Flex :: Ensure That Text Elements Are Truly Aligned To The Vertical Middle?

Sep 13, 2011

If I want to align things vertically in a container, I'll use verticalAlign="middle", but this doesn't exactly solve the problem of truly aligning text vertically. Text is always too high vertically, so in the past, I've just adjusted paddingTop and paddingBottom to compensate, but that doesn't work as the font for _sans differs from operating system to operating system.

Given the following layout code, you'll see the problem:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


What happens is pretty clear. The horizontal line gets aligned to the exact middle of the box, but the text is offset by some arbitrary amount. I assume that this is because of the text baseline alignment or something. Is there a way to fix this regardless of the font size and face? I'd like to have the line essentially go right through the middle of the text, ignoring the extra space possibly needed for below the logical line of text (ie: ignore the bottom part of "g's" and "j's" when laying things out).

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Text Not Aligned In Vertical Center Of Text Field?

Jul 10, 2009

I am having a problem with my text alignment and I can't figure out a way to correct this. Unfortunately, I'm using a mac with CS3 and a Windows computer with CS4, so it could either be an OS difference, a version difference, or a software bug which I can't figure out.

For some reason, the text on my Mac with CS3 are not in the vertical center of the text fields. This causes a problem with my "align vertical centers" alignments, meaning I've had to do the alignment by hand to get it to look right. When I moved my file to my laptop to keep working on my project at home, I noticed that the text alignment was correct on my laptop, causing all of the text placement throughout my document to be off. This means that I can only work on the one computer and can't bring the project home to work through the weekends.

I have made an image showing the difference of how the text is aligned on the two versions, and a sample of how it affects my project when i bring it between computers.

I made the file on the mac (CS3) first, and so the alignment is designed to look correct on there. When i bring it to the PC (CS4) the text shifts down, placing it back in the center of the text boxes and ruining the alignment.

When I publish the file it keeps the formatting of each system. IE - publishing on the mac makes the final product look like it does on the mac, and publishing on the windows computer makes it look like it looks on the windows computer. The file published from the mac has the mac alignment on both computers, and the file published from the pc has the alignment of the pc on both computers.

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Sep 30, 2010

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public function performCopy():void
var copyOperation:CopyOperation = new CopyOperation( getSelectionState() );


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Flex :: Insert Text In The Middle Of String

Mar 18, 2010

can you please help me with this issue the String class does not have insert method it has only replace :( .

what I need is:

- if I have string "I stackoverflow"
- I need to insert "love " at index 2 to have "I love stackoverflow"

so what I need is insertAt(index, String)

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private var _dpImageList : ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
{"location" : "path/to/image1.jpg"},


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Flex :: Ensure That The PopUp Always Displays Above The PopUpButton?

Apr 2, 2012

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I have prepared a screenshot and a simple Text.mxml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


I still can't reproduce the bug myself, my users aren't very helpful (mostly older folks, playing my card game). I've searched in Adobe JIRA, but couldn't find such a bug.

I wonder, if there is a way to short-circuit that method to enforce opening the popUp above the PopUpButton.

Or if I should put the _list into some container...

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Get Vertical Dynamic Text Block By Setting To Vertical And Then To Dynamic

Jun 17, 2009

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Aug 4, 2010

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<mx:Repeater id="allItemRepeator"
<components:ComponentSelector id="componentSelector"


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Flex :: Add First Child Vertically Aligned With Label?

Sep 22, 2010

In flex form layout

<mx:Form id="form">
<mx:FormItem label="horizontal:">
<mx:Text text="test"/>

the output will be

horizontal 'test'

But my constraint is i want to align the textbox(first child of the form item ) vertically with the label. How can i do this?

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Adobe - Ensure A Flex DataProvider Processes The Data Synchronously?

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Flash: Align Text In Dynamic Text Control Vertically To The Middle?

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Vertically Align Middle Input Text In A Text Box?

Oct 2, 2009

I'm creating Flash-based software that has text boxes where users write in the answers to questions. I want the text that the user types to be vertically aligned to the middle of the text box, so that even if the response is two or three lines, it is still centered in the box.
It doesn't appear that I can accomplish this through the properties window in Flash. Am I missing something? Or is it possible to set the properties of the text box with actionscript, and would that allow me to vertically align the text?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex Form Layout - Add First Child Vertically Aligned With Label

Sep 22, 2010

In flex form layout

<mx:Form id="form">
<mx:FormItem label="horizontal:">
<mx:Text text="test"/>

the output will be horizontal 'test' But my constraint is i want to align the textbox(first child of the form item ) vertically with the label. How can i do this?

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Flex :: Custom Cursor Gets Overlayed By Vertical Ibar Cursor On Text Component?

Mar 18, 2010

I am making use of a custom cursor on itemRenderers in a List component. The custom cursor works just fine except when I mouse over the Text component which is a child of the itemRenderer at which point I get two cursors, the custom and an iBar one on top of the other.Here's the code:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">


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Flex :: Scroll Two Text Boxes With Single Vertical Scroll Bar

Jun 10, 2009

how can i scroll two text boxes with single scroll bar?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Take Out Text From Middle Of String

Jul 30, 2004

Is there a way to take out a part of the text in a string? Like start 7 characters inti the string and end 2 from the end of string. Something like:
string="hello how are you today?";
So when done weare done with it the things left in the text is:
"how are you toda".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Middle Text In TextField?

Feb 9, 2009

how can i middle a text in the Textfield that is 100px by 100px so that when i have 1 line its in the middle, when i have 2 lines its in the middle as well check attachment. when i do it right now it is always on the top i basically would need the same as when i have a HTML table by default so it is horizontal in the middle.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position Text In The Middle Of Some Shape?

Oct 24, 2011

I have a problem with truetype font "DaxComp-Medi" and with some timeline and actionscript positioning. I have a mc in which I have another mc in which I have a circle in which I need to put the text in the center but that is not that easy.


ActionScript Code:


So is there some way in as3 to get those numbers in the center of the (white) circles?

Do I need to convert the TextFields in to the BitmapData (how?), find positions of pixel that has some black color (How?), draw rectangle with that information, copy x and y point of the rectangle, center the rectangle in the circle, calculate offset x and y from the rectangles new position and add them the textfield x and y?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Takeout Text From Middle Of String?

Jul 30, 2004

Is there a way to take out a part of the text in a string?like start 7 characters inti the string and end 2 from the end of string

something like:

string="hello how are you today?";

so when done weare done with it the things left in the text is:

"how are you toda"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell The Cursor(vertical Text Flasher) To Jump To The End Of The Text In A Input Textfield?

Aug 19, 2006

how to tell the cursor(vertical text flasher) to jump to the end of the text in a input textfield - so that you can continue typing from the end of existing text?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: EmbedFonts Makes Text Disappear - Dynamic Text Vertical Position?

Aug 7, 2003

I have the following code:

this.createTextField ("imageText",2,95,0,390,96);
imageText.multiline = true;
imageText.wordWrap = true;[code].....

The problem:If I uncomment either of the imageText.embedFonts lines, my text will disappear... but the trace(imageText.text); will still return the correct contents. It's as though embedFonts causes the textField to disappear.Possibly related, (but maybe not), is the fact that the vertical positioning of the font is off. Even though I create the textField at Y = 0, the text writes somewhere around Y = 10. I suspect this is something else, but I thought I'd add it just in case.

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