn't do it in actionscript, crucify me later)...So, where am I botching it?The text renders fine, but when I click the link, I get diddly in the output window. If I change it to a standard web link like ""), it'll launch a browser window.
I'm teaching myself ActionScript and the book I'm reading just got into input text capabilities. The book shows me how to link input text to a variable and output that text to the output window using trace. My question is: how can I display the text that the user input onto the actual movie. For example... if I wanted the visitor to type their name into the input text box and click Submit and then a phrase shows up with their name such as "Hold on Name, my site will be done soon." How do I reference that variable and have it actually display in my movie?
I've just installed CS5 on a new laptop using Windows 7. I was running it before on my Windows Vista machine and CS3 on that same machine before that with no problems.However on this install, the 'Output' window isn't scrolling properly. I commonly use a trace on an enterframe event so I can track exactly what is happening to a variable and when changes occur. The Output window scrolls so it is constantly at the bottom and the most recent trace is visible, except when it gets to about 50 it just gives up and stops scrolling. This obviously isn't very useful because I can no longer see what the trace is saying unless I scroll down manually (and then it is instantly outdated considering a new trace is produced each frame).Anyone know why it won't scroll to the most recent output? It always used to on my other installs.
Every time i compile or run, the flex builder opens a browser showing the output... is there anyway we can destory the older window when newer ones open... i mean a setting in flex.
How can I set up something similar to the output window in my browser. I know I can feed a var into a textbox. How can I set it up so that the values of several vars just keep adding to a list as in tracing to the output window. I want to do this as I am having a problem that only occurs in the browser, not locally. I suspect because of the different speeds at which things occur. I am not throwing any errors. I am running the flash debug player.I set allow debug, hoping that would give me an output in the browser, no such luck.
i'm finding that the output window is increasingly useless for debugging. i tend to spam it with hundreds of tracces per second, as a result of tracing things in per-frame functions. unfortunately the useful part of the output for me is usuall the last message that was written.
this is a problem because the output window does not automatically scroll down. Once there's more than enough messages to fill up the visible portion, i find it loses all usefulness, and scrolling through repetitive data to find the part where i did something, to see what output i got, is slow and tedious
i'm aware that stemming some of the flow of debug messages might be a good idea, but this slows down work as i often have to alter the structure of my code in ways which are otherwise useless, to only get debug messages to fire exactly when needed, as well as often having to place them multiple times.
making the output window automatically scroll would be the most ideal solution. in lieu of that i'm almost considering writing my own debug window with text objects just so i can make it behave usefully, but that seems silly and i'd rather not.
how to make the output window auto scroll? i.e. If I have an enter frame event that increments a number and I trace that number, when the traces fill the output window, I cannot see the current traces. I have to go grab the scroll bar and drag it down and since it is constantly changing it is tough to keep up.
I am extremely new to as3 and just have started coding in as3. I have the following code in file Code: package { import flash.display.Sprite; public class FirstCode extends Sprite { public function FirstCode() { trace("yes"); }}} It seems extremely simple and I feel very positive that there is no error in this code.
And this line in a001.fla Code: import as3.a001; The .as file is in as3 folder so I think the import should work fine. The one (and only) problem (that could arise) is that the trace leaves nothing in the output window. I tried various other codes instead of this but to no avail. None work. Its just a blank screen. By the way I have Flash CS4.
I remember reading about a Flash Player plugin which shows the output window when errors occur but can't remember the link or where I read about itDoes this exist or have I made it up?! Would like to use it if it does as could be useful when testing out Flash compostions on the web
I am currently developing a flash application that would allow a user to control a movieclip on the stage using 2 keyboard inputs (like turning 2 knobs in order to align something).I have it set up that on the 2 keyboard inputs, the movieclip moves.What I am looking at doing is using trace statements that I use to track the position of the movieclip, which is just a simple black dot, and having the values of the trace statement show up on screen in 2 dynamic text fields, after being rounded to the nearest whole integer. The dot is in the movieclip entitled mCoordPlane.My script is below:
stop(); mAligned.visible=false;mNotAligned.visible=false; var letterK:Boolean=false;var letterJ:Boolean=false;var letterD:Boolean=false;var letterF:Boolean=false;[code]......
So the issue is that whenever I run the flash movie, the display in the browser (Chrome) ends up being like 30% larger than the browser is when fully maximized. In reality, it should be running in a 800x800px environment. I've tried messing with the stage size and doing things like setting it to FULL_SCREEN and NORMAL and that had no effect. However, attempting to compile the project through the command line with the mxmcl (although it gives different errors atm) show me that the window is properly sized at 800x800px, so it is obvious that the flash builder is the one that resizes it.
has anyone ever had a situation where the flash CS4 Output window is blank; it should have several trace statements, and at least 1 error; furthermore the Compiler Errors window is blank; I know there is an error some where ( I updated my papervision3d yesterday ), so I should see some error messages, and the trace statements - but everything is blank;
When I run this code I get an error in the output window. I was getting error 1180 I think its because when it creates the container movieClip it doesn't know where it is, I think I need to create the holder movieClip and pass it in some where but I don't know where.
I have an application which uses multiple packages of AS3 code and a main .fla file. Whenever I publish the main fla, my traces in the .as files don't show up in my output window. Any reason for this? an example would be:
I have a button that, when it is clicked, should cause a text box to appear. I can make text appear as a trace so I know the button's working, but I have no idea how to either get the trace onto the stage - it only appears in the .fla .output window. I think what would be preferable would be to get a text box to appear as the event but can't work it out....
I created a new slideshow in flash CS3 - AS3 but my code that I had for xml caching is barking at me and I am not sure what to do. The output window shows access to undefined property root.
I'm running FMS 4 Dev on my win XP SP3 machine, also running flash cs5 professional on same machine. I get the server admin screen to come up and it says it's running. I'm using a tut book on FMS and trying to run the first script in the book. It's long but I'll add the script at the bottom so you can see what i'm doing. In the server app folder I placed another folder called vid2 with nothing in it just like the book told me to do. I wrote the script line for line out of the book. When I test my movie it lays out my video window and buttons. It diplays my ugly mug on the screen. when I press the record button it does nothing. when i press the stop button the output window shows me an error of "#1009 can't access properties or methods of a null object". I assume that this is telling me I do not have a net connection.
when I types in the example it had an IP address in the code.How do I know the correct IP addy to my dev server? If I'm doing development and testing on the same machine do I even need to know this? 2) How will what I'm doing now differ from leasing space from an FMS provider?
I have the following code which shows the Flash Player Information in OUTPUT WINDOW. How can I view the same on FlashInfo (Dynamic Text Box) Texbox on stage?
Code: import flash.system.Capabilities; var flashPlayerMajorVersion:int; trace("Getting Flash Player version ...");
i would like that my window opens and closes (opens: scale out; closes: scale in) not by clicking on the button but on the window are 3 applications of mine (schuifwindow, scroll and fotoalbum).
Grtz,Jan the man
here are 3 applications of mine (schuifwindow, scroll and fotoalbum). schuifwindow only picture one (left up corner) has a X button (i dont want to use this button)
I am preparing a presentation DVD... DVD will contain wmv video, user manual and another flash exe file... So DVD interface will contain three elements; user manual, a flash exe file and video.. Flash video window will be short-time video, playing like 5-10 seconds then repeats itself... My question is, how could I accomplish to put video window playing certain amount of time then repeats itself, in main window? I need as3 fla example, which could be so useful for me..
I'm trying to place a popup window (TitleWindow) in the middle of the main application window. how do i set the coordinates of my popup window to be of the main application window? i tried the localToGlobal function but with no luck, I just can't get the main window x and y.
So I have this AIR app coded in flex where I have several floating native windows and what I want is to detect when a user clicks outside of a window so that I can close it. (I don't want to use the PopupManager Class and would want to use the native windows).
My question is, is there a way to detect a click outside of a spark window, or alternativley is there some root container/object which is a parent to all the native windows so that a click inside any native window would bubble up to it? (Apparently the stage object of the root windowed application is not that object since each window is not a child of the stage for the root application).