ActionScript 2.0 ::make A Third-person Shooter Game - "hide" Clip Does Not Receive Any Commands From The Enemy Clip?
Feb 19, 2005
im trying to make a third-person shooter game similiar to those "hide" when you press Down and "attack mode" when you stand Up, sort of like Time Crisis.I've done first person shooter games before.The hero character's move clip contains three clips, one of him in hiding, one in attack mode, and the last being hit. How do I script it such that the "hide" clip does not receive any commands from the enemy clip (which tells the hero clip to advance to "hit" clip and lose a health").
I am pretty new to ActionScript 3 and Flash. I don't want my movie clip to play unless the person's mouse curser is on the movie clip for more than a second. If the person just runs their curser over the movie clips really quickly, then it should do nothing. It must be more than a second. How do I code that?
I have figured out how to duck out of enemy site. I need to know if i can have two layers running the same thing at the same time, but only one is viewed and you use the spacebar to switch between the ones being viewed. For example one layer is a person ducked behind a box and getting shot at and the other is a person standing in the open getting shot at, to switch from the ducked to the standing you have to use the spacebar. Is this possible?
Im attempting to make an overhead shooter game. Ive got the basic movement down already, and rotation towards mouse. For when he shoots, ive set it to duplicate a bullet movie clip, but i only understand how to set it towards one graphical direction(ex: x +, y -)
I'm trying to make a 3rd person chase game. An issue I'm coming across that I would like to get some advice on is the AS I'm using for the walls.First off, here's the code for the character:
Now, the code does what it's supposed to. This is a left wall. It stops the guy, and even pushes him back to the right. However, if the guy has some acceleration going toward to wall, he can go through it a bit.Example: The character is traveling at 8 pixels, but only three pixels away from the wall. In the next frame, he will move 8 pixels, and be 5 frames into the wall.
I'm trying to make a game that's a top down shooter kind of like Asteroids, but there are no asteroids, just enemy ships. Anyway, I'm trying to make a radar for it. The area for the ships to shoot eachother in is 2400 pixels length and height. The stage is 650 x 500 pixels. The radar works fine for when I'm traveling up and down, but the enemy ships on the radar move in the opposite direction as the enemy ships on the screen when I move left to right. When I move left the enemy ships on the radar also go right, instead of left.[code]this code is called from a move objects function which is an ENTER_FRAME event if that helps any.
I'm making a flash game (a first person shooter game) For the Flash I have a cross hair as the cursor so that it looks like a sniper scope. I'm trying to get a code so that when you click, the crosshair (cursor) changers color. So far, my actionscript for the crosshair cursor is:
i am an newbie as3 developer, and i am working on a basic, horizontal shooter platform game.and my question is: how can i make enemies move smart, towards the player? ( but ofcours you are in able to dodge)so like, an enemy is moving to me so when i am not dodging, it will hit the player.
im making a game where when you click a line is drawn in the direction you clicked. I need to use hitTest with it, how would i go about doin that? here is the stuff.This is on the main timeline, it links to the gun. "bullet" is an empty clip
gun.onEnterFrame = function () { var angle:Number = Math.atan2 (_root._ymouse - this._y, _root._xmouse - this._x);[code]....
i Need to hitTest the line drawn in ^ with a clip called enemy. How would i go about doing that?
what i have:guy with gun who shoots bullet,bullet hits enemy,bullet removes itself,blood attaches above enemy but how would i make the blood attach below the enemy?
I basically have a movie clip as a countdown going on when you hover over a btn "Learn How".. showing 3,2,1. I need that because its the prep to a graphic movie. So after that countdown, I need to have the movie load and play. But I dont want that hover command to be active anymore. The movie needs to stay there and the user has the option to x out of it, or wait until it ends... which then it needs to go away and go back to the main page.
I tried to attach the file but I think the file may be too big.The upload screen goes blank after I hit upload. I have the countdown clip loaded into the overstate of the btn. -- I thought I could just load the flash movie to the next frame and add some type of script to disable the over state function.Im sure there is a better way of doing this,
I know Flash developers have done Kiosks and renovated arcade games. "Come on, we see Flash everywhere."Can I prepare my swf files like an image gallery and receive XML commands to load it? Where do I start? Flash/After Effects skills have got me through so far,
TCP/IP socket connection Flash package XML commands load swf file in to a container
How do I prepare my Flash files and XML sheet to receive commands "any sample out there"?What about,urlLoad ,xmlSocket Class, XMLCP/IP XML socket connection to load ?Is binary or XML method better for loading and reloading swf files?Do I need Red5 or a media server?
I am currently making a game, similar to StreetFighter,where enemies will come on from the side and you fight them. Now i have the character movement and attacks fully scripted, and have made an enemy, and i make it move towards the character using:
Now this works quite well and the enemy stops when it hits the character, but the problem is, it wont complete a full attack, instead it plays a few frames of the attack MC. Now i have every attack in a different MC (Frames 2-5) inside the Enemy MC. How can i make the enemy pause when it reaches the character, then choose an attack to use? From there i'll be on my way and can script the hittest and so forth.
I use this simple code to hide a movie clip but it does not work and i dont get any error mesage:detailsMovieClip_mc.address_mc.visible = false;I have made sure that the movie clip is refreenced properly with the above instance names, but still does not work. What would be the most likley reasons for this not to work?
i've a scene, i put there 4 movie clips, which representing the links (i use telltarget)... i don'T know how to hide the movie, after it loads... or when user click on another links, that produce another movieclip...get it ? i also dunno how to tell it... when i click one of it.. a movieclip showed up, and when next i click another one, the first won't dissapeared, so its stacked up.. and it goes again and again
I have my main.swf and in the second frame i load an external swf called first.swf with this method:
[AS]var loader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); this.createEmptyMovieClip("myGalleryContainerproducts",5); myGalleryContainerproducts._lockroot=true;
In first.swf i have two movie clips with instance names ena and dyo I want in main.swf in the third frame to hide these movie clips of first.swf (only the movie clips not the whole .swf) or to move them (change x and y values) so they practically hide.
I am trying to make, it involves someone pressing a button which generates a random number between 1 and 2, and depending on which number two images are displayed, "heads" and "tails".This is what I have so far on the button
on (release) { var numCoin = random(2) + 1; if (numCoin = 1) {[code]......
I have a simple shooting game set up. 25 monsters appear on the screen, one after another, until no monsters are left. If you hit one before it disappears, the score increases. If you don't, the score stays the same.
In the actions frame, I placed an empty dynamic text box named score, and set it equal to 0 (declared in the main actions frame). But, seeing as though the monster actions are coded into the library item itself, do I have to declare score, and the score increase there instead?
I've only played around with a dressup and dating sim - and coding using actionscript (and coding in general, only done a little bit of VB and Python before). I've been following a nice arcade side-scroller tutorial on this site which has three parts, if you want to view and go over them to help. It was designed for Flash 5 and I'm using Flash 8 Pro.[code]Anyway, as I was going through and coding/drawing the whole thing I came across a lot of problems and glitches (and a lot of times when the game coding would crash and I'd have to abort it and remake the entire coding again). I sort of stumbled around blindly, deleting and editing code to get things to work, and I'm up to the point where I'm almost finished with the thing. It's still glitchy though.I was wondering if any Flash coders could help me out?I'm going to be creating a Flash game for my programming class and I would prefer if it wasn't screwy (if I need to remake it with less cutesy graphics). xD;; If you could download the .Fla file and fix the coding problems I have.
Playable SWF game on my deviantart account.FLA downloadable file (@ Mediafire; no viruses, trojans, blahblah attached)The enemies tend to randomly explode before the missile has even hit them.The original enemy movie clip doesn't even want to explode.The score counter won't tick for each kill.The boundary box (?) of the player/enemy seems to be too big. You die before you should - in certain positions the enemy gets close and I guess the boundary boxes hit, which initiates the hitTest. It seems premature though, I'm wondering if I can reduce the boundary box, or have it so the enemy and player collide on the actual graphic, and not the movie clip box? I have no idea if this makes sense, I hope it does.There seems to be a bunch of other small glitches too.
I'm very new to flash,and have been digging through google and this site for information on how to piece together an AS2 shooter game.Its going well enough, but I'm having slowdown issues the longer the games runs, and I was hoping someone here could point me in the right direction.To paste an enemy movie clip on the screen, i'm using this:
Code: var spawn =_root.attachMovie("monster1","monster1"+_root.getNextHighestDepth(),_root.getNextHighestDepth())[code]........
I need them stored in an array so that the player's shots can test weather or not they've hit any monster on the bullet's enter frame function, then call that monster's movie clip's take damage function. I'm using a for loop to do this:
Code: for(var i in _root.player.foes){ if (this.hitTest(_root.player.foes[i])){ _root.player.foes[i].takedamage();} }
I think the problem with the slowdown is that each time I place an enemy on the screen the array gets bigger and bigger. The slowdown only happens while the player is shooting, and I suspect the ever longer for loop with the hit testing is causing it.
I'm already removing the monster's movie clips as they get killed or exit the screen, I guess what I need is a way to reduce the size of the array at the same time, or at least tell the for loop not to do a hit test unless the monster is still alive.
I'm making a top-down shooter game. I have keyboard input that moves the ship around and fires a laser.everything works perfect except that when the ship moves diagonal up left, or diagonal down right, the laser can't fire at the same time. It will work in any other direction, including the other diagonals. Just not those two
is this a common problem among movement in games? or do I just need to fix something?
just wondering if anyone can help me with this I'm making a platform game and wanted to make my game character run when user press the keyboard left or right. But I want my character to run like an actual person instead of just sliding across the screen. I have no idea where to start and I can only find tutorial that teach how to make a character move by just using - or + number of pixels but that's not what I'm actually looking for. I prefer that my game character to be more lively. Does anyone know how??