ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Use Preloaders
Sep 3, 2005
im dynamically loading images and text from a xml file. but text appearing so fast and images loading slowly..while the images loading slowly until i want my preloader to be viewed there...ive used the images within a seperate swf file and im calling them(swf files) dynamically via and where ive to use has to be viewed on the place of image...(instead of swf)...
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May 9, 2010
I seem to be getting a funny problem whenever people click a bit too early on another link whilst a movieclip file is loadingthe prime example is here, you click to enter the site, then a .swf loads within a MC to give you the "homepage" content (in this case some rather pretty girls wearing some t-shirts) the problem comes when the user gets bored of waiting too long and decides to click else where, for example, the user clicks on events.This then begins loading the events.swf file into the loader_MC I have, and once loaded begins mass playing the file constantly ( warning, it does flash very quickly, so if that sort of thing set you off, dont click it =O!)This is what my preloader code looks like in the loading files (such as home.swf, events.swf, etc
ActionScript Code:
mycallback = setInterval(preloader, 10);
//function to be called to test for download
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Oct 23, 2009
I was wondering how are circular preloaders done? Not just a preloader with a circular animation but actually a circle that grows with the progress.
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Jul 30, 2009
I swear, this problem alone is the toughest issue I've ever had to figure out with Flash.Let me explain... You created a preloader to show a loading external swf's bytes loaded, which is to be placed in a empty movieclip once fully loaded.Your overall size for your around 40 mb. Create a windows projector.exe and the loader doesn't work, the movie loads but you don't see a loader. I've exhausted every possible solution I can think of.
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Jan 13, 2010
I have moved on to using a Fireworks preloader in Flash. I have one timeline, my slideshow of 3 images starts on frame2, I insert my Fireworks loader into Flash from the Flash libary and place in Frame1. All fine however after my slideshow of 3 images is finished before it loops again the preloader blinks on the screen before the slideshow starts again. Is there anyway of stopping the preloader appearing after the slideshow has started? I know it sounds petty but I would like it if the preloader does its stuff at the beginning and then does not show again.
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Feb 23, 2009
This is something that has bugged me for a while, and I just can't seem to find the answer.My issue involves preloading my site and images that are dynamically loaded. My preloader, as it should, considers whatever is on my stage. But the preloader never waits for my dynamic stuff to load. Why is that??So my problem is that the preloader "thinks" that everything is loaded and send the user to the home page of the site, where none of the dynamically loaded images have appeared yet.
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Nov 1, 2004
I'm using a simpel preloader script that holds the movie on frame 1, and plays frame 2 when everything is loaded.I used this script before without any problems, but for some reason the textfield with the "loading"-text only shows up at exactly 50%.There are no other objects/movieclips/textfieds except this one "loading"-text on frame 1. When I trace the 'update()'-function, it traces once at the beginning of the script, holds, and than traces as it should after 50%.[code]
View 5 Replies
May 28, 2005
When I put the common code for create a preloder in the beginning of the flash presentation, it will load the content of all the movie. But if I want to use different preloaders for loading JPEG's or mc, or different scenes, independly??
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Jan 13, 2006
All the information I've seen about preloaders show that one must make the preloader in the main scene, don't know why, I'm building [URL] with a fancy preloader, since i tryed making a group mc to contain all the elements of the preloader it stoped working. What i find strange is that sometimes grouping a simple preloader in a mc does work.
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May 14, 2006
I have this code that uses a target box that shrinks down around the button you clicked on in a _scale tween/normal tween
Loader_xTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(holder_mc,"_x", mx.transitions.easing.None.easeNone, holder_mc._x, target._x, 100,false);
Loader_yTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(holder_mc, "_y",
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Feb 8, 2007
can some one confirm if there are some issues when you export library assets and duplicate movieclips, when trying to have a getBytesLoaded preloader?
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Feb 14, 2005
I have a few swfs loaded into the 'main' swf file through 'load movie'. As each of the independent swfs are quite big files, I need a preloader for each of them. However, when I include the 'load movie' in the 'main swf', the independent swfs have not finished loading yet, and the movie bounces back to the begining, which is not my intention. Am I using a wrong type or preloader? I'm actually using the preloader I got from Kirupa, the one which is load with percentage.Also, I originally created the flash in MAc, and the 'load movie' command links to, say...painting.swf. But when I transfer the files to PC, it automatically changes to painting, without the swf. extension. As a result, the link could not be read. I modified the url in the load movie command to 'painting' without the extension. I have yet to test on a mac, but I think it would not work.
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Apr 26, 2004
I am basically having a problem with my site.I have one flash file, and from there are severallinks. Each new link when clicked opens up a new flashmovie using loadmovie in a target movie clip. I created preloaders for each of the individual flashfiles. However when testing for streaming, it does not work. My site isExample, from the main flash file, when I click onfilmography, the movie laods, but prelaoder doesn'twork. However, when I test my filmography movieindiviually, by running filmography.htm, the preloaderworks.
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Nov 13, 2002
I'm not sure why I am so incompatible with preloaders. After so much struggling I got my first one to work, but now I can't get preloaders to work again with the site I'm currently working with. It just either goes straight to the main screen, or ignores the preloader and just loads while having a blank screen.
I also have a question, is a preloader like this
if (_framesloaded>=_totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
only for animations, and not web navigation purposes? I tried using this for my[URL].. that I'm working on, but it did not do anything. Could my problem be that I'm putting the loader in a separate scene? It seems it should work okay then, though, because on frame two I have it gotoAndPlay the next appropriate scene.
Bah. I don't know why this isn't working now. Even kirupa's show bytes/total bytes preloader isn't working.
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Nov 2, 2004
Look at this site: How do they attach the preloaders on the mouse?
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Sep 8, 2009
Able to direct me in the right direction as to how to go about adding preloaders for images on a rotating menu.
I am not after any kind of complex animation loader, just simple text that says 'Image Loading'
I have a few thoughts which are;
1.create moveclip with the words 'loading Images' some how load this in the background of main holder that loads images in so that when image loads it loads over the text 'Image loading' technically not a loader just text in the background.
2.create moveclip with the words 'loading Images' that when image loads in the text is replaced by image that loaded in? [code]...
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Dec 13, 2009
I am trying to create a dynamic image showcase for my homepage, which consists of a series of images fading in and out.I have created a flash file, with movie clip (empty) with an instance called "imageLoader"Then using some available AS I have called in the image (with a preloader function.) see below, the script has been pased on scene 1, frame 1.
function startLoading(whichImage) {
loadMovie(whichImage, "imageLoader");
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Sep 6, 2011
creating AS3 preloaders with the Loader and LoaderInfo objects.[URL]
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Dec 11, 2009
I've looked around and tried various examples that I've seen, but none of them seem to work with "simulate download".It doesn't seem like the swf does anything before it's completely loaded. It doesn't even display the background, just plain white.It also doesn't execute any code, so the event listeners I've seen used for preloaders don't work until the swf is completely loaded.Do I need to somehow designate a section of code to execute before the swf is fully loaded? How do I do that?
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Sep 23, 2010
The current code I have works great for one image -- but how do I edit the code to allow for more than one? Every time I try and add an extra button / link to the code I mess the whole thing up.
Here's the code:
ActionScript Code:
import fl.controls.ProgressBar;
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
myLoader.x = 322;
View 9 Replies
Apr 26, 2004
I have one flash file, and from there are several links. Each new link when clicked opens up a new flash movie using loadmovie in a target movie clip. I created preloaders for each of the individual flash files. However when testing for streaming, it does not work. My site is [URL]
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Sep 12, 2005
I have a preloader that i found on the net which i am using to load my main .swf. Inside the main .swf I am loading several external .swf's and I wanted to use the same preloader to load them in.. however I am having a bit of trouble doing so.. here is the code that is attached to the preloader I am using..
onClipEvent (load) { total = _root.getBytesTotal();}onClipEvent (enterFrame) { loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); percent = int(loaded/total*100); text = " "+percent+"%"; gotoAndStop(percent); if (loaded == total) { _root.gotoAndPlay(2); }}
When i use this preloader inside an external .swf which I am pulling into my main movie it resets the whole movie back to the begining.. i guess because of the referals to _root in the I should modify this code for the preloaders in my external .swf's so I can preload and then play my exyternal .swf's in my main movie.
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Dec 11, 2005
I have designed this site with few external swf. I was wondering how can I preload all the externals swf's file in the same preloader of my first frame and scene. I have this code :
onClipEvent (load)
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
View 14 Replies
Jan 25, 2005
I've got myself a Flash site, with a main movie, a tumbnail gallery, and a set of image clips.
The gallery loads into the main movie, and so do the images, once the thumbnails are pressed.
I'm trying to put preloaders on all these files, but everytime I do, something goes wrong and the files stop from being loaded into the main clip.
If anyone's interested, here is one of my image files, on which I am trying to put a preoader.
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Nov 1, 2004
I'm using a simpel preloader script that holds the movie on frame 1, and plays frame 2 when everything is loaded.I used this script before without any problems, but for some reason the textfield with the "loading"-text only shows up at exactly 50% There are no other objects/movieclips/textfieds except this one "loading"-text on frame 1. When I trace the 'update()'-function, it traces once at the beginning of the script, holds, and than traces as it should after 50%...Here's my code at frame 1:
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Feb 23, 2005
I'm very newbie in Flash so I'm asking to have patience I'm trying to make my own slideshow WITHOUT buttons and WITHOUT preloaders. The idea is to preload all images from outside then to convert them to MovieClips and then using transitions between them run the slideshow.My question is: How to convert preloaded images to clips in order to avoid reloading images each time in every frame and make the slideshow without blinking? GIVE ME SOME ADVICE, PLEASE! you can download whole project without images (you can use yours instead to see how it work). This is slightly modifyed code of THIS tutorial that I'm using in my project:
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Nov 25, 2008
I am working on my first Flash project with AS3.The structure of the flash site is pretty simple. I have a stage 1165px wide x 710px height Inside my Stage I have an horizontal bar with a menu followed by a container right under.
is that whenever I click on one of the button on the menu, that the related external .SWF loads into the container with a preloading bar and %. I already did all my .SWF files.
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May 21, 2009
I have created a website using Flash CS4 and Actionscript 3.0. I recently realized that I will need to have a preloader included. I searched the internet and found a variety of Flash components sites that will sell you very nice preloaders. There is something that I do not understand however. There was one very nice preloader that used triangles spinning in a circle. It fits my website theme perfectly However the documentation states that the preloader opens with Flash CS3 and I have used CS4 in mine. It also says that it uses Actionscript version 2.0 whereas I have created my site using 3.0. Does this mean that I'm stuck in the water?
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Jan 14, 2010
I've had no problem creating preloaders for a basic page. I have a gallery with a preloader on the main page. It works fine. You can click thumbnails to see large photos that are on separate swf files. Everything worked fine when there were no preloaders on the individual swfs. But later I added preloaders to each individual swf file and now they do not load - just a big fat "0% Loaded" screen.
I'm doing something wrong. Perhaps the preloader should be contained within the loader that is displaying the individual swf files? Maybe the individual swfs do not need their own preloaders? I'm over my head in AS 3.0
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Nov 1, 2011
I'm aware there are tutorials online that cover how to make game menus and preloaders for AS3 flash games, but I've found that books are more in-depth for certain topics. Are there books with sections that cover the process of making a preloader and menus for an AS3 flash game?My ultimate goal is to implement a preloader AND game menus without referring to the timeline.
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