Actionscript 3 :: Count Number Of Specific Characters Or Strings In A Txt File?
Apr 3, 2012
If I load a txt file into my flash movie using the following...
var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
myTextLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
function onLoaded(e:Event):void {
I get my text imported and it splits it every time the letter 'a' is found. That's fine.
How would I go about counting the number of times that 'a' or 'and' (for example) featured in the text?
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string[] arr = { "1.a", "2.b", "3.d", "4.d", "5.d" };
int countD = 0;
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my_str="Hello, Johny!, hello Dolly!";
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I'd like to know how to substitute characters of strings. Let's say I have...
my_str="Hello, Johny!, hello Dolly!";
I want to substitute all "!" characters to "?". How do we do this?
I am assuming that first we need to know the character position of the character we want to get rid of.
(we would loop this whole 3 step process until no more "!" characters were found in the string)
1) my_str.indexOf("!"); returns 12
2) do I delete that character?
3) The next step from there would probably be to use one of the methods String.substring() or String.slice to introduce the new character "?";
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ActionScript Code:
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function getHighestWidth():void{
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I was just looking at ths tutorial [URL]...watch_response and I also programmed it myself. I was wondering, if I had more than two objets how can I count how many of a certain object were dragged into the otheer object(in this case the shopping cart).
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Dec 27, 2011
[url]... I also programmed it myself. I was wondering, if I had more than two objets how can I count how many of a certain object were dragged into the otheer object(in this case the shopping cart).
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