ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie In The Center Of Movie Clip
Mar 31, 2010
(using actionscript 2.0) I have a mc titled 'mc_othersitterimage1' Within 'mc_othersitterimage1' I have one layer with a simple shape that measures 85px x 85px, and I have another layer that has this actionscript on it:
('perfectsitterimageURL1' is a variable for an image url. All of the images are NOT the exact same size.) I'd like the image to load in the center of my 85x85 pixel square. I have the registration point in the center of 'mc_othersitterimage1', but it still doesn't seem to work
I'm try to build a photo gallery using the flash components SlideShowPro and ThumbGrid. I have put ThumbGrid inside a movie clip called thumbs_mc that slides in and out when you mouse over it to show or hide the thumbs. That part is working, but I would like to have the stage and thumbs_mc resize to the browser width with ThumbGrid centered inside thumbs_mc.
Resize and scaling the stage and movie clips is not a problem, but I can't figure out how to keep ThumbGrid centered inside the containing movie clip. ThumbGrid is a fixed width component, and the only way I can get it to work is to have the mc the same width as the component. Here's the part of the AS that I'm using to control the positioning now:
I have a main movie, and I have an external movie. I have a button in my main movie and an empty movie clip. When you hit the button, it loads the external movie in the empty mc. That external movie is 90 seconds long, but I want it to unload and go back to the main movie when its finished. I think I need to put something in the actual movie clip so that when it gets to end, it removes the movie clip and that disappears.
Whats the best way to achieve this? Should I make it invisible? Or unload movieclip? or is there a remove movieclip?
I am getting some overlap issues when I'm using the hitTestObject function to determine if I am over a particular target area. Is there anyway I can have the center of my movie clip determine if it's over the target area instead of using the whole clip? I am using:
It is the "mc" that i would like to use the center point instead of the whole movie clip.
I have a flash document that is calling an .swf file into a movie clip via the .loadmovie command. The .swf plays all the way through in the movie clip, but it has problems with the "play again" button at the end. It is not letting go of all the actions from the first play and doesn't reload properly. The .swf restarts perfectly by itself, it uses this code to replay:
on(release){ _root.gotoAndPlay(1); }
but once the .swf is loaded into the main flash file, the "play again" button doesn't work anymore.
I can apply to the button at the end of the .swf that will allow it to replay when it is loaded into the movieclip in the main .fla file?
How do you do loadMovie into an empty movie clip automatically, without a silly butto push or anything?I've got a movie. I want to include another movie when the .swf file loads (so I can use a preloader on the movie that's being loaded).So, in my timeline, on a layer called banner, I have an empty movie clip I've made, with the following code:
topbar.swf is the name of the movie that's being called.barHolder is the instance name for the movie clip I want it to load to. So why isn't this working?
i am trying to center the image once clicked, i have multiple images(4) and want them to open dead center on the stage i would also like to close the opened image when the next one opens and return it to original position!
what i have got so far:-
stop();port1_mc.doubleClickEnabled=true; var centerX:uint = stage.stageWidth / 2;var centerY:uint = stage.stageHeight / 2; port1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, go); function go(evt:MouseEvent):void{ //opens image to the stage gotoAndPlay (2);}
I have a movie clip of all counties in the state of Montana (allcnt_mc). Within allcnt_mc there are individual movie clips specific to each county with name equal to the county's name. When clicking on a county, I'd like to zoom to that county and center the stage on it. I've added event listeners to all counties through querying an xml table that has demographic info I am calling into dynamic text boxes. Here is the code I have thus far to load the xml and add the listeners to the county movie clips.
//load xml var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); var xmlData:XML = new XML(); xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML);
i have the following code which works. Its for two buttons either side of a movie clip (holder_mc) which holds the images. The images load but their top left corner go to the 0,0 position of the movie clip (top left). My images are all different sizes and i want them all to be centred. I have looked at alot of threads and cant figure it out.
I have got a movie clip that is dynamically created with actionscript I then load an external swf into that movieclip. My problem is having it centered when I view it in my browser..How do place I center that dynamic created movie clip? I was trying this but it's not seeming to work.
var container:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("container_mc", 0); container._x =Stage.width/2; container._y =Stage.height/2;
I'll start off by saying I'm using Flash 8, Actionscript 2.0, and exporting as FlashPlayer 6.I'm trying to do this long landscape with a movie clip labeled, "mainMovie", let's say it's approximately 3600 x 600, while the stage/document dimensions are 800 x 600 .I have script on it so that moving the cursor to the left or right edge of the stage, the entire movie clip shifts left or right and through the rest of the landscape, similar to the 360 vr tours you see for some real estate sites online.On the main stage, I have that movie clip called, "mainMovie". Inside "mainMovie", is another clip called, "singleStrip", and inside that clip, I have other smaller movie clips through the landscape which are labeled and consist of random stuff, like shapes and items and stuff.
Everything works fine. The extra step that I am attempting is that I want the user to be able to scroll through the clip, "click" on an item, and then that item zooms into the front center stage and plays a small animation about that item. These items that are found throughout the landscape are movie clips themselves with script on them to be recognized as buttons.My problem with that is even though the center of my stage would be x=400, y=300, since my mainMovie on the stage scrolls from left to right, when I put in code to tween the item to a center position, that position is only set to the inside of the movie clip and not the center of the stage. I need to center a movie clip within two other clips to the stage.An example of the path of any of those items would be sort of like,
That didn't work. It shifted it to a different position, not being the center of the stage.At another point, I tried to fake it out, placing a movie clip of a red ball on the main timeline in the center of the stage, and changed my code to:
This didn't work, either.I do have other code that affects the motion scroll of the mainMovie from left to right, but I don't think this is the problem, I could be wrong.
I have a movie clip container that contains 7 smaller movie clips, images converted to movie clips actually. This is a scrolling banner that can scroll left or right.
How do I start in the middle of this banner instead of the far left? That is, when the script first loads I want to be able to scroll left and right, not just right.
I have created an empty movie clip in the root, I load dynamically some jpg to the empty movie clip, but now I want to center it and I can't I have this code, it centers the movie clip but on the registration point of 0,0 not in the middle of the movie clip so the movie clip will show up nice and centered.
ActionScript Code: var stageL:Object = new Object (); stageL.onResize = function () {
So I am creating a photo gallery and in the process I have created a button that links to a movieclip and plays it to appear as a popup window of the larger picture.
I'm dynamically creating an empty movieclip inside another movieclip to load an image into it. How could i make sure that this image is always centred in the movieclip?
Also, if i have a attached movieclip named E.G. 1M how do i find out the x and y position to make it appear next to each other?
I'm trying to use Zoom transition for my photo Gallery which I'm using loadMovie "jpg" from Xml file.Now the problem is here. The Registration Point is set to the top upper left corner and I would like it to be in the center of my loadMovie.The Zoom transition only zoom from left corner and need to be center equal sides. How do I do this. My image size is "width 400px height 240px
My flash movie is 1440x900 but the area where all the important stuff happens in within 1024x768, i am trying to keep the middle in the center regardless of browers size or aspect ratio.
I can center the page but it doesn't work as i need it to. If the browers is small (1024x768) the swf is justified against the left edge, but not keeping the middle in the middle of the brower.
[URL] is an example of exactly what i am trying to achieve.
I'm loading a .png image with loadMovie() and I need to center the image (for later dragging). I know flash has some issues with loading stuff, but I really need to get the movieclip's width. If someone knows how to get over this and get the movieclip's width
This is a part of a more complex app, so that's why I won't paste any code.
I have a movie. In it are some buttons and a dynamic text field. When I press the buttons is should load text from a database into the dynamic text field. If I run the movie by itself (ie. not by LoadMovie()-ing it into a different movie) the dynamic text field gets filled with text and all is well and good. However, when I use LoadMovie() to load this very same movie into my main movie, the buttons no longer work; the text field stays empty.
when running an SWF some variables are being changed and objects created.If I wanted to restart the clip I have to restore all the variables to their starting values, clear all Intervals if any and destroy the objects created at runtime.If instead I load the clip into itself using [code]
1. what is the difference between loadMovie(swf_file_name, this) and loadMovieNum(swf_file_name, 0) in this context and which one is preferable?
2. Both obviously reset the values. But do these functions perform rubbish collection, i.e. free memory of the objects created at previous run-time, clear Intervals etc to prevent memory leak and processor clogging ?
Im loading several thumbnails from out of a database into flash, everything is stored as it should. Then i create a Rectangle called "mc_mask". This one is created as it should with the correct values. Then im looping through this for(){}. As you can see im duplicating a movieclip "mc_thumb_holder" then eval them to my array, there im loading in a Movie with .loadMovie(thumb); Now when i set the rectangle as a mask on each of the duplicated movieclips it wont work. So my question is:
I have searched this forum and can't seem to find an answer. I'm loading an external movieclip inside an empty movie clip. But when the clip loads, I can see all my graphics that i have placed outside the stage area, that i want animating in.
I understand I can use a mask, but i feel like the mask is slowing my animation down because of how big it is. There must be another way.