ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Images In Dynamically Created MC?

Jun 15, 2007

i'm trying to load a series of external jpg images. What to be loaded is stored in an external xml file, which indicates the folder along with the file name pattern and the number of images. This is handy since images are numbered incrementally (image_1.jpg, image_2.jpg...) Finally, i need to position these images as a strip, that is, one next to each other horizontally.

I get the info out of the xml file without issue, the url are correct (if i paste them in the browser, i see the image file) yet, it seems there is an issue with my loading mc code.

function doStrip(obj:XML)
var project = obj.firstChild;
var sequences = project.childNodes;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Images Into Dynamically Created Movieclips

Jun 16, 2011

Can you addChild to a specific movieclip instance i.e. I have built a 'for loop' to render a series of 'products'. The idea being to create a movieclip, load an image into this movieclip, assign a URL and later some text.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Loading External Jpgs Into A Dynamically Created MC?

May 18, 2009

Essentially, I've got a MC container that's created dynamically based off an XML file (basically for every <title></title> I've got, it makes a new "card"). Now within the context of each <title></title> grouping I've got <imgs></imgs> in which I specify the path to images that are related.All of that works perfectly, save for the external jpg files actually appearing on the stage. The MC I add them to does, but the external image doesn't.My problem is- I can't add the external images until they're completely loaded (or so it appears). The thumbnail BG I use is blank. So I know for a fact that the thumbnail BG isn't occluding the loaded thumbnails.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Images Into Dynamically Created Movieclips?

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I have built a 'for loop' to render a series of 'products'. The idea being to create a movieclip, load an image into this movieclip, assign a URL and later some text.[code]...

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Nov 9, 2011

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_loader.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoadingAction);
var img:Bitmap = Bitmap(;[code]....

Everthing works fine. But it is shaking so that it was not looking good.How do I achieve smooth movement?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Dynamically Loading Images Does Not Allow Images' Id

Oct 20, 2009

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<comps:ExercisesScroller id="scroller" x="300" y="100"

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import components.ExercisesSCroller;
private var custScroller:ExercisesScroller;
private function init():void {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing/loading A Dynamically Created Movieclip Variable?

May 23, 2008

I am trying to load an image in to a dynamically created movieclip, which is:


but I can't seem to reference it. I can load the movie into _root.mySlider, but if I add the dynamic element (stripX2(band[i][0])+i) without quotes it it doesn't load. If I load with quotes i.e.


flash doesn't allow strings in movieClip variables.The code I'm using is belowm, it's the second to last line thats causing the problem:

var loadListener:Object = new Object();
loadListener.onLoadComplete = function(target_mc:MovieClip):Void {
trace(">> target_mc._width: "+target_mc._width);[code]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Attributes Unavailable When Loading Jpegs Into Dynamically Created Movieclips?

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// Set variable holding image folder path


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Targeting Dynamically Created MC Within Another Dynamically Created MC?

Feb 17, 2010

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PHP Code:

var holder:Sprite = new test1(); = "testname";this.addChild(holder);var holder2:Sprite = new test2(); = "testname2";holder.addChild(holder2);trace(getChildByName("testname").x); //this one traces finetrace(getChildByName("testname").getChildByName("testname2").x);//this throws up an errortrace(testclip1.x);trace(testclip1.testclip2.x);

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of a complex question to me, but it's coming from an absolute beginner and it might be considered a stupid one, that's why I posted here...I've kind of been dropped in the deep end with this task and I can't get it right... I have a company's organisational chart in flash where it loads in each person's name dynamically for their department and when you click on it it brings up their CV information such as name, qualifications etc. This is loaded into a dynamic text box. I can test it locally with an xml file and then switch back to the online version.The local version I check by switching to "strXMLpath = "organisation.xml";" where things are laid out as follows:



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Loading Images?

Nov 16, 2009

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Loading Images Or Movies Dynamically?

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develop a header splash like you see on many sites now.I have a few ideas. One is a list of images or clips with images embedded.On load teh first image loads up, then after a set time (30 secs),the second image fades in, the first fades out,and etc.looping.

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function placeImage():void {
var _img:itemFromLib = new itemFromLib();
var _bitName:Bitmap = new Bitmap(_img);


Both with the results of an error that "1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type flash.display:BitmapData."

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Actionscript 3 :: Dynamically Loading Images Given Filename

Feb 25, 2012

I have the following code which traverses an XMLList of nodes:


If the current node's text is true, then I need to load an Image with the same name as the node (plus the extension) and position it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loading Images From Dynamic URL?

May 15, 2004

I have 3 movieClips on the stage. I want this to load images from urls that I have withdrawn from a php script that randomly selects from stored urls in the database. I want to load one of these into each movieclip. Here is the code that i have, but it doesn't work. (btw, this is on a frame of the movie)

PHP Code:

loadText = new LoadVars();
loadText.onLoad = function() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loading Images Into Slideshow?

Jul 11, 2005

I wanted to create a slideshow in Flash MX 2004 using the instructions given in the Photo Gallery Using XML and Flash tutorial on this site but I wondered if someone could tell me if I would be making the right decision using this technique considering the following: My slideshow will be used for a menswear clothing company, so the images will need to be on the left and then on the right would be all the information relating to that image/item of clothing - no problem so far but...

I've already set up a slideshow the "long way" with 20 or so images as well as their related information on different frames - the images are on one layer and the descriptions are on a separate layer also. I've got a couple of buttons controlling the navigation back and forth between the frames and I've also got a preloader on frame one to load everything beforehand. The problem is that I'm worried about people on slow connections, that they'll have to wait an unreasonable amount of time before all the images are downloaded, so I thought that using the dynamic method outlined on this website would be useful and save downloading time, but I wondered if it was possible to keep all the information relating to the images on separate frames and just have the images import dynamically? The reason for this is that the information to the right of the images is quite long with information given about style numbers, sizes, descriptions and even colour square graphics are inserted to display available colours etc, so I'm thinking that it's probably not practical to dynamically load this information but to keep them on their separate frames as I have them at present, and also all this information is on top of a simple graphic interface on which I'd like to keep the info vertically centred. So is there a way to have the images load dynamically, and if so how would I get them to load correctly onto the right frames that match their relevant information? Can someone tell me if it's possible to use the information in the abovementioned tutorial to do what I want? Or can you tell me if I'm choosing the right method - I mean considering all the information including colour squares that will appear to the right of the images, do you think it's impractical to choose the Photo Gallery Using XML and Flash method? Also I'm not even sure if loading the images dynamically will improve things - I mean the images still have to be downloaded right - will loading them dynamically just mean that they'll load one at a time as the user navigates through the slideshow and if so won't this cause delays for the user in that they'll have to wait for each image to download before they can proceed forward to the next item?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loading Images Without Buttons?

Feb 27, 2006

I am using the tutorial about dynamically loading images, that then fade when a button is pressed and change to the next image, however I want to load the images and have them fade in and out without pressing anything i.e. an mc that rotates the images, fading them in and out.

The script I have been using is this:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Images Into Library Dynamically

Apr 5, 2006

I have Button components that are populated dynamically. The buttons need to each have an icon (using the button.icon property).The icon however, is retrieved via webservices so all I recieve is a URL to the jpg that needs to be loaded as the icon. When using the icon property, you load an instance of something in your library over the top of your button. So I was wondering if there was a way to retrieve this url, and load it into the library which would then allow me to use it as an icon??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Smoothing Images Loading Dynamically?

Feb 17, 2009

i m loading images dynamically from a folder and i want when they show on the stage they retain their quality for that purpose i use 2 things first is

stage.quality = StageQuality.BEST;

and the second is with bitmap class after loading the images in loader i write..

PHP Code:

Imageload.load(new URLRequest ("images\"+xml.images[k]));var image:Bitmap = Imageload.content as Bitmap;image.smoothing = true; 


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IDE :: Loading External Images Dynamically - Into Different Movieclips?

Oct 11, 2009

I have a website which needs to load 3 external images into 3 movieclips when the page loads. The page gets the URLs for the 3 images from an XML document, ie.



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loading Images From XML File

Jan 30, 2005

I need to dynamically load images from an XML file and I usually find badly written tutorials that I can't understand or I find a .fla but don't understand the code in it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Loading Images Via UILoader Component

Apr 20, 2009

I am trying to dynamically load images through the UI Loader component. Attached are the errors I get, and although I think that the coding is close to correct, when I publish, it just flashes up then restarts the movie...
Attachments: Picture 1.png (84.0 K)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Loading Images To Specific Frames?

Aug 10, 2010

how to add an image to a specific frame?

I am dynamically loading images onto the stage but I want each image to be loaded onto separate frames.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Loading Images / Or Movies Dynamically Timed

Sep 14, 2010

I want to develop a header splash like you see on many sites now. I have a few ideas. One is a list of images or clips with images embedded. On load teh first image loads up, then after a set time (30 secs), the second image fades in, the first fades out, and etc looping.Any ideas on specific tuts or threads with code examples?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Loading Images Into Movieclips With Borders?

Feb 22, 2006

Is this possible? It's a hassle to have the extra step of keep a seperate movieclip behind the one with the image to get a border. Can I load an image into a movieclip that has a border, or give it a border afterword? Same with shadows.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Dynamically Some Images In A Movie Clip?

May 2, 2006

i'm loading dynamically some images in a movie clip (banner in [URL].. everything works fine in safari, netscape, firefox (of course).. Explorer KO! actually IE (6.0.2900) works, IE (6.0.2600) doesn't!! image is loaded (preloader is working correctly), but image is not visible!!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrollpane With CreateEmptyMovieClip - Dynamically Loading Different Images

Jun 22, 2007

I m trying to dynamically loading different images and want them to apear in a scrollPane or Simply scrolled area. I tried different ways but did not find good one for me.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Preloader + Dynamically Loading Images?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm using TLF text, so there's a RSL involved. I get that there's a way to include the library in my own code, but I'd rather not do that unless there's no other solution.

In Advanced Action Script Settings > Preloader Method, there's a choice between "Preloader SWF" (five black dots, the default thing) and "Custom preloader loop". My first question is then how to use this Custom preloader loop thing? What is it referencing? Do I have to write a special thingy somewhere? What?

And I already made a simple "bar filling up" kind of preloader, which I'm testing by using the aforementioned "Custom preloader loop" setting and simulating download. (My project no longer compiles when not simulating download [VerifyError: Error #1014: Couldn't find flashx.textLayout.container::ContainerController class.] which led to the conclusion that I'm doing something wrong here.) It does fill up, but it starts at about 60%. From my earlier badly worded Google searches, I think my problem is that I am using a bunch of external .as files which are loading before the preloader. Is there any way to tie the .as files later, or something?(That, or my preloader actually takes up 60% of the project's data, which would surprise me but isn't impossible because it's still very bare.

I'm making a game and I'm sorta kinda using tiles to render the map screen. So I have a bunch of sprites on screen, for which I created a Refresh() method that I call whenever necessary. In this method, I use a Loader object to load desired bitmaps (which aren't in the project's Library), then add this Loader as a child. The main reason I did it that way is because I could then reference the images to load with a string, and so include arguments in there.

(I don't know if I'm clear, so let my try to be more descriptive. I basically have an array containing the map data. I'll read that array and pass some properties as arguments to my Refresh() method to draw the screen correctly. I'll then be able to load the image ["sprite" + arg1 + arg2 + ".png"] by using that string to create a new URLRequest (and then use that in the Loader).If I understand the way this works correctly (and I probably don't ), I'm downloading the images all over again each time I call Refresh instead of having them "cached" somewhere, which is inefficient (because they're tiles and I'm reusing them multiple times). Am I correct in that assumption?

I thought the more "efficient" way would be to import my tiles in the project Library and export these for ActionScript. (They're PNGs, so they inherit from BitmapData.) My problem with this method is that to use these images, I now have to instantiate a class, so there's no string involved, and so I can't concatenate variables with a string anymore to fetch the right PNG to display, which is really, really annoying.

So I'd like to have the best of both worlds: cache images while still being able to refer to them with a string. Is that possible? And more generally, what's the "right" way to dynamically render images in the context of a tile-based map?

EDIT:public vars vs. getters and setters I have classes with properties. I've gathered that it's good programming practice to declare these properties as private vars and then define getter and setter functions to access them. It's easier to just declare these variables as public and move on. What are the pros and cons of both methods?

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