ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Kind Of Splat With Some Dynamic Text In The Middle?

Apr 27, 2009

I want to make a kind of splat with some dynamic text in the middle. i have the shape, but i cant resize the text to always be centralized...

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Flash: Align Text In Dynamic Text Control Vertically To The Middle?

Feb 14, 2011

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Change The X - Y Cordinates So The Centre Point Is In The Middle Of The Dynamic Text Box?

May 16, 2010

I need to make the "rcheck2_txt" rotate 180. With this script it does what I need. But currently the centre point is in the top-left corner of the dynamic text box. How do i change the X Y cordinates so the centre point is in the middle of the dynamic text box?


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make 4 Input Text Boxes, And A Button In The Middle?

Oct 2, 2009

I am willing to use Macromedia Flash this year to make my physics project. Well, its going to be force resultant calculator. for ones dont know how it gets counted.
Well, I'll make 4 input text boxes, and a button in the middle. 1 text boxin the north, (power effect the body from the north) one on the south, one on the east and one on the west.(I've done that part).
Then, ill need it to subtract the north - south and east - west on(release), and display that on a dynamic box called Fx (east - west) and another called FY (north - south) Finally, I'll need it fethagorth the Fx and FY to give me the final force resultant. I've done the 4 input boxes and a button, I'll still need someone gimme the action script for subtraction and fethagorth (or atleast teach me how to do it).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make This Kind Of Preloader

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Kind Of Global TextFormat?

Jul 18, 2003

as u probably know TextFormat has no global style like FStyleFormat so i thought i could make one?

1. idea) i could wrap createTextField() in some fns which then assigns automaticly some TextField-propertys and sets setTextFormat.
THE PROBLEM with that is that not all of my TextFields are generated via script, some r created by authoring-time.

2. idea) is to change the prototype."someproperty" of the TextField,THE PROBLEM TextField is not created via standard "new" constructor
so something like TextField.prototype.embedFonts=true; DOES NOT WORK as well.

3. idea) i could simply traverse all instances on stage and ask if the instanz is TextFeld and then assgin some fns which makes the formating.THE PROBLEM i dont know how to do that?

couse if i ask
trace(typeof t_txt.__proto__);
it just givs "object" not TextField or so
does anybody knows how to make kind of global TextFormat for createTextField()-generated as well as for authoring-time generated TextFields?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Game That's A Top Down Shooter Kind Of Like Asteroids

Jul 29, 2010

I'm trying to make a game that's a top down shooter kind of like Asteroids, but there are no asteroids, just enemy ships. Anyway, I'm trying to make a radar for it. The area for the ships to shoot eachother in is 2400 pixels length and height. The stage is 650 x 500 pixels. The radar works fine for when I'm traveling up and down, but the enemy ships on the radar move in the opposite direction as the enemy ships on the screen when I move left to right. When I move left the enemy ships on the radar also go right, instead of left.[code]this code is called from a move objects function which is an ENTER_FRAME event if that helps any.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Optimize The Code And Make Some Kind Of Switch Case Inside The Function?

Aug 29, 2009

i have many buttons(they are actually movieclips) and for each i made separate listener function.. is it posible to optimize that code and make some kind of switch case inside the function. I don't know how to find out who called the function... is there way to find out. I don't want pass the additional argument with events because it wouldn't be optimization at all.I put only two buttons to reduce code:

button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, idi);
button2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, idi2);
function idi(event:MouseEvent):void {[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Splat Animation Effect With Physics?

Aug 28, 2011

I have been trying to see how this splat effect animation from some sort of "paintball game" works. I think this is using an open-source APE(Actionscript Physics Engine).Actually, I guess it's the one from cove.orgAs I cannot post links yet I'll tell you where it is.If you don't feel like wanting to look for it,I can PM you with the link to it.Write this in the google bar : "Minijuegos"+"Battle Paint" // that is the name of the game.There is a class named "Floor" which is used in the menu of the game, where random splat shots start appearing in the background. I am trying to figure out how it works.This is the class code: I think everythig related to the splats is in there, but still don't see which functions make the whole animation.

The key must be in functions: generateSplatter","createSplotch","generateSplotch","generateSplatterHd","addSplatterHd","addColor"(I think this function adds color to the splatters, which is not so important right now) and that's all with the functions.There is an array, ThePaintSplatArray( must be an array containing a lot of particles, which are bitmaps of small circles i guess)I'm not used to working with AS.That's why I'm doing a deep analysis of the code to understand the way it works.he code was way too long to put it here. SO I zipped it up. YOu will found the floor and particle(what makes the physics stuff work) .as files.

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Vertically Align Middle Input Text In A Text Box?

Oct 2, 2009

I'm creating Flash-based software that has text boxes where users write in the answers to questions. I want the text that the user types to be vertically aligned to the middle of the text box, so that even if the response is two or three lines, it is still centered in the box.
It doesn't appear that I can accomplish this through the properties window in Flash. Am I missing something? Or is it possible to set the properties of the text box with actionscript, and would that allow me to vertically align the text?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 / CS3 - Make The Scroller Refresh To Allow For New Text In The Dynamic Text Area

May 29, 2007

I'm using the dynamic text scroller from [URL] found at [URL] Here's a link to my zipped files too... [URL]

1) I can't figure out how to have URL links in the text that loads.

2) How can I make the scroller refresh to allow for new text in the dynamic text area. The content changes alright, but the scroller stays in the same position and if it wasn't needed initially, the scroller disappears and doesn't return on new text.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Dynamic Text Field That Can Edit Via Text File?

Nov 9, 2003

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Dynamic Text Field That Can Edit Via Text File

Nov 9, 2003

I know this is a tutorial on this site but I'm having trouble finding it, and its been a while so I can't remember exactly how to do it. I just need to make a dynamic text field that you can edit via text file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Links In The Middle Of Long Texts?

Sep 29, 2006

"Instead of laboring many hours tracing a bitmap in Illustrator or Freehand, you can use a little known Flash tool to convert a bitmap into a vector - the Trace Bitmap Tool. There are two reasons you may prefer vector over bitmap in your flash movies. One: to achieve a cool look. Two: to lower your file size."

you put that text in a text field in flash but you will need to have links on the word flash and illustrator and freehand... how do you do the links? do you convert all the text to a graphic and then transform the works that you want in buttons??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Text Blink Via A Dynamic Text Area?

Mar 12, 2006

How can i make a text blinka via a dynamic text area? what do i need to make this?

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Make An Animation Where A Dice Roles From The Left Of Screen Towards The Middle

May 8, 2010

1. I would like to make an animation where a dice roles from the left of screen towards the middle. Bit like this: I am thinking an animation, then put it on a path (not sure how to do this, but I know it can be done.) I have heard that swift3d could help me here, if so, give me a heads up. I could also make it an animation and make it bounce on the spot and use the inflash camera and draw back the distance to seem as if it is moving forward. Basically the main problem is how do I make the animation of the cube?

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Arrow In The Middle Rotate Till It Points At The Button?

Mar 19, 2002

I'm trying to basically make an arrow in the middle rotate till it points at the button you rolled over. Each button gives a value for "rot" when you roll over it. 0 degrees is up. I dunno if that's important or not. It's probably always up = 0... heh. Anyway this is the a/s for the "arrow" in the middle. It's instance is arcpoint. Here it is:


I know some of this stuff could probably be shortened but this is how I got it working so far. The problem is the second half of the a/s. The part where it picks a direction clockwise or counter. If it goes clockwise (which I had it working fine at the start) it points at the button fine.But the problem kicks in when it tries to go clounterclockwise. It will always pass the button and point down and flicker back and forth.

Edit: Ok I'm surprised people are even looking at this at 1 am but thats beside the point of this edit. I think it has something to do with the else if statements conditions overlapping so that's what makes it wiggle back and forth. Then again I could be wrong. I'm trying to analyze the conditions but my brain hurts and it's early (or late...).

View 14 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Take Out Text From Middle Of String

Jul 30, 2004

Is there a way to take out a part of the text in a string? Like start 7 characters inti the string and end 2 from the end of string. Something like:
string="hello how are you today?";
So when done weare done with it the things left in the text is:
"how are you toda".

View 5 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Middle Text In TextField?

Feb 9, 2009

how can i middle a text in the Textfield that is 100px by 100px so that when i have 1 line its in the middle, when i have 2 lines its in the middle as well check attachment. when i do it right now it is always on the top i basically would need the same as when i have a HTML table by default so it is horizontal in the middle.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put Actions On Specific Frames To Make It Stop When It Reaches The Middle Of The Animation

Jun 18, 2009

basically on the stage I have my Menu movieclip which is linked to an actionscript class called Menu. Within this I have another movieclip, not linked to actionscript, just a plain old movieclip.

This movie in question is a dialog box, and contains an animation for it popping up, and then going away again. I'm trying to put actions on specific frames to make it stop when it reaches the middle of the animation, then when "ok" is pressed the animation will resume and it disappears again. However the actions on the frames don't seem to be getting executed. I tried putting "this.stop();" on the middle frame, and have since put "trace("hello?");" on all kinds of frames but it doesnt seem that the actionscript is getting called at all.

This is something for work so I don't really want to start sending the .fla file around, but instead is there anything I should know about things which could cause the frame actions to not be executed?

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Flex :: Insert Text In The Middle Of String

Mar 18, 2010

can you please help me with this issue the String class does not have insert method it has only replace :( .

what I need is:

- if I have string "I stackoverflow"
- I need to insert "love " at index 2 to have "I love stackoverflow"

so what I need is insertAt(index, String)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position Text In The Middle Of Some Shape?

Oct 24, 2011

I have a problem with truetype font "DaxComp-Medi" and with some timeline and actionscript positioning. I have a mc in which I have another mc in which I have a circle in which I need to put the text in the center but that is not that easy.


ActionScript Code:


So is there some way in as3 to get those numbers in the center of the (white) circles?

Do I need to convert the TextFields in to the BitmapData (how?), find positions of pixel that has some black color (How?), draw rectangle with that information, copy x and y point of the rectangle, center the rectangle in the circle, calculate offset x and y from the rectangles new position and add them the textfield x and y?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Takeout Text From Middle Of String?

Jul 30, 2004

Is there a way to take out a part of the text in a string?like start 7 characters inti the string and end 2 from the end of string

something like:

string="hello how are you today?";

so when done weare done with it the things left in the text is:

"how are you toda"

View 5 Replies

Actionscript 3 :: Write Text On Top Of Loaded Box Image Right In The Middle?

Sep 2, 2011

I created a box in paint and loaded it onto sprite using

var Colbox:Class;
private var NBVar:Bitmap = new Colbox ();


However the number 80 does not appear in the middle of the colored box. Is there a easier method to achieve this with better accuracy ?

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IDE :: Make Dynamic Text Invisible

Feb 11, 2010

I'm running my head against a wall here and I'm not sure how to tackle this problem. Background I'm making some sort of movie player with subtitles overlayed on it. I'm using the root timeline for my movie timeline because this greatly increases development speed. The subtitles are created with the texttool, and I make them dynamic textboxes because I need to reference them in AS3. I cannot wrap them into a movieclip because they need to be in sync with the root timeline

The user should be able to enable or disable (effectively showing or hiding) the subtitles. The way I did this is by adding an event listener that listens to Event.Enter_Frame on the root timeline and a global boolean to indicate whether subs should be shown. In the enter frame event listener I search for the textfield by root.getChildByName (the name is the same each time) and show or hide the textfield accordingly.


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Flex :: Ensure That Text Elements Are Truly Aligned To The Vertical Middle?

Sep 13, 2011

If I want to align things vertically in a container, I'll use verticalAlign="middle", but this doesn't exactly solve the problem of truly aligning text vertically. Text is always too high vertically, so in the past, I've just adjusted paddingTop and paddingBottom to compensate, but that doesn't work as the font for _sans differs from operating system to operating system.

Given the following layout code, you'll see the problem:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


What happens is pretty clear. The horizontal line gets aligned to the exact middle of the box, but the text is offset by some arbitrary amount. I assume that this is because of the text baseline alignment or something. Is there a way to fix this regardless of the font size and face? I'd like to have the line essentially go right through the middle of the text, ignoring the extra space possibly needed for below the logical line of text (ie: ignore the bottom part of "g's" and "j's" when laying things out).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make HTML Dynamic Text Box?

Apr 16, 2009

I am making a learning system where a user selects a "lesson" from a list of lessons.I currently have a lesson read from a txt file and loaded into a dynamic text box depending on what lesson the user selected. I have a problem with this though as:1) I need to have tables, math symbols, superscript and subscript which are not currently available in html tags flash understands.2) I want to put interactive elements like drag and drop etc. in the lessons.3) I need to include a search function so a user can type in a "word" and it will load lessons that the word appears in

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Professional :: Make A Dynamic Text Field In Cs5?

Feb 12, 2011

I can't understand how I should do to make a dynamic text field in cs5. I have tried to find a solution in weeks now and there is always the same answer. (Window > Properties), select a text type from the pop‑up menu to specify the type of text field: Dynamic Text.But the thing is that I can not find where in the properties I can select the type of text field. Where can I find It?? I have my properties panel on the right side and not at the bottom of the page.

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