ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting A Dynamic Textfield To Count Upwards To A Specific Number?

May 28, 2009

If there a quick way code wise of getting a dynamic textfield to count upwards to a specific number?

i.e. I have a global variable named: _global.num and this equals 30 and I want it to count from 0 to 30 quite quickly.

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<fortoyning hjorne="1" />
<fortoyning hjorne="1" />


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ActionScript Code:
//Defining end number
var pComplete:Number = 50;
//Defining count var
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Jul 11, 2011

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argument to have it perform one function if there is only one flashVar and another if there are more.

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of flashVars being passed from the HTML. here is a real dumbed down version of what I am trying to do (which doesnt work because I can not figure out the correct process to follow)[code]...

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var num:Number = 4.321;
while (num%1!=0) {


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1) I want to count the number of movieclips(in different class) added. That is, may be I have 10 clicks, how many bigfish and smallfish are created. What function is suitable to call for doing this.

2) I have a problem on the hittest, it comes out "no hit" only but I still can see the movieclips overlap. And if I want to modify that only check whether smallfish is overlap with bigfish, what should I do? Also, there are functions inside the movieclip itself to give motion.[code]

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