ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A Loop To Create Text Field With The Loop's Current Value
Dec 11, 2010
I am attempting to use a loop to create text field with the loop's current value. The code looks like this:
ActionScript Code:
for (var i = 1; i<=10; i++) {
var 'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt':TLFTextField = new TLFTextField();
'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt'.x = 40
'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt'.y = 40
'nameHolder'+[i]+'_txt'.text = "Hello World"
So essentially what it should do is create 10 text fields at 40, 40 with the text: "Hello World".
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Feb 4, 2009
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for (var i:Number=0; i<sC.length(); i++) {
but i can't get it to work with multiple text fields,
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this.createEmptyMovieClip("mNav",this.getNextHighe stDepth());
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Dec 7, 2010
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PHP Code:
var xml:XML;var xmlList:XMLList;var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();xmlLoader.load(newURLRequest("data/data.xml"));xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
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Oct 15, 2009
I've got an xml file that is providing text to the swf. The flash file is supposed to go through the xml file and each time it reads a node it is supposed to create a text field on the stage with the text from the XML file. Then it is supposed to animate along the y axis for a short time, pause for a few seconds, and then continue animating along the y axis. (like a news ticker on a News Channel). Anyways, I've got the FLA reading the XML file fine and it even creates a text field populated with the text. But I can't get the text fields to animate inside the loop.[code]I can get the first text to animate. But I don't understand why the "i and j" version doesn't.
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Aug 16, 2010
just trace out the data within the "item tag" below. I can trace out the three at the top but can't get into the items. Having it nested like this is giving me problems. I would really like it to loop through the items and display each in a single text field.
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Apr 3, 2009
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if (currentValue % 15 == 1) {
var rab1:MovieClip = rabbit1._x;
var myHoriTween:Tween = new Tween (rabbit1,"_x",Regular.easeInOut,rab1,(rabbit1._x = rabbit1._x + 100),2,true);
myHoriTween.onMotionFinished = function (){
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I've been trying to create a loop to check the current _x and trace it so I can see it advancing as its tweening but it's simply too advanced for me.
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var xmlData=new XML();
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Oct 25, 2010
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function whatYear(e:MouseEvent):void { display_txt.text = myDate.getFullYear();}
date_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, whatYear);
I keep getting an error 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Number to an unrelated type String.
I have to create one for the current date also.
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Jul 20, 2009
I have need of loops / nested loops that pick different figures depending on where you are in the loop. The whole function needs to run through 'ml' times. 'ml' is a dynamic figure. Loop 1 = While the loop is within the first 12 iterations, 'exconemp' must equal 100. For iterations 13 - 24, 'exconemp' must equal 102.5, for 25 - 36 it will be 105.06, for 37 - 48 it will be 107.69. This needs to change every 12th iteration until it has reached 'ml'. The calculation takes the value of the previous 'exconemp' and then multiplies that by 0.025.
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Nov 24, 2009
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//Initial P Value
p = 0;
//Project Information
//Assigning Information[code]..........
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Nov 9, 2010
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for(var i:uint = _startIndex; i <= _endIndex; ++i){
var _mcContainer:MovieClip = _mcParent["i_" + _position];
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Jun 2, 2011
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var i:MovieClip;
for each(i in array)
This reads better for me personally, yet I'm being attacked for it. Is there any difference?
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Aug 25, 2010
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ActionScript Code:
characters = new Array();
characters[0] = male;
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May 15, 2011
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Aug 27, 2005
dayVal = day.value;
for(dayVal = 1; dayVal/7 != 1; dayVal++)
{trace (dayVal);
the loop starts at 0 and not 1 so the loop ends at 6 does any one know how to resolve this issue?? its so that what ever number dayVal is it will be rounded up to a number that is Divisble by 7 .
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Feb 19, 2007
Basically, I have data organized by date in an XML file. I'm trying to make a website application that will allow the user to click on a date (in a text field) to see another textfield populate with all the data under that particular date. So far, all the information loads into the textboxes at the same time. How can I get it to only load information under a particular date when somebody clicks on that date?
Before I started this project, I was convinced I could do this by manipulating the [j] (see code below) in the myFunc2 function. Currently, it's set up to increment blank_mc._y by whatever value is returned by [j]. But for some reason this doesn't work. I feel that if I could atleas get this part to work - I could probably do the rest.
AS code:
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
var nodes = this.firstChild;
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Mar 2, 2007
I have some code that seems to have a problem. I can't seem to pass the x variable from one loop to within another loop.
var myLv = new LoadVars();
var myNv = new LoadVars();[code]....
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Mar 20, 2007
wondering if anyone knows if its possible to have a pause within a 'for loop' before it runs through the next loop? heres the script i've built up so far, i'm running off other variables and arrays to pull in the logos and the animating in is working fine except that they all run in at the same time, basically what i want is that they would run one after the other with a 5 second gap between them..[code]so i did that and put wait(delay); after the var boxcounter=2; in each of the If statements.. but no luck... can anyone shed any light? or suggest a way it get it to hold for a few seconds before running though the loop again? or am i going about this in completely the wrong way??!
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May 24, 2007
I am trying to create a loop, that will lop through the following XML:
<page pageName="Front Cover" pageID="0">pages/page00.swf</page>
<page pageID="1">pages/page01.swf</page>
<page pageName="Page 2-3" pageID="2">pages/page02.swf</page>
And when i then trace this loop statement I want to only have the pageName attribute trace out?
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Jun 19, 2009
I'm trying to create a number of similar variables using a for loop, rather than having to explicitly write out each variable. For instance, I need 9 variables called zone1, zone2, zone3 etc. So rather than writing it out like so...ActionScript Code:public var zone0:Zone = new Zone(); public var zone1:Zone = new Zone(); public var zone2:Zone = new Zone();// etc. etc. After a look around on the internet, I came up with this, however, it doesn't work...ActionScript Code:for (var i:uint = 0; i<=8; i++)public var this["zone" + i]:Zone = new Zone
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