ActionScript 2.0 :: Link Movies That Will Loop On DVD?

Dec 31, 2009

I am a brand spanking new user. I just attended a class, however I am using flash not on a site. Instead I am exporting to DVD to play on huge 60" TV's. Problem... I'm at 16000 frames and not even half way done.How do I link movies that will loop on a DVD? I'm guessing by the time i'm done i'll probably have 4-5 movies.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Made 4 Movies-Now Can't Link?

Dec 9, 2004

I made 4 short 2 minutes SWF "presentation movies" that I want to burn onto BizCard CDs and mail to clients and prospective clients. I created a menu with the four items to link tot he movies. I ASSUMED I would be able to do this but I cannot link from my four menu items to the movies. I have tried everything but I end up with looping or syntax errors.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Link From Four Menu Items To The Movies?

Dec 9, 2004

I made 4 short 2 minutes SWF "presentation movies" that I want to burn onto BizCard CDs and mail to clients and prospective clients. I created a menu with the four items to link tot he movies. I ASSUMED I would be able to do this but I cannot link from my four menu items to the movies. I have tried everything but I end up with looping or syntax errors.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Attach Movies In A Loop?

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im getting a bit stuck with trying to attach movieclips according to a randomized array (for a card game

tempx = 210;
tempy = 315;
for (i = 0; i <13; i ++)


all it seems to do is writeover every card with the next one so all im left with is the last card of the hand being shown

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Giving Multiple Movies Actions With For Loop

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What i want to do is assign actions to each individual movieclip using a for loop.. let me explain Say i have 5 MovieClips on the stage... With instance names clip1, clip2, clip3.... Now what i want to do is assign a OnRollOver and OnRelease to each 1 So individual code for each would be something like this.


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Flash :: Professional - Website Keeping Image Small And Link Movies Rather Than Embed But Still Slow

May 15, 2011

I have recently launched a site for a client which includes an interactive flash element on the home page but it takes a long time to load (10-30seconds). I have followed advice from others about keeping image small and link movies rather than embed but still slow, the swf file is about 7.9mb which i thought was ok for the size of flash file. Does anyway else know where I have gone wrong whether it be the embedding or some other area.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Link To Duplicated MovieClip In Loop?

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I've got a form with radio buttons which were duplicated depending on the response from the database. However, when they are selected (even though they have the same group name) it is possible to select more than one. I've got round this problem by adding the selected one to a blank array and removing it from an array with all the possible radio buttons in. This then enables me to get the selected value and use it, and However, the other values (which are in another array) still show as selected (i.e. the dot is in the middle of the button) which isnt good. I've set up a loop which should go through each value in the "unclicked" array and set the radiobutton corresponding to it to unselected. The code I have is below:

for (i=0; i < unclicked.length; i++)
_root.RB[i].radioButtoni.selected = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link Doesn't Work And Makes Animation Loop?

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i put this in actionscript



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ActionScript 1/2 :: Sound Linkage When Loading Movies Into Movies?

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I have an intro.swf file that is basically a movie with sound that is exported for actionscript but not exported in the first frame. I just stuck it in a movie on my timeline and it works great and the preloader works because it doesn't load the sound before the preloader. I use :

musicSound = new Sound();
to play the sound in intro.swf.

However, now this intro.swf gets loaded into an index.swf and everything works fine and the sound plays as long as I have the sound included in BOTH the intro.swf and the index.swf and the sound is exported on the first frame in the index.swf. I was hoping I could remove the sound entirely from my index.swf since it already loads into the intro but so far

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Reverse Rollover Movies Within Movies?

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I have been having trouble creating a movie clip with a reverse rollover effect within a movie which has a reverse rollover effect. that sounds confusing

In essence I wish to create a panel that rolls out on rollover and rolls back in reverse when the you rollout. I have done this using this script


However I wish to make movies within this movie that have the same effect on them. But when I create another movie or button within this movie it is not registering on rollover. I guess because the script on the main movie overrides it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: References & Movies Within Movies?

May 24, 2003

I am creating a calendar and only one part isnt work. That part is the movie (mc_nav). I have the mc_nav movie on each month's stage. The buttons are named correctly since I used normal modes reference thingy to double check the references. I am trying to have it move to the next frame in the movie, or back, or to the 3rd frame etc. The first section (NAVIGATION BUTTON LINKS) works fine. It is just when I try to navigate on the Scene 1 stage, from a movie within a movie, that the trouble arises. Each of the month movies (mc_sep, mc_oct, etc) have mc_nav placed on them. Then the month movies are placed in Scene 1 on each of their respective frames (mc_sep = 4, mc_oct = 5, etc). When testing the movie and I am sent to any month page, the navigation (mc_nav) wont work. The syntax according to the flash debugger is correct. The action script goes all the way through to the last frame (13) and the stop(); command is set to stop the movie at frame 3 (the splash page).


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop A Specific Bit Of My Movie Until A Specific Link Is Clicked?

Mar 29, 2010

how I can loop a specific bit of my movie until a specific link is clicked?

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Professional :: Using Movies In Movies?

Apr 9, 2011

I have a small FLA file i created myself. its just a simple mp3 player, pause and stop and a volume slider, thats it.I want to import three instances of this into a bigger movie and have them all available to run at the same time.I need them to be all on the screen at one time (same frames) and I need them each to be able to play a different mp3 The user will not be able to decide which mp3, this is all 'hard coded' into the fla file.So how can I do this and get access to each individual movie's controls?
For example when I use the slider on the first player, I only want the volume to change on the first mp3.Would I even have to worry about this in the big file that has all three movies in it?I mean could I just code the volume slider to work right in the mp3 player file and then the bigger movie file will automatically know that when the volume slider is moved, only to affect the voume of the first mp3?if i do it that way, would I have to save out 3 different versions of the mp3 player file. one with '1.mp3', say, hard coded into it, another with '2.mp3' hard coded into it, etc?

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Hyperlink - Puting Other Link On The Flash Element With Internal Link Inside?

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#content {
position: absolute;


But you need everytime to put top, left, margin-bottom parameters. Can someone modify it to make working correct without pointing top, left, margin-bottom parameters?

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Jul 13, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Menubar Link - Videos Link On The Menu Bar Go Straight To My Youtube Channel

Jul 20, 2009

I am new to Flash. I bought a template online a couple weeks ago, and for the most part have made all the changes to personalize the page. The page is for wedding videography, and came with a Videos section. However, I do not like the template video player, and would like to have the Videos link on the menu bar go straight to my youtube channel rather than to the flash player. Primarily all changes to the template have been made in a text.txt file, rather than the flash file itself. My question is, how could I change the link on the main page to route to my youtube channel? Here's what it looks like in the text file:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Link In Loaded SWF Link To ITS Main Timeline?

Dec 17, 2009

I am literally at the end of my wick with this one! Here's the skinny, so to speak:

button line mc


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Flex :: Have A Link In A Datagrid And To Popup A Window On Clicking The Link?

Oct 15, 2009

I have a datagrid with different types of columns, like I have checkboxes, combo boxes and text Inputs as the column types. Now I want one of the column type to a link, with the label "view". All the rows in that column are link with the same label "View" and on clicking it, I want a Pop up window to be opened?

This is my code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="" width="100%" height="100%">


I didn't know how to bring a link in the datagrid. So used the Text control to display the "View" label. Now If I click this item, "View" in the datagrid, I want the Pop up function, i.e.,defectCommentsPopUp() to be called.

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Link Flash File To Link To Dreamweaver Page?

Jan 11, 2010

i have created a flash animation for my homepage, i want to make part of that flash animation a "enter" button so when clicked would go to my page 2 on my website.

i have never done any script before and only used dreamweaver on a mac. is there an easy way to create this button to link to my next page and to stop my file to stop looping?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Link To Internal Page Not Open Link As Pop Up?

Jun 10, 2009

I've created a flash naviagation menu and currenlly my links will open a pop up window.  I don't want this.  I want it to open the link in the same window.  Here is the code for one of the links:
var home:URLRequest = new URLRequest("index.html");
function homeDown(event:MouseEvent):void {    navigateToURL(home,"_self");}

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Professional :: Flash/XML Link - Format The Link Tag In The Xml If There Is A Standard?

Feb 17, 2012

I have created a small application which takes it's information from an xml file and displayes it in a news ticker which is a flash Flash AS2 application. tell me the correct way to format the link tag in the xml if there is a standard when wanting to state a target for the link?  The xml file currently looks like:

<header>Test Message 1</header>[code]....

So what I want to do is to be able to open the link in a taget=_blank window however adding that to the end of the url does not currently work.I have added a comma and also tried using a space, space and encompassing in quotes but none are working.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Link - Link Them To A Picture/url Address?

Dec 17, 2009

i created my subMenu buttons fine, however i only know how to link them to a picture/url address, my goal is to have the user click the subMenu button and open the image or page right below the menu bar in the "stage" area of flash. I read about IFrames but i'd rather create the whole site in flash .Here is the code for my subMenu...

btn_34th.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClickHandler);
function buttonClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("images/34th.jpg"));
trace("I'm Clicked!");

Again, this works fine, i just want to have the image take up the "white" space on the stage area, very similar to an IFrame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Error Url Link / Replace And Refresh New Link

Jun 1, 2010

I connected the flash with php framework, click the menu button while the other has always been a double-link examples:[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting A Button To Link To Mailto Link?

Mar 26, 2009

I've trawled the web, everyone with different ideas on how to call up a mailto link in AS3. What I'm looking for is this: I have a box, that is coverted to a button symbol given the name 'mailto'I have another layer for the actionscript I have imported '' and ''
I know I need to create a function or a variable to link in the already created button. Do I also need to import the MouseEvents?

I created this FLA to get used to CS4 (i was previously using8)Everything works wonderfully, I would just like to know how to use AS3 properly, without having to call defeat and create the FLA again using AS2.

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IDE :: HTML Link To Website AND ALSO Link To Location In SWF?

Feb 27, 2009

I have a 90% all flash-site and when u click news webpage splits up in HTML blended with flash in a page called news.asp

(buttons are in flash and content in asp bellow)When loceted on news.asp and you click... let's say service you go back to index.html with the flash main.swf, but the link has ALSO have to go to label (service) or frame 30 lets say...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Interactive Movies Within Interactive Movies

Jul 31, 2009

I have been creating a gallery for a client that changes preview images in response to thumbnail images being clicked, I have the basics working but now my client wants further interaction in some of the previews that include using buttons on the preview images that either open a web page in a new window or switch between more preview images. The problem is the new buttons that appear are embedded on the initial preview images (which are set as movies), and for some reason the interaction that has been added to these movies is stopped when run in another movie. Sorry if that sounds complicated!


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Break Between The First Link And Second Link?

Feb 18, 2005

I tried the transitions tutorial, and it works fine, except that there is a break between the first link and second link.


and as you can see, there is a certain flash between link 1 and link 2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Loop So Icons In Menu Continually Loop Indefinitely

Apr 16, 2010

I would like to create a loop so the icons in the menu continually loop indefinitly.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A Loop To Create Text Field With The Loop's Current Value

Dec 11, 2010

I am attempting to use a loop to create text field with the loop's current value. The code looks like this:

ActionScript Code:
for (var i = 1; i<=10; i++) {
var 'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt':TLFTextField = new TLFTextField();
'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt'.x = 40
'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt'.y = 40
'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt'.text = "Hello World"

So essentially what it should do is create 10 text fields at 40, 40 with the text: "Hello World".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Infinate Loop For M.clip.the Looping Part Does Not Want To Loop?

Jun 13, 2004

i'm trying to do an infinate loop for my m.clip.the looping part does not want to loops back to my firrst frame even though there are two same picture in the movie's a sample of what i use for the infinate loop script..


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