ActionScript 2.0 :: Go To Next Text Field / When User Enters A Letter

Sep 29, 2009

how can you go to the next text field when user enters a letter.I've created an array that saves the text box selected by the user.The crossword boxs are named from b1 to b59 and within these MC there the a textfield that named - textfld.[code]

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input_txt.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, update);
function update(event:TextEvent):void {
output_txt.text = "foobar";
I don't know if this is valid ActionScript 3.0. I am getting an error that says "the class 'TextEvent' could not be loaded."

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I've recently created a Super Text Transition class - its pretty much perfect, except theres on thing that niggles me.

It works by splitting up dynamic textfields into many movie clips, one for each letter - but I cant work out how to position the newly created letter movie clips (each containing a dynamic textfield with only one letter in them) in the right way so it looks exactly like the original text would in the textfield.

Im assuming Im not taking into account certain variables - between textWidth/textHeight, _width and _height of the letter movie clips, leading, letterSpacing blablabla. know the variables to use to recreate a text field with lots of letter mcs?

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String :: Adding A Single Letter At A Time To A Text Field?

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I understand this is the correct behavior, but is there a way for "enthusiast" to begin being typed on the second line, and "write" on the third line instead of being bumped during the typing?

Currently I am thinking of doing a search ahead mechanism, so it finds the next word in whole, then makes that the active word to print, temporarily print it, see if it increases the numlines, and if it does insert a line break and continue writing. But it seems fiddly.


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function round(num:Number, dp:int):Number {
var decimal:Number = Math.pow(10, dp);
trace(Math.round(decimals * num) / decimal)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Flash To Find The Difference (in Days) Between Two Dates That The User Enters?

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respectively, how can I get a dynamic text box called, say, "output" to find the difference between two dates that the user enters into the six text boxes, e.g.

day1 - The user enters 03
month1 - The user enters 09
year 1 - The user enters 2006
day2 - The user enters 25
month2 - The user enters 12
year2 - The user enters 2006

How do I get Flash to find the difference between today and Christmas?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Profanity Filter - It Fails When The User Enters Only A Single Word?

Jul 13, 2010

First of all, props to Informatik at for the following code. This is a profanity filter that will perform an action when it detects a word from an array. The problem is, it fails when the user enters only a single word:

var filteredWords:Array = new Array("apple", "grape", "orange", "watermelon");
submitBtn.onPress = function():Void{
if(checkFilteredWords(inputText.text) == true)[code].....

The code uses split(" ") to detect a space which is obviously causing the problem of failing to detect one word offenders. But without this, the filter would detect profanity in a word like "assets".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Object(moon) Disappear After User Enters His Details?

Feb 24, 2011

a) A full moon is there on the screen in which Name and Password field is there.
b)The movement the user types his name and password and after pressing enter the moon should fade for some other animation.

Is action script needed for this?.

Am just a sort of general flash animator I don't know how to do things differently.

The animation further should continue where a steel door should open, two velvet ropes should be pulled aside which will make the bookcase wall swivels around to reveal the next animation

how to achieve point a and b.I will try pondering the rest on opening the steel door and pulling the velvet ropes that swivels the bookcase and goes to reveal another animation....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Sound - Music Automatically Start When The User Enters The Frame

Sep 15, 2011

So I am a complete novice at actionscript as was evident in my attempts to figure this out on my own. I have the following code to control the "Songs" section of my website and I would like the following features:

1. Not have the music automatically start when the user enters the frame. (I thought this was due to line 3 code but it still played after I deleted that code)

2. Add a "Back" button to go back 1 song.I currently have it set up with the following code on my "Songs" Page:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Letter-by-letter Text?

Apr 22, 2011

In many RPG games, messages appear in textboxes letter by letter (usually accompanied by a repetitive beeping). I've been trying to simulate this in Flash for a game I've been working on in AS2. When it comes to programming, I'm fairly new and so far, the best I've got is this:

var num:Number = 0;
var s:String = "This message will appear.";
function onEnterFrame():Void {


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Visited Links In Flash - Resets Back To Enable Each Time A User Re-enters The Frame

Aug 26, 2011

I have a project in Flash Mx 2004. On the first frame there is a menu with 4 menu items. When the user clicks an item, they are taken to another frame with some text and an exit button that takes them back to the menu. The forward button will not become active until all of the menu items have been viewed. There is no particular order for the items to be viewed, just that they all be viewed before the forward arrow is active and the user can continue. I tried puttin an action on the exit button to disable the related menu item, however, the item just resets back to enabled each time a user re-enters the frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preventing User From Focusing Out Of A Text Field?

Apr 13, 2010

I have an application where I am trying to get all user input directed to one paticular text field. So if the user clicks on another text field, the focus would prgramatically switch back to the first. I am not having much luck so far.

public function focusChng(e:Event) : void  var cTextField; //current Field  cTextField =; switch( e.type )  case FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN: 
cTextField.borderColor = 0x0000FF; 


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Text Field Where The User Can Only Write Numbers?

Feb 6, 2009

I need to create a text field where the user can only write numbers from 3.0 up to 12.0 with any decimal. With any number he imputs i need another text field to store the number lowered to its nearest .5 number.

for example

input 3.1 result 3.0
input 3.4 result 3.0
input 3.6 result 3.5
input 4.6 result 4.5

By the way. im using Flash CS3

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Real-time User Generated Input Text Field

Mar 24, 2010

looking for a real-time user generated input text component like the one in this link:(not the whole functionality, simply the function that if you click on stage an input text field opens wherever you click with the ability to save/drag/delete it) URL...i have created a similar form for a client and im missing this part.

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Flex :: FLASH - User Added/Transformed Text Field

Aug 4, 2011

how I'd go about having a text field a user can change the dimensions of by clicking and dragging in Flash?

i.e. the movie would show a text field with transform handles and depending on how wide or high it changes the word wrap..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: User Can Drag And Drop An Input Text Field?

Mar 13, 2010

Currently I have an input text field in the middle of my stage "newtext01_txt". The user can obviously type whatever they wish inside of the textbox - however I also want them to be able to drag and drop the textbox wherever they want... incorporating and with the textbox.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check What The User Types In Input Text Field?

Nov 25, 2010

I have input text box. the user can place there answer to question 1 in the textbox. what is the capital of the united Kingdom.the answer is london. so i want a to be able to check the user has subbmitted and typed letters london as there answer. i want to check in iput textbox ( the letter keys "london")

ActionScript Code:
var score = 0;
if(question1 == "london"){
score +=1;

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Actionscript 2.0 :: User Save The Contents Of An Input Text Field?

Mar 11, 2010

I have created a simple Flash file using actionscript 2 (CS3) that allows a user to enter text into an input text field and then print the results. Now what I want to do is allow the user to save the information they've typed in a file of some sort. I would prefer a .pdf, but I'm not married to that format.

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