ActionScript 2.0 :: 1 For Loop To Loop Multiple Arrays?
Aug 25, 2010
How do i word a for loop to make it loop through multiple arrays?I want 1 for loop to loop through multiple arrays in order to move/alter objects.I want to keep the arrays separate.
ActionScript Code:
characters = new Array();
characters[0] = male;
I have two arrays - one for movieclip buttons and one for images. The idea is - rollover a button and it loads it's respective image. I have a loop for the button array that pretty much loads each button and creates a rollover state for it. At the moment it just traces what button the mouse is over. The problem is trying to load the correct image based on that button. The way it is now - it will only load the same image for all the buttons.
Code: tagPosition = 0; viciousImgs = new Array("vaI1_mc", "vaI2_mc", "vaI3_mc", "vaI4_mc", "vaI5_mc"); viciousButs = new Array("va1_mc", "va2_mc", "va3_mc", "va4_mc", "va5_mc"); vicious = new Array("vicious_mc", "uTitle_mc", "uTxt_mc", "uButs_mc", viciousImgs, viciousButs);
So im recreating my ear training program with more effective coding so i can add on to it. original i did.
//88 C8 var mp3Req88:URLRequest = new URLRequest("88.mp3"); var mp3_88:Sound = new Sound(); mp3_88.load(mp3Req88);
I basically got 88 sound files (each note of the piano) doing this code 88 times for each sound. with mathamatical equations made my ear training program.
Is there a simpler way to import these sounds in a loop of some sort so i dont have to do this 88x for the piano and however many times for the other instruments i will be including?
thus var i have tried things along the lines of below with failure
var i:int; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var pianoMP3Req+i:URLRequest=new URLRequest("piano/"i+"mp3");
basically I need a loop within a loop to compare two different arrays in my actionscript3 lottery game. I have attempted the loop but I cannot seem to get it to work ...
So basically within this code check_win is a button. Once the button is clicked it runs the loop. It is meant to take an instance of matches which contains 6 properties and loop until index is greater than matches. According to my output this is happening but the second loop doesn't appear to do anything.
I need to assing two dimensional with random numbers so i just try to do it in a loop, but it can not be done the way I show You below.[code]trying to run that code I just get an error...
I have a problem to use each code in for loop. I create 2 Circles in my stage with addChild code. And I gave them function ( mc.x += 2; ) and the time they get to the end of stage I gave the function ( mc.x -= 2; ) but my problem is when one of the circles get to end and wants to move to the right the other circle move with him to the right. and I think the each code in for loop helps me. but I don't Know how to use it in my actions.
my code is:
ActionScript Code: var mc1:Circle = new Circle(); var mc2:Circle = new Circle();
What should I change in this code to use each for loop..?
I wanted to know if there's a way to add more options to a for loop regarding arrays. Say the current position in the loop is 1 (thats where my block is) then i want it to check the array if current position -1, +1,-3,+3. if any of these are null (thus, empty spot.) Because the block moves across a board i need the script to be adaptable.
I'm trying to display strings stored in arrays with a for loop, i could just write out each array like:[code]but it only displays the last one, is there a way to display it from 1-10, or 1-any number?
[code]In my real application, I've actually created a named array with element1 as that I can address it directly by it's name.The problem is that - in my real application - the array2 element doesn't share a name in common with element1 (so I could address it by its just told you,using named array) but with element5.
I have a group of 16 images that I would like to load 1 of each into each movieclip. I want image1 to be inside of visual1, image 2 inside of visual2, and so on. the images are named like, 1960s_(1).png where the 1960 (year) part is coming from the rangeNum variable. The above gives me this error: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addChild through a reference with static type int.
i have been building a library that has thumbnails which you click to view the full image. i have built the application it works but i want to change the way the image on the actual thumbnail loads using code instead of manually adding the value to the url loader component.
var myX;var instanceN:String;trace(instanceN);var currentLoad:uint = 0;// current loader and image loadingvar thumbnailURL:String;//Thumbnail URLvar thumbReq:URLRequest;// Thumbnail url requestfor(var k:uint = 0;k < iL_btn.length; k++)[code].....
the loop runs fine without the last line of code which i've commented out.the make up of these thumbnails are a uiLoader component which are each inside there own movieClip.what i wanted this to do was every time the loop runs it currentLoad adds 1 to its value then that value is subbed into instanceN:String and thumbnailURL address that bit works the trace statements read correctly.but my issue is using the instanceN value as the instance name path which then loads the current thumbnailURL value which is the URL address for the thumbnail picture.when i try to load the url address using the commented out code above i got the error .TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.the trace statements correct values below
the first value is the currentLoad value.
the second value is the instance name path.
the third is is the URL address for the thumbnail.[code].....
i'm trying to do an infinate loop for my m.clip.the looping part does not want to loops back to my firrst frame even though there are two same picture in the movie's a sample of what i use for the infinate loop script..
I have need of loops / nested loops that pick different figures depending on where you are in the loop. The whole function needs to run through 'ml' times. 'ml' is a dynamic figure. Loop 1 = While the loop is within the first 12 iterations, 'exconemp' must equal 100. For iterations 13 - 24, 'exconemp' must equal 102.5, for 25 - 36 it will be 105.06, for 37 - 48 it will be 107.69. This needs to change every 12th iteration until it has reached 'ml'. The calculation takes the value of the previous 'exconemp' and then multiplies that by 0.025.
Loop 2 = While the loop is within the first 120 iterations, 'abc' must equal 0.015 and any further iterations must use 0.01. This must also work in a way to figure out whether 'ml' is higher or lower than 120 and work accordingly. My main issue is this - how do I get the loops to run through as this: While the iteration is < 12, do this, THEN take the final figure (12th iteration) and start on 13 - 24, do this THEN etc etc. How do I produce a THEN statement? I can get the code to pick up the final values, but not change along the way.
I really hope someone can help me with this one! I've been trying to loop several embedded flv files in one flash document. I've found some really useful script that works when applied to one flv file in the document, however I don't really know how to adjust the actionscript so that it applies to the other three flv files on the page.[code]
I have many MCs on the stage ,I just dont want to paste the same code to all MCs one by I want to ust the following loop but not sure where to paste the following code.
I need to put a load of MC's on stage with the use of an array as such:
Code: for (var i = 1; i = 4; i++) { if (reg[i] == "singlewall") { var Wall:MovieClip = new wallClass() as MovieClip; mainClip.addChild(Wall); } }
I need a lot more then 4 though and I need a way to make new "Wall" variables Tried doing it with:
Code: for (var i = 1; i = 4; i++) { if (reg[i] == "singlewall") { var Wall:MovieClip = new wallClass() as MovieClip; = "mc"+i; mainClip.addChild(Wall); } }
This does not work though, yields an infinite loop somehow
1. Created a flash banner ad on the first scene. Take note they're all under frame one because I used movie clips for the animations (Movie clip ends on the 100th frame and not sure if I need to add a stop(); code there or place the gotoAndStop command). Anyways, moving on.
2. I created a new banner onto another scene which by now I have 2 scenes. Just like scene 1, all the animations and such are all under frame 1.
3. Placed an action script on the first scene to play the next scene. gotoAndStop("scene 2", 1);
4. For the second I placed the action script: gotoAndStop("scene 1", 1);
Output:It looks like my banner ad is flipping one scene from another without stopping. I know my action script is not correct. I know you folks are far more experience in flash, so I implore your wisdom.