ActionScript 2.0 :: Goto A Frame Only After Swf Has Fully Loaded?

Jan 27, 2009

I have Movie that has a preloader on the 1st Frame and then on the 2nd Frame a swf is loaded using this script.[code]This loads my test_1.swf into the test_1 mc inside the cc mc.This all works fine.... However what I want to know is how to only gotoAndPlay ("3") after the test_1.swf has been fully loaded?The idea I'm working with is that... an initial swf (simply an image with a preloader - test_1) would load into the background when the swf is started and then a menu would appear in frame 3 that would allow the user to replace the background swf with button clicks..... But at the moment the menu on frame 3 is loading before the background swf is loaded.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Goto Frame In Loaded Swf?

Sep 3, 2009

How can i go to a specified frame on a loaded external swf.

So communication from one swf to another.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: After Preloader Is Loaded Goto Frame / Label

Oct 3, 2009

I've bought a very simple AS3 preloader but the default code requests an external swf thru a loader event.What I would like to achieve is when the content is loaded it goes to a frame/label on my stage.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dilemma - Get Loaded In Swf To Goto Frame Label On Main Timeline?

Oct 21, 2005

I have a button that is loaded into my main movie at level 2. in my main movie on the timeline I have a frame label called guestbook. I want my button, when released to go to trigger the frame label. on my button i have the script:

on (release) {

Obvously this does not work because it references the wrong timeline so i tried:

on (release) {

thinking that somehow it would see the parent swf and work - haha - me and my dumb ideas of course it doesnt you know how i can get it to work. Perhaps i should mention that the button that loads in at level 2 is inside a movie clip (for reasons of animation)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Loaded SWF Plays Before Fully Loaded?

Dec 16, 2010

very annoying bug.. I load a SWF and monitor the loading progress using

_swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSwfLoaded);
_swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onSwfProgress);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Check That The 1st SWF To Be Fully Loaded?

Dec 2, 2003

My header swf on load took longer than the hobbies swf. It is surpose to appear only after the header swf is fully loaded. See link below.


Is that any properities/condition I can use to check that the 1st SWF to be fully loaded (return true value) b4 proceeding to load 2nd SWF using do while statement.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf Plays Before Fully Loaded

Sep 28, 2006

I'm using a preload function with the Movie Clip Loader. Everything works like it should except the external swf's will play before they are fully loaded. At first I only had one frame in each swf, and they wouldn't show up until 100%. Then i added some animations, and now they play out at around 60% loaded.

I know I can fix it with stop() on the first frame and tell it to play after 100%, but I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem, or is it something common with MCL and i just wasn't aware of it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Which Is Not Appear Untill Fully Loaded?

May 20, 2010

i making flash website and i tried to put a preloader but it dosen't work ... if u wana see the example of what am talking about plz visit thisi spent alot of time and i visited all the threads posted here but i failed

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Preloader Bar Fully Loaded But Movie Does Not Play

Jun 8, 2009

I built a pretty simple Flash movie for a client and put a preloader on frame 1. The preloader works fine then the movie plays. What is happening is if you go to another page on the site and then go back to the home page all you see is the preloader bar fully loaded but the movie doesn't play. You have to refresh the page for the swf to play again. It is doing it to me in Firefox but not IE 8 and it is doing it in IE8 on my clients computer...

Here is the code.
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
function onProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void{ var loaded:Number =; var total:Number =; var pct:Number = loaded/total; loader_mc.scaleX = pct; loaded_txt.text="Loading..." + (Math.round(pct * 100)) + "%";}function onComplete(e:Event):void { gotoAndPlay(2);}

Here is a screen cap of what is happening. After you go back to the homepage all you see is the rpeloader bar fully loaded without the load text.

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Flash :: NetStream Only Playing When Fully Loaded?

Feb 9, 2012

I've been searching for this for a while, and either my google-fu is weak or there is no easy to find answer yet...

I am using a NetStream to stream a video file from anywhere. The NetStream is NOT connected to any server. Here is the code:

// Create new connection and stream
_netCon = new NetConnection();


This basically works, of course, but the video always starts playing only when it is fully loaded. It also passes the metadata only then. But the main reason to use a NetStream is so that you can play a video BEFORE it is fully loaded.

I tried playing around with the bufferTime property, but to no avail. Also made sure that there is no caching involved when loading the video. I always load a "new one" by adding some "?bla=date" value behind the url.

Is it possible that the "real" streaming only works when really connected to a server? Or am I missing something else?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell If Shared Library Has Been Fully Loaded?

Dec 9, 2009

Is there a way to tell if Shared Library has been fully loaded?

I have external SharedLib.swf with fonts inside

I imported those fonts inside Master.swf and that's where I am using textfields that rely on those fonts...

I just need to know if theres a way to tell when sharedLib.swf was fully loaded and ready to use,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swfs Appearing Before Fully Loaded?

Sep 3, 2006

I'm having a strange problem while preloading external swfs. I have about 6 external swfs that load whenever their respective button is clicked. Each swf will have a short animation that builds the page. Initially, i was testing the swfs with the full page assembled on frame 1.

Everything worked as it should until i started building the animations. Now, instead of the animation starting when the swf is fully loaded, it starts when the preloader is around 60%. This happens everytime at 60%. If I take the animation off and go back to 1 frame, it shows up when it's supposed too, at 100% loaded. I thought i could get around it by putting a stop on the first frame and telling the swf to play with onLodInit(), but it still shows up early with the stop() on frame 1. Just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced this weird problem?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmap Draw Once Fully Loaded?

Oct 1, 2009

Im trying to draw a bitmap of an dynamically loaded image via xml, and ofcourse i'd like to apply smoothing to my images, as my page resizes with the browser and creates a mess.

The images are loaded with a timer event, which fires every 200ms, and each time this occurs, I'd like to quickly draw the bitmapdata of the image so i can apply the smoothing.

My problem that im having is that the images aren't completely loaded when I run the draw method and so im left with a white box instead.

Currently im using:

function itemHandler(event:Event):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use Childs Library (when Not Fully Loaded)?

Mar 4, 2005

I have a question that is a bit tricky. Why I want to do this is becouse I need such a dynamic solution as posible with fast downloadtime.

- I have a host file that schould preload child files (this is to display what I can load visual).

- In the child files library i have a clip ready to be exportet (it's exported in first frame)

- when my host noticed that the childs second frame is loaded I want to grab the clip from the childs library and attach it in the host. (after this it will load nextone e.g.)

Is it not posible to get childrens exportet library clips? (have tried to load whole child clip before trying to grab the clip).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Two Buttons Which Will Control The Movie To Goto Next Frame And Previous Frame?

Oct 5, 2009

Just finally making the transition from AS2 to AS3.All i need to do at this point is make two buttons which will control the movie to goto next frame and previous frame. I have gotten how to make the buttons go to a specified frame number and also a button to go to a specified external url but no success in making a simple next/previous pair of buttons.



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ActionScript 3.0 :: If Click The The Mc1 On First Frame  The Movie Clip Should Goto And Stop At Tenth Frame?

Aug 18, 2011

i created a two layer in time line in one layer there is a movieclip called mc1. In the same layer in 15th frame i have another movie clip mc2. Inside the movieclip mc2 i created another movie clip at frame10 now if i clik the the mc1 on first frame  The movie clip should goto and stop at tenth frame

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell _root To Goto Frame And Then Play Certain Frame Of Movieclip?

May 7, 2006

When you click a button I want my flash to go to the frame label where the movie clip is located, and then play a certain frame of that movie clip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove External File Before It Is Fully Loaded?

Nov 1, 2009

One being ... at the moment when a FLVPlayback is imported onto the stage and a user clicks on the exit button before the video it has fully loaded onto the stage, the video keeps loading in the background. I want it to be completely removed and stop loading when the exit button is click... because at the moment it slows the users internet down and the sound also plays in the background when its been fully loaded... The video interface seem to be removed but not the whole thing.

It is also happening to me when I use addChild to load a external JPEG... if the user exits before it is fully loaded to the stage... it keeps loading in the background.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detecting When Movie Into Target Fully Loaded

Jun 2, 2003

I am trying to load an external swf into a target. When the swf is completely loaded, I want to execute the next set of actions. I am trying to develop my flash websites so that no coding is done within the child swfs. So I would assume some code like this would work:
_root.holder.loadMovie ("child.swf");
if(_root.holder.getBytesLoaded ==_root.holder.getBytesTotal){
_execute some other command;
However it doesn't work! So is there a way to detect when a specific child swf has fully loaded into a target (not _framesLoaded please!) and then set a variable to allow some other actionscript to kick in?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Page Not Show Up Until Fully Loaded

Apr 29, 2008

[CS3 AS2]. I'm having trouble preloading a site I'm working on. I think I'm doing it correctly but the preloader page dosen't show up until its done loading. Then jumps straight to the 2nd frame because its loaded. I'm just doing a simple animation on frame 1 (as the preloader anim.) then when its finished loading, goToAndPlay frame 2.

total = _root.getBytesTotal();
loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
if (loaded == total) {

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloader: Frame 1 Stop On 100% Goto Frame 2

Jan 20, 2010

at first, I thought I could manage this myself searching the forums about "preloader" but none of the solutions seem to work. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm using the FLVPlayer with an external file. What am I looking for?

1. Well, the preload code for frame 1 that makes sure the external F4V (movie.f4v in the same dir) is loaded 100% before it jumps to frame 2 where the movie should start playing...

2. If possible, a progress bar.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Disable External FLV File From Playing Until Fully Loaded?

Mar 12, 2010

In my project I have five video files that I need to all play simultaneously. I'd like the user to be unable to play them until they are fully loaded, because of course streaming would mean they wouldn't necessarily be playing at synchronized times any more.

So I need to load them all entirely, and have a single button that the user clicks to get them all to play simultaneously.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making The Loading Bar Only Be Fully Loaded At 100% An Only Half Full At 50% Etc?

Aug 20, 2003

I have a pre-loader with dynamic loading text displaying the % of movie loaded. I also have an animated loading bar which goes from left to right.Is there a way of making the loading bar only be fully loaded at 100% an only half full at 50% etc. At the moment the loading bar movie clip plays until loaded and then starts all over again if the movie hasn?t loaded yet.

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Professional :: FLVPlayback Buffer: Video Loads Invisibly Until Fully Loaded?

Jul 28, 2011

A website I've recently encoded has HTML5 video that falls back to a Flash video for IE browsers. The MP4 video is played through a SWF file with an FLVPlayBack component, and works perfectly on my company's staging environment. However, once we moved the files to the client's live site, the video's buffering does not work properly. Instead of showing the video controllers and progress bar as the video loads, nothing is shown until the video file is completely downloaded (about 50MB)Here are the settings used for the SWF file and FLVPlayBack Component:

autoPlay: off
autoRewind: on


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May 2, 2005

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Nov 22, 2010

I have a scene where my movieclip loops between frame 1 and 2.In frame 3 there is a gotoAndPlay (1);.Is there a code that I can put in frame 1 where it tells to jump to frame 4 every 7:th second?

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Dec 21, 2009

Where to even begin. I want to loop frames 1-25 until a mouseover, then i want it to go to frame 26.

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Apr 29, 2011

I have been using powerpoint all long for my presentations, but I'd like to move on with Flash. My question is therefore as follows: How do I use the arrow keys to go to the next frame and optionally, the left key to go to the previous frame?

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Professional :: Goto And Play First Frame?

Dec 6, 2010

Using CS5 and Code Snippets, how do I tell the Timeline that when it gets to a specific frame to go to another one? I want it to go back and play the first frame to create a looping effect.

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Rollover Goto Frame And Stop?

Mar 9, 2011

I've got 3 buttons on a background and would like each to perform this:Rolllover=goto another frame to see graphic and stopRollout= go back to frame 1 and stopClick=goto URL

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