ActionScript 2.0 :: Making A Sprite Move In Directions From A List In An Array?

Jan 26, 2007

I wanted a sprite to move round on the screen when a play button was pushed. I have a left and a right button which store strings "left" or "right" into the next positions of an empty array called history.

When i push the play button i want i want the sprite to move either left or right according to what commands are in the array. My code just seems to play one single command and then stops when i hit play again it just repeats the same command.

Is there any way to make it play through all commands in the array one after another?

Here's the loop that i was trying to use.


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function moveMan(e:KeyboardEvent):void


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| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

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this._x = random(550);
this._y = random(310)+90;[code]..........

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if (menu_mc.moveTo(x,y)) {

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menubuttons._x = menu_mc._x

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I am trying to make a ball move, it's all perfect apart from this:
Statement must appear within on/onClipEvent handler = ( isJumping) = false;)
Then I put in "on", then it says:
Unexpected 'on' encountered.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Shape Move Automatically?

Jun 1, 2011

i am making a few simple games for the iphone and i would liek to know ow to make a shape move across the screen automaticly so i touch it and it continuously drops down until it hits the floor is there a code to do this, i tryed a while boolean = true but it didn't wrok.

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I want to make a handle pull up and then down through an arc. Now using the startDrag on the Handle won't make the handle pivot around an axis. It needs to move a bit like a (one arm bandit) or (The old coin Poker Machines) I have attached a basic file to show the problem I have so far.

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I have two movies in my Flash movie. One has the instance name of "Main" and the other "Content". I need to make it so that when I on(release) a button -the "Main" movie clip and the "Content" movie clip move to different locations on the stage. I want to do it without tweens (im trying to break that habbit) and I would really like it if the movies moved quickly to their targeted location with an ease of like 100 and when they reached their location they do that thing where they kinda over-shoot their target and bouce back to it.

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xspot = _root._xmouse;
yspot = _root._ymouse;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making An Object Move To A Specified Location?

Feb 2, 2007

How do i make Obj1 move to Obj2 without easing? I want it to move Obj1 to Obj2 "walking" not "directly" by setting its _x and _y values.

Example for code with easing:

onClipEvent (load) {
_x = 0;
_y = 0;


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